Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 8
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa salatu salam ala
Sayyidina Muhammad
are the early he was sabe he he Marina and Mulberry and
we reached poem number 28 and 29 of the casita Buddha. And this is
the one after he begins to speak about
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and then this entire,
this entire composition is about love for Rasulullah Salallahu
Salam. So if you're looking for anything academic, you're not
going to find it. It's just all about love for Rasulullah
sallallahu. So, he's just going to be thinking about different
aspects of Rasulullah Lawson's life and just trying to kind of
reflect over those and reflecting over that in terms of his own
life, which is of benefit to us. So we're actually on the second
section, which is on praising the Prophet sallallaahu salam after
his initial discussion, which is we did number 29 Last time what
I'm to sunnah Turman here valamar ila initial socket, Kadima, who
adore Ramaswamy. I've run the example of him who revived the
Black Knights praying until his feet complained of painful
sweating. And we mentioned how that just evokes in us. How that's
what we should be doing, because that's what he did for us
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, poem number 30 and 31. So point number
30. We're shut them in Shabaab in Russia, who worked our title
hagiography cache Han neutrophil Academy. Whatever the trilogy by
Lou Schumann, there have been an FC he Ferrara, a Yama sham me. So
the first one is over his belly and soft skin, he placed a stone
tightening a belt over it to lessen the hunger pangs. high
mountains sought to tempt him by turning to gold, but he showed
them lofty heights upon heights.
So in the first one, over his body, belly and soft skin, he
placed the stone, there's so many things that the author here the
poet is actually bringing together, you could have said it
in very simple language, that he, out of extreme hunger, the Prophet
said, The Lord is and placed a stone on his on his belly. But
rather than that, he decided to include in it a number of other
messages. He tries to evoke number of ideas, give advice within that.
So what he's saying here, firstly, he's discussing that this is the
king of the world. This is the most Beloved of the Lord of the
universe at his disposal. Everything is he's going to
justify that claim afterwards. But first, he shows how he acted. So
firstly, he's saying that the Zuid and abstinence of Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam and his ignoring the dunya, in terms of
accumulating the dunya, it got him to such a level. He cared for it
so less, that he would go hungry, and tie a stone to his stomach due
to hunger. So that proves a number of things. He's not an angel.
Because if he's an angel, he doesn't need to eat or drink, he
doesn't need to sleep. And Allah subhanaw taala says that in the
Quran, that it because they used to say that why does Allah send a
Prophet from the people? Why can't he just send a special creature, a
special creation, like the angel totally pure? Why does he have to
send somebody from among us? Sitting Allah subhanaw taala
respond, that if he sent an angel, and the angel does not eat, drink
or sleep, then you would complain that well, he's different than us.
He we can't really relate to him. So there's no winning this
argument in that sense, because it's just one of those arguments.
Now look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. His human side is
the fact that he's hungry. He's obviously choosing to be hungry,
because many of his Sahaba hungry, and that's the time when it wasn't
the time of prosperity. It was the time when they were struggling.
This was the initial years of the Medina and period where they was
still establishing they were still defending themselves. None of the
conquests had begun begun yet. This is the time we're speaking
about. So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam himself although he
is fed by Allah subhanho wa taala. And he says that he says that he
used to prohibit people from fasting continuously, every day
day in and day out, that's not permissible to do so mudhar.
Though it's permissible to fast one day and one day, not alternate
days. But the promise a lot, they said, Well, you do that? He says,
Well, Allah feeds me.
So he had natural sustenance, but still, he refused to take the food
because others didn't. He refused to ask
for it, refuse to ask for such supplies. So he also tied a stone
to his own stomach. This is after the fact that Allah subhanaw taala
had given him the option of being a sovereign prophet, a king
prophets, like sort of a monad, as with everything at his disposal,
or an abelian, Abdon Nabhi, and many can own a B and Abdon. Either
a king profits or a profit King, if that sounds better, or a
servant or slave, a servant of Allah, a prophet who is a servant
of Allah, that side being dominant factor or Buddha, and thus he
adopted servitude. He adopted servitude to Allah subhanho wa
taala. This is also after the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala had
also offered him that the Jabaal the mountains of the hammer, be
made gold and silver for him. And he said, No. He said, No, I don't
need that.
So, in this poem, The author is now beginning to explain his
reasons for praising Rasulullah Salallahu Salam, which is his
reason for writing the poem in itself. So now he's getting to the
main parts. Now, the thing is, when you're praising someone, you
can praise different aspects about them. And whatever you you praise,
you're trying to provide a certain impact by praising that aspect.
Think of the things that you can praise somebody about, firstly,
you praise somebody, obviously, on things that are existent in them.
