Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Allah’s Special Mention of Women

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The Bible discusses the importance of faith and acceptance of Islam, with sermons and a woman calling and accepted Islam. The sermon also references a woman who called and accepted Islam, but did not say that she was a man. The segment discusses the complementary roles of men and women in society and the importance of rewarding and hungry men. The segment also touches on the responsibility of men in the world and the importance of men empowering others to lead and encourage others to take classes on Islam at a local level.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Let us start with a verse of the Quran. That will be la Jimenez

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shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Al Rahim in Nephi Holika

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Robin Mahana pata.

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calm. And Rob burner, Phil Phil Lerner's Uber worker fear and say

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What are the feelin whom Jen terjadi Mia dirty hull? And

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so Abba Mineiro

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wala Who Are You devil Herson of

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these are verses of Surah earlier in Milan, and we're going to be

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discussing the last portion of them. But I read from the

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beginning because that's where the theme and the content of that

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begins. And essentially what's happening is that Allah subhanaw

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taala is speaking about how in the heavens and the earth are in the

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creation of the heavens and the earth and the and the changes of

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the night and day is all a sign for the people who have

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intelligence for the people who have intelligence. And these are

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such intelligent people that Allah subhanaw taala is speaking about

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here are those he defines as in verse 191, of sort of the surah is

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those who remember Allah subhanaw taala, standing, sitting and on

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their sides, and they are reflecting over the creation of

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the heavens in the earth. And then eventually I guess they're forced

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to say or they're compelled to claim to proclaim our Lord you've

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not created any of this redundantly and glorified IU

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protect us from the hellfire. So they get from there and and they

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ultimately remember hellfire and say, protect us from the hellfire.

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And then there's a series of doors our Lord,

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the one you enter into hellfire, then you have disgraced him,

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you've humiliated him. And there are no helpers for those who are

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oppressive. And then our Lord, we heard the quarter. And this is the

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interesting part. That Well, it's all interesting, but this is the

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pertinent part here that our Lord, we heard the quarter according to

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faith, that bring faith

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with your Lord. And thus, we embrace Islam, you know, we

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accepted Allah and we brought faith in Him, our Lord,

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forgive for us our sins, and remove our evils from us our

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misdeeds from us, and give us death with the righteous ones.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala

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again, there's another da which is our Lord, and give us your grant

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us what you have promised us

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on the tongue of your messengers, and do not disgrace us on the Day

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of Judgment, and you never, you will never go against a promise.

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So then

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the Lord accepted of them this applications and answered them,

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and then he said, Never will I allow to be lost

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the work of any of you never will I allow the work of any of you any

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deed that any of you have done, to go in vain, to not be credited for

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to not be evaluated and taken into

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I can't be you male or female. And this is the point that I want to

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mention here. So, essentially what this passage is doing this last

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portion here, the verse 195 of this, I started reading from

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earlier but verse 195, it's speaking about,

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or just before that it's actually speaking about believers invoking

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Allah subhanaw taala from the depths of their heart and really

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just laying it out in front of Allah subhanaw taala that we heard

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your call calling. And we accepted it, we believed in you. And then

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there's a series of doors, which obviously, people make to Allah

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subhanho wa Taala after they have taken faith. So our Lord Verily We

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have heard the call of one of the prophets calling to faith, saying,

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believe to your in your Lord, and we have believed so now our Lord

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grant us what You promised to us through your messengers, and do

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not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection for you never break

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your promise. Now, that's a very significant point because then

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Allah subhanho wa Taala said that Allah subhanho wa Taala festa

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Jabba whom Allah responded to them, Allah accepted it from them,

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right? And then Allah subhanho wa Taala said very clearly, not only

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am I accepting it from you, I'm actually telling you that never

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will I ever let go

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to waste or unregarded any deed that you have done, and then be

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you male or female. After he said this, I mean, anybody reading this

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is going to assume that these are men speaking, because it was

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probably men who said this, right? And this is what Allah subhanaw

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taala has taken into consideration at the beginning, right, because

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all of the verbs etc, all the pronouns, they refer to men. So I

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mean, you know, you'd be forgiven to be thinking that this is

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referring to man, it's a man who called and who said this and

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submitted this plea to Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah subhanaw

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taala accepted from them. However, Allah subhanaw taala makes a very,

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very pointed reference to women as well. Right to make sure that

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women are included here. And nobody ever misunderstands this,

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that this is only for men, and this is not for women. Right? So

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Allah subhanaw taala did not disregard women in his response,

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even though that the supplication here was made by women. And that's

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why he said, I mean, the current owner, right law OD or ama

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dynamin. Men comb men who are carrying Alonza, Allah subhanaw

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taala made it a point to say that separately, and that just shows

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Allah subhanaw taala has boundless mercy on both men and women. In

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his response, is he Allah subhanaw. Taala is the creator of

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both men and women. He is the creator of both of them. And he

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has affection for each one of them. For every one of them in the

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same measure, in equal measure. There's nothing that we can learn

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of anywhere in our Sharia, right, which shows that ALLAH SubhanA wa

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Tada, which even implies that Allah subhanaw taala loves men

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more. Right?

