Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Justice for Muslims and NonMuslims

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The Bible is a source of insight into the holy era and the holy spirit. Visuals like the holy grail, holy spirit, and the holy era are discussed, with justice being a topic of discussion. The holy era required a greater understanding of one's rights and required individuals to take advantage of the universal principles. Visuals like the holy grail, holy spirit, and the holy era are also mentioned as important.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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let us start with a verse of the Quran

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are all the MILA Jimenez che Bonnie Raji maybe Smilla Rahmanir

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Rahim in Allah here more or Bill idly will certainly ye

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even when I need a fracture

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you will move carry well belly yeah are you though Kamala I look

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on the rune Sakalava Levine hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu

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was Salam ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge marine a

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Merbau read

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these verses that I've just recited Now, verse 90 of the 60s

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just the 60s chapter of the Quran is sorta Nahal verse 90. This is

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something that you may have heard every Friday. This is what the

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Habib says, we say this every week, that in the La Jolla model

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we largely were there certainly were either either CORBA away and

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Highland fascia evil monkey well belly or EToken, I look into the

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karoun We generally end the hotbar with that it's a very prominent

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verse of the hotbar. Essentially what it means is that Allah

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subhana wa Tada. Allah enjoins justice, Allah enjoins justice

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performing duties for only Allah sake. Allah enjoys justice

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performing duties for only Allah sake, giving help to kith and kin,

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forbidding evil, obscenity and oppression. So Allah subhanho wa

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Taala is enjoying justice, performing duties for only Allah

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which is his that's how they've translated Ehsaan here, or doing

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things with an in an excellent way, you know, for the right

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reason, a certain way essentially doing good, and then giving help

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to kith and kin, and then forbidding evil, and obscenity and

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He admonishes you, so that you may take heed. So as you can see from

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this, that there are some of the most important points that are

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mentioned here. And maybe that's the reason why it's been

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incorporated into the hotbar every week, right that we're reminded of

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this. So

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again, majority of us who don't understand Arabic will probably

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have heard this verse over and over again, every week, and never

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figured out why that's always mentioned. You know, what's the

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reason for that one being mentioned each week? Why has that

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one particularly been chosen?

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And what we should do actually, is that we should be a bit more

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curious and interested than that, if there's something in our

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hotbar, or something in solid that has been recited often and

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mentioned often, then, if you don't understand it, we should

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actually call and try to find out because clearly, there's a message

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in there for us since it's been repeated so many times.

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Essentially, why this verse is mentioned. So here this is, in

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these reflections series, I'm trying to find these kinds of

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verses that speak of some really universal ideas within Islam,

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universal principles and precepts in Islam, as you may have noticed

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already, rather than individual stories, so in our reflections,

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we've not been dealing with, you know, stories of prophets in

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detail or anything like that, because mashallah they're

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generally covered with discussing some very, very fundamental

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precepts of the religion. So here, what this is, is that this verse

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of certain novel is actually a comprehensive code of conduct, and

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he has a number of different injunctions and directions in

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there. Now, the first one obviously, is justice, right? Bill

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idol. Idol is justice.

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So let's take these one by one. The first one is justice. And

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Allah subhanaw taala just says, in the law yet Moreover, libel, Allah

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subhanho wa Taala commands and enjoys justice. He says this in an

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absolute way, not qualifying it with any particular type of

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justice or any particular type of situation, or from a particular

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individual. He's just saying you need to have justice, you need to

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deal with justice.

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Now, the second one then is

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talking about the spending then then you've got Hassan, Bill at

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deliver Exxon which is doing good. And then Allah subhanaw taala

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speaks about assisting, giving the kith and kin, giving basically

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your relatives.

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When it comes to the kith and kin. There's other places where Allah

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subhanaw taala mentions that you should start with your closest

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kin, your closest relatives. The hadith mentions that as well, that

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you should start from your closest relatives, because they need you

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most and they are most entitled to what we can offer them. Reason is

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that Allah Subhan

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anatella As you've heard in through other verses in the

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reflections there, that Allah subhanaw taala has put us into

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specific families and tribes and groups. And we're supposed to help

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one another Allah subhanaw taala has provided there to be a

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a direction between us a, an agreement between us, I mean, your

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father, your mother, your relatives, and the closest ones

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have more on us than others, I mean, we would be more sinful for

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neglecting them than to neglect this a stranger for example.