There's no point flattering somebody with nothing, with made
up things, because then eventually that will just all fall down,
because it will be empty praise and flattery, you have to pray
with something that they have. Now what do they have certain things
that they have are things which they acquire, it put some effort
into acquiring these things, if you pray somebody's beauty, that
is not praising somebody for what they have acquired, that is
praising somebody for something that is naturally a trait in them,
that is a gift of Allah subhanaw taala some things are naturally
gifted people, they are there, they just part of their nature.
That's how Allah has made their composition. And yet there are
other things which are acquired by them, things that they have
adopted things that they have acquired and imbued in themselves
become qualified and or become proficient in and in different
ways. And so there are these kinds of things that Allah subhanaw
taala has given to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Then
obviously, there are also those aspects which Allah has directly
chosen them for. This is generally with profits, for certain mark
desert, certain, you can say, extraordinary feats that they will
do, which is obviously not an acquisition. It's something that
is God godly given. It's something that Allah subhanaw taala gives,
just as He wills. So you've got two or three different things that
you can pray somebody by and all of these things were present in
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the poet begins with
praising him on the first category, which is of the
acquisitions those things which rasool Allah SallAllahu Sallam has
exerted himself in acquiring, beyond what Allah had already
given him. What Allah had given him would have been sufficient.
But now he's exerting himself as well with these long nights, which
he already mentioned. So now he mentioned the second point,
because the person who's dominated their soul and overcome their
soul, and who has managed to get some control over it,
for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala, so that they can stand in
front of Allah subhana wa, tada, then obviously, they have
expressed the highest levels of servitude. They've gone down and
shown, this is what we're here for, because this is what you made
a CFO and this is what this is what we're fulfilling as well, to
show our a burden through to show our to do a bother to show our
Obadiah anybody's worship, or Buddha is our state of being
servants of Allah subhanaw taala. That's what he's doing in this
case. Then after that, he continued, which was in the first
poem about staying awake at night and making the tahajjud. Then the
second one he's talking about is being patient on hunger, and
burying the pangs of that for certain benefits for a number of
benefits. Why did he Why do you place a stone on your stomach? Has
anybody done that? Does anybody know why it's done? Has anybody
ever thought of doing that? I don't think we've ever had the
opportunity to even think about that. Because we know when we're
hungry, we'll get some food soon. It's just a matter of a few hours,
isn't it? It's not not a matter of a few days. matter of a few hours.
Just waiting you'd run into the shop. Hey, give me give me a
burger man. Hurry up. You
You guys, I'm hungry. That's all go home and quickly like shelter
everybody, where's the food gone? I'm hungry. That's that's the most
we have to do. Now hola como de la Bella. Anyway, the thing why they
used to place stones is because stones and this is going into the
whole medicine proper properties of things, warming effect and a
cooling effect. So stones are supposed to have a cooling effect.
And what happens is when a person is hungry, then the internal our
our internal
mechanism is going in over gear trying to find some food. Now one
is if you got mashallah endowed with fat and a spare tire, etc.
It's not going to have a big problem. But when you already thin
when you've been doing this for a while, then where does it find
food from? Where does he find nourishment from? Where does it
find the energy, you know that the fuel to turn into energy from says
it gets overheated, you don't have oil in your car, what happens? The
engine gets overheated. So the stone is there to cool it down. So
there is a medicinal benefit that they had discovered. And
subhanAllah, they must have experienced it for somebody to
have discovered it and for everybody to be using that. So you
have to understand that this wasn't just something random that
they were doing for no reason, or just to show that they've got a
big stomach, there was a benefit of why they did that. And then
what it does is that it helps to keep the intestines together
because it's tied. So it's not letting them drop all over the
place. It keeps them together, there's certain other benefit, I'm
sure biologists should be able to explain this much better. The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, despite all of that,
though, and this is what he slips into this poem. Imagine somebody
who's really hungry, what do you expect their stomach to be? Like?
What do you expect the system to be like who's having to taste the
stones to themselves. That is why I call this great poetry, which
people have recognized and why it's celebrated so much. Within
this while he's explaining this, if it provides another quality of
Rasulullah sallallahu ism, which was a God given quality that he
was, and he uses the word he had moved truffle Academy, which means
the soft skin of his belly. So despite all of these pangs, he had
natural soft skin of his belly, which would generally be found in
people who are relaxed, who have lots of food, no problem, no
effort, no hardship,
which was the strangest thing. So that's the beauty of this. He's
got that in mind. He's explaining this. And he slips that in as
well. And shows like, it's almost like a juxtaposition here, that
he's doing Subhanallah he's providing two benefits in one.
So despite his tackle Minotaur and despite his, you know, diminishing
levels of of food and not, never, never eating to his fill,
generally, he was still very soft, very soft, like soft leather, soft
skin. That's what it is. The problem is that Allah subhanaw
taala has generally condemned or criticized people with soft skin,
which is sitting around doing nothing. But this was for a
different reason. And that's why the those who are for soft skin
was relaxing and not doing anything for anybody in just
selfish individuals. They're the ones who have been criticized.
