Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections How to Acquire Intense Love for Allah Part 2
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Those, some people refer to this muhabba of Allah as referring to
the love of his worship, love of his obedience. They love to obey
Allah That's what love means here.
Some take it as the love of his reward. I love Allah because I
love what he's promised me I love what he's going to give me.
Right so now let's analyze this some of us are probably like this
that we love Allah because we want paradise. We want his reward.
And some people they just really enjoy their worship. Now what
exactly should it be?
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
are all the middle human a che Vanya Raji maybe Smilla Rahmanir
Rahim Wamena in Nursey me talking to me. Do we need Allah He? Daddy
your hipbone at home there have been
one levena Amen. Oh, I shall do hope burnin.
Whether we are on letting you know whatever who is your own either
but and then with any hegemony.
When Allah has shady do lie the now
today we don't have time to discuss the love of Allah subhanho
wa Taala in great detail as to exactly what that entails. Right.
But inshallah we'll we've done that before. And we'll do that in
the future. But however, just to give you a bit of an anecdote,
it's related about Ibrahim Ali Salam. Now Dr. Elissa was a very
close friend of Allah subhanaw taala. He called Helene right.
Felicia O'Brien Melissa is the hottie the very close friend. Once
he tells Milliken mote it his salaam who had come medical most
had come to take his life to take his soul, right? This was the end
of his life. So he had an objection here. Well, he had a
question. He said, I read the hollyland. You mean to Halina who?
Have you ever seen a friend who would cause death to his friend?
Have you ever seen one friend causing death to is his friend? So
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. He inspires? He says, Hello, Allah
subhanaw taala says Hanro Ada hollyland Yakar Holika solidi Have
you ever seen a friend who dislikes to go and meet his friend
disliked to go and join up with this friend? So then immediately
afterwards? Ibrahim Ali salami says, Yeah, medical Moats? Yeah,
medical moats, oh, Angel of Death, and fuck, now you can take my
soul, you can take my soul.
that's friendship. That's true love and true friendship.
According to one of our Tabori, who's a great commentator of the
Quran is that his name is should be. He says that on the Day of
Judgment. And may Allah subhanaw taala make us of these lovers of
Allah. He says that on the Day of Judgment, all of the owners all of
the communities of the different prophets, they're going to be
called by their prophets. Your own meta Musa. Yeah, or meta? No.
Yeah, meta Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and while?
Absolutely, we would be totally happy by being clear on meta
Mohamed in Salallahu Alaihe Salam, right. However, it says that the
Mahi been those who really loved Allah subhanaw taala. And who got
to that status of love. They will be invited by yeah Olia Allah of
friends or Allah. or friends of Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala
make us make us of that. So what exactly
is this love? This verse that we read? When Medina Armand, who I
should the hook Bonilla, what exactly is this love? That's what
we're going to look at today in sha Allah.
Those, some people refer to this muhabba of Allah as referring to
the love of his worship, love of his obedience. They love to obey
Allah. That's what love means here.
Some take it as the love of his reward. I love Allah because I
love what he's promised me. I love what he's going to give me.
Right? So now, let's analyze this. Some of us are probably like this,
that we love Allah because we want paradise. We want his reward.
And some people they just really enjoy their worship. Now, what
exactly should it be?
So, these people, they think they've recognized that pleasure
is something the pleasure, the pleasure of obedience, the
pleasure of the reward of Allah. So they think that the pleasure is
intrinsically lovable. It's the pleasure which you're after,
right? Because that is can be made.
is an object of love, and it's intrinsically lovable.
They've not recognize
that the perfection of Allah is what should be intrinsically
lovable. There's a higher level to the site's the perfection of Allah
that we love. We can't see any blemishes because it's perfection
that leads us to love something, and to totally incline and be
obsessed by something. Right? So the it for those who really know
Allah subhanaw taala, they say that know Allah subhanho wa Taala
is my move and fee that he is the one the object of love, the
subject of love, the one who is beloved, for his self, right? In
himself and for himself, not for any exterior reason is not because
of his reward is not for his avoiding his punishment. It's not
for obeying Him, although we're going to obey Him, right? It's
actually that Allah is an entity that can be loved for his own
sake, and due to his own sake, and for his own sake, intrinsically
lovable entity, because he has all of the qualities for that.
So these are the people for whom, and you can't recognize this
unless you get an idea and a recognition of some of Allah
subhanaw taala is perfection
The reason is that Allah subhanaw taala is the most complete and
perfect of any perfect being that you might consider perfect, He is
the most perfect, of complete and perfect beings. That is Allah
subhanaw taala.
