Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Sciences in 30 Days Part 6 Identification of Makkan & Madinan Suras
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The transcript discusses various verses in the Arabic language and their significance, including the use of "verages in the Bible" for people to learn about a suburban period, the use of "verages in the Bible" for people to understand the meaning behind them, and the importance of finding a way to be rewarded for one's actions. The speakers also discuss various signs and references in the Bible, including the importance of protecting oneself from the hellfire of the Bible, the use of "verages in the Bible" for people to understand the meaning behind them, and the importance of establishing one's belief in the future.
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome back to our
lwml Quran series. And we insha Allah moving to the sixth day of
our series, and we were discussing the causes of revelation for each
of the verses. Why do why is each verse revealed. And as we
mentioned that not every single verse has a cause for revelation,
some verses came down just like that of the Quran. But there are
many, many verses. And that is a science in its own to be able to
discuss which verse, the verses which were revealed for a
particular cause what they are. So in order to move on, we discussed
yesterday that the way to find out what this is, and which verse
what's the source of this information are the Hadith. So
sometimes you may have conflicts. So in that case, conflict as to
two causes that are being mentioned to circumstances that
have been mentioned, you take the one that is stronger, generally,
as we explained to you in the story yesterday about which way to
face in Qibla. Now, the second point here is that sometimes there
actually more than one cause for a particular verse. So there are
several incidents meaning more than one incident one more than
one circumstance for which one of the verses of the Quran have been
revealed for. So again, down there, we would have to check that
which is the strongest of the narrations, if they're all strong,
then it could be that it was revealed for more than one cause.
So for example, there's a verse in the Quran about Lian. Lian means
the case where a husband accuses his wife of fornication and that
the child is not his. That's where he because by default, in a
marriage, any child that's born is attributed to the husband and for
the husband. To deny that the child is his would have to go
through this specific procedure, which is considered the Lyon
procedure in which they have to curse
each each of the two have to curse the other ones, in order to say
that they're lying. So it's this procedure that's mentioned in the
Quran. Allah subhanaw taala says, well livina your Munna as well as
your home? Well, me Aquila, home Shahada. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
discusses this in the Quran. Now Imam Buhari has related that this
verse was about Leon. Mutual deprecation mutual mutual cursing
one another has been revealed about Hillard ignore Omiya for the
Allahu Anhu when he accused his wife by the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam so this is the verse that was revealed. That's in
Buhari then there's another Hadith Which Imam Bukhari and Muslim
relate from our way mirror alloggi he learned or when he learned and
he asked the Prophet salallahu Salam a question. He said that if
there's a man who finds another, another man with his wife, what
should you know? And then there's this whole discussion. So the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
on that occasion actually said that Allah subhanaw taala has
revealed regarding this regarding you and your wife in the Quran. So
now, it seems like there are two causes which are being mentioned
for the same verse, and it was the same verse that was discussed
there. Now in this case, they actually both sahih they both
valid, they both correct because both of these incidents they took
place, very close to one another around the same time. So that's
why the verses came down. That's why Imam Novyi the great
Muhaddith, the great Hadith scholar says that actually the
first incident took place was that of Hillel. And that corresponded
or coincided with Erway mere coming to the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam Radi Allahu Anhu coming to the Prophet salAllahu
alayhi wasallam and asking the same question. So then the verse
was revealed, and that that is why it was relevant to both and this
is exactly what an emammal Hottie says the same thing that law
Allahumma ittefaq Allah Houma during Have you worked in where he
didn't it perhaps the idea is that they both occurred at the same
time, right then to to move on Imam zurka. She says that
sometimes there will be one verse, which will actually be revealed
twice. So we were talking about one verse that was revealed for
many causes some verses of the Quran as such that they were
revealed more than once is the discussion regarding the about
Fatiha sort of it was revealed twice, not just once. Likewise,
what Why would that happen? So one of the reasons for that happening,
Imam is because she says is, could be because of that of the militia
and to really, really emphasize the importance of that verse, or
to remind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about that verse
being relevant to the situation. It's already been revealed before
about another circumstance or without a different circumstance,
but incorporated an answer to this new circumstance. And the probably
salary seldom was
just reminded that look, this is the verse for it. There's a again,
I'll give you an example, in Bukhari and Muslim. They relate
from Abdullah Abdullah Masuda the Allahu Anhu regarding the
regarding the verse which I read to you before, whereas alumina can
only rule whereas alumina can only rule
which is in sort of, sort of Bani Israel, that it was. There are two
incidents related about this. And it seems like this verse was then
revealed twice. So the first thing in Buhari mentions that it was
revealed when the Jews asked about the spirit when the Jews asked
about the spirit, right, while the prophesy Lawson was in Madina,
Munawwara this verse is in a murky surah. So that means it's earlier,
right, which is agreed upon that the surah that it's in, which is
Subhana Lavy. Right. So with Bani Israel, that's a murky surah.