That's why he said we're shut them in. We're shut them in suburban
Asha who he tied his intestines his insights together out of
extreme hunger. Shut up sub is extreme hunger, what our tactile
he jority question. And then under the, under the, the stone, he had
a belt that was keeping that that was over his soft skin. That's
what he said. That's what he says here, as well. This was
specifically this took place as well during the Battle of or the
expedition, or you can say during the hunt, duck, the Battle of the
Trench. Eventually, there was no real battle afterwards. They still
call it the Battle of the Trench, but they weren't. There was no
real battle afterwards, because Allah subhanaw taala sent some
wind and so on, and uprooted their tents of the enemies and then they
just disappeared because it was getting difficult for them to stay
around anyway. So when they were the Sahaba were all working to dig
that trench which it must have been a very difficult there was no
there were no bulldozers in that time you bring in a few
caterpillars. And it was nothing like that you had to do this
yourself and you had to be big enough so that the horses couldn't
jump over. So you can imagine what kind of a tent Sorry, what kind of
a trench it must have been, you know, from here to there, maybe
enough Subhanallah and then deep enough as well. So it's not like
you can just go in there and come up the other side. It must have
been something that has to be defensive. So they're all
complaining of foods. So they show that they've all got one one stone
tied to their stomach. So the prophets Allah lorrison The story
is famous. He lifts up and they discover that he's got two stones
that are tied there.
I should have the Allah one has said that. And this is all a
repeat of what we've heard in the Shemitah. But it's a good
reminder, because this is something that we're all dealing
with time of prosperity, time of lots of money time on mashallah
enough food, I mean, which supermarket Have you gone to and
found that they don't have so and so? I mean, have you ever been to
ask them they've run out of something unless it's been on
offer. But even when they've got offers, they actually try to order
enough because they know exactly what people are going to buy,
because we give them the information through our point
system, so they know exactly. So they will even send you coupons of
products that you've bought before in the past. And Tesco is the best
at it, because they're the one who started the whole thing from the,
the Tesco, whatever it used to be before and now it's point system,
it's all a way to find out, we think that they're giving us
benefit they are it's kind of a mutual mutual, but they need it to
make more money.
So they know that if they put an offer on and it's an you know,
it's a certain ethnic area, then the pot is gonna go and this is
gonna go so they know how much to put in there. It's quite normal
for them. So we never you never run out of offers unless you
really go on. But people have really gone crazy and sometimes
they do. So the prophets Allah Allahu Allah summarization of the
Allahu Anhu relates that he never for three days consecutively,
consecutively, never did He fill himself up with with, with bread
he met with Allah subhanaw taala.
Wheat bread, three days consecutively, never. And he would
never complain to anybody as well. Because that state was actually
better for him. He, he liked that state more than having lots
to spend on himself. So it was like preferred. It wasn't done out
of compulsion.
And the thing is that despite all of that, it wouldn't bother him
from fasting the next day.
I should have the Allah one who reports that come to upkeep. I
used to cry when I saw how much hunger he used to bear. I used to
pass my hand over his stomach and I would say enough see local
feeder, my myself, my my life is sacrificed for you. And then he
would just say Dr. Aisha Marie, will it dunya
what have I got to do with this dunya he just recognize that
we're here for a while. That's it. So there's no point in doing it.
There's no point like making up when he knows where he's going.
It's like we can bear this for these hours. Because we know at
the end of it, there's going to be a beautiful meal. Because we know
that in Ramadan, for example, you can smell the food as they're
cooking it. So you know it's going to come. It's almost like he's
smelling paradise. I think that's the only way I can explain it.
When you got that smell, then you can bet a lot because you know the
smell is there, it's giving you guarantee that guarantee for him
was like he was probably smelling Jamna in this world. That's all I
can think of. So that's why he said that what have I got to do
this dunya my brothers, my brothers have the cooler ice cream
in a rustle those with the those prophets and messengers of high
resolution. They were patient, they were patient over even
greater problems than I am going through. And they they live their
life that way. And they went to their Lord and Allah subhanho wa
Taala made their their abode to be extremely that he honored them in
their abode there. And then he says that I find that if I do less
than them, then I won't be able to reach their status Subhanallah and
what I want to do is I just want to be with my brothers. I just
want to be with these other prophets. That's what I want to
be. And then I show the Allahu Ana said that he seemed this was
towards the end, he says that there was only a month and then he
went to Allah subhana wa Tada. He passed away. You know, I've been
thinking we might get into Jana. But what about Jonathan fields,
those I mean, if those of us here who are successful, who like to be
successful, we like to get the top marks. We like to get the best
job. We like to get the best car. We'd like to have the best place
or like to have the best of everything. High achievers. When
are we going to start to think about getting to genital fear dose
instead of just anywhere. Because in this world, Okay, you win some
you lose some. There's always other challenges after that.