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And this is something that we just need to dispel. Right? Allah

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subhanho wa Taala accepts the supplications of both men and

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women equally, right, equally, I mean, for whatever purposes is not

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just because somebody is a man that he's going to maybe accept

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the supplication more, or for less of a reason, or anything like

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that. Allah subhanaw taala shows that he appreciates the sacrifices

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and the deeds and the efforts done by both men and women. Right. And

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then he gives equal reward to both men and women. So they both have

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an equal share in receiving Allah subhanaw taala is mercy. And this

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is done without any kind of reservation, without any kind of

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preference given to one over the other. That's Allah subhanaw taala

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for you. Now, I know people may misunderstand this, there are, you

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know, because men and women have complementary roles. And men get

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to do some of the leading the leading, like, for example, be an

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Imam, and so on. You know, people think that that's discrimination,

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but that's just coming from a different perspective. That's not

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what Allah subhanaw taala created the roles for, based on Allah

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subhanaw taala an idea of what each of these roles are, what

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roles men are playing, and what roles females are playing. That

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there's those are complementary roles for the continuation of

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humanity in this world and for the continuation and systems of the

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world. However, in terms of their contact with Allah, access to

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Paradise, and becoming close to Allah subhanaw taala doing deeds,

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they're both exactly the same and that is why women should also give

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thanks to Allah subhanaw taala just as mentioned, give thanks to

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Allah subhanho wa Taala for Allah subhanho wa Taala has given them

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men can be admonished and men can be told off, to have disregarded

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and neglected for you know, different times in history in

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different places in the world to have to have neglected women,

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right. Disregarded women,

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subjugated women, not given them their rights, essentially not

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treated them well enough and this is still the case in many parts of

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the world. Right. Men can be admonished for

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that, right? Because men tend to be the stronger physique tend to

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be stronger and the more dominant kind of

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gender. And that's why maybe that, you know, that's one of the

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reasons that that can happen. However, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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will not overlook that any injustice done to women, Allah

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subhanaw taala will not overlook, just like he will not overlook any

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other injustice to anybody else, right? So, in Allah subhanaw taala

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scheme of things, though, and this is what we need to understand put

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into perspective that men and women are interdependent, they are

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complementary to one another. And our social life is composed of

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both sexes, right. And in that sense, they're inseparable. You

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just can't have just men in this world, right? As much as any man

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might even want that you can't just have all women in this world,

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right? Even if that's what some women want, right? Or may want

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both our social life our survival in this world is composed of both

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sexes, and in that case, they have to be inseparable.

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So the the Burstow is not just talking about the life of this

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world when it says that Allah subhanaw taala is never going to

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let any deed of any male or female go to ace, it's not talking about

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just this world, it's talking about the hereafter as well, which

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is even more important. So it's referring to both, that they will

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get their full reward, just like men will get their full reward,

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right, for any good that they've done in this world. And the

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knowledge that they've acquired in this world and any hard work that

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they put into this world, they both are going is meaningful,

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coming from both of them. And this reward is not deferred until the

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Hereafter they get a straight reward in this world first, you

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know, we get reward for the deeds that we do. Right? For many of the

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deeds that we do, we get a reward, either by the removal of a

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calamity or some other blessing in our life are some of the opening

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in our life, some of the comfort in our life, some of the increase

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in our life, and both men and women get that men and women, both

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men, in some cases, I said in some religious vocations, men have

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dominated and men have that position, right? For example, it's

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just easier for men to have participated in fighting in the

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jihad. And, for example, to go and pray Salah that night, you know,

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that's just sometimes easier for men, right? Or too fast, maybe

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more regularly. But Subhanallah I mean, women are not behind in that

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regard. You know, there may be some other things where men just

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find it easier because of maybe their social role that they play

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or whatever the case is. But that doesn't mean that the women cannot

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do that.

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Subhan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you see, there's a

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hadith in Bukhari, which says, from our shot of the Allahu anha,

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which says that the reward, your reward that you get is based on

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the effort that you put into it. So if women find something more

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tough, because they have the role of bringing up the children and

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dealing with that, which is a very taxing position, taxing role, then

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they will get extra rewarded for that, because Allah subhanaw taala

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just doesn't give on a mere action, that this is how much

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reward you get. But there's all these multiplications and bonuses

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that you receive, based on the effort, the sincerity, and the

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benefit, and the hardship, and everything that's associated with

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Allah subhanaw taala is a very, very sophisticated system of

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rewarding and then of course, punish punishment as well. So

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nobody will feel cheated on the Day of Judgment. Now let's look at

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another verse. And this time, it's actually from the chapter of

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women, the chapter on women and certainly saw a whole chapter on

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Surah Nisa, which is a very, very important chapter. I'm going to

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read I'm going to start from the beginning. And these are the

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beginning verses the opening verses of Surah Nisa.

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Yeah, are you Han taco Rob Docomo, Larry Hanako min Neff su Heda

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wahala Coleman has Jaha weboth Amin Houma Regina Kathy oh and is

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what double law her lady that's gonna be one hour

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in law haggadah or alikoum Rocky.

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Oh mankind, oh people. Be, be dutiful to your Lord. It the Quran

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can be dutiful, be conscious of your Lord gain taqwa and acquire

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Taqwa for your Lord, the One who created you from a single person.

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Right? And from him, he created his wife. Now he's talking about

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how men and women came into this world. So Allah created Adam

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Allison first and then from him he created his wife, and then it

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carries on says, and from them both he created many men and women

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and fear Allah, through whom your you demand your mutual rights

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through Allah whom you And fear Allah, through whom you demand

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your mutual rights, and the wombs, basically meaning and do not cut

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the relationship of the wombs, which means kinship. Surely Allah

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is Ever

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a watcher over you. So what Allah subhanaw taala is saying here

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briefly, is first have taqwa and be conscious and be fearful of

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this Lord Who has created you. So this is the description of Allah.

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This is the description of our Lord that he's the one who created

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you from a single soul. And then after that he created from that

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single services or the Madison created his wife, and then from

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there, Masha, Allah, Allah subhanaw taala has spread so many

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people, we came literally just from two people, right, and today,

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the billions of humans in the world, and the billions that have

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passed and the billions that will come, they've all come from Allah

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subhanaw taala is creating one man and one woman. And then Allah

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subhanaw taala also says that Be careful and fear Allah subhanaw

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taala with regard to kinship, because you share with one

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another, this is who you are, right? This is what your inter,

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you know, your inter family relationships are you must observe

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them and you can't break them because that's who you are. That's

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your social life. That's your social fabric of your society.

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Allah subhanaw taala is ever watchful over you, Allah subhanho

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wa Taala says, So now,

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again, this sort of underscores the important status accorded to

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women in Islam. And I guess I mean, it's, it's an obvious point.

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So why do we say this? And why do people mention this? The reason we

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have to keep mentioning this is because we've had major

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disparities in human civilizations. So before Islam,

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you know, we had time of Jamelia, and in other traditions, for, you

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know, for a very, very long time, you had where the women were

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considered to be completely inferior, they had no rights, they

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couldn't own their own. They couldn't own their own properties,

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and so on and so forth. And

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then after that you've got today where the Western liberalism has

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gone to such a degree that it's gone well beyond any kind of

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boundary, and thus, where Islam was championing this whole cause.

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Now, it's made to seem as if it is subjugating women, because it

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doesn't want to give unbridled rights to both men and women.

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Right. So there's a bit of confusion in that. And that's why

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we have to keep talking about that the Quran speaks about the

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important states and but it does speak about them, it does singled

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them out for discussion in that regard. So Allah subhanaw taala,

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in this particular verse speaks about the mutual roles, right, the

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complementary roles, the mutual roles, and their obligations,

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right, and the fate of mankind Subhanallah mark these words, the

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fate of mankind is actually is interlinked between men and women,

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right? There are two parts of the same body. They differ obviously,

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slightly, and there is a physical appearance, etc. However, all of

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this has been, you know, even the differences between men and men,

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women, what's really interesting about that is that that's been

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done to facilitate their pleasant relationship, and for them to be

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able to fulfill the purpose and the role for which each one has

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been created. Right? Most of the objectives of both of them are the

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same, but in some men are better at it. And women are better at

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some other things. So what's really interesting here is that

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everybody came from a single soul, which is Adam Alayhis Salam that's

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just amazing from a single sword that was at the mighty Salaam and

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then from Eve from how are Alayhis Salam and

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Masha Allah, men and women are fellow travelers in this

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particular phase of life, this world is dunya. And they account

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for the multiplication of the human life. Can you imagine it,

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that Allah subhanaw taala blessed the companionship of Adam Ali

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salaam, and how it has Salam infused them with love for one

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another, right, gave them love for one another. And as a result, they

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grew into the 1000s and then presently into the billions Subhan

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Allah just because of that love and affection that comes from

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there, this we must get an understanding of this guidance

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from this for our own marriages, that at the end of the day, a

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marriage is based on love. And that is the love that Allah places

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there, if you do things to destroy that love to put a barrier not to

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carry out that love, both husband and wife and you don't do that,

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then you are going against God's plan. And that's why it's

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important for us to carry that carry that on. Now. This the Quran

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is probably the first book to show how humans are so interlinked,

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it's probably was a radical idea to show that were so

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interdependent, right. And

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basically, you can't have some humans who are completely an

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absolutely masters of others, right, in a sense that they don't

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have any really a responsibility towards the others. Allah subhanaw

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taala system in this world is such that if there's a ruler, then

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while they have to demand obedience, at the same time, they

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also are responsible for providing services just to look at a

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teacher, student relationship. The teacher is there in the higher

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position of imparting knowledge, but then their responsibility is

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to nurture the student to mark the assignments to make sure they

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learn. There's a responsibility attached. You cannot have an if

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there is anybody in this world and there are people who seek to have

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that kind of dominance.

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It dominance in this world, which is completely unbridled, no

00:20:03 --> 00:20:07

responsibility towards anybody else, they want to just suck from

00:20:07 --> 00:20:12

everybody else and become the controller's of everything. That

00:20:12 --> 00:20:14

is not Allah subhanaw taala is planned for this world. And that

00:20:14 --> 00:20:17

will fail that does not work that way. Right? You just can't have

00:20:17 --> 00:20:22

that we are interdependent. Yes, we can have positions of

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authority, but they are positions of responsibility. They're not

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positions of absolute dictatorship, when nobody where we

00:20:29 --> 00:20:32

don't owe something back to people. And that is one thing that

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we must keep in mind. And so likewise, it's the same thing men

00:20:36 --> 00:20:40

cannot lead or on another point here, men cannot lead a natural,

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happy life without women. And similarly, it's true of women that

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they cannot happily lead a life without a male partner.

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Eventually, there comes a time in life where people regret this. I

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know, people who didn't marry because they were really into

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their teaching or studying or some other vocation, but eventually,

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they always feel lonely. There are feminists who have given up having

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children, having a husband, or being able to maintain a husband,

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and now they are lonely, they are lonely, and they are recounting

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many of the arguments that they would put forward before.

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But remember, this society can only be successful according to

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the name of Allah subhanaw taala, because that's the name through

00:21:23 --> 00:21:28

which that's whom we come together by, he's our Creator. And it's for

00:21:28 --> 00:21:32

his sake, that we do this. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala

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tells us based on this to maintain our kinship, which means our

00:21:36 --> 00:21:41

family ties, and focus on that. That's why Allah subhanaw taala

00:21:41 --> 00:21:44

has given us rewards, promise rewards versus hours on his

00:21:44 --> 00:21:49

promises, rewards for maintaining ties of kinship. Those who break

00:21:49 --> 00:21:52

the ties of kinship are considered to be condemned in this world,

00:21:52 --> 00:21:57

they lose Baraka, they lose blessing, right? And those who do

00:21:57 --> 00:21:59

good, they are given longer life, they are given blessing in their

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life, they're given

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better quality in life, these are all the these are all the

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You have to remember the husband wife relationship is such that it

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is marked, it sometimes becomes many times actually becomes much

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stronger than a relationship of a with with one's parents, right? It

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becomes much stronger because there are certain characteristics

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of relationship with the wife. It's so intimate. There's no other

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relationship that is that intimate. It's intimate in every

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sense. There's a frankness, there's a transparency, there's a

00:22:33 --> 00:22:36

naturalness. And that's just inconceivable in some cases, even

00:22:36 --> 00:22:39

with one's parents. So that's why this is something that needs to be

00:22:39 --> 00:22:45

invested in to do well in as Allah subhanaw taala has told us and of

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course, the other thing which we're told in the Quran is

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universal law quantumly Basler, when that they are your garments,

00:22:52 --> 00:22:54

and you are their garments, right, which is a really important

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metaphor to show that you cover one another, you protect one

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another, and that is the role that we are speaking about. So Allah

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subhanaw taala

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shows in the Quran, that women are equally as important as men and

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men cannot survive without women and women cannot survive without

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men. In fact, the human race cannot continue and that is part

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of Allah subhanho wa Taala is desire design. And the main point

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is that both are equal in the sight of Allah subhana wa Taala

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that they that they can worship Allah subhanho wa Taala and draw

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as close to Allah as each as each other. May Allah subhanahu wa

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taala allow us to draw close to Him and allow us to encourage one

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another to do the same thing. And may Allah not allow us to be an

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obstacle in this in this regard. Allah subhanaw taala bless you

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all, and bless us all. Jazak Allah here, keep us in your dewasa Salam

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aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get

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further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The

00:24:01 --> 00:24:05

next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

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Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our Dean wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

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courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials

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certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of

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that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the

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most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.

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You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to be, you

00:24:44 --> 00:24:47

know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more

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sustained study as well as local law here in Santa Monica when I

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have to live record

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