Yeah. So it's inserted Bani Israel that's in that's a Mk II surah.
But you see the Mushrikeen. If you remember the story I told a few
days ago, the Mushrikeen, which means the politics of Makkah, they
had also asked this question, along with the questions about
Volker nine, and the people of the curve. And those incidents are
mentioned in sort of GAF themselves. So it looks like
while it was mentioned, they already when the Jews actually
asked the question, again, this was just a reminder, that's why
you have to Hadith about this. So you can have it that way as well.
Now, the other thing is that let's just say that there is a verse
that has been revealed, as many verses have been revealed about a
particular cause. Is it restricted to that circumstance? Or can you
then apply it universally on all other circumstances related to
that? What does it have to be specifically about that
circumstance? So that depends on the nature of the circumstance and
the wording that's been used there in the Quran. Okay, so I'll give
you an example. Allah subhanaw taala says in sort of, well, Lady
either Yaksha was the Eugen Abu *, Allah the the man who yet as
the one with the greatest amount of Taqwa the one with a superior
amount of God consciousness will be saved from the hellfire, but he
is the one who gives his wealth to purify himself. Now, this is
really interesting that he says at Khan, I'm not going into the
Arabic of this, but if you understood Arabic, you know the
aapko meanings, the specific person who is of that nature. So
this is this Elif lamb here is giving an understanding that it's
about a particular person, and there's a HMR, which means a
consensus and an agreement among everybody that this was revealed
about Abu Bakr Siddiq are the hola one. So the next time you're
reciting well lately is a Yaksha. And when you get to what's the
Eugen neighborhood call, that the one who's going to be saved from
the hellfire and so on the punishment. Right is the one with
the cleanest heart, the one with the greatest amount of God
consciousness and Taqwa that is talking about Abu Bakr Siddiq,
Radi Allahu Anhu. That's why, based on this one of the great
commentators of the Quran, fucka Dina Razi, he says that another
verse in the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala says in a chroma
coma in the Allahu Akbar Khan, the very the most noble of you,
according to Allah is the one with the greatest taqwa and ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada in this verse of Surah, two lane has described over
Christie declared the Allahu Anhu as the one with the greatest Taqwa
which basically means that he must be the most benevolent and honored
one as well in Allah sight. And from there he's saying that after
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
the most superior individual, right among humanity out after the
prophets is the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam is Abu Bakr Siddiq
or the Allahu Anhu. There are some scholars who say no, this is a
general statement. It's not specifically about ovoca Siddiq or
the Allahu Anhu. And it can be about anybody. But the problem is
that if you look at the way the Arabic is, that was the Eugen
Naboo, ha, I'll call Allah ut Maluhia de Zakka. They've got a
whole description and detail there that this cannot be general, this
is specific, this is speaking about a very specific individual,
and that is Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah Now I'm not going to go
into, you know, the grammatical deconstruction of this to explain
to you why that is the case that Roma will be able to understand
that and they can, they can also check it out. But that's that is
just to give you an idea that sometimes it's very specific, it's
not going to be applied anywhere else. However, there is many more
probably most of them are such that although the verse was
revealed about a particular incident,
now it's applicable everywhere, right, and you can use that in all
different situations to inform in that situation.
And this is agreed upon by the jurist, the Ghoulies. The people
who deal with legal theory, the mafia city in which means the
commentators and so on and they call this they say
And I'm just going to say this to you so that you get aware you
become aware of the language here. They say NLRA brotherly or move in
lovely, lovely who sources who sources sub Alebrije to Leon
Woombye love Laurie who sources sub hosts also sub sub means
particular circumstance. And a woman loved means the universal
application of the words. So while it did come out regarding a very
specific incident that something happened and that's why this verse
was revealed, but now it's applied, wherever the its scope
is, it can be applied to any situation now.
And there's lots of these, there's lots of these verses said, for
example, Imam, Mohamed ImmunoCAP Al Quran it says that a verse is
revealed about a certain individual sometimes, but then
after that, it becomes applicable to everybody with those same
characteristics. For example, there was a person called Nyjah al
Probably a student of adversity Allah who I know and he asked even
Abbas Radi Allahu anhu, regarding the verse in the Quran was 30 or
30 or two for potaro ADEA, Houma Judah and B Makka. Sabha Nicola
mean Allah, right. This is the verse regarding the male and
female thief, those who are guilty of theft than the hands are cut,
right in an Islamic state. That's what would happen. Is this
specific regarding the incident about which this was revealed,
meaning when a person when a specific individual was guilty of
theft in town, the purpose of the law is and this verse was
revealed, or is this universally applicable everywhere now? Like,
if anybody else steals will this be applied as well? He said, it's,
it's universally applicable. And that's why the Muslim states would
use that verse, right. So this gives you an idea as well.
Likewise, imams are catchy, he says that there's numerous verses
that come sometimes for different scenarios. And
there's an agreement that they can apply to many different scenario
because the Quran is a guidance for everyone. It's a guidance for
many situations, not for really just specific situations, for
example, there's the Ayatollah Lian, that we just discussed about
the husband denying that the child has his that would be now
applicable to everybody, even though it came down for two
people. He lived in Omaha, and oh, Emir. But now anybody who wants to
know that it will be the same procedure for them. Likewise,
there's those who had slandered Aisha Radi Allahu anha, about her
being unchaste.
And in sort of, no, it's the whole thing is discussed his 10 verses
that are discussed there. Right? That while the whole discussion is
there, regarding Aisha with the Alana and her slander is and what
their punishment should be, and so on so forth. It's applicable
universally, it's not just about that. And that's, that's what
you're going to find in the Quran most of the time.
So I think that's enough of a discussion about this, I think
what I'll leave you with, for those who understand Arabic, I'm
not sure if there's a book translated into English regarding
this subject, but there are several, there are quite a few
books in Arabic regarding a suburban azul. And I would
probably say that you can find us Bible news all the causes for the
revelation what are the reasons for why verse the stories behind
the verses you can call it right the circumstance because of which,
you know, a certain Surah like for example,
either Jaya and masala he will fit. What's the reason for why
that surah was revealed? I mean, most of you will know why the
Bettiah the abelia have been wet and humid, who am I Kassab? Most
of you would actually know why that surah was revealed. Right It
was revealed because of Ebola hub, right? You will probably know that
already, where you will find this information is in the books of
Tafseer. Right? Especially those stuffs here that are based on just
explanations from Hadith. So they generally mentioned this. It's
also found in books of Hadith. And there are scholars who have
actually written separate books on this subject, probably the first
book that was written right you know, we like to mention first
because mashallah, these people are pioneers. One of the first
people to write on this was somebody who died in 234 Hijiri,
which basically makes him about 1200 years ago, somebody wrote the
first book on this, and this is Imam Ali ignore Abdullah Al Madine
Ali Al Medina, great Hadith scholar. He wrote this and after
that numerous other people started to compile them, but nobody's done
an absolute thorough job where they've got every single one it
seems right because
after that, two of the most well known, bright that pretty much
everybody goes to when they want to learn about a suburban azul,
right. The first of those really famous ones not even on Medina.
