Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Sciences in 30 Days Part 9 The Transmitted Commentaries
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome back to this
are lwml Quran signs of the Quran series today? We own day nine of
that. And may Allah subhanaw taala accept and allow us to complete
it. We'll just start off with a bit of Quran that will the biller
him in a shape on your Raji we Bismillah your manual Rahim.
Alhamdulillah your belied I mean our manual Rafi me Maliki only
Dean iya corner whoo II can staring dinner soon all columns
stuffy. So your auto Lavina and RNA him all you really do behind
the monocle. Lee
hamdulillah I've been I mean are salatu salam O Allah Murthy
Ramadan, Milan Amin, or if he was sahih Baraka was seldom at the
Sleeman Kathira Ely only been averted. So we move on to our
discussion to complete the discussion about the Israeli yet,
as we discussed yesterday,
some of the most famous of the transmitters who transmitted the
Israelite traditions are the sahabi, Abdullah Hebrew Salam, or
the Allahu Anhu would become a Muslim interesting story about how
he became soon. Then after that, from the tablet in you have GABA
bar. And then after that another one that you have who proliferate,
who's really
relates a lot of narrations in general, is what have ibloom gonna
be, you'll see him coming up everywhere or the Rahima, hula.
And then finally, Abdul Malik evening, Abdul Aziz in Niger Ah.
So you have these four who are considered to be the most well
known for transmitting some of the Israelite traditions. And as I
explained, just to confirm that, electricians are not all
necessarily wrong, but you just have to be careful about them. So
those that confer that conform to what we already have you accept
those that go against it, then you reject and others you have to
remain silent from. So that's the idea. Now, going back to our
discussion about the different types of difficile, we're going to
be looking at the different types of FC. So at the head of the list,
at fc bill, Matthew, right, so broadly speaking, you can split
all of C's into two types, right? One is a tough syllable mouthful,
which essentially means that of C that relies on transmitted
explanations from a from the Quran itself, from the Sunnah, from the
Hadith, and from the Sahaba, etcetera. That's what you call the
serial module. And as I said, there's some dioceses that are
fully dedicated to that, or the majority the major component is
that they call the seed Wilma thought of seed of that which has
been transmitted, the other type of Tafseer, broadly speaking out
of CRB Rafi, which essentially means the seal based on opinion of
seed based on reflection of seed based on one's opinion and so on.
And not entirely based on the on what's been transmitted. Now
they've seen based on opinion is not just raw opinion. It's not
something that you can say that somebody just picks up the Quran
has no idea about any of the Islamic sciences, and then just
goes and waffles on about stuff. That's not what it is. I mean,
there's Alama, who's done I've seen in many of other cities out
of Seattle based on opinion, but that opinion is qualified opinion.
So that's the difference between qualified opinion and non
qualified opinion. We'll be discussing that a bit later.
There's some many, in fact, many of the types they have a bit of
both, right? There's some which are exclusively on one, like for
example, imams duties.
Imam Imams duties.
One of his deputies, they are, it's entirely he doesn't mention
anything at all. He doesn't use his own words at all. Not
generally. There's another twist of series, which he entirely just
transmits. Everything is a narration in the right. So you
mentioned the verse and then he'll just mentioned narration of the
narration enough, the narration let me just get you the name of
that, since I've mentioned it, just it's just escaped me. The
name of Imams to use this is I've got it right here.
It's a dual Reman tool for taxied in for a doorman. For the
scattered pearls. A dual mentor fee
fit of Syria will fit the feet of Selma Thor, which is the Tafseer
of the in regards to the tafseer that is transmitted. This just he
hardly uses a single word of his own and that's pure of cerebral
Till now,
there's a lot of scenes which primarily used then the material
and they add a bit of opinion and a bit of their own ideas and their
own visions and reflections about it as well. And then there's
others which primarily focus on their own explanation based on
various different sciences and they will add some thought some of
the transmitted some of the transmitted explanations as well.
So, generally you get a mixture of both. Now the first of theory, the
most important you can say from the classical deficits that are
considered to be primarily the suitable method, which you should
know about. The first at the top of the list is the Jeremy Earl
Bian feat of Cyril Quran, Jeremy Earl Diane feet of Cyril Quran
Jeremy rule ban means a compendium of of clarity, right, the
compendium of clarity with regards to I mean, they've translated it
in the published that in in a translation as the comprehensive
exposition, spine comprehensive exposition they've translated it
that way in the interpretations of the verses of the Quran. So that's
this one Jeremy on BMP difficile Quran actually, it's much bigger
than this. They've only translated two volumes. I don't know if any
more in the works, but this was translated, commissioned by the
Royal Al Bayt Institute, Prince Ghazi May Allah bless him. He's
done a lot of work on the series. And he's he's he's got numerous
RFCs that he that he has commissioned. Their translation
he's got also got this wonderful Quranic thought.com Online, which
has huge amounts of resources for free. He's also got free Islamic
calligraphy, beautiful calligraphy for free that people can download.
