Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Don’t Even Incline towards the Wrongdoers

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The Bible describes individuals who do not admit to any Christian beliefs or attend any religious events, and the confusion surrounding the verse can affect individuals' understanding of their spiritual realm. The speaker discusses the importance of understanding what is in their spiritual realm and the potential negative effects of confusion. Islam is a totaling approach, but individuals should not be overly strict or liberal. The importance of faith and faith in one's deeds is also emphasized, and individuals should take advantage of opportunities to participate in a community. The speakers stress the importance of learning to read books and taking on a sustained study to become more confident.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dear beloved brothers

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and sisters dear friends Allah subhanaw taala bless you all Allah

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has brought us together to learn about the Quran. So let us start

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with our verse for today are all the villa he Muna Shavon you Raji

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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim what a doctor can Oh Illallah de Nevada

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MUFA Ms. kumin

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former locum mu do we need him in only

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a manner to our own?

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Very, very interesting verse. I don't know if we can actually do

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full justice to this verse in terms of his translation, and the

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emotion and the idea that it conveys but Allah subhanaw taala

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is saying pretty much Oh Muslims do not incline. La Turkana. Illa,

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Latina varnamo and phuse Illa de novo animal do not inclined

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towards those who do wrong. Those who have oppressed those who have

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done that which is wrong.

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Or else the Hellfire will cease you further Mr. Coleman Nara, the

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Hellfire will cease you. So if you're going to even incline

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forget about follow even if you're inclined towards the oppressed,

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you will be punished by the Hellfire

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right just inclination towards them. Silent approval for example,

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you do not have any protector and if that's the case, and if you do

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do that, then remember what Amala comin dunlea Human Alia you do not

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have any protector, no friend, you have no protector or friend, other

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than Allah subhana wa Tada and you will not be assisted, you will

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have no defense, you will have no assistance. So very, very, very

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powerful verse full of the Majesty, the powerful message of

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Allah subhanho wa taala. You can see how or striking that is. That

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message is very, very humbling. What Muslims are asked to do here

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is that one needs to be really on the straight path and they should

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never inclined towards an associate themselves even the

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slightest inclination towards wrongdoers. Simply put, you have

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to have nothing to do with wrongdoers, because they've

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deviated from the straightway and abandoned Allah subhanaw taala his

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way. Now, if you're going to be drawn to them, then Hellfire will

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overwhelm just like it's going to overwhelm them, it's going to

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overwhelm us, right?

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Then when that happens, you will have no protected from Allah

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subhanaw taala, you'll have nobody to help you.

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Because once anybody is deprived of divine patronage, divine

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assistance, divine guidance, divine security, then they'll have

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no other place for refuge. There's nothing else that anybody can do

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for you, if Allah subhanaw taala doesn't want to provide you that.

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You see, to put this in perspective, I think what it is,

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is that a lot of people think and you know that we think that

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sometimes it's clear what is halal and haram, what is right and

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wrong. And there's a hadith to that effect. But then the Hadith

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doesn't stop there. Right? Unfortunately, not everything

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follows so neatly into either of these categories. And this is

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where a lot of the complexity comes in. Right? This is even for

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people who are generally practicing or trying to be

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adherent, you know, people who are not trying to be adherent. I mean,

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sometimes they use a lot of other justifications. But things don't

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always fall so neatly. Some things do but other things don't fall so

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neatly into lawful and unlawful, good and evil, good and bad, you

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know. So, yes, there are obviously some things that we can brand as

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properly being unlawful. And it's always difficult to figure out in

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certain other cases, whether Allah likes that or dislikes that

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because there's no very specific guidance or there's some confusion

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or it's a new issue. And there's not an analogy that you can make.

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So that's why What does Allah like in a certain situation? What does

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Allah want me to do in a certain situation? What doesn't he want me

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to do? This is where there's a huge confusion. Reason is that we

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have emotions, we have selfishness, we have self love,

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right? We have indulgence, we have addictions, you know, there's

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inclinations towards vice. There's this force in this world. There's

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compulsion in this verse, this pressure so that's why all of that

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just skews our understanding of what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants

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from us in a certain case.

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How would you then develop beyond you know, the obviously haram and

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the obviously halal, how do you develop an understanding of what

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Allah likes in us? You know, what is in accordance with the spirit

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of the Sharia? You know, what, what is in accordance with the

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spirit of our tradition? That can only be understood. You see, I've

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seen this is the challenge. I've seen this happen in so many

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different play

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He says, right? There's people who actually even learn a bit of

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fiction and things like that, because they're not steeped in the

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Quran and Sunnah and the Syrah above all. They don't have the

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massage, they don't have the the Temperance of the Sharia. So they

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try to look at things in some very kind of black and white way. And

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they may end up making a lot of mistakes. Right, brother, this is

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not haram. So we should be able to do it. It's not been condemned,

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you know, there's no mention of it. So why are you making a big

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deal? Like, you know, it's like, this is our approach to the laws

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of the land that because there's nothing we're going to do it.

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Right, rather than err on the side of caution. Now, why do you may

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get away with that in in the earth, you know, for earthly laws,

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but you can't get away with that with Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Because all of that has any effect in terms of determining our

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temperament. And Allah subhanaw taala gives based on our approach

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and our emotions and our temperament. That's what I'm

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trying to get through in this. So learning from the Sahaba from the

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spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Quran

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sunnah directly. That is what creates the religious message.

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Religious message, right? In many cases, I've seen cases where, you

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know, we were studying something from a fic perspective, and there

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was leeway, but it just doesn't sound right. I can tell that

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there's this, it's going against the spirit. It's not right. Right.

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And for some people who say like, look, as long as there's no direct

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prohibition, let us do it. Well, okay, you know, but this is not in

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the right direction. So

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this is, you know, this is what this is what we deal with when it

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comes to our lifestyle. Right? This is going to be plagued with

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this kind of confusion, lifestyle, appearance, physical traits, and

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ways and meaning means of beautifying ourselves, and

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adornment. All of this comes into that clothing you wear, the way we

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carry ourselves and so on. See, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa salam appeared on the scene in Arabia, and he made his call to

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embrace divine faith. He didn't ask people just to accept Islam

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sincerely and give up polytheism and disbelief. That was the basic

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message, he did that. But he also instructed them in an entire way

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of life. Islam is totalizing. With a colo facility curve. Muslims

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actually supposed to adhere to all the norms of the Islamic order.

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Were told to refrain from Acts that lead to the punishment of

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previous communities, we don't want to follow in their footsteps,

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even though they may not be entirely Haram as such. Right?

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They, these people were maybe guilty of refusing to follow

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Allah's way. And that's why they had incurred Allah subhanaw taala

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is rough. And that's why we're told not to do that as well, like,

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for example, pass through quickly through those lands that have had

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Allah subhanaw taala has anger and punishment, shower upon them.

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You know, for a lot of people, they've got such a easygoing

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attitude, which is a problem here, very liberal attitude. It's a

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common misconception, a lot of places that you don't have to be

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very particular about these things like you guys are just too strict

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man. Yes, some people are too strict. Again, there's a penance.

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And that's the difficulty, you get some people who are overly strict,

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but then you get a lot of money. And there's a few of those people,

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I would say that if you compare people who are overly strict to

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people who are overly lacks, is a lot more overly lacks and liberal

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people, right, than overly strict people you do come across them

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once in a while, but because it's more difficult, you know, that's

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not going to be something that a lot of people are going to get

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into as much you know, the over over strictures that they have.

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But this is to get the balance right? Is to get the balance

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right? Allah subhanaw taala doesn't want to us to put pain,

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you know, to put us in pain, you need Allah who began will use a

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while you need to become a nurse. You know, those things which are

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they say just follow those things which are central to one side,

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everything else, you know, you got leeway, Allah subhanaw taala is

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forgiving, and so on as long as they don't entail absolute

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disbelief, or absolute little more wickedness or haram. But Muslims

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need to be careful because we're what's in our heart is going to be

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looked at. And then the problem is that once you start going in that

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direction of being liberal about things, you start making

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concessions in too many other places and eventually in

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encroaches. So for example, if you don't make the Knuffle prayers,

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then eventually you'll start missing a Sunnah prayers as well

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and then eventually you'll start missing your follicles and that's

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just the reality. A lot of people have done that. Right. And

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sometimes it's such misdeeds in the

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past past nations going against the whole spirit of things of

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their religion is what brought divine punishment to the people

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because it just became a malaise, you know, a problem for the whole

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community. So one needs to not give into their selfish desires,

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unbridled desires, we do need to have a bit of an effort in our

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faith, a bit of strictures is useful, right? And some of the

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biggest, you can say crimes and sins on materialism, this

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worldliness if that's a term that you can use lust for power, right

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lust for power, lust for bodily

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pleasures, without permission, vices, all of these things are

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major problems of today.

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anybody who any Muslim who is keen on developing his faith, sincerely

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asking Allah subhanaw taala for His mercy, right?

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He is going to be ever conscious of his accountability to Allah

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subhanaw taala.

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You know, the way to stabilize ourselves and the way to balance

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ourselves in this regard is think what am I going to answer I'm

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going to die one day. Death is a very sobering reality. We're going

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to be asked and interrogated in our grave by the angels. We need

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to be thoughtful about the grand assembly in front of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment, when we will have to

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render our accounts. Obviously, religious duties like fasting and

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Hajj and prayer and zakat are extremely important. Likewise, the

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articles of faith are important, but creating a de minimis urge,

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creating a temperament an inclination, a balanced

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understanding, a vision, a worldview, like that of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Sahaba that is extremely

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important. So, Allah subhanaw taala says, Letterkenny Illa Allah

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Turkana, Illa Levine avalable and let Walter canoe ala Latina

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volume, Fatima circle menar that do not inclined towards those who

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have done wrong, or else the Hellfire will cease you. You and

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then you'd have no predicted from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And nor

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shall you be helped in any other way. May Allah subhanho wa Taala

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not allow us to be abandoned that way, just because of pursuing our

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self desires. May Allah subhanaw taala not allow us to abandon

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ourselves that way and oppress ourselves by and while Allah says

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he has just inclination, he's not even saying follow them fully.

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He's just as inclination because the next step is to follow them.

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May Allah guide us and give us balance and equilibrium May Allah

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give us the understanding, and the focus that the prophets are the

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lowest of them and the Sahaba had, and may Allah make it easy for us.

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It's tough, but may Allah subhanaw taala make it easy for us at least

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we know we can make this effort. Please remember us in your doors

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may Allah bless you and your families and grant us abundance

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and blessing in our faith and in our prosperity in every other way.

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Jazak Allah here in a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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barakato. The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to

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get further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The

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next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

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Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

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courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic

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essential certificate which you take 20 Short modules, and at the

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end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of

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the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more

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confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue

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to live, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have

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this more sustained study as well. JazakAllah harem salaam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

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