Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Be True Believers and Be Elevated

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallua is viewed as a powerful verse in Islam, as it has a significant meaning for spiritual well-being. The importance of understanding the Quran for spiritual well-being is highlighted, as well as the historical significance of Islam's actions and origins. The success of Islam in modern times, including the rise of Islam in various countries and the loss of human beings due to the pandemic, is also discussed. Vis backwards is also emphasized, as it is used to increase confidence in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And Ramadan Mubarak to

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We start with a verse from the Quran that we're going to discuss

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are all the bill him in a shameful annual Ragini Bismillah Hora

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Merner Rafi

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What the *? He knew what a duck is no tumoral loner you go to mini

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mean, what he knew Tarzan who tomo, Ilona in go to mini meaning

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for the colonial of him. This is a verse from Saudi Arabia, Iran

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which is chapter three of the Quran it's verse number 139. So

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this verse we need to understand the backdrop of this verse. Of

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course for us today, it has a certain meaning it will have a

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certain reaction from us and it does something for us. However,

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when this verse was revealed at the beginning of Islam, that is,

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there was no Islamic State in place at that time this was in

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this was in the very early days. And the Arabs at that time that

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early Muslims they lived in abject poverty. The basic foods that had

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extreme poverty and destitution they their foods was basically

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just a bit of dates. Some flesh of camels and barley bread didn't

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even have wheat in those days. Also their dress was made, of

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course material, the houses were made of mud and all they had bear

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tents essentially, in the cold they would really really suffer.

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Allah subhanaw taala speaks about that miserable state of this

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encircle and thoroughly Allah subhanho wa Taala says with Guru

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is tomb Kali you know Mustafa and funa feel old data of a winner a

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hot puffer Coleman sofa welcome. What a year they come be Nasri he

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was up aku rasa Kocoum Mina For ye Bertie La La Combe dish Quran for

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a year ago couldn't be Nasri he was Akaka may not play EBA de la

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la comme Tesco rune.

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This is in the early days and Allah says in surah, Al Anfal,

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verse 26. And remember, when you were few and were reckoned weak in

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the land, and we're afraid that men may even kidnap you.

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That was the situation then Allah subhanaw taala assisted you he

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gave you refuge he assisted you with his with his help. And he

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then sustained you and gave you provisions of the most excellent

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things so that you can thank Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah subhanaw

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taala speaks about the early days. Now in contrast to this group of

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people in the Arabian Peninsula, they were basically surrounded by

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the superpowers and these high civilizations of extreme luxury,

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affluence and pomp. And the Romans, these were talking about

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the Romans and the Persians, right, they were in contrast to

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these Arab tribes here in Arabia, the Romans and the Persians, they

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were at the highest level, they had symbols of sophistication and

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refinement, flourishing culture, civilization, between them, they

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pretty much ruled much of the world and the authority was

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massive, they had authority over the sustenance

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over the control much of the Earth's natural resources as well.

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And generally, whoever controls that they they remain dominant,

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much of the world was under the influence. So based on all of

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this, you know, in the backdrop of all of this, can you imagine,

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Allah subhanho wa taala, saying, to the small group of, among the

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Arabs, a small group of Muslims, who don't even have support of the

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rest of the Arabs at that time, do not become weak against your

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enemies, Nobody said you will be superior. If you are true

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believers, what will Atlona in control mean?

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Now that is amazing. Allah challenges them essentially that

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you need to challenge take on the superpowers

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and you can't be weak about this. So the challenge is put for the

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Muslims to take a challenge against both the creation of

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Makkah, who were the enemies at that time, and the Persian and the

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Roman Empires. Now, how do they do that? So look at how the Quran

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strengthens the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the believers,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala brings some historical anecdotes, this is

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really interesting. So so the use of is revealed and the beginning

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of sort of use of is Locata canovee use of our equity he Yeah,

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two lists, in in, in use of and his brother and there are Signs

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for those who ask verse seven thereafter that if you look at the

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last verses of Surah Surah, to use of towards right at the end verses

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110 111 Allah says

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We had the either stay as our rasuluh on new and home Cogeco

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zebu, Georgia home nurse Runa Fernwood GMN Nasha whether you're

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a Dubai sunnah call middle moody mean. la cada Karna Fini cos II

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Mary Barra to Lee Olli Elba, Makkah and ahaadeeth II you've

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thought Oh ALLAH que tous the color the Bahia de wat of Si la co

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Lishui what have si la Kulish a you who the Who Rock Metal Nico me

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you may know

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when the messengers gave up hope. So this is the translation of

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these verses, listen carefully, when the messengers gave up hope

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and thought that they were denied by the people, then they came to

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them our help, and whoever We willed, was rescued and our

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punishment cannot be worded off from the wrongdoers. Indeed, in

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their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding the Quran

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is not some forged statement. But the confirmation of Allah's books,

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which were before it, confirmation of that which is before it, which

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means that other books before it, and a detailed explanation of

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everything, and a guide and mercy for the believing people that gave

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a huge amount of strength to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam and the believers also around the same time or just after

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that around the same time sort of process is revealed. And

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subhanAllah the discussion there is again about about justice,

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overcoming oppression and the end of injustice. So there we've got

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Pawsey me DeLuca Tokita Bill mobian net Lu are like I mean,

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never eat most of your own bill happy and you call me meno and in

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FIRA I'm gonna fill out the word Yara she or he stole a photo if I

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mean whom you the be whoever whom is there he and Isa, a home in

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hookah and Amina will move city one od though and Arlen Medina

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Stawberry fulfill all of the UN agenda home in metal and Agera one

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word if he in one work unit at home fill out the one where he has

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he had our own our hammer and I want you know the humor I mean,

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whom maca I know Yeah, the rune to translate that bar seem mean,

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these are the verses of the manifest Book, We recite to you

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some of the news of Musa and Pharaoh in truth for people who

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believe Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and made its people into

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sects into different groups, or pressing a group among them by

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killing their sons and sparing their daughters. He was one of the

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oppressors. And we wanted to do a favor to those who are weak in the

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land, and to make them the rulers and the inheritors, and to

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establish them in the land. We let Pharaoh and Herman and their host

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receive from them, that which they feared.

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So that shows a small group of oppressed people suffering an

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injustice suddenly over, able to overcome within within within some

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years. So both of these,

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both of these sets of verses, gave a huge amount of huge amount of

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courage and boldness to the believers who are such a small

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group of people in between these great empires. And if you look at

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it from the conditions around this little nascent fledgling

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community, right did not have a chance. I mean, it'd be

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unthinkable to be honest, that a handful of, you know,

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underresourced, resourceless oppressed Muslims would be able to

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emerge as this formidable community and take on these two

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superpowers. I mean, even the most insightful person would find that

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difficult to believe at that time, right. However, the Quran assured

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the country and boosted the morale of the Muslims and infused them

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with an amazing spirit. And they boldly took on the super powers.

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And the Quran then speaks the Quran assist them in this regard.

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He speaks about the hollowness of the Empire's how they don't have

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much substance. So that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala says in

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this verse in Surah, Tomonaga Cohen it's a really, it's a really

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telling verse. Allah says, What either at home Dorjee Buka just go

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home when he does smartly Kohli him no Moshe Musa in the year

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several wanna call us I had in it him Humala, I do who for whom

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Katella whom Allah Who and you for Kuhn.

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And when you look at them, their bodies please you like you're

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By the way, they are the way they hold themselves the way they strut

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around with all of their authority and with everything behind them.

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So when you look at them, their bodies please you and when they

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speak, you listen to their words. However, they just blocks of wood

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propped up. Allah subhanaw taala signifies them, designates them as

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just wood that's propped up that you can easily put down. So taking

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pride in this new faith that these small group of Arabs had been

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given mashallah they, they marched on, and they did not become

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overawed, though there was every reason for them to become

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overwrought and coward by the Romans and the Persians. They

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destroyed they ended up destroying the superpowers of the day you

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must have heard of those stories, the battles of Persia and the

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battles with the with the with the Romans, the whole world was struck

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by their bravery, and their commitment to Islam. They're

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committed to Islam, because they are simple people. Right? They did

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not get distracted by the pomp and the ground. And really, that's

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amazing. That's why a lot of people have a lot of people

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remember these people as the saviors from all the injustice

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that had been created by these two empires.

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That their main focus was to tell people to invite them to invite

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people to focus on one god for monotheism, not to worship other

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human beings but to why worship Allah subhanaw taala alone. So

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mashallah, from the very narrow, subjugated confines in the middle

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of Arabia, they managed to take on the whole world and today you see

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that it's reached everywhere. They, they recognize that the

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contemporary emperors and rulers and cause Rosen and Caesars they

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were parading themselves, you know, they were basically puppets,

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they, they they had raised their skyscrapers of those days. And but

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the problem is that they had lost all of their essential faith and

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moral values, though. One group was mentioned as fire worshippers,

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the other one was a Christian, but they'd lost much of the moral

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ethics that had been preached by ESA at least, for example. That's

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why the Quran then instructs the Muslims in their own civilization,

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the Quran gives them a brand new civilization, right, refreshes

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their civilizations, embolden them emboldened them in spirits them.

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And this new mosque message gives them this amazing confidence, a

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sense of pride, self knowledge, higher ideals, and a purpose in

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life. And subhanAllah. Within a few years, they they take on much

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of the world. And empire building was never what has never been one

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of their concerns. So

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they were more focused on the fact that humanity has been lost in

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darkness. We just too. We just we just there's a lot of people today

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as well, they don't like the rigors of faith. They don't like

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the strictures, so they want to just be free souls as such. At the

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end of the day, I mean, that kind of a life when you want to be

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free. So like that is that you end up in the early times of the

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morning after the after the clubs and pubs having to vomit in a

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gutter. I mean, that's kind of the end of a lot of people.

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Subhanallah I'm not saying that's every that's just an anecdotal

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idea. Today Subhanallah we have so many Muslims, so many Muslim

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countries that represent the Muslims, you know, in that in the

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UN and many other places, you know, there's so many flags of

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this that are everywhere, and SubhanAllah. But the problem is

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that we lag behind in I mean, I hate to keep saying this, but we

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lag behind in, in science and technology manufacture and so on.

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There's a whole lethargy, inaction, disunity, non observance

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of the Sharia or non understanding of that it's just pomp, it's just

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pomp and glory, those who have the money, that's what they're doing.

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The others are just about surviving. May Allah subhanho wa

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Taala make it easy. Allah says that he knew what it doesn't know

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what antimalarial ona income, meaning do not be weak, Nobody

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said you will be superior if you are true believers. Now I know I'm

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speaking about it from a macro level. But that example of the

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Muslim community if that can happen to a small community like

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that, that then takes on the world then even small groups of people,

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small individuals, you know, you may be suffering in a place, but

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in sha Allah, if you stick to your ideals, and sticking to ideals

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does not just mean doing salaat and fasting, there's a lot more

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there's a behavioral aspect of it. There's an interaction aspect of

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it. There's a perspective aspect of Islam, Islam needs to be

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understood fully and wholly. And that's what's gonna benefit us

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insha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala gave them a special intelligence

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and SubhanAllah 313 People in the battle about the way we're able

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to, we're able to overcome

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And subhanAllah That's why Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so concerned during the Battle of

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brother because they were outnumbered completely. And he

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said that Oh ALLAH if you let this handful of people, handful of

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believers rather perish today that no one will worship you until the

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last day. It was a critical moment but Allah subhanaw taala gave them

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victory. That's why what we need to do is we need to

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really take pride in our Islam and learn more about it make it ours,

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then it starts working for us. When you're on the side, it

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doesn't you know, you don't get the benefit of it. When you're

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just nominally a Muslim when you're just saying okay, I adhere

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to it, you really need to get into it then you see it work for you.

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And it's amazing when you when you get that feeling, it supports you

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emotionally, spiritually in every in every aspect. That's why Allah

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subhanho wa Taala sin sort of Mohammed verse seven, right to

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finish off. Allah says, in terms of Allah, he and circum with a bit

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academical. If you help Allah, Allah will help you and make your

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feet firm. Helping Allah means you do that which He has told us to

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do, and you assist in what He has commanded us to do. May Allah

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subhanaw taala strengthen us in our individual capacities in our

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communities, in our families, our communities, and in terms of the

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whole global Ummah as well, and we the whole global almost thoughts

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from each one of us. So let us strengthen ourselves. May Allah

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give us the Tofik on this day of Ramadan as you read that one and

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you'll hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen Allah bless our Ramadan's and keep

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us in your doors, and may Allah subhanaw taala bless you all, as

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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The point of lecture is to encourage people to act to get

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further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The

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next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

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Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our Dean wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

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courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic

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essentials certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the

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end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of

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the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more

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confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue

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to live, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have

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this more sustained study as well as aka la harem salaam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

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