Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections The Man Who Slept for 100 Years

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The historical account of Jesus's death and the woman named Sharon tells the story of her death. The historical event is discussed, including a woman named Sharon who had a similar experience. The historical backstory of Islam is also discussed, highlighting the importance of achieving spiritual regeneration.
AI: Transcript ©
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So firstly This is most likely according to the mafia city and

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according to the strongest dependencies talking about rose

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aid or Ezra was a rally he said I'm one of the

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prophets of the Bani Israel. Now he's passing by Jerusalem. So the

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this hamlet, as translated here at least, right is a speaking about

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Jerusalem after Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed it. So this was a

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longing statement, a kind of a

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statement of memory, right to say that how is Allah gonna bring this

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh so dear brothers and

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sisters, Ramadan Mubarak to you. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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benefit us through these verses of the Quran today. I've got a verse

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from Surah Baqarah I'll just read it first. All the way below him in

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a shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Ocula the Murata

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Korea Do you hear how we are two neither are Roshi her color and

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you he had the Hill who buried them ot her for America hula hula

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color Kamla bass de cada la vista women Oh battledome color Bella

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Isla Tomic Tamika Sharabi Callum yes and whoa Isla he Marika 100

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yada yada Lin se wo wo L A wall AMI cave and who she is her thumb

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my neck su la

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for the matter Debian Allah who called Learn more and Allah either

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So the Kola hula VM, so there you go, we have verse 259, of sortal

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Bacara. It's a rather long verse and it's one with an anecdote. It

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has a narrative. It has a story, a historic historical account, a

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very, very pertinent historical account miraculous, extraordinary,

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totally out of the norms of the usual happenings of this world

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala presents, so that he can, Allah

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subhanaw taala shows his power and Allah subhanho wa Taala provides a

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number of lessons from this. So let's look at the historical

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account. First, I'll read the translation for you. I'll

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translate the IFRS. So and then we'll we'll discuss it.

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Allah subhana wa Tada says, take the parable of the one who passed

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by a hamlet.

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Hamlet here means a city, a town, an area right, a bustling, you

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know, inhabitation of some sort, all in ruins, to its roofs, as

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they've completely become desolate. And it all fallen down,

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like really, really ruined. So this person said, Oh, how shall

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Allah bring it to life after its death? That was a remark he passed

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by. And he made this reflection, right? He had this reflection, how

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is Allah going to be able to bring this back to life? Or how will he

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not be able to but how will he bring this back to life? You know,

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what kind of, there was some kind of a reflection in that that he

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was doing? So it then says, but Allah caused him to die instead

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for 100 years. So Allah put Him to death for 100 years, put him to

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sleep essentially for like 100 years. And then He raised Him up

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again. And then Allah asked him, How long did you sleep for? How

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long did you Terry like this? He said, he looked and he thought,

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Oh, the sun is not even gone yet. So perhaps a day or even part of a

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day. That's what he kind of said. Allah said, No, you have been away

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for 100 years.

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you have stayed like this for 100 years. But look at your food and

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drink. So now there are two examples he gave him. Look at your

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food and drink. They showed no sign of age, they were totally

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fresh, right? Absolutely fresh. And look at your donkey. Now the

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donkey was in a different state become bones, and that we and that

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we may make of you a sign unto the people. So we want to we did this

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to you so that you could become a sign for the people after you and

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you're going to be an example. Look further at its bones, how we

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bring them together and clothed them with flesh. This is the bones

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of the donkey. When this was shown clearly to him, he said, I know

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that Allah has power over everything. He just had to declare

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that. Now that was quite a extraordinary event totally

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against the norm. So let's just look at the historical aspect of

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it first before we understood

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and how we can benefit from this through our readable right through

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our reflection on the Quran and how because remember everything in

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the Quran is while it may have very specific origin or specific

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source or cause, the benefit of it is has to be general because the

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Quran is a timeless book. So firstly, this is most likely

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according to the mafia city and according to the strongest opinion

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this is talking about Rosaire or Ezra it was eight it he said I'm

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one of the

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prophets of the Bani Israel. Now he's passing by Jerusalem so the

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this hamlet as translated here at least, right is a speaking about

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Jerusalem after Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed it. So this was a

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longing statement, a kind of a

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statement of memory, right to say that how is Allah gonna bring this

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back so as it was a Ali Salam passbands says Subhanallah you

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know, what a city this was, and look what the state it was like,

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if you go to remnants of these huge cities and towns of the

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historical times and you look at there's just some walls left and

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parapet walls and you know, some towers left here and there and

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some some chambers and so on. He likes ohana, what it used to be

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like if you go to Marrakech, there's lots of these places, you

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go to Rome, it's an open air museum, you go to Athens, you see

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all of this. And there's there's a number of places where you see

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this Subhanallah so he just remarked how is Allah subhanho wa

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Taala going to bring this back to life after its desolation. So

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Allah subhanaw taala wanted to do something different. He said,

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okay, because this doesn't usually happen. But he puts him to sleep

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for 100 years. When he when he gets up, it doesn't even feel like

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he slept that long. That's the thing. He thought that he just had

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a nap during the day because the sun is still out. So he thinks

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it's the same sun.

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He thinks it's the same sun of that same day. So then well, Allah

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subhanaw taala asks him, how long did you rest for? How long have

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you been lying here for and he thinks is just a day or a part of

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a day? And then Allah subhanaw taala tells him No, no, it's been

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100 years. And then he gives him really amazing two signs right one

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is he's got his food with him that he had brought along with him

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fresh food. It's absolutely fresh even after 100 years. But then his

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donkey Subhanallah I mean, again, this juxtaposition here, this

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opposite thing just occurs to us right? That Allah has one thing

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which would have died, which would have perished would have become

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worn out and probably decomposed by now and I don't know multiple

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times recycled, that's all fresh and then a donkey which also is a

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perishable object at the end of the day, it's alive that dies.

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That's totally gone in his bones now, but then Allah subhanaw taala

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says to the bones cave, and he says, I'm going to show you how

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you're going to bring this together. So he has the bones

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literally come and like a set like totally get constructed again,

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they fit into one another and form into the donkey. And then he says,

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I'm going to show you how we close this with flesh. So he puts the

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flesh on and then after that the life is blown back into this

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donkey and the donkey is bringing again Subhanallah so this double

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example he provides with totally to things about the food remaining

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And he had just had to declare that Allah subhanaw taala has

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power over all things.

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Right? So that's an example of to show Allah subhanho wa Taala is

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power in its multiple, multiple ways. Now, mashallah, that's

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essentially the historical account of it. However, for us how this

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benefits us is just to show how there's the ups and downs of this

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A whole city that's gone. And also the other thing I forgot to

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mention is that this city after he woke up after 100 years, was back

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to its hustle bustle full fledge city of Jerusalem, back to his

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hustle bustle activity going on everywhere. And somehow he came

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and you know, he wakes up in that so Allah subhanaw taala shows him

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in reality what he can do. It was a it was a profit, right? So

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that's why he you know, his his question was Allah subhanaw taala

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showed him realistically just like with Ibrahim out Islam in another

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verse that's going to adapt in certain Bukhara as well. He asks

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how Allah subhanaw taala brings back how Allah resurrect the dead.

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So he shows him how to do that, right? Subhan Allah Subhan Allah

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so we really need to reflect over the Quran. There's just so many

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parables that we can take from this right. So generally speaking,

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food would rot in a few hours, at least a few days. In this

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particular case, Allah subhanaw taala keeps it totally fresh for

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100 years. That in itself is amazing because, you know, you can

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keep certain things fresh in the fridge, and then in the freezer,

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but everything eventually deteriorates, even in the freezer.

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Like it just can't the bacteria and the whole motions of it.

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the way Allah subhanaw taala has

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designed everything to eventually perish like we perish. Eventually

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we become our we perish, everything perishes, things

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crumble, things die, things rot things decomposed. That's just the

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various different natures of what happens in this world. But in this

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case, this is what Allah subhanaw taala kept it totally fresh, keep

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food fresh for, for a what kind of refrigeration, that was what kind

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of preservatives are added there. Subhan Allah, right

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100 years.

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This gives us an idea, obviously, it definitely tells us about the

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life to come the next life. So that's one thing that we

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understand from this, how Allah subhanaw taala will bring

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everything back to the total vitality and back to their life

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even after being decomposed into graves. So that's one

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understanding we get from this of the Hereafter, there is no escape,

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we will be back standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala and

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hopefully, that will be in a good state. That's one thing. Another

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thing is the spiritual regeneration that Allah subhanaw

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taala hints at here, the spiritual Regeneration which is that if

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people are struggling with darkness in their life, and

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difficulties, and essentially indulgence with the shaytaan,

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having befriended the shaytaan, totally away from the remembrance

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of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala was just like a minor thought in the

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heart that used to bother them sometimes yes, I'm a Muslim, or

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somebody was not even Muslim at all, had no faith whatsoever,

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right? In fact, was against Allah was an atheist or whatever. And

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out of that darkness, they have a discontentment and they want to

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find light. Allah subhanaw taala if he can keep food fresh for 100

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years and have somebody sleep for 100 years, and then bring them

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back to life bring back a town or city totally destroyed and dis

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distracted. How can Allah subhanaw taala not just enlivened a

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spiritual heart to back to its spirituality or to spirituality.

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So that's another benefit that we get that Allah subhanaw taala has

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capability, Don't think, don't underestimate Allah subhanaw taala

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squadra and his, his ability, essentially, I think that's why

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that's why we aren't able to prosper, and to enhance ourselves.

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The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get

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further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The

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next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

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Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

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courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic

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essentials certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the

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end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of

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the most important topics in Islam and you will feel a lot more

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confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue

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to live, you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have

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this more sustained study as well as aka la halen. Salaam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

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