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So, we learned that that you must start from them first. And when it

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comes to, so, if we go back to the whole justice idea, Allah subhanaw

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taala keeps it open. Right. The last point in here is so in the

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law here and we will in a lie and will be likely with so anyway even

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a quarterback when I need fracture, you will Wonka and Allah

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prohibits from two things Allah prohibits from fascia, which is

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obscene any moral evil ideas, right. And Moncure just means

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basically anything wrong. Anything that is indecent, pretty much

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anything which is indecent, that any reasonable person anywhere in

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the world would say that this is wrong. Right, that is Moncure,

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something that is looked on and is disfigured it is not recognizable

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as something of decency. That's what a Moncure is. I mean, if you

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take it in a religious sense, and among God is obviously anything

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which is prohibited under Sharia. But anything that is considered to

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be indecent throughout decent communities, is probably going to

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be considered to be in decent initially, as well, because that

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is actually is very natural, right? So anything which is in

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decent is going to be in decent in the Sharia as well. Now, when it

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comes to if we go back to the first point, which is justice,

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right, after we've understood the verse, in a brief sense, we, these

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are some of the issues when it comes to justice, when we're

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trying to deal with in our, in our lives. Many times many of us were

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only focused on justice, when it concerns us, if we're being dealt

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with in an unjust way. If we are somehow being oppressed or somehow

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being dealt the wrong amount, then it's okay when the justice

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concerns us. Or if it if you're getting if we go on a larger level

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that if it concerns our family, then we're interested, if it's to

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do with our religion, then we're interested, if it's to do with our

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tribe, then we're interested, otherwise, we're not interested,

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it doesn't matter if there's other injustice that is happening

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elsewhere in the world. But that's not what Allah subhanaw taala

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says, Allah subhanaw taala, where he fixed, assisting your your

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family first, he did not talk about justice as doing that to

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your family first and nobody else. Right. So that's why the Justice

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command here is much more general that we need to be just in every

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So if it involves a stranger, somebody we don't know from

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another religion or whatever, then we just don't care a lot of the

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time, many of the times our justice and we've seen this

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through the fatwas that we receive, you know, through the

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questions that we have, when people are asking for their

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rights, and where there's an injustice that has taken place,

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it's always about

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myself, it's always about the person, you know, there's no, you

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know, you hardly ever get a question that, look, I've had this

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issue with somebody else. I'm worried that I may be oppressing

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them, so can you please let me know that I'm not oppressing them?

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Right. It's generally that they've done this to me, and they're

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oppressing me. And you know, I want to just make sure that that's

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the case, or that I want to get my rights, I want to prove the point.

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So this is the kind of imbalance here and that's how Allah subhanaw

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taala. Once Allah subhanaw taala wants good justice to prevail in

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this world, because that then contributes to a much better

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world. A lot of the time, I mean, we're not interested in justice,

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if we don't get any kind of material benefit from it.

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Sometimes we don't want to do justice, because we fear

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criticism, right? So that's why we will avoid justice. This is a

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major problem in many, many organizations, many kind of ruling

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parties and so on, right?

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We don't want to do justice sometimes, or we don't want to

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speak justly, because it's going to ruin our reputation. It's going

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to put us on the wrong side of people is not with the right

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group, we may lose out on some incentives, some material gains.

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These are all different reasons why we may not want to do just

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that. It's just again, these reflections are there for us to

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reflect and to think, where am I in this, you know, we can't change

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the whole world but we can definitely try to change ourselves

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especially when Allah subhanaw taala is telling us this. That's

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why it's very, you could say that it's very difficult to do justice

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purely for the sake of doing justice purely as a command of

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God. Right? It's okay, as I said, to do it for oneself, and we're

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gonna get benefit from it, but not when it's just purely for the sake

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of justice.

