Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 5
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina
Muhammad in as Murthy Ramadan Elijah. Meanwhile, either earlier
he was asked me he he married my birth
we reached poem number
just to get us
up to date with what we had been covering
so far
he was discussing, he finally confessed to having an issue.
And then after that he started to complain about the knifes about
the soul and about the problems. And then he said for in Amara TV
su immotile That mean generally her been a very shady well Harami
thanks to its foolishness, my ill urging knifes has paid no heed to
the Warner, white hair, an old age.
And then he said, well, that mineral fair little Jimmy Terra de
fin alum Pirazzi hieromartyr, she me, neither has it prepared fair
deeds in hospitable welcome for a guest who has taken up residence
on my head.
So he's saying that the white hair in my head, it came it's
indicating that my life is now gone over the summit. And there's
only some time left. But I didn't prepare anything for it. I didn't
do anything for it. Then he said local to Alamo and Nima walk you
through who get them to see Ron Beda Lehmann, who will get me and
what I should have done had I understood that I would not have
honored it, meaning the white hair then I should have used custom
dye. I should have dyed my hair to hide what it disclosed
that at least they wouldn't look foolish. Because when you see
people who have white hair and they're doing young, foolish
things, then it looks embarrassing, says that I would
have so that's from an outsider's perspective. And from an insider's
perspective. When I start getting whiter it's supposed to make me
think that now look, things aren't as rosy as they were, you're not a
youth anymore. But I didn't respect it either way, in any way.
So if I wasn't going to respect it then I should have covered it up.
Then Then I don't even feel embarrassed them. So this is just
some kind of a self blame and a self censor that he's doing. And
then finally he calls out and he says, Man Lee buret Decima him in
Hawaii at her karma Euro Dojima hula Haley be like me. What that
means is who will now help me curb a bolting rebels willfulness in
the way that a rebel stallion may be curbed? Who drains me enough
says gone after in pursuance of his desires, who's going to help
me? Who's going to help me get it back under control? Just like a
bolting horse is sometimes captured and then it's controlled
by rains. So how can I put some rains like that on my knifes?
So now we're on the next one, which we covered today. He says,
just saw that. When you're trying to curb your knifes, what the
knifes does, what the soul does is that it pushes you, it compels you
it's very stubborn. They're stubborn, he's like a stubborn
knifes. He's like a stubborn child, he will continue to cry and
cry until you pick it up until you let it sleep with you. Because
it's in the court. And he starts crying and crying for 234 hours.
That's a stubborn child. That's enough. He's just like that. So
sometimes what happens is, if the child wants a sweet
and you know that they've had enough sweets, but now they're
gonna keep crying just to shut it up, we'll give it some more
sweets. That's what we do generally,
especially those who can't but who can't, who can't tolerate the
crying, they'll just keep giving it sweets. That's why what they
generally tell you is that if you want to train your children to do
certain things, or whatever, sometimes you'll have to just let
them cry in their court for three, four hours. Because if you keep
bringing them in, like children are very clever in that sense in
their own little way. These infants are very clever. They'll
keep doing that and continue to sleep with you and they'll never
be trained to sleep separately and you will constantly have bad
So you'd have to keep them there but it needs some it needs. It
needs a lot of strength and tolerance inside to be able to
listen to your child cry for a very long time. So Hala, same
thing with the knifes so to preempt this kind of a solution.
Immediately he says fella Tarun Bill ma si Castro Asha who at her
in Natoma, Yoko, we shall with a Naomi yella fella Tarun Bill
Malossi Castro Asha
What's her in Natoma, Yoko? We shot with a knee Hemi
think not to break unlawful whims by satisfying them.
Your knifes wants to do that wrong again it just one more. Let me
just look at it. Let me just listen to it, let me just do it.
Let me just eat it, consume it, smoke it, whatever it is, just
once more, then because I know when I have that one, when I have
that one more, I get some satisfaction for a while. So the
urge stops for a while.
But then it's gonna come back. So now to repel it this time. I'm
trying to feed it so that's what he's saying. Think not to break
unlawful whims by satisfying them because food only increases a
gluttons desire.
So Naomi, Nahum is a glutton, somebody who just loves to eat for
the sake of eating.
So whether that be chocolate, whether that be cakes, whether
that be whatever it may be,
it just wants that one extra, you'd have that one extra, but
that's what sugar does. It just you want some more after a little
while and you want some more after a little oil. It's a big
challenge. So he said that's not how you're going to be able to
deal with it, you have to suffocate it. You have to restrain
it. You have to make you have to keep it hungry for a while then
finally he will say okay, fine. Then he says one nuff Soukup
briefly, in Tamil who shoved by the hook, but rather we're into
Tim who yearn for TV. The ego the knifes is like a child neglect it,
and it will grow up suckling
don't when it have its mother's milk, and it will grow up wanting
that. And only if you when we in it, will it be wind. That's why
just last week, there was this oh, this week earlier this week, there
was this photo that went around saying that this is a Syrian
child, it showed the Syrian child was quite a Quiet quiet.
Not a very pleasant photo, it was of a child of a boy actually young
boy, maybe seven, eight years old who's suckling a dog
is drinking milk from a dog. So people sent his round that this
was actually in Syria, because anything like that is all about
cereal raise people send this round. The lating actually came in
the Dhaka times that this is actually in Bangladesh, that when
he was young, little baby, his mum used to have to go to work. So she
used to leave him and he used to have a pet dog. So that's what he
used to He used to drink milk from the hunger.
