Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Khidar Kills a Child
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Welcome back to our Quranic reflections. So let us start with
the verse for today. Our although bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim
Bismillah he Rama near Rafi
for Bala alto had the either Nokia Houda Patera call apartelle 10 FC
Zacky yet be high enough still called LG the CHE and nohcra
thereafter Allah subhanaw taala says
what um well hola moussaka where humo me Nene for hushing.
You're here for Hoonah Talia no coup for Aradhana, au Videla,
Houma or boo Houma Hiram min who is aka who call Radha Ra.
So these are two parts of two verses from the same surah and
it's from Surah Toka. half as many of you may have guessed, which is
chapter 18, verses 74 and then 80 to 81, because there are some
intervening discussions in between. So, I want you to focus
on these two verses first, essentially what Allah subhanaw
taala is relating here is the story and the encounter between
Musa alayhis salam Moses and Fedora or Hodder Radi Allahu Anhu.
So what's happening here is they have both teamed up because
Mousavi Islam has been told that is somebody who knows, you know,
some knowledge that you do not possess. So he finds Haider Ali
salaam, and now he accompanies they, they're going together. And
then suddenly, there's one incident that takes place. But
here we want to discuss the second incident. The second incident is
that they proceed until they met a young man, a little young guy,
right? Maybe a youth. And Heather went and slew him. He went and
killed him. And Mousavi salaam becomes very upset. He says, Have
you slain an innocent man who has slain no one? An innocent person,
he's not killed anybody, it might be justified to kill somebody if
they kill somebody, but an eye for an eye. But here, he's not killed
anybody truly you have done a very foul thing. That's what he said.
Now, then after that they carry on. And there's another incident
that takes place, which we'll discuss later. But in this
particular case, when eventually further explains his reasoning,
right, for what, for what reason he did what he did. This is what
he says. He then clarifies it. As for the youth, his parents were
believers. And we feared that this young kid would grieve them by his
obstinate rebellion, and ingratitude to Allah subhanaw
taala. So we desired that the Lord would give them in exchange, a son
better in purity, of purity of conduct, and closer in affection,
Aqaba Rama, that we will replace the son for them. Right, and take
this one away and give them another son. Now, it doesn't
mention how exactly he killed him or how he died. That's not
mentioned. However, the explanation is that the reason is
that this kid was going to cause them problems, right because of
their intense love for him. And he was going to cause issues. There's
a lot of other linked details here, which we not going to go
into about destiny and Why did Allah subhanaw taala then create
him that way and all the rest of it. If you want, you can check our
lecture out which is called Don't be depressed, you don't know your
future. It's on zum zum academy.com You can listen to that
one for good in sha Allah a thorough understanding of the
predestination and decree issue in sha Allah. However, in this
particular case, let us look at this for a moment what's going on
in here, right? So one of the most important covenants that we have
ever signed for for human beings should be their faith, because
that is something that is a covenant for the hereafter. Any
other covenant or agreement or promise that you make is generally
for the world, and that will end with the world. However, any
covenant that you make a faith then that's about the hereafter
because faith is supposed to span what happens after death. I mean,
any good faith should do that. Now in Islam, that is obviously what
the case is for us. Now, in life, what is more valuable than faith,
right in life, what is more valuable in faith, you can have so
many other things but if you don't have faith, then you've lost your
hereafter. However, if you have not much in this world, but you
have strong faith and okay, there may be misery and difficulty and
hardship for so many years or decades or whatever it may be. But
eventually there's going to be Ultimate Bliss in the hereafter
because of your faith insha Allah. So that means if we then look at
another blessing in this world, another blessing in this world
that everybody you know that most people look for our children
mashallah chill
Children, and what could be more precious than a child with faith?
So if you have a child and you have a child with faith, that
would be probably the most precious thing. Subhanallah this,
what comes from this Quranic passage that we look, what we're
looking at? The truth that comes out of here is,
you know, a lot of people read this passage, they read it for the
story. Oh, what an interesting story, like, Wow, what an
interesting story. However, our job is actually to look at it and
ponder over it to see how it fits our life and how it provides a
guidance for us because the Quran is a book of guidance for all of
us individually.
So, this story of Musa Ali Salam and Haider Ali Salam is pretty
much towards the end of Surah, Tolka, half, right, it's towards
the latter end. There's a few other
stories mentioned after that, but it is towards the end. And now
you've got this incident where there's this youth gay, there's
this youth, and in the presence of this distinguished Messenger of
Allah subhanaw, taala, Musa alayhis, salaam, killer just goes
and does what he does, and he kills this child. And when us then
he explains the reason that he killed him is in consideration for
The reason he killed him is because this child was going to
have an adverse effect on the parents. And the parents were
righteous people. So now look at this, because they were righteous,
Allah subhanaw taala is protecting them. Because they were righteous,
Allah subhanaw taala is particularly protecting them from
their own children. I know that's a really, really complex idea
here. Okay, but let's just take it the way it is, you know, as it's
mentioned in the Quran, and we take it as the reality it is what
Allah subhanaw taala has intended, why he's intended that I'm not
going to I can't explain that right now. But the main point is,
that because of that child of this being a threat to their faith,
Allah subhanaw taala has that child done away with and gives
them many, many more children. And then there's their faith is
secure, that their children are secure with faith as well. And
that is what Heather explains afterwards, that Allah subhanaw
taala can easily give them another child. But if he messes up, if
keeping this child messes up their faith, that is nothing to replace
that, then they've lost this one and the hereafter, yes, there's
going to be a bit of a hardship and a feel of grief and sorrow.
And when people feel when they lose children, right, no doubt
about that. But that's going to be supplanted by many other children.
But if you lose faith, and there's nothing to grieve about
afterwards, because you have nothing, right, you have nothing
of the hereafter. So that was the comparison there. Right. Now,
before. I mean, the main point here is that faith is very, very
important. And I think that one of the big points here is that if you
have to make sacrifices for your faith, just like this child was
killed, right, then you should do so. Now before you jump to any
conclusions that were saying that you need to kill your children, or
kill anybody else who creates a problem for you in your faith.
Right? That's a no, no, I mean, that's very, very clear, and very,
very clear that even the biggest Muslim community, even the
greatest Muslim imam, even whoever it may be, right? The biggest
scholars, a group of scholars, a panel of scholars cannot kill a
child just because they're a bit disobedient. There are cases in an
Islamic in Islamic law and in Dar Al Islam, right, where, you know,
there is an eye for an eye and a Life for life. But this is not one
of them. They just somebody is disobedient, or somebody is a bit
mischievous, or somebody doesn't have faith properly, you can't
kill non Muslims either. I mean, that's very, very, very clear. So
that's not the point here. This is not some law, that that's how you
need to do it, right. However, what is understood from here is
that we need to make sacrifices. If you have bad friends that are
causing you a disturbance in your face, then you need to lose those
friends and have better friends. It's not that you don't have to be
with friends, you just have to be better with better friends,
especially if you're a person that is easily influenced, especially
if you're easily influenced, because Allah subhanaw taala has
this whole scenario played out, right? Quite a gruesome scenario,
to be honest, right? Just to underline, underline, this point,
that fake is very, very, very, very important. And has this 10
story related reporting in sort of gaffe, right, for for every and
then we're reminded of the story every Friday because
we're supposed to read, encouraged to read sort of source of gas
every Friday, right? Because it's supposed to then protect us from
fitna like that the journal and I guess the story makes that very,
very clear because it's telling us that faith is very, very important
and Allah subhanaw taala has, you know, even had a child killed
because because of this reason,
importance of faith is the is the is the is the main point here,
now, the Sharia is obviously forbidden killing anybody without
just cause and this is just something you
Unique to hidden because he was in all three of those he did show
these really really exceptional things that which are not for
others to do there after that, let us look at another thing about
this is that the next part of the story is that had the either at
the they came, they came to people, and they they asked for
food. They asked for hospitality because they were tired from the
trip. And for about a year by year former They refused any kind of
hospital hospitality. Basically the people of the area, maybe it
was Antioch, according to many of us, it was Antioch, right. They
came in they asked for food, they asked because they went to hotels
in those days. And the idea in those days was that you know, you
went and you know people fed fed
visitors and guests. But unfortunately these people didn't
feed them they refuse to feed them. So now what happens is
what happens is that they get to a G dar as Allah subhanaw taala says
about a year the format for which if you had Judah and Uri do
anything other than a Karma coil Hello shape that is the hot daddy
agile. So what happens is that suddenly they find this wall and
you know the story, and it was about to topple, right. So it's
immediate fixing it needed renovating, otherwise it was going
to topple. And then Heather gets up and starts to sort it out.
Right, he starts to fix it, it gets down and physical. And this
hard task of straightening a wall out renovating a wall that's
building work. That's not easy to do. Alright, so he starts to do
that. And musasa is just totally astonishes taken aback. It says, I
mean, you kill that guy. You also damaged the boat of the people
that took us for free. And now here these people refuse to feed
us and give us any provisions. And you're fixing a war of this, like
what is this? What kind of an understanding of this is this is
just too confusing and complicated for us to understand.
So again, they're Allah subhanaw taala explains in South Africa,
verse 82, here, right as for the wall, it belongs to the to us and
this is what Musa is now was told afterwards, it belongs to to you
to orphans, basically, their parents have died right orphans in
the town, beneath it was buried treasure, to which these two
youths were entitled the Father. Now look at this, this is the main
point. This is what links this point with the previous incident
as well. The father was a pious man,
the father was a pious man. So your Lord desired that these two
youths should attain the age of their full strength, and get out
and then be able to extract their treasure, a mercy and a favor from
your Lord Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. What this is telling you is
that if you do have faith, now, it's going to protect you. And not
just you, but it's going to protect in your absence is going
to protect your generations, your progeny, your children, it's going
to protect them as well. That's what faith is all about. Faith is
one of the most powerful assets you can have in this world. So in
the previous story of the killing of the young boy, there's the
story of faith, being so important that even a child has to die for
that. And in this case, you've got a story where faith is working for
you, right, because the parents were faithful, because they had
good faith, Allah subhanaw taala is looking after their children in
a way that nobody would have expected that you get these
strangers, and one of them is a prophet, right, that comes from
out of town, and they are going to fix this wall, even though the
circumstances would have demanded that they not do so because they
were not treated with hospitality. That is the most amazing thing
because had that wall collapsed, right? I guess I forgot to mention
had that world collapsed, the buried treasure there, meaning
that which had been left for the children by their parents, right,
they would have been exposed, and then he would have been usurped by
the people of the town, because they would not have taken into
consideration these two orphans. So they would have then faced
poverty and suffering. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has actually
promised goodness for people with faith. So that is what Allah
subhanaw taala has done.
That is the amazing idea that for the sake of faith, all of this,
all of this is happening. And that's why we need to leave our
children with faith. The faith is the most important aspect here.
The main points of this is to basically bring a big distinction
between faith and disbelief, faith and disbelief. The first parents
could have been led to disbelief. In the second case, you've got the
you've got the situation where the belief works for them. And
subhanAllah Allah subhanaw taala shows the value of faith that even
Friends are protected. This reminds me of a very, very, very
heart rending story that I personally encountered. I was
sitting in place in India called Sahara and poor, right, which has
had for over 100 years you know, it's had a major seminary and huge
number of scholars have have been born there and have been trained
there and mashallah have been able to benefit so many people, you
know, myself, I've Hamdulillah I studied there as well. So, at the
time, you know, in the, at the time, there was a Mufti Mustafa,
Mustafa Mustafa, may Allah have mercy on him is he's died now. And
he was such a man of Allah subhanaw taala. I remember sitting
in one of his gatherings and he was saying how his father whose
name was Maulana Yahia Sheikh yeah here and he had nothing shake your
hair used to be a total ascetic, he never used to keep anything of
the world, he used to literally go. I mean, if I've seen any, you
know, if I've heard of anybody who was like Abu Bakr Siddiq are the
Allah one, where they would only take as much as would be
sufficient, you know, to lead their life, nothing in excess,
nothing extra, then that would be, you know, he would be the example
for that he would not take anything extra, he would take only
as much even for his teaching and so on, only as much as would
suffice in his home. And subhanAllah his wife would
sometimes you know, tried to save or whatever. And he he used to
just deal with it just the way bucket acidic or the alone would
deal with it, where he would do away with any excess. Somebody
then asked him, you know, towards the end of his life, what are you
going to do for your children? What are you leaving for your
children? And subhanAllah? That was the answer that you know,
really, really struck my heart and Allah give us a Tofik to do the
same thing and to have the same sentiment is that Allah subhanaw
taala says in the Quran, that Allah, Allah Who Yet Allah Saudi
hain, Allah subhanho wa Taala takes care of, right Allah
subhanho wa Taala is the willie he is the one who takes care of the
side one of the righteous ones I have tried to make my children
side of him and Allah subhanho wa Taala I'm leaving them to Allah to
take care of now what Tawakkol in Allah, I mean he's a person who
the Quran is working for him. He's made the Quran work for him he's
he's related to the Quran. And that's what this story underscores
as well as the same thing we see the Quran telling us about the
story of these parents that because of their faith, Masha,
Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is protecting their progeny after
them. We've seen this in numerous cases, that there's some children,
they mess up, and then suddenly they get back on track and they do
some really good work in this world is, you know, a lot of youth
that that happens to they, they they have problems for a while,
and then after that they come and they mashallah accomplished much.
And then, you know, you find out that it's because of some door of
some righteous person in their family, maybe their grandfather,
maybe their mother, maybe the father, whoever it is, let us not
see a bad day with our children. Let not there be a bad day for us
with our children or progeny until the Day of Judgment, such that you
know, we wake up on the day of judgment we come about, and there
we see that Subhan Allah some of our progeny have left the faith.
You know, the deen is in crisis. And we know of so many people, you
know, in different countries, where they move to different
countries and they lost their faith, right? May Allah subhanaw
taala not allow that to happen for us. And sometimes you could be in
your own country, in your own surroundings, but then Allah
subhanaw taala Subhanallah you know, there's situations that come
upon you that cause people to lose their faith, Allah subhanaw taala
preserved the faith of ourselves and our progeny until the day of
judgment and allow us to take a benefit from these verses, just
like Allah here, please keep us in your doors. May Allah subhanaw
taala bless you all, and may Allah grant you the best of your wishes,
all of your permissible needs may Allah subhanho wa Taala fulfill
them. And Allah subhanho wa Taala accept as salam aleikum, wa
rahmatullah wa barakato. The point of a lecture is to encourage
people to act to get further an inspiration, and encouragement,
persuasion. The next step is to actually start learning seriously
to read books to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the
subjects of Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become
more aware of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started
Rayyan courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on
demand whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as local law here and Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.