Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Sciences in 30 Days Part 19 Qur’an Preservation Abu Bakr (R)
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh So Alhamdulillah today
we are at day 19 And Allah subhanaw taala has allowed us to
discuss quite a few different things. We'll start off with a bit
of recite recitation from the Quran, sha Allah are all below him
in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim ot Luma or here in
a communal kita viewer LP me sada in Salah 10 Her I needed fascia
you will move whether the crew law here I could well Wallah we are
out of snare rune. What do they do? lol kita be ill bility here
son, Ill Larry Nevada mo mean whom Waku and Larry Oh Zilla, Elena Uzi
la ecom. What Isla Hoonah Isla Hueco moi do Nola who was
sleeping. So the Kelowna theme hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
salatu salam ala Maruthi Rahmatullah Alameen wa vida, de he
also be here are the Orca was seldom at the Sleeman cathedral,
Li o Medina and Baron. So after the last two days of the really
complicated discussions about the seven modes of reading the seven
styles of reading and the various different karats we move on to
more historical kind of discussion. Now that was actually
historical as well. But this is more about the compilation of the
Quran, how the Quran has reached us the way it has, and all the
developments that took place in that regard, how it's put
together, especially since in the beginning, there's almost like an
understanding in some quarters that and there are some narrations
about this as well that are probably the last may have
prohibited for the Quran to even be written in some cases, as has
as you will hear in some quarters, so we're going to Inshallah,
discuss all of that and tell you about the truth of the matter and
talk about how exactly the laborious work that was undertaken
to get the Quran Absolutely.
Authenticated in the way as has been revealed by Allah subhanaw
taala to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So firstly, let
us start off
with a verse of the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala says in that
Alina Jamar, who will Khurana it is our responsibility to bring it
together to compile it together having recited that the
responsibility of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. We've already discussed that
in a bit of detail before how it was compiled together. There's
people have discussed this subject, it's mentioned in books
of Hadith and so on as well. And there's actually certain books
which are written specifically on the topic. For example, YBNL
habido, wrote a messiah if the most Huff's you know the the
copies of the Quran. There's another book called Al Messiah
again by IGNOU ushja. And then there's in the Tsar Li nachliel
Quran you can say discussing and defending the transmission of the
Quran process by none other than the great Quranic scholar Aqeedah
scholar, you know, big name in in regards to Quranic studies is the
CAVI the Imam Abu Bakr, if not type al back ilani who died in 403
And then you've got Imam a site off he has written another book
called look at all in decidely noccalula Quran. What we're going
to do today is we're going to discuss I said one of the one of
the most useful books in that regard nowadays is is this one
which has recently been republished by Torah and it
discusses all of these aspects in great detail, showing manuscript
copies, parchment copies, you know, where necessary, and so on
is really good and dealing with a lot of the orientalist arguments
or objections and things like that. And Sheikh Mustafa, another
you may Allah have mercy on has done a really, really wonderful
job in that regard. I found it useful as well while preparing for
this class as well. So
the Quran was preserved in primarily two ways, right one is
as the names indicate, one was in writing and the other one was in
the hearts, right, one was in writing and the other one was in
hearts. So firstly, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
had emphasized that the aspects of reciting the Quran memorizing the
he himself obviously had memorized the Quran and he used to recite
the Quran big, you know, large portions of the Quran in his night
prayers especially. And then of course, in the daily prayers he
would recite and people would read listen to that as well. In fact,
he is known to in some regards of especially his night prayers he's
known to have read several of the three will write several of
The long Suris
if not above the Allahu Anhu says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, especially in Ramadan bro salary Salam used to be
extremely generous
with extremely generous generally anyway, the process was a generous
individual but in Ramadan he was the most generous.
The reason he was most generous in Ramadan he says is because Jabril
Elisa Lam used to have a special sitting meeting with him every
night in Ramadan until it and so every night of Ramadan. Gibreel
Ali Salam used to be with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and they used to go over the Quran that had been revealed
until then. Now, so when the Prophet Sal awesome used to meet
with Gibreel that used to make him really excited. He was very
generous. So whenever he would meet with Jibreel Ali salaam,
that's when he would be even more generous. That's why in Ramadan,
he was more generous than even other times. Imam Bukhari has
related this. Then you've got another Hadith that Imam Bukhari
has related as well, which is from Abu Huraira, the Allahu Anhu that
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to have the Quran
presented upon him by God Lottie salaam, once every year, you know,
the entire amount that had been revealed until then. And then in
the year that he passed away, it makes it very clear for od the
other Hemara chain, it was then presented to him twice in the
final year of his life. And then what kind of Yeah, Turkey for
Cola, I mean, I shall. So every year, the Prophet saw some used to
make a kickoff last 10 days of Ramadan. But in this last year of
his life, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made ethical for twin for
20 days for 210s. And that's when it was also presented to him
twice. So it looks like his take off in his ethical in his
spiritual retreat, the Quran would be presented to him and they would
revise it, they would revise it and review it like that. Now let's
move on. That's the prophets Allah license efforts, personal efforts
himself now let's move on to the sahaba. Now, mashallah the Sahaba
they had it ingrained in them from before that they need to memorize
as much of the Quran as possible. And they would make a lot of
effort to do that, and to try to get it completely right. And you
know, for them, it was as it was being revealed over the 23 years,
you know, those who were there from the beginning, they would try
to memorize and learn it as much as possible, their thing was not
just memorized, it's just not called memorization, they will
actually be understanding it, implementing it, practicing it,
discussing it. Now, why, you know, the reasons why this helped, what,
or rather, there were several reasons that helped them a lot in
this regard. One of them was that mashallah, they had really good
memory. So in those days, people generally had a good memory,
because it was an oral tradition. And they had, you know, the brain
used to be used to memorize things, as opposed to, you know,
the hand of the phone to write something which we would call
extended memory today, today. So like, what's your phone number
here, let me just put in my phone, don't memorize phone numbers
anymore. People used to 20 years ago, memorize phone numbers. But
today, you know, many people don't even know their wife's phone, you
know, their wife's phone number. So that was one of the things that
they had good memories in those days. Number two, because the
Quran came down in
portion by portion, it was obviously easy to memorize. It
wasn't like, hey, this whole big word momentous task, you know that
bit by bit, and they were able to mashella memorize it. Number
three, these are some really more interesting, I've never thought
about it this way. I mean, the first two, I obviously knew, but
the number three, what I found was that it was made binding and
obligatory to recite Quran in prayer.
Right. And that is one of the amazing ways of that is one of the
amazing methods by which the Quran was preserved, that if you're
making it obligatory for people, the Muslims all over hundreds of
1000s and millions of Muslims to memorize at least parts of the
Quran, right that they have to pray they have to use when they're
praying aside from certain Fatiha, then they're going to memorize now
yes, there's going to be quite a probably a significant chunk that
will just memorize the last 10 Songs of the Quran or something in
the small sewers or certain portions. But then there's going
to be others who are going to memorize more not everybody's
like, you know, that they all always recall wala who I hadn't
clear your caffeine cut out of your buffer colada grabbing us in
their salad. They actually read a lot of other portions. For
example, I know, one imam in London who I think in Southeast
Asia I think it is or maybe Senator Fraser I'm not sure in one
of the two prays for both prayers. He starts off from the beginning
of the Quran and he does the whole Quran in In the congregation, you
know, bit by bit, slowly, slowly, everyday will read Mashallah. And
there's a lot of other people who will do this throughout. There's
scholars I know of who would read 10 Jews a day, right $10 A day
just in their Knuffle prayers in the optional prayers in their
Sunnah prayers, they would cover many, many Jews and there's others
who obviously complete two Jews a day three times a day and they'll
complete the Quran, you know, in seven days or whatever they
cases. So the third the third point was that Kira of the Quran
was necessary in the prayer. Number four, it is binding to
practice upon the Quran to practice one's life according to
the Quran implement. So that was another reason why you had to have
the Quran. So you see what's really interesting what the
picture is emerging here is that the Quran was not just some book
that was revealed as this glorious book, right as this you know,
respectable book, revered book and then you just kind of leave it on
the side, just have it for Baraka in your house or something like
that. That was not the purpose of it. The purpose of it was it for
it to be used that you memorize it, you let you practice upon it.
Number five, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
outside of prayer, and so on, encouraged the recitation of the
Quran, and as huge rewards that were promised for the recitation,
just purely the recitation of the Quran not even understanding that
that was all additional rewards. And these people at that time, the
first initial
group of Muslims there they were mostly amis, which means
unlettered, they did not know how to formally read and write. You
know, that was more of an oral tradition, as I said, so how are
they going to read the Quran often? Right, the only way they're
going to do it is they're going to memorize it. So that encouraged a
lot of the Sahaba of that time to memorize the Quran, maybe even the
women because the only way they're going to be able to get more
reward, you know beyond reading certain Fatiha and the last answer
is of the Quran is that they memorize more of the Quran.