So now he's grown up. And anytime he sees the doggy, that he wants
to do this, Allah knows best house through the stories. But the
picture was with the dog with him circling the dog, if that's the
right word I'm drinking from the dog.
So that's this SubhanAllah. That's like such a apt example of what
this particular poem says that if you don't, it will carry on doing
that. He can't help anytime he sees the dog, he likes to go and
do that.
He has to be weaned off and deprived totally. That's the way
Linux works. That's just the way it is. So if somebody's into some
kind of substances or anything else, you just have to stay away
from away from it for a while.
Then it helps.
So now, what he's saying here
is that, beware, remember, they're having this dialogue, he's he's
created this dialogue for those who have been here from the
He says, Be very careful that you enough doesn't deceive you. And it
tells you just let me have that one more. Let me just do it once
more. Let me have and fulfill this desire this once more, then I'll
come down, I'll relax. I'll be trained, tranquil. And after that,
I won't have that desire anymore.
Once I've gained this, then I won't have any problem afterwards.
But the thing is that you're just giving it some food, it will get
stronger next time, it's going to ask you again. So it's just going
to ask you again. And in fact, then it will spread to more things
like that. The more you give it, the more you feed it, the more
it's going to want different things you won't be satisfied then
with just one thing anymore. That's the exact nature of sins as
well, they do the same thing. You just do it once more it wants to
make you do it again, it tells you just do it once more than it'll be
calm for a while, be calm for a while, but then it's not going to
help you to win it off. Giving it once more it's not going to help
you. So the best way is to close the door in its face, is to give
it a slap on its hands when we're talking anthropomorphic ly
obviously, right? Close its door, slap its hand and follow the
stronger path, the stronger path of trying to overcome it and to
dominate it.
So that you make it totally hopeless and despondent. So
eventually loses any hope in you to ask you anymore. It won't
First of all it stubbornness will go. The only way to destroy his
stubbornness is to get is to, is to is to stop it is to is to
deprive it.
That's the only way to do that. Because as he says in the next
poem, the knifes is like a child, if you leave it, you're careless
about it. You let it you just keep feeding it what it wants, you
don't really do it started via Shabbat, it will then become a
youth in its love, for drinking, its mother's milk. And that's just
an example. It will it will do everything that it does, as a
child, it will continue to do the same things.
It will continue to do that because you're not doing tarbiyah.
You're not restricting it, you're not guiding it, you're not
disciplining it. But the good thing is, we're into Tim, who you
are, and Fati, me, if you do try to take it away, they will be
difficult, but eventually, it will separate and it will become
independent of those problems. That gives us hope that it could
be one of the biggest problems there may be, there are enough so
us is used to something as long as there's pressure on it, and it's
it's done in a particular way, then that's how we'll get we'll be
able to help ourselves.
in Arabic, you've got this word here different. And just to point
out to you the beauty of the Arabic language. All the stage is
I mean, what do we what have we got infancy?
Right, we've got what a newborn? What else? What other words have
you got to describe children? newborn infant toddler?
terrible twos. Right? What else have you got?
They get to teenagers eventually. Now look at Arabic, right? He says
when it's in the stomach, it's a embryo. So that's called Jenine.
In Arabic Jenine. As soon as, or in the Moroccan French with Asian
as soon as it's born. It's called Walid
the one given birth will lead.
And then while it's being nursed, breastfed is called Roll lead from
rodar. It's called radhey.
Then, when it's off its breast milk. And it's, it's been weaned
it's called 14. Because Fatima means two wins is called 14. Now,
he's a 14.
When he reaches 10 years of age, he's called a matara. And Cheb. So
youth starts at 10 According to this, and Matahari. That's another
word. When he gets to blue, it gets to maturity 1314 15 Then he
is called. Yeah, fair. And sharp as well. Yeah, fair. We're all too
Yeah, fair. And this is in a poem as well. Yeah, if it means like 15
to 19, around that kind of age. But in all of these is still going
to be called a hula. In general, that's the general term for the
whole thing.
And then when he starts growing some,
some hair etc, he becomes a buckle buckle.
And when he gets even more youthful and older, then obviously
it'd be until the age of 16, then he's middle age.
Some put the youth until 33. From below to 33. That's youth. Once
you're beyond 33, then it's middle age until about 60 or whatever.
Then it goes into old age, then you become a sheikh. That's the
word in Arabic for an older person. And generally, because
older people are dignified, anybody who's a scholar, they call
him Sheikh as well. But really Sheikh means an old man. Not a
very old man, but an old man, old, dignified man. Because when you
become very old,
then that person then there's other names for that that leads to
decrepitude. And there's other words for that.
Right. So what he's saying here is that the knifes is just like a
child. What is the why is he making that resemblance? What is
you know, when you make a resemblance one thing with the
other like you say the guy is like a lion. So you're trying to say
that he is as brave as a lion. So bravery is the point of the common
point between the two. So what is the common point between the
knifes and the child? That he's saying the knifes he's like the
child, what do you think is the common point between the two? So
he says,
The weakness of intellect, a weak intellect not being very rational.
That's exactly where the child fathers just come home from a trip
and he bought this really nice knife. The child sees a sparkling
knife. I want that knife. I want that knife. The mother is saying
that you can't have it is annoyed, sparkling. I want it it's nice. I
need it. That's what I want.