That was the first one but the most famous one
is by and you should remember this. It's Imam wa Hady. What
comes from the term Whitehead? Which means one right where he the
Imam where his name was? Al Hussain Ali Abdullah Hamad a Nisha
foodie. So he's from Nisha poor in Iran, right, currently Iran, but
more well known as wahine, who died in 427 Hijiri. Right. So
about nearly 200 years after it even Madine. And as I said, most
would rely on his and
then the second one, which is the most famous one is Lou bourbon new
coal vs. Bourbon new Zul right the choices of the transmission with
regards to the causes of revelation and this is by none
other than Imam Al Hafiz al Muhaddith. Right. I mean, he's an
imam. He's a hadith scholar. He's a half is of Hadith and memorize
most of the Hadith. Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman a SUTI is an Egyptian
scholar who died in 911, Hijiri, 911, Hijiri, and Masha Allah. It's
a very, very extensive work. However, for those who are looking
into it. There are two criticisms regarding the book. There are two
criticism regarding the book number one, he doesn't reference
everything properly. He well he references everything to its
source, but he does not tell you whether it's sahih whether it's a
authenticated or weak or whatever, and he leaves that to the original
books from which he's taken from, whereas those original books are
not necessarily easily found by everybody. So it's difficult for
people to work them out. Maybe somebody has done a work to where
do you call it to
add this missing section? You know, number two, there's quite a
few that he's missed out. So while he's got a lot of them in there,
right, there's quite a few that he has missed out. That's why it
seems like maybe there is a space for another book on the subject
that is will incorporate everything taken from the Hadith
and the Hadith collections and the tough season and so on. That ends
our discussion for a suburban azul. As I said, I always get
really excited when I learn a suburban knows all of the verse
because it tells you why the verse was revealed. Okay, number our,
our next, our next topic that we're going to cover today, and
this will probably take us about two days to cover this today and
tomorrow. This is regarding a really interesting topic of the
makin verses and the Medina and versus the Meccan surah is the
medina tourists, right that I used to wonder what you know, when you
when you start the surah in the Quran, it says Surah Baqarah
Madonia for example, that it's a Madani Surah What relevance does
this have? What is the importance of this? And what does it provide
for us? What's the benefit? We get out of knowing this? And how do
you even define something as McKee and Madani? Right? How, what what
exactly what is the criteria of a verse being Madani of being
Medina, or makin? I mean, you would probably assume that
anything that was revealed in Macau would be murky. And anything
that would be revealed in Medina, Medina would be Madani. I mean,
that's kind of the simple way to look at this, right. However,
what's going on here is that there are actually three or there might
have discussed three criteria for this right to determine this.
They've got three different criteria for this now, not three
different criteria, but they've got there are three opinions about
this, let's say and I think the first one is what really matters
for us. What it is, is that anything that was revealed before
the migration, anything that was revealed before the migration, to
Madina, Munawwara is considered a murky verse or surah. And anything
that was revealed after reaching Madina, Munawwara after the
migration is a Madani.
This is actually the most widespread and well known criteria
for MacKinnon, McKee and Melanie versus. And
the benefit of this particular one is that it's a very
straightforward criteria. Every verse will be very easily
categorized in either McKee or Madani in this case, just look at
it was it revealed earlier on before migration after migration?
I said, there's a verse that was revealed in Mocambo Kurama but in
the Madani period, right, so after the migration, when the province
of sun went back for his head gel with that there was a verse that
was revealed, I mentioned it I think it was yesterday or the day
before anybody recall the verse. It was it was revealed in Arafa.
just a few months before the person passed away in Hajj and the
OMA are committed to Allah calm the in a coma at mem tra come near
Marathi. What are the Tula como Islam Medina, today I have
completed your faith for you. That verse was revealed in macabre
karma, but after the migration, if the prophet saw some is, you know,
in Madina Munawwara but he's now gone out for an expedition to one
of the battles or something like that, then even that will be
considered still a Madani verse even though it was not revealed
physically geographically in Madina Munawwara for example,
there is a narration from Yahia even Oosterdam. He says, that
whatever is revealed in Makkah,
Whatever was also re
revealed on their way to Madina Munawwara that's answering that
question I raised earlier, whatever was revealed in Makkah,
and also on his way to Medina, I'm gonna remember the Prophet also
migrated. So on his migration if there was a revelation, a verse
that was revealed at that time as well, before the prophets, Allah
has reached Madina, Munawwara that's a monkey verse.
So Medina and verses will only start once the prophets Allah,
some sets foot in Madina Munawwara. That's the first view,
which is the strongest view and that's the one you just have to
remember. The second view is that the Mk II verse is that which was
revealed in Makkah, even if it was after the migration, so if the
process went back to Makkah and the reverse reveal in Makkah, that
that's a Maki verse, this is a geographical, this one is based on
the geographical location, and the Madani would be the one that was
revealed in Madina Munawwara so this is this opinion is based on a
geographical location, but the problem with this is that
okay, so anything which is close to Makkah, they will include in
that so for example, if something was revealed in Iraq, or out of is
not part of Mecca, it's outside Macaca Rama, right. So anything
that was revealed there, oh, that was really meaner than that would
be called murky as well. Right. And likewise, if anything was
revealed, just outside of Madina, Munawwara for her is just outside
Medina, Mona I sent them it's, it's probably it's the barrier
that one of the boundaries and then there's another, another
mountain called cellar, that's also a boundary of Madina
Munawwara that would also be called Medina, that would also be
Madina Munawwara, right. However, it leaves a gap in between for
those that were neither here and over there, because there was some
that that were revealed to him further out that were not close to
Mecca, or close to Madina Munawwara so that would be where
you would say, then either Maccha Mk II versus and if they are
neither Madani versus that would be what you'd have to do in this
case. The third opinion
is a really interesting one. It's, it's not a very thorough opinion,
though. There's lots of verses that you won't be able to, you
won't be able to decide about, in this case. If
the address in the verse is to the people of Makkah, then it's a
murky verse.
And if the if Allah subhanaw taala is addressing the people of
when the water then in some other universe, some say that this is
exactly what I do live no Masuda. The Allahu Anhu meant when he said
that every verse in which it says yeah, a Yohannes every surah in
which Allah says, Yeah, you are nurse, that's a mucky surah and
everything that he says in which Allah says, Yeah, you have Latina
Amanu the nuts and Madani
why the difference? Yeah you had Nast means oh people. So in Mocha
mocha Rama people were not all Muslim. Right? So Allah subhanaw
taala is addressing that, oh, people do this, oh, people fear
Allah, oh, people, you know, fear the fear the hereafter and so on.
But once you're in Madina, Munawwara the address is directly
to the Muslims now because the Madina Munawwara is full of us,
and that's why Yeah, you are living in Amman are people who
So the problem with this one, as I said, is that
there's going to be a lot of verses where this is not going to
apply, because not every Surah has, yeah, you heard us or your,
uh, your whole, your Latina Ermanno. That's why let's just go
with the first opinion, which is that anything before migration,
and anything after migration is what distinguishes the two. And
that is what's well known. And that is what's been accepted among
the hola as well, but I'm just going to tell you that because you
may read in a certain book that this is a criteria, so at least
you know, how to determine this. Now, if we take that first
criteria about before and after migration, how many sewers are
mucky? How many sewers are Madami?
Does anybody know which one which does anybody know? What the
majority of sewers in the Quran are they murky or Madani?
Remember, the Prophet saw some stayed in the Moroccan period for
13 years of his life, the last 10 years. So he's 13 Compared to 1010
is how long he spent in Madina. Munawwara So does anybody know if
there are more stories reveal in Makkah or Madina? Munawwara. So,
apparently, according to this definition, the one that we've
adopted, there are only 29 sewers that are Medina and Suris
29 sewers that are Medina tourists, otherwise all the rest
of makin sewers, but you have to remember that sort of Bukhara
which is mashallah the biggest surah is a Medina in surah.
So, you've got some big sewers, which are Medina in sewers as
However, when we say that this is a makansutra or Medina Surah it
does not necessarily mean that the entire surah is murky or muddy.
it's only if the surah begins with the verses that were revealed in
Medina, that whole surah is going to be called Madani. And if the
first verses were revealed in Makkah, then the whole story is
going to be called murky, even though there's going to be verses
in there that were revealed in the other place for after, or before.
So remember that you can never just say at the beginning of story
says, mucky. So every verse in here must be murky, like, for
example, in Surah Bukhara that its own mother, you know, not
necessarily, why do we need to know this? What is the benefit of
knowing what's a murky surah and what's a Madani? Surah? What's the
particular benefit about this, I think there's lots of benefits.
You can tell which verse was revealed earlier, which was
revealed later. And as I've told you, before, I have not talked
about this in depth yet. But the concept of abrogation where
initially, a certain ruling came down, saying something to maybe
facilitate and prepare the situation. Then after that, there
was another another verse that came down later, you know,
changing the hook them, right, changing the hook. Um, so if you
know what's mucky, Madani, you will know what came first, you'll
know what came later. So what it really helps especially it helps
those people who are dealing with the laws of Islam, the legal
aspect of Islamic tells you how the whole legislative system of
Islam works, or how it developed that initially, this was the
ruling. And then after that this became the ruling that initially
for example, if a person died, he needed to leave a will to say that
his wife will be able to stay in the house for a year. But after
that was abrogated, and she just got a portion of the inheritance
So that all of this is what you you benefit from. Now, how do we
how are we going to recognize what's a monkey and Melanie we've
got some idea above that if it says yeah, you have nurse, that's
probably a monkey is yeah, you know, it's Madani, but again,
that's not an oval, that's not an overarching criteria, because
there are verses that were revealed in Madina Munawwara that
says, Yeah, you have Levine Yohannes, as well. So you can't
just blindly say that.