So for example, there's a hadith of Abdullah Abdullah Masuda, the
Allahu anhu, which I'm sure most of you have probably heard, he
said, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
saying, Whoever recites one letter of the book of Allah for him he
gets one
good deed because of it. And each good deed is
each good deed is equivalent to 10 multiples of it. So tender like it
so for every letter, you get, you're getting 1010 rewards. And
then the promises on clarified very clearly says I don't say that
Alif Lam. Meem is one letter. And if la meme is not one letter alif
is one letter lamb is one letter and meme is another letter. So
just for reading Alif Lam Meem I just got 30 rewards in sha Allah.
Imam Bukhari has transmitted this number six the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam made a special effort to make sure that the
Sahaba studied the Quran to teach them the Quran essentially. And
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was their teacher. I mean,
who better than the Prophet SAW awesome as their teacher? He would
they would learn the the Quran from him. And the Prophet
sallallahu sallam was there shake.
Now, the way the people around him, they would obviously come to
his gatherings and they would be learning directly, but what about
the people in the outlying areas, other vicinities other towns and
people in distant places? So
the way this would work is that whenever a group of people from a
distant area would become Muslim, like a tribe would become a
Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would teach with
sin, they didn't have any physical copies of the Quran at that time,
you know, all compiled together in form. Now, they didn't have any of
that. So what he would do is that he would actually send a copy, he
would send a copy recite of the Quran. Now in those days the car
either recite or was a half of the Quran because he had to be what
else was he going to read from? Right he had to have memorized it.
So the prophecy, so in those days, they didn't generally use the word
who father as much her father's bill of health, right, which means
memorizer, they they they use the word Chari or Cora, right,
generally, and that meant they'd memorize the Quran as when they
were good reciting of the Quran along with memorizing it. So he
would send them as teachers, every time there would be somebody, a
new tribe or whatever, and they will be in a far distant area, he
would say, Okay, you go.
And that is why there's eventually a story that's related about on
one occasion, he sent 70 Right 70 Quran 70 Good recitals with this
huge, some, some tribes and so on. And there was a treachery that was
committed, and they were all killed. And that was a really,
really heartbreaking moment for the Muslims and this is, you know,
you'll find this in Bukhari and Muslim. So that is what the
prophets also would do. He would actually make sure that people
learned the Quran by sending people when you look at when you
scour the Hadith literature, you're going to find some names
that pop up more than others. Now, this does not mean that they were
the only people that knew the Quran, or that were experts in the
Quran. They were many experts in the Quran, but these people for
some reason or the other, they they've been mentioned, and it's
come down to us, for example, it's related from masuk acknowledge
that a Toby. He says that Abdullah IGNOU Omer
once mentioned Abdullah if no Masuda the Allahu Anhu Abdullah
Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah so the Allah one was probably
younger right he remembered he wants mentioned Abdullah Abdullah
Masuda the Allahu Anhu and he said lasagna or Hebrew, you know, I
just can't stop loving him. I just love him to bits, because I have
heard the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say about Abdullah Massoud
hodl Quran, Amin herba. You should take your Quran from these four
people. So you see that as I said, the specific narrations we have
certain names now, the prophets are awesome is telling him that
you should take the Quran from for individuals Abdullayev numbers
owed Salim more of an OB ImmunoCAP.
Right. So Abdullah Massoud Salim who Mola OB Khalifa, and more are
the blue gerbil and obey ImmunoCAP. Right and Imam Buhari
has transmitted this so my son Salim is getting a bit excited
that his name is mentioned there. May Allah subhanaw taala make him
a teacher of the Quran as well. And may Allah allow all of our
children to learn and teach the Quran as well. So, Abdullah
Massoud, certainly more other than obey even though cabina these four
are mentioned here. That doesn't mean the person is Salah like him,
you can't learn it from anybody else. This was one individual
maybe these people you have access to. So that's why he said these
people so don't ever think that only these people knew the Quran.
Likewise, you have another Hadith from Qatar or the Allahu Anhu. Who
says that once I asked honest diplomatic or the Allahu Anhu that
who are the people that compile the Quran or gather the economy
who would memorize the Quran in the time of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam? He said, four of them, all of them from the unser
obey even vocab ma Hebrew Jebel Zaid immunotherapy and Abu Zaid.