There's always other glories. But that's it. Once you get to that
status in general. That's it unless somebody does shuffle for
you. But you need to have done something to be gained that
Scheffer. So what are we doing? What are we doing to get to
Jonathan Fritos, not just any gender to be like just allowed him
but to get to genital filled dose? And you know what, when you hear
the stories of all of these great individuals like for the 11 or 11,
Abdullah in the Mobarak, and others and you think that's the
kind of stuff you need to do to get to gender three for those and
then you think I need to get there though. So how am I going to do
it? I don't see my lives ever becoming like that. They live
did a different time and each, they had different challenges. I'm
sure they weren't as bad as this. I'm sure I can say that now.
Because I'm trying to tell Allah subhanaw taala that look, have
some mercy on us and give us a promotion. Though we don't, though
we don't deserve it. We definitely haven't done as much as these
other people. We got some things to look for with hope for. As the
prophets, Allah Lord ism said to somebody that you said, What have
you prepared for the day of judgment? He said nothing except
that I love Allah and His messenger. So he said, Okay, you
will be with whom you love, but that love better be true. Not just
a claim of love. So we've got things like that. But again, is it
just going to be Jannat? Is it going to be generated for those?
So those who are high achievers, I mean, isn't that some isn't that
the biggest thing we should be trying to achieve? After all of
this stuff in the dunya that we try to achieve? Seriously, that's
something to think about. I hope even the thought helps. Even if
you can't put the practice behind it. If you can't even think this
way, then I don't know where we're gonna get. So the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa salam. Despite despite this, though,
despite, you know, not eating so much and so on. He used to, he had
more strength than others. He overcame Americana a number of
times in wrestling. We know that he used to walk faster than
anybody else, just because he was hungry. He used to slouch around.
And, you know, he used to walk faster. It was almost as if, and
then he used to walk fast but not like in a hasty way. It seems so
much Waqar and Sakina was coming from his gate. So he had this big
way of walking actually, the whole time I was visiting somebody in
another country and
the wife asked, she said, you know, can you tell us about a
salsa lesson used to walk so that we can teach our children that?
How do you do that?
He combined many things in his walking. It was fast. Yet it
didn't seem hasty. It seemed like powerful steps. It wasn't a
slouch. And it was just all of these things combined together.
Anessa, the Allahu Anhu says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, even in his sexual prowess was given the 40 the energy of 40
men. And there was a time when he went to all of his waves in the
same in the same night.
But despite all of this long vigils at night, and everything
used to wake up in the morning, as though fresh,
not somebody who's got eyebags and you know, problems of sleepy and
red eyes and so on, he used to wake up fresh in the morning, go
Heelan the heat and agile mineral coma related butter
as though you know, like totally perfectly made up natural makeup
geheel. And he used to it was like he already had couple applied to
his eyes natural.
We just didn't see it. We mustn't think it's mythical. It's this is
there's reports widespread reports about these things. And he was
like, like the moon, the full moon just shining in the morning ready
to go again. It was well known that he ate very less well known,
well known everybody knew that. So it's not something that you know,
has to be provided, because all the evidence is, is there.
Now, there's a number of a hadith that we need to look at. And
again, these seem to be extreme, a
lot of these Hadith seem to be extreme, a lot of the stories seem
to be extreme that how would we ever go there. But
the point of all of this is to shock
is to shock us to reality, we won't be able to do this, but it's
to shock us out of our cosy positions in the other extreme,
and to try to even get us to the middle. So that's the point. I
remember. Once I was sitting in Canada, and Darlene was going on,
and his brother was sitting in the dining after the Italian, you
know, we were reading these stories of how this how the Sahaba
and the stabbing in and so on, they ate so less, and so on. And
he's like, how do you guys he just he goes, Why do we keep reading
these stories? They don't seem practical. There's not something
you can do today. Why do you guys keep going on about these stories?
So the point is this, these stories are all collected together
to show how certain individual this wasn't. Everybody didn't do
this. You have to remember that when you hear these stories, you
suddenly start thinking that everybody in that time did this
I'm sure they didn't. There was some individuals and when somebody
does something distinctive is remembered. That's why we've got
these stories. Instead like everybody was like that. There
were certain Sabo did this not everybody unless it was you know,
during the general hunger when you know, during the Battle of labor
is different. But in the point of the stories is to shock because
when you're on the other side is to just give you a point of the
other side to give you a sight of that so that you at least move
from your position and get to some kind of middle position.
That's the whole purpose of it. When you start looking at it like
that, and you understand that it's just trying to shake you up a bit.
That's the whole point of it. So it says here
the person with the highest status in the sight of Allah subhanaw
taala is the one who has who bears the most hunger and thirst, and
whose most reflective reflecting over what's going on in the dunya
and their status in the Hereafter. And the worst of you is the one
now oh mon shadow burn a coolant.