The way to discover the only way to really figure out oil, there's
two ways to figure out what's a mucky and a muddy verse The first
way and the primary way, right is through transmission through what
we learned from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the Sahaba
right, because if somebody is related that I was with the
Prophet Solomon when this particular verse was revealed, or
this was the occasion, right, the prophets Allah was gonna was
traveling and there was this desert era who came and he did
this and then this verse was came down, then you obviously know
where that was revealed, however. So you know that through the
Sahaba and the Tibetan is that's how you figure this out. For
example, Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim has related from Abner
Masuda the Allahu Anhu Wella de la ilaha Jiro. Because you see the
Sahaba some of them knew all of these causes of revelation they
figured out I've told you about, Abdullah lived in Masuda de Allah
one day he really had all of this under wraps. So he's got a hadith
in Bukhari and Muslim where he says that by the one who there is
no God besides, right? In the book of Allah, there's no Surah except
that I know exactly
where it was revealed. And there's no I in the Quran, except that I
know regarding what it was revealed, he had really really
studied this and compiled it so he knew it exactly. Likewise, about a
YouTube a sock Diani or you have a sock the only he says that there
was a person who asked it Karima, who was one of the early
commentators of the Quran, about a verse of the Quran, he asked him,
this particular verse, so he said, this verse of the Quran was
revealed at the side of this mountain, and he pointed towards
the salah mountain. So he knew exactly when that verse was
revealed, right? This a boon or AIM has related this. I mean,
that's not far fetched. I mean, they were always with the
professor lawyers, and they would know about this, right? However,
there's another way of figuring this out. And that is using your
using reason. So as long as a person has a complete
understanding of all the other verses, that ones that there's
something related from the Sahaba about, they'll be able to probably
figure out murky and muddy and also by some other signs and main
features that are part of Madani Soros and main features that are
part of of murky Soros. And I will mention some of them to you today
and the rest of them we'll be talking about tomorrow. So this
these are Christ's or when you're reading the Quran, these are some
signs, okay, the only signs right there, they're not 100% their sign
some of these are 100% some of them aren't, they will tell you
whether this is a Maki Surah or whether this is a Madani Surah for
example, if we say in Surah to Tarim, yeah you have ladina Manu
Gu fossa, como Alikum now Ira are people who believe protect go and
fossa calm, protect yourself, safeguard yourself and your family
from the Hellfire will
What do you think that surah is Medina? Yamaki Yeah, you have
Latina Armand. Oh, cool and full circle. It's a Madani, right?
You're right. It's a Madani. Surah okay.
Because it's talking about Yeah, even Adina was you think that this
would be Melanie that would be your first guest. So anyway, the
first opinion said is yeah, you and us McKee yeah you Hello Dinamo
Madani, however, this is not across the board. Let's show you
there are a few exceptions to this and if you know the exceptions,
then you will be able to work the rest out if you know the
exceptions. So there are two places in sort of Bacara where you
right? actually made me struggle. bucker is a Madani sort of anyway
for the most part, the even though it has Yeah, you Hannah's it still
Madani? So yeah, are you Hannah so Raghu Rama Kumala the Hala Coco
well Loreen Amin Kaveri Converse 21 And the second is verse 168.
Where Allah subhanaw taala says Yeah, are you Han Soo Kuru min
Phil Are we headed to yerba these verses? These verses are these are
supposed to be according to the normal sign when you haven't asked
comes you're supposed to consider them to be makin versus but these
two inserted Bacara are considered to be Medina and versus these are
exceptions. Also there are four places four places in certain Nisa
which again you would think that they murky but they actually
Medina and vs. And what are they? Yeah, are you hon so Taku Rob back
home. The other one is wearing a shirt you the hip come a Johan
NASware TB hurry, if he wants he can remove you. Oh people and he
can bring another group? Yeah you Hannah's a Yohannes is mentioned
there. But it's actually Medina and, and likewise the other verse,
third verse. Yeah. Are you hon so Khadija como Rasool ruville,
Hakeem and Rob become our people, our people, the messenger has come
to you with the truth from his Lord. And the last verse is a you
Han Soo Khadija Khun Bora and on our people
has their has come to you, the berghahn the proof the evidence,
so these are muddiman Even though it's Yeah, you heard us. Okay. Now
the next one is a bit easier to understand. Every Surah right,
every Surah that has Heroku more Katara at the beginning, what is
Heroku kata, which means the separated letters, right? What are
they? Are they flam meme? Tahseen Yacine known sod, all of those
high meme Dawsey me, all of these are called haruf Macatawa right
just letters, because they're not a word, are they Alif Lam is not
necessarily a word. Just three letters. Noon is not a word. It's
just one letter. Every Surah that starts with one of those is a
murky Surah except to Saurus
there's two swords which are Madani sores, all the others McKee
what are the two swords sword Bacara sword it Imran and if la
meme vertical kita will ra Buffy and what is what are the Mon how
does that begin? And if la meme hola hola, hola. Hola, yo, KU.
Those two are Medina and for all the others noon welcome Yama is
Tarun Yasi in one Quran Al Hakim Saad when Quran Majeed
cough, hammy all of those are McKee Soros. Number three,
anything in which the word color the expression color appears
that's a murky Surah What does color mean? Color means name never
know. It's like a rebirth, a refusal that is generally
responding to the people in Makkah, the Quraysh and, and so
on, who would maybe ask for something or challenge something
and allows a color, so anything that has color in there will be a
murky surah.
Number four, anything in which there is the mention of other
Maori Salaam and Iblees the story of Adam and Eve, please.
That's a mucky Surah
except the first word of the Quran Surah Baqarah. In Surah Al
Baqarah. There's the whole story of Adam is nominee bliss, right?
But that's an odd story, but every other sort of, for example
Surah to an
Surah Al Anam.
Alif Lam. Meem sod kita one that that
that's what a lot of sorry, and if la meme solid in the eight digits
that sort of fell out of that one has big story of admiring somebody
bliss and there's many other sources all of those are going to
be considered to be McKee Soros except sort of Bukhara if you just
remember sort of the bucket is the last largest Surah it's supposed
to be a Medina and Surah then all of this becomes easy. Okay, number
If if there's any surah, in which an obligation is mentioned, like
do this, this is necessary for you like a salah or whatever, then
generally that's going to be a Medina and Surah.
Because most of the Afghan most of the rules, the laws were revealed
in Makkah Makara like fasting for example, right? Yeah even like the
nominal quotevalet camassia katiba Allah lithiumion public Himalayan
look at the taco that is in which Surah Surah Baqarah and that's the
Medina and Surah anyway, because the laws were generally applied in
Madina Munawwara Okay, I'm going to ask you guys a question. The
sixth one says, Every surah, in which the munaf Yukina mentioned,
would that be McKee? Or Madani? Where were the manavi? Team?
They're going to be in Medina. They're not in Makkah. Right. So
the munaf again, came up in Madina Munawwara so that's why most
likely that's what is going to be a Madani. Surah Okay. Except, for
example, Surah Al Hadid discusses the monarchy team, but there's one
Surah in which monarchy Kena discussed, but it's a murky surah
and that is spiritual and carboot so it will uncover what is a murky
Surah all the others are Madani Soros. Now, why are all of these
signs that kind of work is because
they were the relevant kind of points for maca, Makara and
relevant points for Madina Munawwara they were Munna, Fickian
in Medina manana in Macomb economy, that's why the discussion
is going to be their laws after Islam was established thereafter
in Madina Munawwara that's when the laws came down. So that's why
you have all of this.
I've already explained to you and as I've explained to color and all
of these. Now, the next point to discuss is
I'm just going to introduce you to this today, because this is a
longer discussion, and this is a really, really interesting and
beautiful discussion. I'll just give you one or two examples
today, because our time is nearly up and then we'll continue this
discussion tomorrow. What us you know, we discussed how to
identify, you know, somewhat the murky and Medini versus Now let us
discuss the content of murky sewers and Medina and sewers
generally in a murky Surah What are you going to find? And what
are you going to find in Medina and tourists? What's the subject
matter? What is the message in there? Number one, if the
discussion generally is about reinforcing the faith, and
establishing the faith, inviting people to the Oneness of Allah
subhana wa Tada and saying that you must only worship Allah
subhana wa Tada and you must focus and worship. So you must focus and
believe in the hereafter and Paradise and hellfire and
discussing the importance of the prophesy blossom being the
messenger. And likewise, you know, after all the, all the prophets
before him and also talking about belief in the angels,
then the assumption is that this sort of will be from Morocco.
Madina Munawwara is talking about the absolute basics. It's going to
be McCann normally, right? Because these were the main points that
we're trying to be established in the beginning. After in Madina,
Munawwara all of these things were clear people believed in the
hereafter people believed in the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala
give you a few examples. We'll take verse Surah, to cost us verse
69. To 73 Right so it will cost us verse 69. To 73 Allah subhanaw
taala says, what book AR Allah MUMA toking new pseudo Rumana your
Linoone Wahoo Allah hula hula hula hamdu fille? Pharaoh well the
whole hook more la hito Jeroen well our item in general Allahu
Allah ecoman Lena Salma then Eli AMI, matthewman Ada who Nova yo la
here decom Biblia in Africa smart goon all our item in general Allah
Who are the ecoman how I started my then yo me up Matthew man Isla
Hoon warrior Allah He t come belay Yachty Combi Radiata schooner NFE
Fela Turbo C rune, O'Meara Murthy Hey Jana Hola, como Lena, one
Holly this goofy Juanita into beta wholemeal for delay while I like
him dish karoun This is what Allah says. He says your Lord knows what
is hidden your hearts and what you reveal. And He is Allah there is
no God except he and for him is all praise in the early ones in
the later ones. And for him. I'm just doing around I'm just doing a
rough translation of this for him is all the command rule and to him
you're going to be returned. And then he asked that if Allah
subhanahu wa Tada was to make the night perpetual, talking about the
bounty of the night and the daytime. So if ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tada was to make the night constant that the night never
ended. Imagine it imagine if the nights never ended until the Day
of Judgment. Is there another god Allah asks Manila hungry Rolla is
there another God beside
It's Allah who can bring you light. If Allah decided to make a
night all the way, don't you? Listen, Allah says, and then it
says that if Allah subhanahu wa Allah had made the day constant,
right that it just was day forever until they have judgment. I know
there's parts of the world where it seems to be day for six months
and night for six months where the sun either does not completely set
I've viewed that myself and witnessed that myself in Northern
Norway, right in the northcap, where the sun at 12 o'clock at
night just came down to just above the horizon and did not set and it
was still light, even though we're praying Isha prayer, right? And
then for six months, it's dark, the sun does not rise in those
places. However, what happens if it if it decides to remain the
daytime? Right until they have judgment and night never comes? Is
there another god that will bring you night? That's what Allah asks
that you could find some reposing Don't you see? And then Allah says
to tell us that these are bounties of Allah, that it's part of His
mercy that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given for you the night and
the day so the sorry the day and night so that you can relax in
them as well. And you can also seek out what is good for you so
in your daytime you go and you earn you earn for yourself and in
the nighttime you relax, whether Allah conditio Quran and so that
you may be thankful. That was one verse that we we have done and the
next verse is from the ending of source Ibrahim
now listen to Allah says further task seven Allah ma Khalifa de rue
Sula in Allah xizhou DICOM Yama Tibet that will erode over your
already was sama to Ebola xuelin Hill wa Hill kahar What are
Olajide Mina? Yeah Houma easy Maccarone in a field of Sarabi to
whom you caught the Iranian Natasha would you have human Lea
Jessie Allahu Courland FC Makka sabot in Allah has any URL hisab
has been holiness evilly you the Ruby he was here at level and NEMA
Hua inna who had when he had the color? Oh no.
Don't ever, ever think that Allah subhanaw taala will go against his
promise to his messenger to His messengers, Allah subhanho wa
Taala is mighty and can take revenge, The Day when the earth
and then Allah talks about the hereafter that The Day the Earth
will be, will be changed to another Earth to another it looked
totally different. And likewise the heavens and ALLAH SubhanA they
will all be presented for Allah subhanho wa Taala the one and
overwhelming one, you will then see the guilty ones, you will then
see the guilty ones on that day they will be chained up, they will
be shackled. And Allah discusses their clothing that it will be
made of tar coal, and they will be fired that will be envelope in
their faces. And Allah then says that this is because Allah
subhanaw taala wants to recompense and give a reward for everybody
for what they have earned. And Allah subhanaw taala is very swift
in taking punishment. And this is something that we want people to
know. Right? This is something that people should be one warned
about, and they should know that God is only one and the people of
intellect are those who will take heat from this and learn a lesson
from this. Now you can tell that these are murky verses right?
These are murky verses because they discuss the concept of the
Hereafter the oneness, the establishing the main points
first. So Hamdulillah we stop here may Allah subhanaw taala bless her
soul, may Allah bless us during this month of Ramadan and make it
better and allow this journey through the Quran to make us close
to Allah subhanho wa Taala to draw us closer to Allah to give us a
better understanding. So in sha Allah by the end of this course we
should be very close to the Quran. We should have so much more
understanding of the Quran Insha Allah, something that we should
have done so long ago, right Jazak Allah here As Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato Jazak Allah here for listening, may
Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you. And if you're finding this useful,
you know,
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