And they did this with the Islamic texts society, translated by Scott
Lucas. So only two volumes have been translated.
The next one is the famous one that everybody should have heard
about and maybe even seen, there's a translation of, I think, at
least the abridged version of it, which is called the sphere of Imam
ethnography. The third one is Luba with that wilfy Moran it and zeal
of Imam hozen. I'm going to describe each one of these in
detail each one of these for you. So you understand what kind of
scholars are writing this. And number three, and number four
other is thirdly be the famous scholar called the IDB, which is
called a Jawaharlal Hasaan feat of Cyril Quran Al Jawaharlal Hasaan
feet of the you can say the choices pearls with regards to the
commentary of the Quran by the IDB and Imam husbands was called Luba
buta wheel, which means the kernel and the essence of interpretation
with regards to the meanings of the revelation and biblical
theories is just simply the civil Quran Levine, the CEO of the
majestic Quran. Now let's start off with Imam Tabriz. Let's start
with the Imam Tabari, who's quite amazing. His name is Abu Jaffa,
Mohammed Abdullah, Jared, igneous the authority, the Imam of the
compendium of various different sciences. I mean, he was a person,
a polymath of all the different sciences. Amazing, amazing, right?
He was in fact, he had a mother hub. He
is born around 224 Hijiri, in a place called poverty, Stan, right
in a place called poverty. Stan Amel, in Tabriz, Stan, and that's
where he said he's born in 224 Hijiri. So this makes him you can
a contemporary well, not a contemporary but he is born
towards the end of the life of Imam Ahmed, no humble, right,
Rama, Rama hula. So he's around the time and the methods are being
developed, right when they've not been formalized properly yet, but
they've been developed. So he actually had a following. He had
his own mouth hub as such, but eventually it died out. And at
that time, there were several people who had methods right. It's
not like today when somebody creates a new mother, the fifth
month of as such right. Now, these were scholars on par with the
likes of Imam Shafi and Imam Muhammad, you know, humble and so
on. Right? But then there were many others nativeness, Saturday,
mum Ozeri, though with a variety and others, but then their mothers
just did not continue with only the former times that continued,
but he's a scholar of that, that stature. That's who he is. That's
why here, he eventually he moved to Bogota, which was you can say
the capital of the Muslim world at the time that I busted, and that's
where he passed away in 310 Hijiri 310 Hijiri. So he's just after the
likes of Imam Bukhari and Muslim and Imam telemovie. Right. In
fact, with the multimedia he's probably a contemporary of some
sorts as well. So this is the way other historians have described
who he is. I had in Ireland, he is one of the major Imams you have
come will be holy, you can make a judgement according to his
statement and
And he's somebody that you can resort to, to understand, you
know, because his of his knowledge and so on, and a lot of great
words of other he was essentially in every subject he seemed to be a
master. He was a half of like, who had memorized all the Pirot. Right
and knew them well. He knew the meanings of the Quran. He was a
jurist in terms of the laws of the Quran. So he was a jurist, and I
said he had a madhhab. He was well aware of the various different
statements and transmissions from the Sahaba and the tabby in until
his time and that's essentially what his book is full of. May
transmits everything up to them with a chain, which is really,
really interesting. So he was also a historian like a really really
well grounded historian his book on history, that theory of poverty
is one of the most famous histories of the Muslim world. In
fact, before Islam came, you know, from the time of other Malays,
Salaam and so on.
He's got numerous other books that he's written, some of them are
well known, right? We're not going to go into all of that. But what's
really interesting about this Tafseer of his is that the story
about it Imam, there's a great Shafi scholar, whose name is Imam,
even a subkey. Now, he mentioned in his
biographies of the Shafi is called is called a Tabakoto, Kuba, he
says Imam Abu Jaffa.
Tibet, he once said to his companions, he says that a tonchi
to an elite FCL Quran I mean, are you guys up for a Tafseer of the
Quran? Would you care for a Tafseer of the Quran as the
Americans would say? Right? So they they asked how long? How long
is this Tafseer going to be? So he said 30,000, folios?
30,000 folios?
Wow, 30,004 years? If we say that, let's put 1000 pages in one book,
and one volume will be 30 will be 1000 pages 1000 folios.
That means 30,000, B 30 volumes of 1000 pages each.
That's huge. Right? That's huge. So they said, they said maybe
lives would finish before, you know you can complete something
like that. So he then decided to write that I've seen in just 3000
folios? Just 3000 pages. Right? That's 3000 pages of his time.
Today, it's been published in about 25 to 30. volumes, okay. 25
To 30 volumes of not 1000 pages each may be about three 400 pages
each maximum. Right. That's how it is today. That's my addition,
addition I have is about 25 to 30 volumes. I can't remember the
exact number, right? That is how big this stuff serious and he had
wanted to make it 10 times the size. Then after that, he said to
them, Are you up for a diary, a history of the world, right from
Adam alayhis salam to His time until his second, third century,
right. So all the prophets and everything until his time and they
said again, how big is it going to be because maybe they knew that he
was just mashallah encyclopedic scholar. Right. very erudite, you
know, really knew his stuff and had a lot of information, right,
had encompasses, like, how long is it going to be? So again, he said
something similar to that of see, right 30,000 folios? So they said
that they gave him the same answer. So then again, he wrote an
erotic shorter, he made he made it shorter. Again, that's a very,
very big Compendium like, history of the history of the world that
he's written as well. But then what he did say at that time is in
that Allah, you know, we all belong to Allah, Martin, human
people's vigor and people's aspirations have died. I mean,
people don't have the same aspirations. So then he made it
shorter. Right. So that's, you know, these are the kinds of
scholars we're talking about who have dedicated their entire life
to writing this huge, huge works. So even right now, I said what his
recent is in about 25 to 30 volumes, right? And that's after
he abridged it. Now where the original is Allah subhanaw taala
knows best where the original is. He published the it looks like it
was only the
the shorter one, the one that we have today. So
the reason why his Tafseer is always mentioned and it's
celebrated is because it's one of the earliest right he died in 310
Hijiri everybody else comes after him and his one is all intact, and
it's there Mashallah. It was only published, it was only found about
3040 years ago, the manuscripts were found and then it was finally
published. It's not been published for longer than that about 3040
years ago. It was it was found. Anyway, he deals with a number of
issues he deals with, obviously, the meaning of the verses and
that's what he is known for. So what he does is that he will match
universe and then he will say
one of the interpretations of this as to what it means is this and
he'll mention it in his own words. And then after that, he says, and
those who have said it and then he'll mentioned his chain that had
the thinner Musa, you know, my chef Musa tells me from so and so
from so and so from so and so Abdullah Abbas from him, that this
is what it means, or Abdullah Masood, and this is what it means,
or from atop ignobly Raba, or from Mujahid or whatever. So he does
that. And if he's got maybe 15, or 20, chains like this have the same
any Hill mentioned all of them, they're pretty much mentioning all
the same thing, sometimes a slightly different words,
mentioning the same thing. So he'll mention all of those, then
what he does is he says, otherwise, it could also mean
this, and those who have said this, and then he'll mention his
chains, again, another 1015 20, sometimes just five or whatever.
And he'll mentioned that as well. Now, that's why it's considered to
be one of the foremost of CDs in terms of what they call again, the
third the transmitted traditions, because he's just, mashallah just
does that in an amazing way, the amount of the east and west pretty
much orlimar all over, they have to, you know, recognize this
stuff. See, they will recognize this stuff. See, there's no doubt
about this stuff. See, it's an encyclopedic resource that
everybody has to has to use. Now, I can give you examples on this.
I'm not going to do that of the way he does it, because I've
already explained it to you anyway. But I'll just give you one
example, where he does tafsir of the metal Wilma Thor, for example,
when he's discussing sort of Fatiha and he discusses Serato
Lavina, and RNA him Serato levena. And I'm directing him The path of
those who you have showered your bounties on now. Have you guys
ever wondered who that is? We take it in general Oh, it's those who
Allah shells his bounty upon that's fine for me. You know, I
want Allah's bounties to be showered upon me that's enough for
me. However, Allah actually mentioned in the Quran who they
are in another verse, so that's what you call Tafseer of the Quran
with the Quran because there's another verse about it. That verse
is, well me or during law Lucha Rasool EFA.
ICA Mr. Levine and I'm a law Why'd he Meenan be Yean Meenan ABBYY I
will say DP, you know, a Shuhada he was solidly he been what has to
Ico Rafi, for those who obey Allah and His messenger. They will be
with those who Allah subhana wa Tada has showered his blessings
And in this case, Allah explains who they are, ie the prophets, the
CDT, those who are extremely truthful, the shahada, martyrs,
sila, hinda, righteous, and what a wonderful company these people
will be. So that's Allah mentioning in another place, what
this path is kept it brief in certain Fatiha. So, what he does,
this is what many dioceses will do they'll, they will generally
explain this verse with that one, right because it's quite clear
everybody knows about it. But then what if no, God the Tabari does is
that he mentioned his change so I'll just mention to you one of
them. He says had the thinner Muhammad Abdul either color had
the thinner with maroon or say you'd call it had the thinner
Bishop nor Amara color had the thinner elbow rope I need the
hockey I need new Iverson Serato Medina and I'm Daddy him Yakutat
ecoman And are they him guitar article it but I don't think I
mean and melodic. It wouldn't be you know Cindy Tino shahada it was
already I mean Alladhina authorial cover Abba do, so Mohammed
Abdullah Isla, my teacher transmits to me he says that with
mindedness it transmits to him he said Bishop ignore Amara
transmitted to him. He said a Baroque transmitted to him from
the hug from ignore Ibis who then explained it. So then he's got
another one in which he says, Muhammad Hypno has emulsifier He
transmitted to me, who then informed who then informed us from
Obaidullah Abu Musa from Abuja for from Roby, that he that he
explained it this way. And then another one, he says, Kasim
transmitted to us from Hussein, from her judge from Abuja, ah,
that Abdullah Abbas said this, so he's got various he's got exactly
from him to who said it, you know, three generations, four
generations, he's got them all down. So that's what makes this
stuff seemed very unique. Now, it makes it very lengthy because of
this, right? It makes it very lengthy. That's why an abridgment
of this would mean that you would just mention the main explanation,
and you would just cut out all the transmissions and it would
probably cut the deficit by about 50 60%, probably by 60%. It would
cut you down because so much of it is based on this whole chain of
people from him to the professors that the highest professors now, I
said is very special and very unique in that regard. The only
problem the only problem is that when he wrote it, it was not a
problem because
People knew these people, you know, these people were known. And
there was common knowledge about all of these transmitters. So you
knew which ones were authentic, were reliable and which ones were
not so reliable. However, that is not going to be open for most
people today. So that's why he doesn't necessarily evaluate the
chains. He does not comment on the people in there and say, This
person is weak Narrator or this person is a strong narrator. So
you mentioned everybody, he mentions everybody. It's just the
way he heard it. He mentions it like an encyclopedia. Now, it's
for other scholars that didn't come along and say, Okay, this one
is strong. This one is sound, this one is weak, this one may be
fabricated. So that's why in his time, this knowledge was there.
That's why he did it. He didn't see the need for it, right?
it's, you have to be careful than when you go through it. Just
because he transmits something doesn't mean that everybody's
transmitting from is going to be correct, like Imam Buhari has, you
know, insisted on doing it even God doesn't do that. In fact, even
when you look at his, his history, it's the same thing. He just
mentioned, every narration that he finds, right, and sometimes
they're from problematic transmitters. So that's why you
have to be careful with this history book. Right? Although when
it comes to this stuff, see, I mean, it's quite clear what it is
because he's always got some good ones in there, generally speaking.
So may Allah bless him. And mashallah, pretty much I would
say, every Tafseer book that I've read the classical deficits after
him, they've taken from him, like you cannot avoid the fear
authority, if you're going to do it I've seen you would probably
today if you're going to write it I've seen you will probably for
example, you know, last year we did the 30 days of serum, the
Quran Alhamdulillah based on that there are I know of at least two
works that are being produced and that were inspired Alhamdulillah
by then, Allah subhanho wa Taala Except there's one young scholar
just 20 something years old, and he has started Mashallah.
He was going through a phase in his life he started studying the
Quran with with several deaf CDs in front of him, and he decided,
hey, why don't I just start compiling together the easiest
explanations for each of the words of the Quran, you know, for each
verse of the Quran, so that it'll be easy for other people after me
and he just started doing that. And now mashallah, he's done. It's
nearly finished, right? He's done a bulk of the work where it's
going to be like gel Alene. Right, but it's going to be completely
different. It's going to be like a simple Arabic Tafseer of the
Quran. And, mashallah, mashallah, you know, and there's another
person who contacted me, and he said that he is actually writing,
again, a conclusion of each Jews, he is going to do one Jews, right?
He's, he's going to do each Jews in so many pages or whatever, may
Allah subhanaw taala, reward them. And this probably, hopefully,
there's other work as well, that's going on that I don't know about.
But you see, whenever you talk about these things in sha Allah,
somebody is going to be inspired. Right? And that's the benefit of
these things. Maybe some of you will be inspired in sha Allah to
do some work on the Quran as well. Because that's very important. You
have to have the desire to do this, right? If you cannot write
if you're not scholars, and if you're not studying, you can maybe
assist others, you can support others, you can sponsor others,
you can commission work, and you know, one of the friends that I've
got his he's published so many books and he's not a scholar is
not a scholar at all right? But mashallah, the amount of books
that he has commissioned to be published? Right is amazing,
right? And may Allah subhanaw taala, accept this is torah
publishing our friend, yeah, here. So there's, there's room for work,
you don't just sit at home and think I can't do anything because
I've not studied and leave it to the scholars, the scholars
definitely have an advantage. But you have other means you can
inspire you can. You can commission this work, you can
sponsor sponsor, this work, you can encourage this work, you can
get your children to study in sha Allah, make them Allama and get
them to do the work, you know, because works need to continue. We
don't why do we have numerous amount of works from the past, we
always need modern works works for today, right? That take from those
classic works and make it palatable and make it you know,
accessible to the people that will come every 100 years you need, you
know, it changes, things change and things need to be produced.
Now let's move on. You know, I love speaking about these people
because they are our grades. And it says that when you mentioned
the righteous people, the Mercy of Allah dissents, because these are
people in sha Allah that Allah has loved. Allah loves because they
have produced so much good work, and they've inspired millions of
people. It's until today. Like imagine from 310 He went Imam
ignorance at the top but he died. Today we are sitting in London,
right? Do you think he would have ever ever imagined that somebody
in the City of London which in his time is probably called Mundaneum?
I'm not sure. Right? Is going to be talking about my tafsir. Right,
who would have thought so who would have thought that that would
have ever happened? But that's acceptance from Allah subhanho wa
taala. May Allah allow us all
So to legal leave a legacy and be inspirational so let's move on to
Tafseer of ethnography. Now this is the great Imam, the Hadith
scholar Mohammed this the half of Hadith would memorize hundreds of
1000s of Hadith Aima Diem, a bowl feeder, and his name is Ismail
ignore armor IGNOU cathedra elbow serie Samadhi machine so he's
originally from Brazil, in the Bazzara area, and then he is from
Damascus. Now he is a jurist. Right, he is more facile. He is a
historian and again, he's got a famous history to his name and, I
don't know multiple volumes called albida. When he had the beginning
and the end, he's also got his tuxedo is probably the most
famous. It's also in translating. I said a bridge at least in
English as well. He was born around 700 Hijiri. So he comes 400
years after even originally robbery. He's in Damascus now,
right? And he died in 774. So you're 74 When he passed away,
right born in 700, approximately, and he died in 774. I visited his
grave his grave is in the grounds of the University of Damascus
today, right in Meza. I think that areas called Meza May Allah
subhanaw taala bring about goodness to for the people of
Syria. And so he's buried and it's not right next to ignore Tamia
Rahim Allah, right, which was his teacher, in one sense, he they did
not share us about everything, especially not on Aqeedah issues.
Right. But they are very together. And it's like this small mound,
right? And I still remember and I was amazed when, and astonished
and really delighted when when I when I found him, because I mean,
he's been somebody that whose Tafseer we've read, read so many
times and discuss so many times. So that's him. And what sets his
book apart is
what sets his book apart is that his is a very, very
straightforward to see, you generally find what you're looking
for in there, it's not too big. The other great of see that I
really love to look at I don't generally look at Tabari that
often unless I need to find like a transmission of some sort from the
earliest of C then I will look at him, but generally I would like to
use curl to be right who comes a bit later. But who's mashallah
adds a lot of delightful anecdotes and other, you know, we even look
at, he doesn't even look at it keeps it kind of focused, right.
And he says in his introduction as well, that the way he's going to
conduct his stuff seed is that first he's going to do Tafseer of
the Quran with the Quran. So, if there's another verse, which
explains this one, like the example I gave you earlier, that's
what he's going to take first. Then after that, he is going to
use the Sunnah, right? So the second source of that is the
Hadith, he's going to use them to explain the verse. And then after
that, if you can't find anything in there, or he wants to add
something further, he's going to then use the statements from none
other than the Sahaba and the wn so he moves on to the Sahaba and
the Tabin when he can't find anything like that, and mashallah
he produces so he's taken also, he's taken actually the best of
IGNOU, jetty, the Togolese dfcu. So all the choices and beautiful
points that are in there, and the transmissions that are important
there with and he's cut out all the, you know, he's cut out all
the excessive all the, you know, the repetitive quotes, but he's
taken the best of Tafseer of poverty, he's taken the best of
Tafseer of imminent or be hurt him, right, who came before him?
And likewise, if no matter the way, so mashallah, he's come with
the best of that. And generally, when I've, I've looked at the
serum, look, it's very satisfying the factory, right? He gives you a
satisfactory commentary. You know, like some books you read, and
you're looking for something quite obvious, and you don't find it,
whereas No, with him, look at these very balanced. Ryan is a
very good writer. And he mentioned the Hadith that he mentioned, he
mentioned their chain, right, he mentioned all of their chain
change a chain rather. That's why even in Arabic, there's an
abridged version of his that has been around for four years, I
think it's in some three small volumes, whereas his big five
series in larger volumes, no, actually, I've got his brief
abridged version in one large volume. Okay. But yeah, it's a
beautiful tafsir. And if I'm looking for something quickly,
it's a tough seat that I will definitely look at. Now. I'll just
give you one coverage. I mean, you need to appreciate what these
people are doing. So the other thing that he does before I give
you an example of that is that he generally quotes everything and
he'll tell you where He's taking it from. And the other great thing
that he does is that he will mention if a hadith is weak or
strong, so that's really useful about him. He will mentioned some
Israelis as well. Right? And he'll especially try to highlight
It the, the those Israelite traditions which are like famous,
and people have others have mentioned them. And he'll show you
that no, this is very weak, you should not take this or this is
why there's a problem with this one because it contradicts
something else. So he's really good in that sense. So it's a very
reliable CD, you can call it it's a very, very reliable FC. Right?
You're not going to find all the expound on the expanded
discussions that you find in Caribbean cars in other places,
but it's a very straightforward, very reliable and very
satisfactory tafsir give you an example Allah subhanaw taala says
regarding hedge, some a fee do mean height or FL done so we're
still fee Rula in Allah awful Rahim. This is where Allah
subhanaw taala says once you finish your Arafa now you will
take flight from there, you should pull it down from alpha and you
should go to the Masjid Al haram which is the most deliver for the
night stay. This is in hygiene and the apex of the hedges and out of
it and then after that you after it's Maghrib time after it's
sunset time you actually all fall down from there and you go to
Mustafa. So that's what it says that it Allah says then fall down
from there where people do you know from where people will do so
you do the same thing. seek forgiveness in Allah subhana wa
Bucha from Allah subhanaw taala Allah is the most forgiving and
the Most Merciful. Now what if look at the way he does this, he
explains this, he says
he says that the word Thumma then has been used here to show that
anybody who's in alpha that's what they should do. They should go to
then was Delhi for afterwards it's a separate thing you should not
stay in was that if not go to out of it at all. Don't take a
shortcut. In fact, now Hajj is out of if you miss out of your hedge
is invalid. You know, there is no hedge. It's like, you know, you
just did not read any you started Salah you didn't read anything or
you didn't do a sujood or you didn't do roku. It's
hydrobiologia. Now, the reason I'm mentioning that is because the
Quraysh had a monopoly on the hedge and the zum zum and
everything. So they what they did was they had the special perks for
themselves the Quraysh, right, because they were the host
community, all the other visitors from other areas they had to do
the hedge in the way that they used to do it. The so the carnage
wouldn't go to out of out of is quite a distance away they would
stay Mustafa why go down there, right we can stay here when people
come back then we'll be here. So that's why Allah subhanaw taala
says that no, you must do the same thing as well. All right. That's
why Imam Bukhari Rahmatullah Lee has mentioned in a hadith from
Aisha the Allah and she says that the Quraysh and anybody that were
of their Deen they would not go beyond Mustafa they would stay in
was that if you see it's Mina was very far. And then out of what we
do in Hodges we go from Mina to Arafa. First, we do our day,
standing down there, and to us and everything, and then we come back
to misery for we stopped there for the night. Then we come back to
Mina and then we go to Macau for the stoning. So these people were
just staying was the river. So I showed you the alarm says that the
correlation, anybody that was on the dean, they would stay in
And they used to call these people the homes, they were called the
homes for this reason. All the other Arabs, they will actually go
to artifacts. So when Islam came, Allah subhanaw taala told His
Prophet alayhi salam to also go, you know, because of course, that
is from the Quraysh. Right, that everybody must go to artifacts. So
that's why it's mentioned that you should do the same thing as well.
As when you Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah He narrates from job ad moutain.
Right? From his father, that once I lost one of my cameras in
artifacts, I lost one of my cameras in our office. So I went
I had to go quite a distance to find it. And then I saw the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam standing in our hearts. And
I said, he's from the homes he's from the college what's he doing
down there? Right. So you can tell by this that he was surprised when
he saw a Qureshi a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam down
there anyway that I've seen him Luca theory has been published by
many many you know it's been published over and over again
apparently one of the best additions in Arabic of it is
Abdulaziz will name and his his group that the addition of it is
probably one of the best. Now let's move on quickly to the next
one, which is not so well known. But the scholars of the
subcontinent I know that they've used this often right now this is
called Luba with that wheel femur and Ethan zeal of Imam hozen he is
the Allama right? The erudite scholar Allah within Abu Hassan
Ali Abdul Mohammed Ibrahim, a she he not she, uh, she he Al
Baghdadi, a Shafi a Sufi, so he is from Baghdad. Right? He is a Shafi
in Fick. And he's a Sufi in
Spirituality, a proper Sufi, not degenerated or OD Fabien has in
but he's more well known, everybody's gonna refer to him as
cause and this is the Tafseer of cause and tafsir of housing.
Housing means.
Housing means the one who looks after something, the treasure,
right? Essentially the treasure. The bookkeeper, the Treasurer, the
bookkeeper, the curator. The reason is that there was a famous
Hanukkah there was a famous lodge in Damascus called the Sumi sell
three year, the Hanukkah Hanukkah Sumit. soumis is a bit of a tongue
twister, the high new car, so may
the Hanukkah so Mesa Thea in Damascus, they had a library in
there and he was the curator he was in charge of that library.
Right. So that's why he's called house and he became known as
housing. He was born in Baghdad in 678.
Right, it was born in 678. We spoke about IGNOU. We spoke about
Ebuka theory, who died in 774 774. Born in 700. So
they overlap because he's born earlier. Right? This is causing
his born early in 678. He studied from a number of the scholars
there, that's in Baghdad, but then he decided to move to Damascus,
right because he looks like by that time Damascus had been the
place even though cathedral was there many other scholars were
there. Right Damascus was had become kind of the center from
Baghdad. So he came to Damascus. And then again, he studied with a
number of scholars there and then he settled there. And that's where
he started mashallah writing and studying and teaching and teaching
and he's got numerous books to his name as well, of course, the most
well known of his books, Mashallah. It's found a place
among the hundreds of the fossils that are out there people quote
him is is his Tafseer. He died there in 741. Right, which is much
earlier than Ibaka theory.
Now, what you know, what's so great about his book is that
again, instead of suitable method, this this category I'm speaking
about is also suitable method. Tomorrow we'll talk about the
famous stuff series of the FCB Rai, okay, we'll talk about the
famous ones there, you will you will get to understand these
Inshallah, one day, you know, you can meet these people in the
hereafter when you go to gender, you can say, I want to meet with
cars and I want to meet with Ibuka Thea, I want to meet with him to
generate authority. So what
Imam has in his he's around the seventh Hijiri. There's many
officers before him. So what he does is, again, he takes a lot of
FCS duelists, he takes the best of what the earliest of series have
produced the extensive extended extensive series. And, for
example, there's a tafseer that was produced before him by Mr.
Badawi. So he has kind of abridged, you can say, imambargah
east of C.
And he's very particular about what he quotes and everything like
that. But sometimes, you know, a lot of the time he actually takes
out the chains, right, in order to avoid you know, just having a
huge, you know, all these chains in there as imminent at the top,
but he has done, however, he has been careful to mention the
sources of each Hadith that he quotes whether it's from Bukhari
Muslim, or the Sunnah, right. And he also then explains any strange
Hadith in there any obscure narrations he will explain that as
well. Now, one of the things about him is that he does, he has a lot
of CB ra e as well. That's why others have some people have
actually put him into that category has been prominently from
that category, whereas
others say no, he is more the syllable mouthful, but again, it
doesn't really make much of a difference. I said he is quite
expensive in his coverage of the Israelite traditions, that is one
thing about his stuff series that has a lot of juicy information.
Right? It's got a lot of a lot of, you know, additional information
because he takes a lot of the Israelite as well. All right.
That's why he could be criticized by some scholars have criticized
him for, you know, for being too extensive in his taking of the
Israelite tradition, but it's a very, very valuable tradition. The
reason why he gets away with it is because whenever he mentions an
Israelite tradition that is weak or that is objectionable, or
something like that, he will generally introduce it. His
signposted. So those which are straight, you know, which are
reliable and everything, he will use them differently. But when he
has some of the weaker ones, he'll say he'll started with saying
Yoruba, it has been transmitted or ruya or unfallen. It's transmitted
from such so all of those in Arabic is known right in within
narration works. That that is to show what they called See, let
them read. It's to show weakness in what he's about to quote. So
that's what makes
it very useful that okay, take it with a grain of salt, right? And
he's just compiling altogether. The fourth seed that we had
discussed that is prominent in terms of, of the early diversity
right in terms of Tafseer will mouthful transmitted the series is
that of Amantha. IDB. Now he is the Imam, the acronym Democractic
is a scholar verification research abou Zaid Abdul Rahman. It no
Mohammed Ibrahim Lu authority be Al Jazeera et al Maliki. So now
we've got a Maliki scholar who's from Jezza. Right. He died in 700.
And sorry, 876 876. So, a whole century and more after the
previous two, and he was about 90 years old when he died. He's
buried in desire, right in Algeria. And yeah, so the IDB was
mashallah known to be one of the big scholars of his time, not just
in scholarship, but also in terms of his scrupulousness his zoo had
an abstinence from the world, he was a man of God, right? And he
wasn't interested in the dunya at all. He was mashallah he'd written
numerous books as well. He's written a number of books as well.
But this is his famous book that everybody knows about is Al
Jawaharlal Hasaan feet of cielo Quran Jawahar plural of Johor,
which essentially and Hasaan means the beautiful the choices, the
elegant pearls, right? So Java has pearls, that elegant pearls in the
Tafseer of the Quran. Now, what he does is, again, he takes from
nearly about his selecting from all the earlier tough series as
well. He's taken from a lot of the reliable scholars of the about
100. He takes around about 100 sources. So it's like a compendium
from about 100 Different type series of the past. Right and most
of nearly everybody has taken from is a reliable Imam that he's taken
from. Okay. Now I'm going to give you an example from his difficile
where he says in regarding qualia, you will care for your own
right. qualia, you will care for your own when he is doing the
Tafseer of qualia we'll cover this example is a good one because
everybody knows this Sora. Now qualia your caffeine is this call,
you will care for your own say, oh, disbelievers. Yeah, you will
care if your own.
Read the verse for me.
Law I will do my terrible don't I do not worship what you worship?
I'm not going to worship what you worship, and then
and what are into my be doing? And neither are you going to worship
what I worship, and then
well, and I will do my best. And I'm not going to ever worship that
which you worship. There's like a repetition it sounds like right?
What are into my be doing?
unto my be doing? Good? And neither are you going to worship?
What I'm going to wish what I worship, right? Like come Dino
come for you. Is your deen your faith. And for me, what are your
deen for me is my Deen. Now what's really interesting about the IDB
says that it's been related to us, the suburban news, old man, we
talked about smuggling as well, the cause for the revelation of
this was related to us from ignorance basadi, Allahu anhu, and
others, that a group of the leaders of the Quraysh came to the
box allows them and said to him,
you know, what, leave all of this way of yours, all of this calling
to God and Allah and one God and everything, leave it, and we will
give you as much money as you want. And we will actually make
you our leader will give you leadership will accept you,
whatever, just stop doing all of this stop converting people
essentially. And then they said to him afterwards, when obviously he
refused, he said, Okay, if you don't do that, then let's do this.
Right? You worship our loads, and we will worship your loads Naboo
Illa, Huck, filled that with early Hatena. When that would Illa you
worship our gods and we will worship your God
until we decide what's the best of them. Right for a token Hi, Nila
which me and whatever, whatever is the goodness in all of that, then
we'll eventually attain that. So they gave him this option when
nothing else would work when he would not refuse when he would not
stop his propagation. They said let's do that.
Now who are these people? This is the interesting part. Who are
these people? These were this group at that time was Waleed
ignorable here? I spoke about him yesterday. He had been with his
father, okay. I'll see if Nuwa ill right or else even while as they
say Omiya IGNOU heard of obey ignore those to Abuja *, and
they were the children of Hajaj. Right, and a few others like them.
And what's interesting is that none of these people became Muslim
afterwards. Whereas people like Abu Sofia and who was a leader,
right, Omar Arabia who was the leader
and others who are leaders so hated not all of these guys became
Muslim. But none of these that I've just made mentioned, became a
Muslim, because it's really interesting. And he mentioned he
says, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
informed them, that he would not worship what they worship, and
that they would not be worshiping what he worship, meaning Allah
subhanho wa taala. Now, what's really interesting from this verse
is low output, low output. It's possible that it means that I'm
not I'm not I don't worship what you worship, you don't worship
what I worship, meaning right now, maybe in the future, you will
worship what I worship, because that is what happened to other
leaders of the Quraysh. Right? So that's a possibility. However,
what causing explains a sorry, not causing him anxiety? What he
explains here is that when he says, Well, an IV DOMA button, it
actually means forever, you will never do it. Because that's why
Allah then says well into my libido, no matter what, for the
emphasis that you are never going to worship that which I worship,
like for sure. 100%. And that's why the it is as if this
repetition because some of you may have read this surah and thought,
it's just a repetition. He's saying the same thing again,
twice, I don't wish it what you should worship, you don't wish it
what I worship, and I am not going to worship what you worship, and
you're not going to worship what I worship is sounded just like a
repetition. How Imams that it makes it very clear here that no,
this is not just a repetition. There's an emphasis here. The
second one is to say, the first one is to say, you're not
worshiping Me, right? You're not worshiping My God right now. I'm
not going to worship your God, you're not going to worship my
God, and neither will you ever do so and neither will I ever worship
your gods as well. And that's exactly what happened. It's like a
miracle. It's a mortgage is that of the Quran. That's when he said
that, and that's exactly what happens. These people did not
become Muslim, they did not get Islam, and they all died on Kufa,
whereas others like Abu Sufyan and many others, you know, who were
also enemies at that time, they all became Muslim afterwards.
That's really interesting. You get these wonderful things from these
different facets. But here we that's the end of our discussion
on Tafseer build tool. Tomorrow in sha Allah, we're going to talk
about the CB re, then there's about two or three days in where
we cover different types of Tafseer. Right? And so you get a
good understanding of how the Allama covered the Quran that just
what's the benefit of this is going to be for you is that you
will understand from what angles scholars have covered the Quran
and how you can know when you read a Tafseer in English for example,
the morality for Quran Mufti Shafi sabich It's an eight volumes. He's
got a bit of all of this right he's got my thought he's got it,
he's got 50 He's got everything in there, you'll start appreciating
this once you understand this for the next three days or so next two
days or something when you've understood all of this whenever
you then read out of Syria you see an explanation you will be able to
understand where this is coming from and inshallah that will help
you and benefit you. Jazak Allah here may Allah bless you all may
Allah make this Ramadan better than any Ramadan before it. Allow
us to the Quran to enter our hearts and infuse us and allow us
to leave a legacy working with that one and Al hamdu Lillahi
Rabbil Alameen Jazak Allah here Jazak Allah here for listening May
Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you and if you're finding this useful,
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