Because he is essential, Allah has to be there for this whole
universe to be there and he has to be there, even if the universe was
not there because he is
Necessarily Existent.
And he is essentially independent of everything else. He doesn't not
nothing else depends. Nothing else does he depend on? Everything
depends on him.
In fact, the perfection of everything else comes from his
So, Allah subhanaw taala, for example, right? Allah subhanho wa
Taala is most perfect in his knowledge. And in his ability in
his power, right? He's most
in both of those aspects. And in multiple other aspects. That's
what he is. So sometimes there's a person who has a lot of knowledge
and usually people gravitate towards knowledge, that is
somebody with a lot of knowledge, people usually will gravitate
towards them and will inclined towards them and will love them
because of that knowledge.
Sometimes you've got a person who is very, very brave. So because of
his bravery, people are inclined towards that person and they
admire that person for that reason. Sometimes you've got
somebody who's very abstinent, very cautious, very scrupulous,
very careful. So they may be, you know, whatever other people might
find very attractive and difficult to restrain themselves from this
fun person is on a very, very particular kind of diet. And he
can go through all of this and not have a problem. He's got the
restraint. He's got the caution.
So you respect that kind of a person? How can we then not love
Allah subhanho wa Taala when he's got all of these factors, these
were just some of the factors for which we love people that we could
love people and admire them for. So why can't we love Allah
subhanho wa Taala for these very same issues, these very same
points because Allah subhanaw taala has knowledge knows no
bounds like there is no end to His knowledge. Right? There just can't
be any kind of not knowing for Allah subhanaw taala likewise, All
power is for Allah subhana wa Tada everything else is actually no
power compared to the power of Allah subhana wa Tada likewise,
the bravery whatever else you want to call it, and the ability to
withhold themselves and restrain themselves and be careful about
themselves, all of that whatever people have is nothing compared to
what Allah subhana wa Tada has. So that's why it becomes very
important to conclude that the one who is truly the only one who is
actually truly lovable in that perfect regard, in that perfect
way, is Allah subhanaw taala. And that he is to be loved for his own
sake. And due to his own sake, whether anybody else who loves him
or not, he is entitled to that whether anybody else loves him or
not. I just want to finish off with
a kind of a subtle point here, which is very interesting. No
human being, they don't have any pathway to get to know Allah
subhanho wa Taala just like that, right here. There's no pathway to
know Allah subhanaw taala just like that, like if it's just the
human being and Allah subhanaw taala How would you learn about
Allah subhanaw taala
way to learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala is essentially to look
around and to look at everything that Allah subhanaw taala has
created and everything that Allah owns. And without that you can't
really get to Allah because how do you understand Allah with just
your mind you need the creation, which everything in creation is a
sign of Allah and you recognize from the Allah as beauty, that
Allah is alive that Allah has ability that allows perfection
that Allah has designed, that Allah has power, and so on and so
forth. You need something to get to Allah subhanaw taala you can't
just sit there and say, I know Allah unless, of course, Allah
impart that knowledge to us that's different, but just usually
speaking, that's how it's going to happen.
So now, can we then conclude that anybody who has a more subtle
knowledge regarding the creation of Allah subhanaw taala, so deeper
knowledge, into the biology into the physics, into the smaller
workings and the sophistication of the creation of Allah subhanaw
taala, then obviously, they they can they can lead that can lead
them to a conclusion about Allah subhanaw taala and his greater
solid because Allah is very elaborate and very sophisticated,
very complete, and very perfect. The only way you can really get an
understanding of that is when you get an understanding of the
perfection of His creation. So anybody who has greater
understanding of the creation, they should definitely have that
kind of conclusion unless they availed themselves. This is the
problem, they failed him and many of the scientists, some, they are
believing scientists, and then they are atheist scientists, and
there are agnostic scientists. So that person's love for Allah
subhanaw taala should eventually become the most perfect. And the
other thing then is that since there is no end to Allah's
perfection, like you can never enumerate all of it, you can never
encompass all of it and list all of it in one place, it's just
always going to be there's going to be more than that, because
Allah is that entity in such a way that he's just limitless,
infinite. So
there can't be any end to how much you can love Allah subhanho wa
for a way, because you love someone, or something based on the
understanding of their completeness, and their perfection
and their sophistication. And there's no end to Allah
sophistication and completeness and perfection. So the more you
learn, the more your love will increase. That way, we could
probably very easily conclude that love of Allah is always
increasing, the more you learn about him, and the more you learn
about his creation, and if that's taking you in the right direction.
And eventually what the why that's going to happen is when you
usually what happens is that when you see perfection in something
that human beings, I think, have this natural propensity, natural
inclination to admire and to acknowledge perfection and
completeness and goodness in something, right? Yes, we might
veil it. Sometimes we might deny we might be stubbornness, but deep
down, I think everybody eventually recognized for leader and virtue
of some fee. So when you start recognizing this, so you might
deny it first because your ideology doesn't allow you to
believe in a God. But deep down, it just needs to be unraveled.
That's why have a discussion with people like that, you know,
unravel this, for them have a discussion, people like that, that
is what's going to lead them to have more of an appreciation of
what's happening in terms of the design of this world and so on.
And then thus an appreciation of the maker of this world if they
can just overcome these weird arguments that have been put
forward by deniers of God. Now what happens is that eventually
these people can become the greatest lovers of ALLAH SubhanA
wa Tada. Because the idea is that as soon as you start, as soon as
that muhabba comes in, it will overtake the heart. And then after
that a person just finds just find solace and comfort with Allah
subhanaw taala. And then when you find comfort and solace with
Allah, this is just the logical explanation. When you find comfort
and solace with Allah. What that does is that that eventually just
makes you makes everything else pale in your sight and wane in
your sight so that you don't really things don't excite you
anymore. Like you haven't, you have a car that did you very, very
well. And then after that you've got a new car, that old car
suddenly pales in your sight because you've got something new
that happens with everything else, you know, usually that happens,
you still have sentimental attachment to something. But at
the end of the day, it pales in significance to something greater
and something, something that is bigger than that. Right? So
when you when we eventually become very comforted by Allah subhanaw
taala then after that, you don't want to look at anything else
afterwards. And all of those things wane in your sight and
that's what they call a parishes. Right, this concept of Fernanda up
a Sufi speak about that everything else perishes, he just means that
it becomes nothing because there's something greater that you're
looking at. The greater thing when the sun comes out a little candle
is not needed anymore, right?
little candle is not needed anymore, you have the sunlight
afterwards, right? No other spotlight is going to help once
the sun is out there, there's no summer spotlight that compares to,
you know, the sunlight.
So, the only way to really understand this is that when
somebody has an issue, Shadi has like an intense love for
something, right? For anything like imagine your intense love
that you have for something where you're willing to sacrifice
everything for that thing, you just want that thing.
For example, you see traders, their main love, and their
obsession is actually with, with with earning a living, right, if
they're really business oriented, they just want to make money, they
just want to do a hustle wherever it is, they want to make money in
every sense, every cent counts. So if they can make an extra cent
here or there, they will do that. And in that case, what they will
do for in some cases, they will, they will, they will stay hungry
because a very busy period, so they don't get their meals on
time, they don't get their their sleep on time, they're willing to,
at nighttime go and stock up to go and get supplies to go and stock
up the shop for the next day. They only have you know, they're lucky
to have maybe one or two hours of see because they know this is the
where they have to protect their assets or whatever it is because
you know, they're scared that somebody somebody might take them
or they might be a robbery or something like that they're
willing to undergo all of these things because of the object of
their love.
Now, if you can just see it as an example of something so lowly, you
know, in the greater you know, in terms of the greater role of it in
in terms of the Hereafter, and somebody can be so obsessed by it,
then how can somebody not be obsessed by Allah subhanaw taala
to that level as well. And thus,
the people who believe they are most intense in their love for
Allah subhanho wa Taala compared to anything else. Again, to
summarize this, the only way to that is to learn about Allah more.
And when you learn about Allah, Allah, you just can't help but
understand His greatness and His perfection, his sophistication,
his beauty is designed and everything else about him. And
then that just overwhelms you. Right? Just just start learning
about Allah and you'll see that it will overwhelm you don't even have
to do anything more. You just have to remove your biases. You just
have to give yourself up to Allah and just acknowledge Allah and
just recognize him and all of this in sha Allah will just carry on
it's just we'll get to it and inshallah then we can say that we
are those believers who are most ardent in their love for Allah
subhanaw taala. May Allah make us of them? May Allah make us of
them. May Allah accept us.
As as that they'll obviously this conditions for lovers. May Allah
subhanaw taala allow us to race to that condition. Just like a lot
here. This month of Ramadan is a great time for that for us to be
able to maybe even try to achieve this. We know it's achievable now.
So now we can ask Allah subhanaw taala May Allah subhanaw taala
give us this? Well, I could read that one out and 200 Lojban I mean
for Salam Alikum for Rahmatullah who want to cut.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books
to take on that subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects
of Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more
aware of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started
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that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well to Xhaka la here in Santa Monica Monica La
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