For those who understand Arabic, this is some really, it's a really
effective way of criticizing now whom loves to just sleep sloughing
me sleep. A cool Shalhoub just drinks and drinks, and a cool just
eats and eats. So eating, drinking, sleeping, that's it,
that's what his job is. The Ravi SallAllahu sallam said do not kill
your hearts by eating too much and drinking too much because the
heart is like a crop that the heart is like a crop it will die
if you put too much water in it and anybody knows that you put too
much in any certain plants and they have to have a certain
regular amount. You put more than that you make them swimming that
they'll die because it's too much it's overbearing. He said to some
of the hola Juan in his stutter. TfL moto Botanica well Famicom and
for alpha in Nikka, tawdry Kobe daddy Kushala Philomena ZIL outta
Hillman Nabin whatever we could do Amuro Hickel murder you ICA will
usually at Ecole Jabbar
is that if you have the ability, that moat comes to you, death
comes to you in a state that your stomach is hungry, your mouth is
thirsty, then do so. Because
that is how you will gain the noble status is and stations and
you may be you may be able to then find a place among the prophets.
And angels will be extremely sad, happy and glad to have your soul
come to them. And the majestic one will will send you blessings.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a number of other
things. One of them he said shaytaan runs through the human
body like blood does. How would you prevent him from running too
fast around the your blood through hunger.
Hunger is what helps it suffocates. It's like the doctor
telling you take this, it will carry less blood cells will carry
more of these. Take this and that. And the prophets Allah Islam is
telling us that be a bit more hungry, and the shaytaan will find
it a bit more difficult.
The son of silence and this is amazing. And again, these are like
the shocking things for us the cell of silence. They used to
consider being tested by hunger to be a grommets. So if I'm hungry
today, it's a grommet, we never get these grommets. And we don't
see ourselves getting these karats but may Allah give us genital for
those without this?
Because I don't know if we can deal with this. They used to
consider it to be a Kurama
In fact, he says a Nola you, beloved will do a ill MPhil only
those who are like prophets are going to be tested by hunger for
they used to save well they live in our yard. One of those I
mentioned as probably being in general for DOS. He used to say he
used to say to Allah Agera attorney, what a Gerta. Early
phobia you will see that in Neil to have I mean,
you've made me hungry, you've made my family suffer hunger.
What was sila did? What means did I achieve this by
as a positive aspect like how did I get this great bounty of yours?
We're in the MATA for alpha Veolia, you do this with your
wellies, your friends, your close ones. Why am I doing why have you
given me the status
filleted the shot at El Amin home for Africa. If only I was with
them that I'd be happy Subhanallah that's what he's saying.
Abdurrahman in New Year's Eve he used to swear by Allah that this
Allah subhanaw taala doesn't cure anybody except with hunger. He
wants to really purify their hearts properly is through hunger.
You I mean he tries to do this every that every year with us.
Some of us succeeded but most of us don't. Every year we're told to
do Ramadan fasts.
When I say some of us we all fast I mean if you hear I'm quite sure
we all fasting if you're listening I'm sure you're fasting in Ramadan
right majority of people but do we gain the benefit of the fast
because Iftar time we spoil it right there. And then after
taraweeh and then this time and that time and the the Bora cards
in Ramadan are another fitna. The Baraka, women get ajeeb ability to
cook in that time. They have more Himba than outside to cook new,
things when you have them in the masjid if tars I mean,
subhanAllah, you get it where Jean kind of foods, so you literally
just have a delayed lunch plus supper together. Somehow you fill
it up. That's the, you know, the hadith is something I came across
recently, just a few days ago reading among bizarrely, you know,
the Hadith which says that
those of you who are young, a sharp one who have a lot of
desire, but can't get married, because you don't have the
expenses for, you know, dealing with, you know, wife and looking
after your wife, then Friday, it can be sown, you should be
fasting. And some people, they say we fast, but nothing we our desire
is still there. Well, of course, he's going to be there because you
eat as much anyway,
the whole point of fasting was that you stay hungry, not just
change your timetable for eating, and eat the same amount, is also
lower your calories. So only eat one mean instead of two. So I
mean, we'll get reward for our first normal for our winter
fasciae, from eight o'clock to four o'clock. But I don't know if
he's going to do anything else. So our military guy, you will get
your reward, but is it going to have what the first thing is
supposed to do. So if somebody really wants this hadith to work,
then they need to fast and really diminish their eating as well. So
they get both the spiritual aspect and the physical aspect of it,
which is to benefit because there are people who come to be fasting,
but we still got the same wild ideas in our mind and desires that
are raging. So Abdurrahman, Eve, New Year's Eve, He swears by Allah
that Allah doesn't purify anybody except with that he that is one
part of being purified. And then he says that anybody who's walked
on water is because they've had to go through hunger as well. I mean,
it's a that's a big achievement. It doesn't happen much does it?
And anybody who they say has to you'll Earth where they, you know,
where they've been able to move from one place to the other very
quickly. Reach from the earth is essentially contracted for them.
Miraculously, they get this through hunger, but not excessive
hunger. Because we've mentioned before, excessive hunger is bad
for you.
There's a moderation in this, that moderation is a difficult task for
What is it? He's saying here? 1/3 for your water, 1/3 for your food
and 1/3 to allow the air the breathing. That should give you
the Quran but that's not much really I mean, that sorry, that's
not difficult is
if we can habituate. It's not like starve yourself. That's the most
May Allah give us a Tofik then he moves on to the next poem, point
number 3031. Some say 32 Because there's one poem that some add
extra but it's not in some editions either way. Whatever they
told you Bella Lucia moment there have been an NFC he for AHA, a
Yama shimmy.
High Mountain sought to tempt him by turning to gold, but he showed
them lofty heights upon height.
Rather, that is the same word that's used in the Quran for the
Pharaoh, the disease of Mr. His wife trying to lower and seduce us
of addicts or whatever to Latifi who have he Beatty her and Nipsey
he was Alacati awaba, Goddard hater look. So here, the mountains
tried to seduce him.
That's why it's saying the mountains try to seduce the word
or Morava that in Arabic means to seduce somebody softly with your
glamour with your adornment, not force, but to do it subtly to try
to attract them with every soft you can say, you know, soft
attack. So whatever the trilogy ballew Shoom high mountains show
means high, high mountains. They try to do this they were made made
out of gold. You can have it on NAFSA he Ferrara Yeah, but he just
showed them that he had other heights. Now,
as we mentioned before, that you pray somebody, either on something
that they achieve, like
Like we said,
his abstinence from the world is focused on the hereafter, or
something that he has himself by nature, like bravery, nobility,
patience and clemency. These are natural traits in a person, or
miracles, three possibilities. So now these mountains trying to
seduce Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. What it means
here is that a sort of LaSalle Allahu alayhi wa sallam his status
in terms of his abstinence and turning away from all of the world
and everything. And it reached such a condition that when this
mountain was offered to him to be of gold, he said, No, it said
essentially, he was given the option that it'll be in gold and
it will be with you wherever you want. So you can take of it
however much you want. You can just give him however much you
want. You can use it as much as you want. As a Kurama. He said,
No, I don't want
But I don't want this kind of distinction. It says he raised his
nose at it like, I don't need you. That's dunya I don't need it.
So he showed him what real height was his state, his position of
loftiness was higher than the mountain, his position of
loftiness was higher than the physical mountain. So you should
who's greater UI
I've got something greater, which is Allah subhanaw taala. I'm
bigger than that, to think that I'm higher than that.
The only way you can show your height like after such an offer is
to just not have any inclination towards it whatsoever, and not be
attracted by its adornment. Now, obviously, mountains don't seduce
anybody. They're not living beings. So clearly there is using
metaphor here. That's all part of poetry. So you don't want a
literalist coming and say, Man, what's this guy talking about? How
can you mountains, seduce somebody? Well, obviously not.
That's his poetry. That's the way you say these things, is to create
a picture in your mind. Actually, what he's indicating towards is
that Gibreel Ali Salam once came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. And he said to him in Hola, hola, yo, creo que Salam,
Allah has conveyed his Salam to you. And he has said this is his
message to Hebrew and Elijah Elijah, HERBIE Hill Ji Bala, the
Herban will feed Dalton, the sea rheumatic high through cert.
So it wasn't a mountain that offered him that it didn't turn
into God and said, Here you go, take me, it was the angel who
came, that's the reality of the situation, but it's as good as the
mountain because if the angel said, I'll do it, I'll do it. Like
the angel came and said, I'll crush I'll bring both of these
mountains together and just crush everybody in between. He had it
all at his disposal. So really, what happened is that Gemini Sun
came and said, Allah sends you Salam, and he says the following
to you, and he's asking that, would you like that? I make this
mountain, turn it into golden silver for you. It will go with
you wherever you want for attract Rasulullah sallallahu decemberat.
See, he sir Adam McCall. The professor was on first lowered his
head. He lowered his head for a while. And then he said, Yeah,
Gibreel in dunya, the Roman law Darla Wilma, lumen Loma Linda.
We're in MIH Maha Amandla UCLA.
If only we can understand the reality of this. He said yeah,
Gibreel. This dunya is the abode of the one who has no other about
that just tells us so much. That if we're going to make this dunya
our abode then what are we doing for the hereafter? It is the
wealth of the one who has no other commodity no other wealth. And the
one who gathered gathers it is the one who has no intellect. buggery,
like you know, why are you going after this when you got so much
more to go for? May Allah make that a reality in our minds?
For Karla Gibreel Najibullah Islam was just conveying a message This
is just a test like other prophets are sent this says Subotic Allah
Muhammad Bill Cody thurb It may Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah
subhanho wa Taala make you firm through the Alko through the firm
formula which is La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, you
focus on La ilaha IL Allah do vicar of that and that will make
you feel
the heartbeat of this Karima can come into our hearts. In another
Hadith formation of the Allah Juan heights is that Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah subhanahu wa Tada offered to
me to make the bed ha Omaka golden silver, the those
this is the flat land outside Makkah the bath. To make that into
gold and silver from acid era be a jewelry Omen, wash barium.
And I'd like to stay hungry for a day and to fill myself for another
day. For a million. Allah the geography for adoro la casa de
rukh today when I'm hungry, then I'm going to humbly and treat you
and do to all to you. Well, I'm Allah the Asheboro fee to cover
both Niantic and the day that I'm going to be satiated and have food
then that is the day when I'm going to praise you. And I'm going
to sing your praises. That's the way I'm going to do things.
Obviously when he says when I the day I'm satiated. It means that
I've got some food as opposed to not having any food. I showed the
alarm said that the person never fully filled his stomach. Although
there are Hadith that seem to indicate that that they did that
sometimes they eat it's permissive. Give me another one in
Shemaiah such thing regularly that was not the case. That was not the
regular case. He would do that. So now the point is that this is all
about sort of allah sallallahu sallam, he didn't do all of this
in vain. This wasn't something that he just did.
And it wasn't for anybody else. Anybody who considers themselves
to be his inheritors from the Obama
and the earlier, they need to try to follow this. So if you haven't
had an opportunity to go and study and become owner Ma, then you can
still become Olia.
And those who are ill, they can also become earlier. So that's
something we can all work towards. And we're all inheritors of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam in that regard. So that is His
wrath. It's, and you know, like people today, and especially now
since the I'm speaking from the Indian subcontinent perspective,
since the martial law, the land has gone crazily high in terms of
its price and increased. And it's really, really destroying
families, because everybody's trying to take every inch of land
that they get, because it's valued maybe 100 times than it used to be
15 years ago.
There's another inheritance, which is left to take. And there's lots
of it. And you don't have to argue with anybody about it. And it's
free available for everybody. And you can take as much of it as
well, because it's ample and you know that you don't have to worry
about inches. You don't have to worry about court cases, you don't
have to worry about getting anybody unhappy. You just take it.
This is what it is.
What Catholic am but he did earlier,
that they should do this. The Olia his abstinence of the dunya is so
difficult. If you don't have a house, you're never gonna hear the
end of it. Because it's like, So and so it just came from, you
know, like if you're born here, and you're like, at a certain age
now, and you don't have your own property. They say but look, that
guy just came from India 15 years ago or 10 years ago or Pakistan or
wherever. And he's got his own house. How come you don't have
one? That's what you hear.
So there's a lot of we rothert And a lot of inheritance that is out
there from Masuda la sala lorrison that will continue until the Day
of Judgment, free for all to take, that is what we should be vying
for that that is what we should be. That is why for the for
everybody, we shouldn't be just looking at trying to achieve the
world we should be looking for that those who are trying to reach
Allah subhanaw taala they should not be looking for Kurama. And for
Marchesa, they should just be looking at what rasool Allah so He
did some straightforward servitude. Yes, he had his he had
his miracles, but his whole life was not a miracle, in the sense
that he showed so much personal perseverance, personal sacrifice,
that's what we should be focused on. Because that is what we can
do, hoping for miracles for those who are on the path. That's that's
not what that's not what we're here for. Because they actually
say and I heard this from the chef as well, that the greatest miracle
for anybody is that they have st comets. It's the comet is the
greatest miracle to be able to do regularly your worship and abstain
from the Haram in general. And always fulfill your forehead and
do these extra worships with this DICOM not so much one day and then
not another day is stick on on whatever it is, that's your
miracle. Anybody who can do that, believe me you got a miracle
because that is the difficult thing in this world to do. So
that's what the author says he says that high mountain sought to
tempt him but No, he wasn't going to have he showed his own height
to these high mountains that this is not the kind of height I need.
The lofty heights of of Iman and of herb booty. That is that is the
height that we need to show. Then after that, he talks about a few
things which we'll inshallah cover next time. He says what occurred
zoo the houfy her durata who in durata Loretta I do Allah aissami
What can you further Oh, in a dunya guru or two men, Lola who
alum, lambda Raja dunya Minella Atomy. Allah, He his concern, his
constraint through poverty only confirmed his detachment from them
a need such as his shall not lead to transgression. How could
poverty tempt him to worldliness? When but for him, the world would
not have been brought from the void the world according to some
narrations, which, you know, have been discussed, and there's a lot
of discussion around them. If it wasn't, there's a hadith which
says, a purported Hadith says that if it wasn't for you, this world
would not have been created. So he's alluding to that, it seems
what he's saying here is that, you know, you hear these success
stories, you know, a lot of these famous company
CEOs and managers and inventors and things like that. What is
their story? How does it go? He was nothing. He came from Greece,
he came from Lebanon, he came from this country from you know,
wherever from Poland, you know, and so on. And then he worked like
this and so on Tesco story, same thing as selling things on the
wheelbarrows and
And from that he became this because, or he came from a family
of 10 into 10 brothers and sisters in extreme poverty. And he decided
that no, I don't want it like this. So I'm gonna, so extreme
poverty, what does it do for some people, it pushes them out to want
to survive gives them teaches them survival instinct, whereas on the
opposite side those who have been handed it on a plate a lot of them
have just lost it. You generally see those examples. He is alluding
to that and he's saying that just because there was this poverty he
did not turn around and try to use it to gain the world. That's not
the effect that it had on him.
Because he didn't have to. He says that the whole world was created
because he was going to be created
Allahumma into Salam Salam Tabarrok theologia Unicron Allah
media yaka Yun Brahma Deaconess de Leith
Allahumma Yohanna Yeoman,
in the Soho Anika in cognomen ilani mean just Allah Juan Mohamed
Oh Allah except our sacrifice, however small it may be for coming
here on these Friday nights. And oh Allah to learn about your
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam and the way you deal with
people in this world of Allah, we've, we're reading so much each
week, Oh Allah, don't let this be a wasted exercise of Allah allow
the baraka out of this to enter our hearts and to be enduring in
our hearts, for our lives so that when we leave from the masjid, we
leave with the NOR and it's not lost. Oh Allah, keep your note in
our hearts. Oh Allah, keep your note in our hearts. So Allah,
Allah, Allah grant us your mercy, from all the rivers of Your mercy
that are flowing, oh Allah give us a single drop that will make and
grant us success. Oh Allah, that will make it easy for us. Oh
Allah, when your mercy is given to somebody who is protected, our low
in your mercy is given to somebody than they, they have to seek and
they have enjoyment in the in the worship of Allah grant us the
sweetness of faith of Allah grant us the sweetness of faith. So it
helps us to avoid thinking about the Haram and touching the Haram
and going towards the haram. Using our mouths in the wrong way and
our eyes in the wrong way and our ears in the wrong way.
And our private parts in the wrong way. And our entire being in the
wrong way. Oh Allah Who have we given ourselves to? Oh Allah.
Sometimes we don't think about you for such a long time. And yet,
that's what you've created us for, to be your servants and to worship
you all the time. Oh, Allah give us a Tofig to do that, that are
five daily prayers that we have so much satisfaction in them that
we're waiting for the next prayer that we're waiting for the next
prayer to waiting to intimately discuss, intimately, intimately
discuss with you Oh ALLAH that we have the Tofik to stand up at
night and do the tahajjud of Allah this genital for those that were
asking for our Allah make that a reality of Allah give us some
sense of it so that we want to do it. Oh Allah make your obedience,
beloved in our hearts and make your disobedience hated in our
hearts that we have stained from it. Oh, Allah does. Every one of
us we're sitting here we're not coming here to show anybody else
we're coming here for the sake of gaining closeness to make this a
means of closeness to you. Oh Allah make this a means of
closeness you there's none of us who have the ability to get close
to you except without you facil except to do facilitating it. Oh
Allah, we ask You for set up for that facilitation and that tow
feat? Because we can only ask you and nobody else is nobody else to
put our hands towards. It's only you. Yeah, Allah Ya Allah. When
people in this world recognize from others that they're the only
ones that they people are putting their hopes on. That softens their
hearts and it makes them help them. Oh Allah, Oh Allah, we know
you're the Most Merciful of all those who have any kind of mercy
in this world. We ask that you help us and you assist us in this
regard. It's a day by day it's a toil Oh Allah, we look at these
stories, and we think we can never get there. And we may never be
able to, but Oh Allah, we know that your column and your
benevolence is great, and it's mighty because you're the hub,
you're the giving one or giving one Oh Allah, you're the bestowing
one. We asked you to bestow some of this bounty on us. So this
bounty that you missed out on the great people before Oh ALLAH the
way that they would make still far Oh Allah we asked you that we have
the same trophies, the same conscience in our mind the same
conscience of Allah we hanker over successes in this world we go for
successes in this world and for beautiful things. Oh Allah make
this Jana her reality so that we also hope for Jana. We also hope
for Jana. Oh Allah make us true there is oh Allah make us true
propagators of this religion wherever we are, oh Allah give us
a trophy to be natural diaries, where whatever we're doing, we're
constantly calling towards you whether we are doing consciously
or without conscience of Allah, O Allah make us true for
lovers of your messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam, O
Allah accept our DUA and we ask you that you send your copious
blessings on our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and you make the best of our days the day that we stand in
front of you. So Hanna robic Robina is that your ma OC foon wa
salam ala l Mursaleen. Al Hamdulillah. Europe Benard Amin.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well. JazakAllah harem Salaam Alaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh