Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Read Bismillah at Least Once Audibly Before a Surah

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the idea that the industrial revolution is happening between sewers and that the industrial revolution is being driven by a combination of factors including sewers, government, and people. The speaker suggests that the "entsourability" of the revolution is being driven by a combination of factors, including government, people, and the industrial revolution.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Hanafi say that the Bismillah has been also revealed as a

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separator between sewers. So that's why at least once in the

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whole tarawih Quran hatom You have to read one Bismillah aloud

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somewhere and pretend you're a Shafi maybe right? See how it

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feels to be a shabby, so, it could be before Baqara so as soon as you

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start building as a Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Elif

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me you could do Bismillah so usually what the half is is do is

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they get together beforehand and they decide on a format of you're

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going to do up to here you're going to do up to here we're going

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to do up to here you can also decide who's going to do the

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Bismillah when it's easy just to start it off from Soto Bukhara

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just do it once it's done and dusted. Some people have exotic

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place. I want to do it before Kulu Allahu Ahad. I want to do it

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before you are seen or whatever makes no difference. It just has

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to be done in one place.

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