Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Final Words of Phophet Ya’qub to His Sons

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the historical insight of the Quran and its historical significance, including the historical significance of people leaving behind their writing and the historical significance of people not wanting to witness an event. They emphasize the importance of preserving faith and staying in a family, as well as the historical significance of people not wanting to witness AD events. The story focuses on preserving faith and staying in a family, and the goal is to have a " AD" moment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome back to our

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Ramadan reflections. And as usual we will start with the verse for

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today are all the bill humanists shaytani Raji Bismillah AR Rahman

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AR Rahim, and go to shahada held on Yahoo Bell mood is called a de

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Bernie Hema taboo when I mean birdie, called Luna Budo, Isla

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haka, Isla

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Ibrahim or Ismar Isla is Ha called Isla how Heda when a hula hoop

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musli moon, so this is a verse from Surah Baqarah verse 133 of

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swords or Bacara. Allah subhanho wa Taala depicts a particular

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scene of somebody very close to death with all of his children,

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everybody around him. So this is Jaco Valley. He's a Jacoba. Sam

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had gone through so much in his life with his children use Valley

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Salaam and his brothers. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us were

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you present when death appeared before Yaqoob before Jacob, were

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you present when death appeared before Yaqoob? Behold, he said to

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his sons, what will you worship after me? They said, we should

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worship your God, the God of your fathers of Abraham.

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Ibrahim Ismail Elan is Hulk, the one true God to him, but we bow

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down to him only in Islam meaning only to him, we submit.

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So that was a very straightforward question.

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And that was a very, very straightforward answer. We ask

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Allah subhanho wa taala, that this is something that we can all

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experience at our depths as well, in sha Allah. So this is obviously

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a part of the Quran. And

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the address obviously is to us as believers as the Muslim and the

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Muslim community, but it's obviously speaking about Jacobian,

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asylums time. And what it's telling us to do is to of course,

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we were not there, right? Allah subhanaw taala is saying, I'm

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going to shahada if Hadera Yeah, who will melt, like where you

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present? When you witness when Jacoba is Salam was overcome by

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death, you know, when he was close to dying? Right? So Allah subhanaw

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taala is asking us that, were you present? No, we weren't. But since

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Allah has told us that through the Quran, it's as good as having been

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a witness there. Right. And this is the Quran way of making things

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alive, of engaging the readers and of making them think and visualize

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these things. So we're told to visualize, imagine Iacobelli Salam

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down there, right? And with his children, and then he asks this

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question, and now we're going to ask, why did he ask this question?

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Okay, that's what we're going to do. Now reading this without any

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attention, you're going to miss out, you know, if you just read

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this, like this, oh, that was what Jacoba Islam did. And he got that

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answer. Very straightforward. If you read it, literally, you're

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going to read it and miss out on the legal aspects, the historical

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aspects, the cultural aspects and the inner meanings of this. And

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Allah subhanaw taala wants us to ponder the Quran for a lot of this

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meaning. Okay, so firstly, the universal message that is

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mentioned in here the clear, obvious message that's enunciated

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in this verse is that everybody is born mortal, everybody dies,

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right? Even prophets, they die, they go back to Allah subhanaw

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taala. When the life expires, when the time in this world rather,

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when it expires, because the life will continue into the hereafter,

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but a time in this world has expired.

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So this is as a very special feature of the Quran for Allah

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subhanaw taala says that where you are witness to this, right, ALLAH

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SubhanA wa Taala wants to evoke the full attention of the reader

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or he wants us to listen carefully about this. So he asked his son's

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use about Jacobian Islam asks his sons that what are you going to

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worship after me? Okay. Now, you can remember use of Alison's

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story. jacobellis anam story, there's a whole discussion about

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that. So I'm not going to repeat all of that, but it's after all of

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that. Now, at the time of death, this is a very important time for

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a lot of people just imagine people that you know, and if you

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had an interaction with them before death, they always thinking

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that that's when they become the most serious All right, and they

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can they they are very, very concerned about what happens in

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the future. Now, do you think a Muslim Today whatever ask this

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question that was posed by Yaqoob it his salaam to his children,

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Do you think we would ask them that what are you going to believe

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off to me?

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You know, I probably wouldn't have asked that question that what are

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you going to believe after me? And the reason I wouldn't have

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probably asked that question, you know, I guess many devout Muslims,

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you know, whether they're scholars MASHIAC, spiritual masters,

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whatever, we would doubt that they would probably ask this question

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in this way. Alright. Because, you know, throughout the life you've

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been instructing our children to the fundamentals Islam, the

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monotheism, ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, who he is, and that you

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must worship Him. We've actually seen our children, praying in the

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masjid doing salata at home, teaching Islam even maybe, you

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know, memorizing the Quran, studying that, and so on. So

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that's why we kind of become complacent, we've taken it for

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granted that that is exactly what's going to happen. So even on

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a deathbed, right, I doubt most people are going to verify the

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faith of their children, unless there's a reason for doubts.

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Right. So if there's no reason for doubt, I doubt we would do that.

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Right now. Why did Jacoba listen and do that? You think he had

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doubts? No. Now, if we were to, if we look at this in a different

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way, that you know, mashallah, throughout history, there's been

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many, many, many people who've left behind their writings, they

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left behind legacies they've left behind wills, right. So if you

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were to actually go and take and look for many of the wills that

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great people of the past have left, right, you're going to find

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quite a large selection. Now for that you can study these wills,

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you know, for historical insight, right? They provide a great

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historical record, right, of what people used to think in those

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days, and what was important to them and what because, you know,

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things that you speak about before you die, right, that you leave as

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a bequest or leave as a guidance, right, or leave, as, you know,

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some kind of instruction at your death, that's going to be probably

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the most important thing. So, you know, aside from that, you know,

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from a language perspective, there's the literary features,

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gives you an understanding of the human psyche, right? So, if you if

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you study the wills of the oil amount of the past, and there's

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many, like there's whole collections of the Messiah, of you

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know, that the Maasai can orlimar of the past religious leaders,

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reformers, activists, rulers, officials, right, anybody who you

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could say, would stand out, if you were to look at their wills, for

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example, even you'll get a fair idea of the relationship between

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parents and children. Right, you'll get a good idea of what's a

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response, what the relationship was between the parents and the

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children, you will get an understanding of the human

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feelings, the emotions, the wisdoms, the intellectual

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brilliance of these people, right? It gives you an understanding of

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the interplay between human intricate human psychology, right

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of what they think about during these times. And what you'll see

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is that if you look across the board, whether it be Allah ma, or

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leaders or whatever it is, right meaning

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when you call people with people who have been rulers or whatever,

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what you're going to see, is quite

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a synchrony and a harmony, in terms of what they said at their

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death. There's some really basic points that they all speak about.

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And this is the quite identical to be honest, most people are quite

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identical, irrespective of the different eras that they lived in

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the mental, social, cultural and religious backgrounds that they

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came from, they're pretty much saying still the same thing, even

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though they're worlds apart and times apart, right generations

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apart. Okay, so this is what you'll generally find in a will.

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And you'd expect that that's what you would leave as well. They

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impart advice of patients, like the patient after me Be patient

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after me, right? They'll say that today, near and dear ones, they

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will tell their children to be united to stay together and not to

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conflict and quarrel with one another, especially over the

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inheritance. That is, at least all decent people would say that

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because Subhanallah I mean, some people die without doing that. And

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they leave behind the fire that rages some will tell people to go

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and repay any debt owed by them, okay, that's another thing, then

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they'll tell them that go and you know, so and so owes me money, so

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they'll leave instruction on who owes them money. And thus, you can

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go on, you know, take our loan back. And, you know, it's also

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common that you're going to leave your legal papers, you know,

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official documents and so on. Right now, if you're very God

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conscious and religious, then you will insist that make sure that my

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loans are repaid, and my salah, the fifth year is given if there's

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anything if I've missed any prayers, and if I've got any

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regard or whatever, or maybe even possibility, then I'm going to

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give some video and explanation as well. That's the general thrust of

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the wills that you will see of the majority of people. All right.

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However, in the case under study that we have the children of Allah

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subhanaw taala is of Allah's messengers are involved here.

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Okay. They are probably much better than us. Yes, they made

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mistakes, but they're probably much better in terms of, you know,

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they came from a house in which the Wi Fi and Revelation right was

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was normal. Okay, they're fine.

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or there was a prophet, there brother was a prophet, right?

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They've got probably nephews who are prophets, and so on and so

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forth. They've got uncles who are prophets, and so on.

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They've probably seen their mother turning to Allah subhanaw taala

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fervently, in every crisis the Imam is must be great by now.

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Right? And these children,

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probably, were unaware of any other doctrine besides Islam and

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dough, heathen, monotheism and so on. So why did Jacoba Islam have

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to say, I mean, if anybody needs it, it's our children. We got a

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crisis in faith these days, right? Subhan Allah, there are people

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with crisis in faith. And there's many people who don't even know

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that their children are losing their faith, there's people who

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don't know they're losing their faith Subhanallah but the Prophet

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salallahu it the Prophet yah Coolgardie, salaam Radha is seen

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in this passage as not taking any chances. Right? And the reason for

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that, where'd you get that from, that you get from when somebody is

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so particular about something so focused on something when they

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consider something to be so significant, right, that you don't

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want to leave anything to chance? Right, you don't want to allow any

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kind of speculation, you don't want any doubt about it. So that's

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why in a in a crisis, like that, one would frankly say what they

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have to say that be no embarrassment or anything, right?

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For example, you know, if one falls, ill, then one wants to

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inform their children about it, right. And they inform their

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children about their pains.

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And they ask them to call a physician, they're not going to

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hide that anymore, because now it's a life and death situation.

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Likewise, if somebody is very, very hungry, you know, you're

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going to generally relate how hungry you are, so that somebody

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feeds you. Okay? So these are the last moments. Also, you don't have

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much time left, you don't have too much energy, you've got to focus

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on what's to come. But you can tell that Iacobelli Sam was

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probably very comfortable about what was to come. Right, the

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dough, he had less time and these he was going to be in the throes

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of death very soon. Right? He spoke of these as last words to

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the family. Right? And they're very different from what other

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people would say, right?

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You know, generally, again, people who say, look after the look after

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your mother, look, after the females of your family, maintain

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ties of kinship, don't forget your relatives, help your brother and

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sisters out, help the weaker ones, and so on and so forth. He took a

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very different, you know,

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his focus was the eternal success of his children. His focus was,

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how are they going to die, because that's the ticket for eternal

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success. Otherwise, it would be a massive and a serious loss for

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him. So that's why he asks this question, right? The preservation

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of the faith. That's where he asked him a simple question.

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Subhanallah simple question. Right? What is going to be your

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adherence to faith? So he assembles them, right. Now, I

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would assume that because Jacoba is his dying at an older age,

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right? You know, he was dying at an older age, he had all of these

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children, and they had, you know, they were they were older use of

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adults now had become old enough to become the minister of Egypt.

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And then, of course, they carried on and the parents passed away

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afterwards. So he could have had his grandchildren there, they

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would have been nephews there. They may have been other, you

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know, other relatives that are gathered there as well. And in

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this particular situation, he says, So what are you going to

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worship after me? Right, he wanted to ascertain the level of faith

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and put his mind at rest and go with this beautiful, you know,

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people want to go comfortably from this world, even though they're

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leaving and all from behind as though it's going to help them

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somehow somehow it's an amazing human feeling. So the Quran or any

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other works, when you read about this story, this, there's, it

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doesn't refer to any other issues that he may have raised? Like, did

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he speak about other things? And has the Quran only mentioned this?

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We don't find that information anywhere else. So what Allah Who

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item, right? And so he's looking for a very specific

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reply, and mashallah they affirm their unwavering faith in the

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Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala. The Quran doesn't detail anything

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else about this meeting? Right? You know, did the children when

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they hear this, did they express the price? That why are you asking

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us this question? Don't you trust us? Don't you think we're

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Not at all. You know, you've been telling us, you know, we've been

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believing in Allah subhanaw taala. All this time. Why would you have

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to ask us at this time? I guess we'd be surprised.

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But no, it doesn't mention that you just mentioned they're very

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and reassuring reply, we should worship your God. The God of your

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fathers. Ibrahim, is how and that's what they said.

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they affirm their allegiance to their forefathers to their

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ancestors. Right? And I guess they had been eloquently warned before

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of the consequence of polytheism. So that's why there was something

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that they were not going to do, they will probably prefer death

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over that. Right? And mashallah they reassured Jacoba Lee who

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Salam, and they satisfied him on his deathbed. And essentially,

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this is the while this verse was just an incident of how Iacobelli

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Salam died, and he asked this question, Allah subhanaw taala

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does not mention incidents like that for nothing. It is just not a

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fact. It's just not a point of history. Right? There's a reason

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Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned this to underscore the importance

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of monotheism. And over that, that if a prophet can ask his children

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these things, and he's concerned about that, at that time, he

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didn't do this to show people that Oh, Allah subhanho wa Taala is

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going to reveal this in the Quran. So I'm doing this now. No, he did

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this because he had a concern about this, because faith was so

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important. May Allah subhanaw taala also help us to ensure that

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our children also adhere to this as well. And we can ask about

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these questions, along with any other important question. But the

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first thing is that may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to remain

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on the straight path ourself, and to bring us bring up our children

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and that's a struggle nowadays, is to bring up our children in a way

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that they will become the coolness of our eyes, and they will give us

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such a reassuring answer and a response so that we can enjoy our

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time in the hereafter.

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Every Muslim is supposed to read this and to draw lessons from it.

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Right? That's the purpose of the Quran, small, small verses like

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this, your understanding from the reflections how you can open these

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up and how they provide provide such broad and sweeping bits of

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guidance for us. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from us May

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Allah grant us the Kalama on our deathbed. May Allah allow us and

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our children and our progenies until the Day of Judgment, to

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pray, proclaim His Oneness, his oneness and never deviate from

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this path. Allah bless you all, please make a dua for us as well

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as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. The point of a lecture

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is to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration, and

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encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start

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learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and

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to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,

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so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.

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And that's why we started Rayyan courses so that you can actually

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take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,

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especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we

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have on there, the Islamic essentials certificate which you

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take 20 Short modules, and at the end of that inshallah you will

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have gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam

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and you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave

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lectures behind you can continue to live, you know, to listen to

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lectures, but you need to have this more sustained study as well

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as local law here in salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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