So you have another word here. You have another name here. He doesn't
mention I believe no Masood. He says obey ImmunoCAP wa Thibodeau,
Jebel Zaid immunotherapy and Abu Zaid, he obviously mentioned these
four because they were probably what came to his mind at that
point, or they were really prominent in his mind at that
time. So this does not mean though, that they're the only
people that knew the Quran and nobody else knew it. Just just
trying to explain that. Among the other sources that we see we see
seven names that generally come about who are known to have been
teachers of the Quran, right locally as well. That's Earth man.
If not, I found that the Allah one I leave not to be taught him obey
ImmunoCAP ze didn't have it, Abdullayev no matter what are they
Hola, Juan, a Buddha, Abu Musa, Allah SHINee. Now these are very
famous, everybody knows these. None of these are obscure Sahaba
and you will find mention of these people in the sources. Right? So
Imam suity has mentioned the seven and there were obviously a lot of
others who were all part of the Quran. These people became known
as the scholars of the Quran as well.
Imam Abu al Qasim is sorry Imam Abu Obaid al Qasim IGNOU Salaam in
his book on Kitab al Cara RT, right which he wrote himself the
book of the recitations. He says the Al Quran winners have in the
VSL Allah Who lives and he discusses the memorizes of the
Quran during the time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
he mentions a number of more hygiene in there. So in the
hygiene among the migrators he mentioned the four Haulover right
so burqa, Omarosa and it are the aluminum foil hybrid Obaidullah
count these four five sided Web Workers Abdullayev no matter who
they are even earlier man and Sally Mola, Abby Khalifa Abu
Huraira abdulai Vanessa and the four and the Abba de la right the
above the law this is the plural of Abdullah right the app so they
call them the ABA the for the famous for ABA de la the famous
for Abdullah, who are they? Abdullah and Omar Abdullah ibis,
Abdullah Hypno amor YBNL. Us. Abdullah hipness zubaid. So he
mentioned all of these four and he adds our Isha Hafsa and Oh, masa,
masa, he's got women in there, as well. So they're in there as well.
So it wasn't just men who are memorizing but it was women who
had memorized as well, that these were from the hygiene then from
the unsought you've got during the time of the Prophet saw some
itself you've got Roberta even assignment moth, abou Halima moja.
April Giardia for Bala ignor obeyed and Muslim abnormal Khaled.
Now these are not so well known names, right? But this just tells
you that these are people who are reported there were other people
who probably never told anybody about it, you know, so, for
example, if in this local area were to count the half is of the
Quran, I mean, there are hundreds in just this local area. Right?
There are probably hundreds of half is of the Quran just in my
local area in London. Right so imagine in Madina Munawwara now
not everybody's gonna even tell anybody, you know, everybody that
they've memorized the Quran, so that's why there were lots of
people. There's other exalt, there's other more detailed lists
that have been prepared. Imam the hubby has added
A number of other people as well. And we our job here is not to try
to determine every single one of them, they will have their benefit
in sha Allah on the Day of Judgment. But it's basically to
show you that there were enough Sahaba who had memorized the
entire Quran at that time, for that first generation to have a
Dawa to to have such a widespread memorization of it, that they
could never have, you know, it wasn't just three of them, or four
of them who memorize it. And they could like just agree that, hey,
we'll make this verse up, nobody say anything. It was they could
never collude together, there was just hundreds of these people who
had you know, who had memorized the Quran at that time, and then
they obviously passed it on and on and on. And that's how it was.
That's why I bullhide YBNL jaziri Rahim Allah he says he Mama will
hate him. registery he says that the reliance on the transmission
of the Quran, you know, on memory, in the hearts memory from heart to
heart, and not just upon written works, right is going to be some
very unique feature of this OMA that's a unique feature of this
OMA, right? And, you know, this is something which is a unique
feature that was foretold by the previous prophets. So for example,
you've got a discussion that's mentioned in one of the old
scriptures, that the description of the Sahaba analogy or the
Muslim ummah is an OG Luhan fee. So due to him, they evangels which
means their divine Scriptures are going to be in their hearts.
Right? Their divine Scriptures are going to be in their hearts. So
Subhanallah that's the OMA. Right? And there are mashallah many
families. You know, there's one family that I know that every
single boy, right in that generation, and I think it's 577
of the first generation, they've got children now each of them have
three, four children, right? Every single child in that generation is
a half is of the Quran, right? From my wife's family.
Essentially, every single cousin brother of hers is a half is of
the Quran. And I don't know what the number is, but every single
every single cousin brother, first cousin, in terms of male they all
have is of the Quran.
Right? So mashallah, that's an IG Luffy. So due to him, their
scriptures are in their hearts. And that's why there's another
Hadith, Hadith and kotse actually, Which Imam Muslim has transmitted,
it says, Allah subhanaw taala says that I'm going to test you and I'm
going to test by you. And I'm going to reveal to you a book
no water will be able to efface and you will recite it
you will recite it
That's why Allah subhanaw taala has said Welaka DSRL Quran Allah
victory for help him with DACA we have facilitated the Quran for
remembrance for reminders for metaphor for memorization, is
there anybody to do? So is there anybody to take this up? So that's
what you that's what you that's what that's what you have. Now,
what we're going to discuss now is move on to the second part of this
topic, which is, how did the Quran How did the Quran become written?
How was it preserved in the written form? Because I said at
the beginning, the Quran was written was preserved both in the
oral form and the written form. Right? The Quran was preserved in
both forms, right, both in the written form and in the
memorization in memory as well. So
Allah subhanho wa Taala says in nanana, Zina vichara. We're in now
the hula haffi don't, we are the ones who have revealed this
reminder, and we are going to protect it. So Allah subhanaw
taala set up the whole system for us. Now, you know, the next part
of this discussion, it's covered very well in this book as well.
Right. But it's really interesting, that painstaking
work, the difficulties that they undertook to make sure that the
Quran is exactly the way that we have it, right. And I think what
we'll do is that we'll split this up into three sections, we may not
be, we probably won't be able to cover all the sections, or sorry,
not the sections, but all the
levels of this. But you can you can split this up into three
stages. We'll discuss the first stage, and then we'll move on to
the second and third stage. The initial collection of the Quran in
preservation in a written form, was that
every time the Prophet sallallaahu son would receive a Revelation,
verses or
a surah, or whatever it was, he would immediately contact one of
the scribes, those people who know the few people that knew how to
read or write, he had a few on board and he would immediately
call them and he would dictate
The Quran to them, and they would write it, they would write it,
what would they write it on, there was not much paper in those days,
they would,
they would write it on different things that they could I mean,
they had some kind of maybe crude ink, you know, rudimentary way of
making that. And so that's the way that's the way they would do it.
They used to you, they used to write on pieces of leather,
record, right pieces of leather, number two, on behalf which
basically mean flat stones, a calf, which could be shoulder
bones of animals. And also, which means stripped, stripped palm
branches. If you ever looked at a palm branch, it kind of expands.
So the stripped of its leaves, and it would make a really nice
surface, I actually had a good opportunity to observe the palm
tree very closely. When I was in October, November, when I was in
Dublin, Karachi moved the turkey subs place in in Karachi in
Pakistan. And they've got outside his house, I used to have to wait
there for him. So they've got quite a few palm trees that is
really interesting. The palm fiber, the various different
things on a palm tree makes it a very, very useful a tree. So those
were the things on pieces of leather on flat stone,
planks of wood, shoulder blades, and also stripped palm branches.
How many people that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam have in his team
that, you know, he could invite. So there are names of about 25
scribes that he had. Right? Now we have the names of approximately
25. But it's possible that they were actually more than that. But
these are again, I mean, because it wasn't like somebody was
writing this history at the time saying, Okay, make sure
everybody's voice I was I was told, let's jot it down. And there
were people doing that. So that's why others have taken it to be on
40 as well. Right? So probably more than 40 people
as some people have researched this well actually, the point is
that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to only allow these people to
write the Quran and nobody else right that is what the initial
understand that unless they had another reason for writing the
Quran then they could, but he tried to keep it very restricted
so that there would be no confusion that somebody say hey,
I've got a piece of the Quran and it would be something else. Right?
That's why there's a sahih Hadith in in Muslim, which the province
of Assam said lotta taboo, Anthony Shea and Al Quran. Don't write
anything from me except the Quran. So they weren't allowed to write
the Hadith or anything else. Right, they would have to memorize
that. They were only allowed to write the Quran so that there will
be nothing mixed up because remember, there was no written
tradition at that time. So whatever was written, the Allah
the Prophet also wanted it to be just the Quran so that it would be
unique and that is what it would be.
And the prophets awesome said whoever does right from me
anything else he should get rid of it? However, we do have reports
where Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu Abdullah hammered last idiom and
did we're allowed to even write Hadith. Okay, there is some
discussion about that, but this was a general prohibition in the
beginning, but it looks like some permission was given to write
other things later as well.
Imam Hakim and Nisha pootie. He mentions
in his collection of Hadith
with a very strong chain from UNASUR, the Allahu Anhu that once
we were the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
we used to
compile the Quran from the various different leather pieces that were
there. So honestly, the alone was a servant of the Prophet salaries
and we say served him for 10 years in the entire Medina and period.
So he is very close to prophesy Lawson. So he said that, you know,
when these parchments would be written and so on, he would
actually put it together.
And that's what they did. Because the scribes they were, you know,
over 40 scribes or so and the process I would call them they
were not always preserved with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they
wouldn't just write and leave it with the Prophet sallallahu
sallam, Parcells had a very small place. Some parts were left with
the Prophet sallallahu some others the scribes had themselves so the
scribes at Martha Beck and others, Jose, Milan, Saudi and so on, they
would have their own they would have their own pieces, right? So
obey ignore cabra the Allahu Anhu Abdullah Massoud Ma, even a gerbil
and others they compile the Quran like that, right.
Now, as I said, initially, they seem to be a prohibition but it
looks like
they were allowance for people to to compile Quran zero, so if they
memorized it, they could write it down for themselves. It would not
be an official copy. You know, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
had maybe himself, you know, so there were those scribes who the
process were dictated to right in front of others. They were the
ones who you know had the official copy you could say right, the so
A non formal official copy or the non official copy however you want
to say, and then there were others who would memorize it and then
they had written the Quran some people have done that as well. Now
why do we know that you see the one Hadith which says that don't
write anything from me but the Quran and then the prohibition for
others and so on? What's going on here is that you understand that
there were quite a few people who wrote the Quran and you understand
that from some other Hadith, those Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said,
in a hadith that Imam Bukhari and Muslim have both reported that the
prophets of Allah is prohibited that people traveled with the
Quran to the enemy lands. Now, what does that mean? If they just
had it in their hearts? That means they couldn't go there. That is
what it would mean. So obviously, that's not what it would mean. And
then what's the problem with going into enemy lands with the Quran in
your heart? So I think the what the orlimar have explained that
what this basically means is that don't go with written parchments
of the Quran. Don't go with written parchments of the Quran in
enemy lands, because if they prevail over you, they're going to
this they're going to disrespect the Quran if they take the Quranic
sheets from you. So that's one evidence. The other thing there's
a hadith in Muslim, where the prophets Allah some said lead to
suffering. So this is the Hadith actually led to Safira will Quran
for me, Allah, Allah, Who will I do? Don't travel with the copies
of the Quran because I don't feel secure, that maybe the enemies
will get their hands on it and then disrespect it.
Likewise, there's a hadith in Bukhari saying something similar.
And there's another Hadith when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam wrote his letter to Amarillo hasm He said the one of
the directions he gave is that nobody impure should touch the
Quran. So if you don't have to do Limassol, Quran Allah Taha Imam
Malik is transmitted this Imam nessa Lipno headbands. So this is
the Hadith that you get the impermissibility of touching the
Quran without wudu. So you're not allowed to touch Colombia and you
get this from this hadith. Now, if the Quran was in the heart, I
mean, what does it mean that you can't touch the Quran without wudu
so obviously, this refers to the this obviously refers to written
copies of the Quran, and there's numerous others as well. And
there's the story of both. Sorry, Omar, the Allah one when he set
out that day to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And
then he was actually you can say sidetracked to, to be sent to his
brother in law, his sister's house. And when he got there, they
were actually reading from from bits of parchment, and they hid
it. And then when he insisted that they show it to him, he showed he
they showed it to him. So that also shows that there were other
written copies of the Quran as well, people did write it, right.
So that prohibition was an absolute that is related in the
Hadith. So essentially, what's going on is that there's a lot of
scribal activity going on in Madina Munawwara you know, there's
some people who know how to write others, or maybe writing for them,
and so on. And that shows two things. Number one, that the Quran
was definitely being memorized, we've just proved it, we just
shown that we've also shown that it was also being written,
however, they were not, you know, it may have not been written fully
like all in one place, because it was over 23 years, that bit by
bit. And maybe they didn't write everything that was revealed until
then, because different people would have memorized some parts of
it and written some parts of it, and so on, and so forth. So now,
let's move on to the first
that you can call one of the first stages. Now let's move on to the
next stage. And this is when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam departs
this world, Revelation has now stopped, okay, there's going to be
no more ye the Prophet sallallaahu Salam has departed this world.
That means the Quran is now fully intact and complete over the 23
years. Now there can be no change. So one of the reasons why the
Quran was not ever compiled together one of the wisdoms rather
of why the Quran was not compiled together during the process that
awesomes life is because it was an ongoing process. Why was it
written on loose sheets? Loose parchments separate pieces? Why?
Because number one, they didn't have, you know, the nice paper
that you have these days, right? So thin. In fact,
if you look at the Quran that was written, that's in the Tashkent
library, it's about this thick, right? It's about this thick. And
that is, you know, in written on some kind of parchment or leather,
or whatever it is. And there are others. And if it was written on
bone and on palm branches and everything, I mean, we're talking
about Subhan Allah and then if you look at some of the old copies,
that the writing wasn't so small, they they on one on one parchment,
they would actually just have, if I can find you a picture, they
would actually just have very few lines on there. For example, look
at this one here. This is a Musa from the second century,
in Yemen, in a museum in Yemen, and if you look at that one there,
right, the one there at the top. It's
right, if you look at that one, right at the top, that is not much
right writing on there.
And to be honest, I think that is probably maybe one line of
Almudena and most half the way it's extended there it is one line
to the muddiman was half. So these were huge bits, you know, because
paleography the way of writing and so on had not fully developed at
that time as well to what it is right now. Right? Because
remember, it was still a very oral tradition at the time.
So people had different bits written. Now, one of the reasons
why the Quran was never compiled together in one book form is
because at that time, the Quran was still a work in progress, it
was still being coming down versus could be abrogated change added
to, you know, from Allah subhanaw taala because I gave you one
example of a hydrophilic daughter, just those words, coming down
separately and being inserted, you know, from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.
So it was easier to have it on sheets where they could make the
emendations where they could just add it on there was a whole
compile book, it would be difficult to keep changing, and
also the order you know, the progress that was done was
deciding its order in different places as well. So all this was
when maybe not even complete yet, at that point, so that's why it
was never done however. Now what happens is we come to Abu Bakr
Siddiq Radi Allahu Anhu this time, and Imam Buhari relates this
hadith which I'm going to relate to today, and then after that,
we'll have to have the rest of the discussion tomorrow. Zaid
immunotherapy for the Allahu Anhu is the narrator of this hadith of
Buhari and he says that once Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu
called for me after the the major murder that took place by the
people of Yamama. Right? On what are the Allah who and when I got
there, Amara, the Allahu Anhu was there. And Abu Bakr Radi Allahu
Anhu said that look, Omar the alarm came to me. And he said to
him, he said to me, that this a Hulu Yamama they're the ones who
killed a number of the Qura right? So I think 70 Coura were killed at
that time, which is a huge number, right, which is a huge number. So
Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anhu, the Hadith of the time, he says, Oh my
God, Allah has approached me and he's telling me that during this
massacre, right, it's essentially created like a day of judgment for
all the Quran of the Quran that gets murdered so many, right and
I'm, and I'm now fearful, he says that. So, Amara, the alone had
come to overcome said that he is fearful that you know, we have
cholera going to many places and if cholera and in fact the court
used to be at the forefront of the battles, so if these Quran
memorizes and recitals are killed, then we're going to lose a lot of
the our very special people.
So Omar, the Alon tells the Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anhu, you need to
compile the Quran together, you need to put all of these disparate
pages and sheets and parchments, that people you know that the
scribes have in the different places we need to bring it all
together and make an autographed copy make this you know,
authoritative copy in one place. So that okay, you know, if people
do die, at least we've got something now in writing that is
attested to by, you know, many many people. So, this is what's
going on he says that
I will look sad or the Allahu Anhu who then said
that how can you do something that the prophets Allah some did not do
that was his first his first response on what are the other
says have Allah He played? No, this is something by Allah, this
is really important and good for us to do it. This is the virtuous
thing. And Amara, the a worker the Allahu Anhu then told him the
fabric of the Allahu anhu, the OMA the Alon kept persisting and
insisting on this and convincing me until Allah subhanaw taala
opened up my heart for this. So I then completely understood his
vision and his perspective. So Zeto the Allahu Anhu. Now they're
telling this to zayde So Omar, the unknown who is there obika Dylan
is telling all of this story to Zane Xavier, the Allahu Anhu says
the alberca the Alon said that look, you are a young man, right?
They are the Allah was a young man, you're very intelligent.
And we have no suspicion about you. We, you know, we have no
doubt about you, we fully trust you, right in this regard. And you
are one of the scribes of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam so it
looks like they didn't have it as a very prominent scribe of the
prophets. Allah is someone who's young at the time as well. And he
was known for his diligence. What I want you to do, he said is that
photobiol Quran Fishman who now I want you to go and find all the
authoritative copies that were written in the time of the process
that is, I mean, the parchments, the bones, whatever it is, and I
want you to gather them together. See, that's something we should
not happened. Now. This was happening right? So this is the
first gathering of the Quran that's been mentioned here. Xavier
the Allahu Anhu said, Wallah he by Allah. If he told me to move a
mountain, right one of the mountains that would have been
easier for me, right? Then what he's telling me to do to gather
the Quran together like that.
All right. So
first I challenged him, he said, he said, I said, How can you do
something again which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam had not
done. So obika The Allah now is defending the position. He says,
No, this is the thing to do as a worker, the Lord kept persisting
with me as well until finally, Allah subhanaw taala also opened
up my heart and convinced me about this as well, just as Omar they
had been able to do for Abu Bakr Siddiq, are they alone? So I went
out, and I started looking for the Quran, and I gathered it from the
various different leaves and the parchments and all the other
thing, and from the hearts of men as well. And this is this is just
a synopsis is providing the detail will come later. But this is just
a synthesis eventually, it took a while, right? It took a while I
think, you know, nearly a year or something it took quite a while.
And he says I gather it all together. And he says, I still
remember the last verse that I received right of Surah Toto, not
the last verse. But the final, you know, there was just something
that was missing. I just couldn't find it with everybody in with the
criteria. See lots of people had written, but he had a special
criteria which we will discuss soon, that a special criteria, he
will only accept that which could be witnessed to have been written
in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by at least two
witnesses. This was done in the masjid. There was a public
announcement that was made for this, that they wanted people to
participate. Anybody who had any part of the Quran, you know, like
maybe it was lifted them by their father who was a scribe or
something like that. They had to bring it in, bring to witnesses to
prove that this was written in front of the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam. And he said there was once one verse we couldn't
find, I mean, he had memorized it. He knew what the verse was. But
this just shows the scrutiny and the diligence that we couldn't
find a authoritative written version of that work of the idea
of Surah Toba
until we found it by Abu Hoceima al unsightly Radi Allahu Anhu. And
I couldn't find it with anybody else and that is the verse local
the Kamasutra min fusi come as he is on it, Hema I need to until the
end of Surah Al Bara, that verse he found with Abu Jose Milan, so
that just shows you that they were not willing to accept it from just
anybody but the authority forms. Now. Then he mentions the all of
these parchments that we had collected together, which must
have been quite a bundle, right? You know, because he was written
on different things. It remained with Abu Bakr Siddiq early on that
was the archetype that was you can say the main authoritative, you
know, gathering of all the verses in the Quran until Abu Bakr Siddiq
or the Allahu Anhu passed away. Then after that, it remained with
Amara the Allahu Anhu and he became the Khalifa for 19 years
you remain with him, then went on to the Allahu Anhu passed away.
His daughter, Hafsa Radi Allahu anhu, the wife of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it stayed with her until when we get
to the next stage, when there was a need again to bring these out
and then to make copies which will be inshallah discussing with you
tomorrow. So, that is what happened. It remained with the
wife of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam after going on during
orthodontic the Allah on his time, until with one of the Alon asked
for it, he had them copied and then he gave him back to have
certain so that was the first stage of all of this. And in sha
Allah, we will
carry on with this discussion in sha Allah tomorrow. It's very
interesting to eventually figure out then it will move on to you
know, we've been discussing the seven killer art and so on. So
what will actually be also discussing is how exactly you know
what were the unique features. Getting more into detail about how
with Manny Gomez Grande was written this Quran that he wrote
eventually and why he wrote it, we'll inshallah discuss that in
detail. Jazak Allah here may Allah bless you as salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato. Jazak. Allah here for listening May Allah
subhanho wa Taala bless you. And if you're finding this useful, you
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