I don't want anything else is irrational none mum knows if we
give him that knife he's gonna know because the father is a
right the father cuts meat is a butcher so he you know he bought a
nice knife from somewhere
that give him a sweet instead give your child a sweet and so you're
not gonna give him that knife. We'll give him a sweet instead. So
what he was trying to say is that Allah subhanaw taala, you make dua
to Allah subhanaw taala I want that I want that I want that. That
thing might not be good for you right now. You're too immature,
even though we're all way too immature to have that job right
now. Because the money we get from there we might you might make us
tyrannical. You might make us indulgent. So Allah gives us
something else. That's how it does not always accepted directly,
because Allah knows best what to give us our time. So what we're
asking him for right now may not be the right thing for us. So it
gives us something else. Maybe after two years, he will give us
what we want. And if not, after two years or 10 years, he will
give it to us in the hereafter. For sure. But anyway, the point
here is the common factor between the knifes and the child is
irrationality. Not being very rational, not thinking properly of
what it really wants and what's beneficial for itself. It just
wants what is used to what looks sparkling, right? And dominance of
desire. That child has a desire for that thing. Subhanallah you
know, that's going to be a stubborn child to deal with and
not focusing on the consequences. What where does the child think of
consequences? If a child does you think wow, man, you're special.
Children don't think about consequent they just want to do
what they want to do right then that's the knifes but do you know
that that's our that's exactly our knifes we can laugh at this child
in this sense, but that's exactly the way our knifes works. It wants
whatever it is right now it doesn't care about what's going to
happen afterwards. This is really deep analysis of the knifes and
it's a perfect example this this man, this author, masha Allah,
Allah have mercy on him, he really knew what he was speaking about.
Right? So the knifes it is, has no idea about consequences and think
about consequences just like a child doesn't. Another thing is
child accepts anything. It's not discriminating, it just takes
whatever looks nice, it just it'll take it. Similar with the knifes
once the alcohol is dominated once the intelligence is dominated, and
your emotions get into the way the knifes takes over. That's it, he
will just drive your desire and your chakra, you will not think of
the consequences. You won't think about what's really beneficial for
you and what's not beneficial for you What's harmful for you. So
it's just like the child who has no Arkell that's why he said it's
the same like a child. Now if you say that, look, children do have
some sense of good and bad, evil from good and so on. They can't
generally understand you know, what's beneficial and what's
harmful for them. So why enough's whereas enough snows I mean a
human an older person knows what's right and wrong. Child, okay,
there's some But why, why, you know, what is? Why is it so, so
similar? He said, because it does know intellectually, what's bad
for it, and what is harmful for it, it intellectually knows it
calms down and sits and thinks, then yes, at the back of his mind,
that thing is bad what I'm doing, but because you can't help
yourself, because the knifes just overcomes you. That's why you
become like a child. So at the end of the day, in practice, you
become like a child, that the child is irrational, just takes
what looks nice. Likewise, the novices like that, even though
intellectually you think you think you know what's right and wrong.
So it's just like that child who nobody looks after, when nobody's
there to discipline. That's, that's how the NEF says, you leave
it and his desire and it will just take over. It's so weird, we
should be so thankful that Allah has given us a religion that keeps
prodding us, Allah has given us people around us, that care for
us. And thus they would, they would really make us embarrassed
if we were to be seen as doing something wrong. These are all
bounties of Allah subhanaw taala to help us even though sometimes
we don't like it, that people say things to us. Otherwise, if there
was no embarrassment in this world, can you imagine where we
would be?
If there was no sense of embarrassment where you could
literally do what you wanted to do? And you don't care about what
people would think about you?
Then where would we be a lot of the stuff we don't do is because
of that. And that's why one of the drawers we make for people which
is Sidna when they go on a journey. They're going out of the
people they know it's easier to commit a sin in holidays, because
there's your lot your normal people aren't there to catch you
to see you to maybe chance upon you. So, a person with Taqwa will
will be careful even when he's among people he doesn't know. So
he's saying the out of all of the things that a child might be used
to and will grow up
whereas if you don't stop it, one of the most difficult ones is the
is the nursing, breastfeeding. Because it takes a while to stop
it. You know, sometimes it could take a month or two, because the
baby will really cry, etcetera, etcetera, you have to satisfy with
other things. So, because that's a difficult one, he is trying to
show that when you have a problem with your knifes, you can't just
take an you know, like, for example, the child has to play
with a knife, just take it away, call us finish.
Right, it's hidden, it's gone, the guy is never gonna see it against
him probably forget about it. But the mother's day all the time, she
has to pick him up, he can smell the milk. Children can smell the
milk, they know it's their mother, even in the dark. They know it's
their mother, Allah has created a archieve association.
So how do you take that away, you can't take the mother away or take
the mother the child away from the mother. So that's more of a
challenge to separate to tween. So he's saying the knifes is just
like that things are going to be in front of you that you desire.
You can't just put it away. These are your everyday desires and
fitna that you're dealing with. But that's the environment in
which you need to
wean yourself. So it's a perfect example of what he's chosen, that
you can't just do it in one shot, it's going to take time is going
to take a while is going to be pain, there's going to be
withdrawals, and there's going to be issues. But that's the only way
to do it. Otherwise you'll grow up nursing. That's why
it is so important from a young age. Children should be prevented
from being in the company of
a of evil people. Because what they the younger you learn
something and you grow up with it, the more difficult it becomes to
stop it. So that's why good company from a young age is even
more important. And having good company from a young age has
immense benefits from a young age immense benefits.
That's why a poem a poet says saw him here on earth he won't be in
who may us humble a Sraffa Yeoman. Yes shuffle. Our materal Gil
hachimura mocha burnin Lima acaba Moo hoo Risha almost huffy a Jeep
saw him here a nurse he won't be a no who may us hobble a Sraffa
Yeoman yesh Ruffo our methodology older Akira mocha Belen, Lima
Acaba, moo hoo Risha, almost happy. He's saying,
Stay in the company of the best of people. You may be not very good
in your in your thoughts in your own assumptions. But stay with in
good company be and know that the one who remains with the dignified
people will one day themselves become dignified.
They will gain enough attributes of dignity to one day become
honorable themselves. Haven't you seen a simple piece of leather
that suddenly becomes that suddenly people are kissing, you
know, just the normal people normal piece of leather that comes
from an animal thrown around here and there. But it becomes people
are kissing it. Why? Because it has been made the cover of a
Quran. You use it in the cover of a Quran now people are gonna kiss
that Quran. And yet that piece of leather was nothing otherwise. So
by association with the Quran, what are you gonna kiss you're
gonna kiss that leather. And likewise stay with the stay with
dignified and honorable people and you will also gain honor like
Likewise, the knifes if you dominate it, and you oppose its
desires for the wrong
and from a young age, and you extinguish its fire of its desire,
then you will control it, you will dominate it, you will vanquish it,
you will be its leader.
And if you leave it, and you fall, allow it to do what it wants
and to fulfill its desires, then it will own you. It will drive you
and it will rule you. It will have its kingdom will be over you.
And it will make you do as it pleases. And you'll be hating
yourself for it but you can't do anything.
That's why one of our friends, he's a chaplain, you know, in a
prison, where he's got a lot of Muslim offenders as well. He said
there's one guy who was in there for some robbery. And when he was
talking to him,
he blames his mother. He blames his mother for for where he is
right now and he said
Why is it when I used to go to people's houses you know children
they take things from people's houses they like a nice car a nice
try on a take it home. Right and generally the person of the House
says, yeah, let him take it. We got so many it's okay, let him
take it.
So, the parent generally say no, no, no, no is a bad habit. He's
gonna like every house, he goes to, he's going to take a few toys
from there. So he doesn't say no, but his mother is never cared. So
he used to just take things casually. So he got used to taking
things, whatever he saw, he owned it, he took it. So he started
doing it in shops, malls and then finally got caught. So now he's
blaming his mum. It's just the way things work Subhanallah it's just
the way things work.
Once the knifes becomes dominant,
then the shaytaan
jumps on the bandwagon and uses that knifes to sail wherever he
wants. So now you've just given the knifes you've just given the
shaytaan a vehicle ready towards any embellished and Dawn here you
And if you overcome your enough's, you've overcome shaytaan because
shaytaan doesn't have an in an inner friend, an inner partner
because you're in apartment you've you've taken hold of it.
Because the knifes and the shaytaan they both brothers, they
always are one.
And this is the badness, the ambitions and goals are the same.
So they will make things look adorn, they will make things are
beautiful and make things look nice and attractive. Even the
worst of things will make it seem look really nice. And the only way
to deal with this is to go and seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa
Taala the one who is the Vanquish at the top are the kahar means the
Vanquisher, the one who is dominates. Only Allah subhanaw
taala can do it by doing puja. This is why it's called the Jihad
Al Akbar. This is why it's called a greater jihad. Because it's
takes longer to deal with that.
Some of the scholars say that Ashraf Hoonah Nursey Manasa Murad
Willem, you're enough CELTA yard are cleared. The most noble of
people is the one who disobeyed his knifes and did not give him
give his knifes the reins.
He says Liam Lukina and enough's, it'll be ideological. There is no
way you can overcome your knifes unless your intelligence is fourth
in the forefront
and the one who's occult becomes dominated. Now the one who's
occult is dominating, who's who's who's more rational about the way
he does things is very careful, then the knifes will be taken care
How do you deal with this thing says that if you're knifes has a
desire for two things, you don't know which one to take. He says
that find out which one seems to be more difficult, because
generally that one's going to be the better way. Because the nuts
find it finds it difficult to do that. What the aroma say is that
if Allah subhanahu wa taala wants to honor somebody in their
actions, in whatever they do in every state of this, Allah
subhanho wa Taala will give him servitude ability to be a true
servant of his. Allah subhanho wa Taala will then actually conceal
for him any desires that his heart may have for the wrong things so
he will concede it's easier if Allah is helping you. Right? So he
will do that. And he will keep him just his daily activities will all
be to do with the worship of Allah subhana wa Tada. So that's special
from Allah subhanaw taala. So he won't even look towards anything
wrong. He won't have that Inkling and that desire. If Allah subhanho
wa Taala wants to dishonor somebody in his actions, then he
lets him look at his desires of his knifes. They always a
challenge to him. And he's following them. He's always
falling into them. So he's he seems to be far from serving Allah
subhanaw taala because he's always serving his soul. This is exactly
what is called Wilaya and ihana Wali, a weenie of Allah is the one
who doesn't have to worry too much anymore because Allah subhanho wa
Taala has kept him strong because he's worked hard. And the opposite
of Willa is ihana forsaking. And that's the stage of the other one.