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So, sometimes, you know, we may understand some truths, but it's

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difficult for us to act on

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that truth because there's just so many factors or there's a certain

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factor that is going to prevent us from doing that. And the only

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person that's going to do proper justice is other people who Allah

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subhanaw taala strengthened, with a strong sense of justice and a

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boldness and an ability to see it through regardless of what

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happens, even if it goes against their own. That's the person who's

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going to be able to do just justice. As I said, we may not be

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able to change the whole world, but we can definitely do make a

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better effort at it, right through these verses. Now, the reason why

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we must do this is because the whole of the Creation generally

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justice is to do with creation, but it could also go to, you know,

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to do with animals or the environment, natural resources and

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so on. Right is because everything belongs to Allah subhanaw taala

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and the whole of creation or the bondsman of Allah, the family of

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Allah, you could say Allah is looking after them, it Allah is

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responsible for them. And Allah wants us to look after one another

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purely for that sake. So that's why you can understand

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that we are all members of the same family. So that's why if

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there's any injustice somewhere else, it's going to affect us us

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as well because we're members of that same family of humanity.

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That's why you have to understand that now look at this that Allah

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subhanaw taala is very strong on Tawheed and monotheism, the

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Quranic message is filled with monotheism, right sort of a floss,

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or with a biller him in a shape on the rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR

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Rahim Khan, who Allah Who Had Allah Who Samad let me any

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dwelling you lead with me Aquila, who Khufu and I had is essentially

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considered to be 1/3 of the Quran. And certainly philos is

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monotheism. It's still here. That's what it's there for. That

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that's what it's, it is highlighting, despite that fact,

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that 1/3 of the Quran you can say is devoted to the doctrine of

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monotheism. Right? And Allah subhanaw taala is so sensitive to

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where that monotheism may be contravened or violated. And Allah

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subhanho wa Taala doesn't like Schick right for sure.

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Despite that, Allah subhanaw taala is saying that you must be just to

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everybody. It doesn't matter if they're polytheist or whatever, it

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everybody. In this particular command, Justice needs to prevail

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Because Islam regards all human beings regardless of their faith,

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their country, their origin, race,

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color, as members of Allah's family, he sustains every one of

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them you have to remember that even those who blaspheme against

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Allah, who deny God, Allah subhanaw taala. He sustains

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everyone, right? Allah's favorite servant is not necessarily the one

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who just worships Him through salah, etc. But who also

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loves Allah. Allah subhanaw taala loves the one who does good to his

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family members. So that's an important part of our Islam is to

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do well for other human beings. Now,

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it could have been so easy for Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran

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to have said that it's just Muslims who are members of one

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family. Right? Could have been perfectly understandable because

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they're the ones who are fulfilling what Allah subhanaw

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taala once, right, the only Muslims are member of the same

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family. But know Allah subhanho wa Taala keeps this general and

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designates all human beings, right, without any distinction of

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faith. That's why you see some of the Hadith about it as well. They

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just general, right, they're just general. They're not just about

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The other thing is that Allah subhanaw taala hasn't just

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designated certain individuals to dispense the justice, of course,

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judges have to dispense justice and, you know, rulers have to

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dispense justice and so on. But this is actually an obligation

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that is incumbent on anybody that we everybody that we must be just

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in every one of our situations. Right? It doesn't matter whether

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it may be a Christian doing justice, or a Muslim, dispensing

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the justice, if there's a Christian who's doing adjust, if

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there's an atheist who is dispensing some kind of justice,

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then we must support that justice for the sake of that just justice.

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Of course, if there's any other

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issues involved, that that's a different issue. Allah commands

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that justice and good be done. That's what we understand from

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this. And as I said, it's not just to be done by Muslims, but it's to

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be done by everything because Allah subhanaw taala is the

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sustainer or is Alhamdulillah we say this often Alhamdulillah Bill

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and I mean, all praises to Allah Who the ROB that the sustainer of

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all the world's meaning everything included in that world's not

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Alhamdulillah Bill Muslimeen Alhamdulillah he wrote bill,

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meaning that's not what Allah subhanaw taala said. People will

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Iman Masha, Allah has their value, right, a very special value in

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Allah subhanaw taala site their beloved to Allah. But the whole of

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humanity is whom Allah subhanho wa Taala looks after he created them,

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and He is the cherish of everyone. And Allah subhanaw taala has made

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all of the general amenities like the sun and the moon, the solar

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system, the trees, the mountains, and the rivers, the animals, and

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everything that is on the earth, available to everybody. That is to

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everyone, right to believers and non believers, and his justice

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needs to be equally beneficial to everyone. Right?

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Now, you have to remember without justice, remember this without

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justice, you cannot have balance in this world, because balance is

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important of this world, for the world to sustain itself. Balance

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is important, and that is to justice. They say that

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civilizations can survive, sometimes even without faith, but

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with Justice longer than, you know, longer than, you know, those

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that don't have justice, don't have a balance, and have to have

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faith. So there could be some faithful people who profess to

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believe in God, believe in Allah, but don't, you know, dispense

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justice, they will not last as long as those who have justice,

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justice provides stability. Why is it that so many of us enjoy so

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many people they enjoy coming to a certain, you know, Western

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countries? Because I guess there is a sense of greater sense of

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justice than many other countries, right? That's one of the reasons

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and justice is so innately a human desire and a human need a human

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essential that That's why Allah subhanaw taala has really, really

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spoken about this in this way. This explains the you can tell

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that this is basically a note of universalism, right? This is a

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message of universalism, in the Quran in this Quranic assertion,

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right? That justice is good, and it should be done in an absolute

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Allah subhana wa Tada in another place. Allah subhanaw taala

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instructs Muslims, right, that

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for example, I mean, the verse is I'll just read the verse to you

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yeah, yeah, Halloween.

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Cool. Wamena de la he Shuhada a bill test. While I actually met

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Nick Commissioner earn Coleman. Hola, hola, Danny rue de Loup, who

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Acropolis Taqwa what? The Kula in Allah Javi. Rami Mata Emanuel, are

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believers. Stand firm for Allah and bear true testimony. Be

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truthful in your testimony, do not let the hatred of a people lead

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you to injustice just because you hate somebody, for whatever reason

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valid or invalid. It can't lead you to injustice be just, and that

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is closer to righteousness, and be mindful of Allah, surely Allah is

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all aware of what you do. So now I think that really underscores what

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it's what it's to be. And the other thing that we have to

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remember is that Justice needs to be freely available to everyone,

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no matter which faith which country, which ethnicity, or

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people are justice needs to be available to everybody. Right? And

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that is the kind of Allah subhanaw taala. So

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justice needs to become the hallmark of every Muslim, wherever

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we are at our in our individual capacities, in our individual

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circumstances, whether that be to do with our neighbor, in terms of

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some maybe boundary disputes, in terms of

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you know, who threw what, or who has to clean water, who has to fix

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what, and all of these ideas, who owns what I mean Subhanallah

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today, brothers and sisters are arguing, parents and children are

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arguing over inheritance in terms of property, who owns what I mean,

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it's just absolute oppression, no, just justice whatsoever. We ask

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Allah subhanaw taala to grant us justice make us a just nation,

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contribute to a just world and fulfill the command of the Quran

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this universal command of the Quran for justice.

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Just like Allah here and as salaam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi

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Wabarakatuh May Allah bless you all, may Allah subhanho wa Taala

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bless our our Ramadan's and our iman and our life and our grant us

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prosperity please keep us in your doors make a dua for us right now

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Sena ya go rahmatullah wa barakato. The point of a lecture

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is to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration and

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encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start

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learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and

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to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,

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so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.

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And that's why we started Rayyan courses so that you can actually

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take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,

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especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we

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have on there, the Islamic essentials certificate which you

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take 20 Short modules and at the end of that inshallah you will

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have gotten the basics of

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Most of the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot

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more confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can

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continue to live, you know to listen to lectures, but you need

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to have this more sustained study as well as local law here in

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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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