May Allah subhanho wa Taala take us to the stage of Wilaya. So then
he says, The next poem, he says
it's the I'm going to comment on the
in some copies, it's the other way around. I'm going to copy and I'm
going to comment on the next one first before I go back to the
first one. So first serif Hawa waha and to a Leo in the lower
moto Allah usIm Oyasumi.
What that means is frustrate its whim
strangle its desire, frustrate its whim.
Turn away, it's desired. Don't Don't give into it. Be wary of
giving it power for whims, pollute or pervert whatever they control.
The next is just that if you give it whenever it becomes
controlling, it will destroy, or it will change. And you cannot
allow it to do that. So, what the poet is saying is, do not assist
your knifes in fulfilling its desires. Don't ever agree to its
ambitions and its goals. It's haram once it's talking about,
always be careful that if you do that, it will turn always against
you, and it will take you into destruction. And once you give it
that control, it's very dominating certain people. If you give them
control, then they'll just overcome you as well. So they say
that fatten your dog and then you really need to write something.
This is a very typical Arabic saying some men callback. What is
it? Yeah, cool look,
fat in your dog and it will come back and eat you. That's what it
says. Same kind of thing here. In the HECM it mentions in the
aphorisms of a pinata, Allah says, Ma, che and en la quinta,
Abdullah, wahoo, Allah, you Hebrew and takuna, Abdullah, every day,
whenever you love something to such an extent, you will have to
become a slave to it. Whenever you become whenever you love something
to a high level, you will have to become a slave to it.
Whereas he does not like you to be a slave of anything else. There
was an interesting clip I saw the other day, this guy is commenting
on having gone to South America or, or Africa, and he sees how
everybody's dead. If there's a special day that they have. And
they all dress up in these really weird garish kind of colors. They
put paint on their face. And they play with all these sticks and
holler about and make some weird sounds. It looks totally
barbarian. Totally silly, right? You know what I'm talking about
one of those things. So he says, I used to wonder I saw this, look at
that and wonder. And then we're after I saw that I started looking
around. And I saw that we actually do stuff like that in this
country. There's a ball that's being kicked around. And you've
got these guys with faces that are painted with red and white, and
different colors. They're screaming like idiots. And so
that's their religion down there. And this is our religion. Here.
We're doing the same thing for this religion. And yet we think
that's strange, because we're not used to it. And for them, it's not
strange. And here, this seems quite normal for us as well. And
then he said essentially what it is just the way that's a religion,
this is a religion, anything you love, you're going to have to
become a servant to it, a slave to it. Whereas this is so beautiful.
Wahoo Allah, your Hebrew and Hakuna Abdullah Ryrie he doesn't
want you to become a slave of anything else, Allah and that's
why the prophets of Allah some said dari sab de de Nardi, with
dyrham destroyed is the servant of the dinar and Dirham, people who
love money. They're destroyed because when you love something,
you have to become a slave to it. If it doesn't destroy you
completely, it will definitely lower your status of dignity. And
it will abort Ibis ignore Rahima hula now listen to this. This is
quite complicated, but it just tells you how the knifes is so
crafty. How it thinks more than us. That's our challenge. You
know, you might think well, why do we have one? That's the challenge.
That's the way Allah has put us in. Yeah, that's what he wants to
see us doing. Otherwise, it'd be very boring if everybody was nice
or you know this is the way Allah wants it and that's we can't
question him on that we just have to try our best. So this
will Ibis if not Otto, he says.
Well, actually no, this is just a quote of his he says that. The
knifes its nature is to be a bad Adam wants to be undisciplined.
Right. And the servant is commanded that you must have good
Adam. So you're not always going to try to you have to stop it. You
have to try to always act with good Adam and good conduct. One of
the pious people he said that the highest level of a believer, the
highest level of any kind of believer.
And the best state that he can die in is you know what?
That he dies fighting his knifes. His he dies, fighting his knifes,
that's one of the highest levels you can have. Because it means
you're doing the right thing. Because only your well you can do
that. One of the Salaf said that the shaytaan has these has these
which he puts up for the human being.
If that net net captures a person with weak faith,
then it will take his Eman away and it will destroy him. So those
who are weak faith, they're gone. They don't have much of a chance
He says, If it captures in his net in these nets, if he captures
somebody with strong faith, then
and he can't overcome him because of his strength of faith, then he
will try to make him do at least undesirable things. If not haram
things, he will try to make him do at least undesirable things. And
he'll make desires in a worldly desires, beloved to him into his
heart. And He will try to make things which are considered to be
defective in the sight of people will try to make him do one of
them. So that at least he drops down in the sight of people. So he
will try to get him somewhere where the other if he can't take
his faith away, he will try to drop him into sight of people. And
he will try to weaken his his resolve. And that's probably what
the poet is saying here that it will either destroy you or it will
at least mark you. It will make you defective, it will blemish
you. That's what he says. Now in Arabic, there's a word called
Hubba is what desire right howa is desire and Subhanallah we say in
order to hover is our right is a desire is a it's it's nothing is
trying to show that it's fickle. It's got nothing in it.
It's just all desire. It's just all fulfillment. And then after at
the end of it, it gives you nothing. However, then there's
another word, you just add one letter noon, and it gives you
Hawaiian, Hawaiian, you know, Hawaiian means It means
humiliation. Follow your desire, and you'll be humiliated Hawa
leads to hawan in Arabic.
Right, now let's go back to the previous poem. What are you her?
We're here Phil. Murli, sir in Mattoon. We're in here. We're in
here is that little Maura fella to see me? Where are ya hear Phil?
Melissa Emerton we're in here is stuck let's we're in here is a
little fella to see me. God it as it grazes in the pasture of deeds.
And should it find the grazing sweet Let it not roam. That one
needs to be explained. God it as it grazes in the in the pasture of
deeds. And should it find the grazing sweet, let it not roam too
much. What does that mean? What he's saying here is that always
look after your enough's even if you're doing good deeds, etc. Look
after your enough's. Always be listening out. Always be watching,
because it might be doing some deeds and then suddenly it might
do other deeds and consider them halal. And it might start inclined
to certain things even within a good deed, intention wise etc. Or
sometimes it will totally become inclined in that. So
if it wants to do something that's even permissible. Be careful
though always be suspicious of it. Because that's how it is. Because
a person is as Allah as the prophet Allah Some said that every
person is responsible for whatever Allah has given you responsibility
for we generally take that to be your family, etc. But the left is
also our responsibility. So we're told to be responsible for our
knifes as well. That's why sometimes
certain worships you will find to be you'd like to do but certain
other worships you don't like to do them. Know that you're nuts is
playing a part in that. Because if you're not was totally dominated
any form of worship, you'd like to do it. Whether that gives sadaqa
whether the statue that night or whatever. If you're not, it's
telling you that you want to follow the Sunnah of getting a
second wife, which is an extreme example. Right? But it can't allow
you to do tahajjud which is more of an important sunnah. Right? You
know that there's some knifes in there a lot of people they say,
but that's a certain I know it's a sunnah. But he's saying here that
if you're knifes makes you do certain sunnah. So this is this is
talking to the people who are considered pious, right, who are
generally doing good things, but selectively doing good things.
They're not willing to do this. They're not they're not willing to
do it, but they're willing to do this one. They know that there's
some knifes problem there. If it's from Allah and His Rasul, you
should be able to do it. Yes, of course, there has to be facility
and they have to have time etc. But if it's always like, you just
want to do one cat type of thing and not another type of thing,
then know that this is an issue. So it's easy to sit and say Subhan
Allah Subhanallah SubhanAllah. But is it is it as easy to stand up
and make two rockets, right? So there could be different things
like that. So be careful of what you're not trying to do.
There's a person whose name was Abu Mohammed and monetary ish, or
the hola Juan. He said, I did hedge for this many years, however
many it was 1020 30 years. I did hedge for this many years. And
I discovered that my hedge every year, though it was a good deed,
you don't just get to hijack that. He said all of that was actually
just to fulfill my knifes and not pure if loss from ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tyler he's doing a good deed so we're not even talking about bad
deeds anymore a good deed this many years How did I find out that
that was my knifes involved in there is because once
my mother told me to give her
a pot of water
to give us some water to drink
and I found that so difficult to get up and go and do that
go from one room to the other get the water but I found that so
difficult yet it is so sick insignificant compared to Hajj
where you go from other farm animals deliver you go from here
to there among crowds This is so easy go to the next one get some
water give it to her. So I realized that my knifes which is
so easily comes with me to Hutch and makes it so easy for me.
That's because it there's an enjoyment in it for for my nerves.
So I'm not doing it for Allah 100% And if my enough's was totally
vanquished, then I would not have had difficulty in fulfilling my
mother's desire which is more of a responsibility and more a duty on
me than my going for hygiene more than once. Because my first hedge
was foreign, but after that it was all for my own, you know, for my
own rewards, etc. So where are we if they if these people are like
playing in that field, where are we Subhanallah we're still trying
to get away just from firearms and just from wrongs and do the good
deeds he's this guy isn't playing on a separate level. He's playing
in the good deeds and he's trying to figure out you know, how bad is
enough says in that regard, so hon Allah
so this gives us an understanding that the knifes will even have an
issue when it comes to just good deeds. There's another person
whose name was Sheikh Abu Bakr Al hofferth or the Allah one. Rahim
Allah. He says once I heard our Sheikh, his teacher say that there
was a person called Ahmed Abdullah, Al bulky bulk is in
Afghanistan, it was a really thriving city of the time. So
there was no argument bulky. He said once my knifes told me that I
should respond to the call for jihad and I should go out there
was a call for jihad not for the line and this was for the key fire
where you know there was constantly Jihad going on. And he
said, I am i Enough told me I should go sit Subhan Allah, Allah
subhanho wa Taala says in the NEF, Salah Amara timbi su Allah says
that the knifes so it was just this desire that crept into my
head that I should also go, he was kind of a hermit, you stay away
from people I guess, right? Well, Allah who I am, but he says that
Allah says in the Quran, that is enough, sometimes, it also orders
you to do wrong.
So this knifes of mine is telling me I should go out. So what's
going on here, if Allah is telling me that the nurse can tell you to
do wrong,
and minus he is not telling me to do what seems to be a good deed.
Let me deal with this. So he tested his knifes. Now, this is a
very high level and we're not at this level of testing. Right? To
see what deeds of ours are really good. And what these are, we just
want to stay away from haram, you know. So
he says, There's no way my nerves can tell me to do good. I think
that it's becoming alone. There's nobody to talk to, you know,
there's not many people to meet and have a good time with. In
jihad, you will always be with people. Right? So
it will feel comfortable in that. You will listen to people, people
will listen to it. He's talking about his own self. Right? He's
talking about his own self.
So there'll be people you know who you will do some acts of valor,
they'll respect you, they'll praise you, they'll honor you,
you'll get respect. So I said to it, I know I can't trust you. I'm
not gonna let you go into this situation. So it responded. And it
was really displeased with me. It was really displeased with me.
Right? So I said, Allah subhanaw taala has to be the truthful one.
So I said to it, that if I go in, into the fate, into the jihad,
and so I started saying all of these things, and it had a
response for everything.
Finally, I said to my Lord, I pray to Allah subhanaw taala that, Oh,
my Lord told me the truth about this matter, inspire me with the
truth of this matter. Because I have doubts. I'm very suspicious
of this desire that's coming to my heart to go with you at this time.
I'm very suspicious.
And I believe what you're saying about the knifes so now you tell
you helped me out here. So I was then inspired, that my nurse was
saying to me now look at what the nurse look how far you had
planned. Look how far the nurse had planned. You said I heard my
nurse telling me
Every day you kill me by opposing me every single day you're killing
me by opposing me. Right? Because he was very in control of Islam.
So every day you don't let me do my desire, you kill me. You debase
me, because you, you don't let me fulfill my desires. And nobody
even knows about me. I think he was a hermit. He was not a hermit,
but he was, you know, he was kind of in his own place. He didn't. If
you go out to fight, and you're killed, martyred,
then that would be one death.
That would be just that one death.
And then I would be free, have you
achieved, I would be free of you. And then people would start
talking about now you think this sounds crazy, but this is where it
gets gets real. Then people will start talking and hearing each
other saying his name was Ahmed. Right? Was a martyr, died a
martyr. Right? So that would become a great sense of honor for
me. So there was no class in it. There was no class and he just
wanted fame. So I would get theme among people. And that will be
just one death. I wouldn't have to be dying every day. It'd be just
one day, but at least then I will live forever, which you heard, you
know, with this fame of Shahada. So then the Sheikh Said I set and
I did not go out that year.
Just to oppose by knifes for that reason. Don't use this to not come
for Jamar. Not go in Jamar, you know, not going to do good deeds,
because this is on a different level.
But this is just to give us an understanding that look, this is a
very complex way this is very sophisticated, is not something
simple. We're talking this is very sophisticated. We're only going to
be thinking at that level. And when we play on a very high level.
That's a different league. That's exactly what he's saying here. So
he's saying we're in his little Mara Mara fella to see me. Should
it find the grazing sweet? If you're not tells you Yeah, Do
this, do this. Don't let it roll now. Give it a bit of grace. But
don't get me wrong. Be careful even in that. That's, that's
another level. So first, he's talking about staring at staying
away from haram. Now he's talking about people who have avoided the
Haram it's just what good things to do and struggle against your
knifes even more to do things purely for the sake of Allah
subhanho wa Taala and not for your knifes at all.
And, finally, GM has sent the love that and lilmar eco Tillotson mean
Hi, Lulu MiraDry under some of it doesn't mean
Subhanallah he's saying here many a delight has the enough approved,
which eventually proved murderous, so many delightful things, it may
look good to you, which eventually was actually murderous for you.
For some do not know that fat also contains a poison. So you enjoy
it. But there's actually a poison in there, which is actually bad
for you. That's the fat. That's what he's using. But obviously
he'll explain it. So what he's saying here is that
many times the knifes will make things look really nice to you.
Whereas inside the bad for you. That is the way the knifes
generally works, it makes things look good. Whereas inside, it's
actually bad. And that's, that's what it always does, it will show
you honey. And inside it will actually be bitter.
Figuratively speaking, it'll show you things to be like honey, but
there's a bitterness inside. And it will give you great sense of
loss afterwards. And the thing is that people misunderstand that you
want to poison somebody, you will put it in the thing that they're
going to commonly eat, that they want to eat. So enough should know
that as well that there's poison in these things. It's like that
example that you love chocolates and you're told that you've got
this selection of you know, 100 nice chocolates. Well, exquisite
one of them is got a problem. Are you going to try any one of them?
If one of them is poisonous? Are you going to risk? You would? Like
it's probably you eat that chocolate, you're gone, you're
finished? It will make you just sick and you have to go hospital,
then I believe me people will still do it. Right? That's the way
we have no problem go to. It's nice man. I can't have to have
But if it kills you instantly, then what? Would you do it? I'm
sure lives are more more than that.
So this is the same way of sins. So don't become Don't be deceived
by the honey and don't be deceived by the honeys. And don't be
deceived by the sweets and the
adornment adornments tell you enough of and that's why the
Prophet sallallahu sallam said her fertile agenda to build McCurry
worldfirst in Nairobi Schauerte Jana
is veiled by the dislike things, meaning things that you don't
really want to do difficult things? Whereas Jahannam has all
of the desires in front of it.
It says In another Hadith, you gotta be unruly eyelid dunya yo
woman, okay. Okayama the person who had the most excellent life in
terms of worldly pleasures that person will be brought into
hereafter for you who must be Nadi romset and he'll just be like
dipped quickly into the fire and out then we'll be set us to him
108 and are even cut to have you ever had any kind of pleasure
everything will be forgiven forgotten, you'd say love Allah He
Mara Ito I don't know what pleasure is. This is so severe,
it's made you forget everything. Forget that. You know, just
nothing. That is the person who's had the most pleasure in this
world. So my Yota be early dunya yarmulke Yama, then the person
who's considered like with nothing in the world he'll be brought for
you who must will jumps agenda at home sets and he'll just be dipped
into just kind of like put into Jana for a short while and just
pull it back out. And just the smells and everything. That's the
feeling the smell is the excitement, everything in a short
moment. He says, Have you ever had a difficult time in the world? He
says No way. This is no way nothing.
This is what it is love Allah Hemara Ito Iman Buhari relates
this. So when a person who is intelligent, and who has Tofik
who's got enablement from Allah subhanahu wa taala. And he looks
the pleasures of of these desires of this world of disobedience says
he will know that eventually it will leave. What's going to be
left of it afterwards is the sin and any blemish and dishonor and
embarrassment that comes from it is going to seem really nice for
that moment. But then it's going to go and it's going to leave
these these in its trail. So you should think to himself, maybe
Allah will get so angry because of this one instance. That he might
totally deprive me for any good forever. Allah subhanahu wa Tada
protect us. May Allah subhanahu wa Tada give us Tofik May Allah allow
us to overcome our knifes.
So the next few just just to tell you where this is going. He says
what workshop the SIR is m endure in women Sheba in photo Burma?
Masato in chatroom minute Dahomey was stuff really dumb. I mean, I
in Kadeem tele Minal Maha Remi welcome him yet another me. Fear
the insidious snares of hunger and of satiety for being hungry is
sometimes worse than having gorged. Then he says, empty out
the tears from an eye that are stuffed itself with forbidden
sights. So Annaleigh How many years have you looked at the
haram? Now cry your tears so you can wash all that haram out of
your eyes hold her to a diet of penitence, now of penitence means
regret for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala
Allah him and the salon salon to theater jewelry calm Allahumma
yada yada Yun Brahma taken a study hola hola Yeah 100 We
learned this we're gonna get you know good nominal body mean.
Just Allahu Ana Mohammad Amir, who does a lot of work now Mohamed El
Moussa? Allahumma fildena Wareham now if you know what the number is
aka. O Allah, O Allah. We are completely soiled individuals with
dirty hearts and darkened hearts. Oh Allah, our gazes have seen so
much haram. Oh Allah give us the ability to cry and weep so that
they're purified of Allah Our hearts have contemplated and have
enjoyed so much haram and so much wrong. Oh Allah, every part of our
body has done this, Oh Allah, we've taken enjoyment in these
things. Oh Allah, we continue to take enjoyment in these things. Oh
Allah give us the ability to wean ourself of Allah gives us the
ability to refrain from these things and to restrict ourself. Oh
Allah give us pleasure in your in your remembrance, rather in the
rather than in the worldly things. Oh ALLAH from what we read today.
When we hear these things that if you love a servant, then you make
his acts all in obedience to you. Oh Allah, unfortunately, our acts
acts aren't like that. So are we to believe that you don't love us?
Oh Allah, Oh Allah, we know that you have more mercy than then all
the mercy that there is in this world. You have more mercy than
all the mercy that there is. In this world. Your the rivers of
Your mercy are constantly flowing of Allah just give us a drop of
the drop of just a single drop of that
Mercy of Allah, Allah Allah single drop of that Mercy of Allah Imams
as early as mentioned that when it rains, it's the Mercy of Allah
that's coming down. It's training now. So we ask you, oh Allah to
accept our dollars and to purify our hearts of Allah don't leave
anybody of us to be to remain impure. When we leave from this
place of Allah. This is a constant dua that we make to you. But
Allah, you your messenger has told us that if we did not sin, and if
we were totally pure and never sinned, then you you would take us
away and bring up people that would sin. Oh Allah, Oh Allah. So
we ask you to make us of the webbing, to make us of those who
repent, to make us of those who repent and who show remorse. Oh
Allah, Oh Allah. Your messengers showed us great, great amount of
Mercy never told UNASUR the Allahu Anhu offered 10 whole years. We
only see that as a sign of Your mercy that you can treat us with
that same kind of Mercy of Allah, you've given us so many bounties,
but how much have we thanked you? Whenever we use your bounties for
all the money and resources you've given us and we use that to
fulfill our desires and haram desires many times, Oh Allah,
Allah, let us only worship you and not worship anything else in this
world of Allah let us worship you and not anything else. At the end
of the day, we bow down in front of you and nobody else of Allah
make our entire obedience to you. And our entire servitude to you.
Make, make us not slaves of anything else, or anything else
except you of Allah turn us away from anything else that we may
have so strongly in our hearts that you dislike. Because your
your pious tell us that you don't like us to be slaves or to love
anything else. Oh Allah, grant us your love and grant us zikr and
grant us remembrance in grants ease, Oh Allah, grant us ease.
Make your obedience, Beloved to us in our hearts and make your
disobedience despicable in our hearts, so that it becomes easy
for us to do these things. Oh Allah help us and assist us, help
us and assist us and make the best of our days, the days that we
stand in front of you. The day that we stand in front of you make
that the best of our days. Oh Allah and we ask you to send you
copies blessings in our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
salam and to allow us to be in his company on the day of judgment and
to drink from his hand on the Day of Judgment Subhanallah become a
biller. Is that your IOC who was more saline? Well hamdulillah
Jazak Allah here for listening, may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless
you. And if you're finding this useful, you know
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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh