Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 28
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Prophet sallallahu sallam said either da regenda theologian when
the people of Jin Jin will enter jinn and the people of hellfire
will be in hellfire. Then eventually Allah subhanaw taala
will say, take out those people who had at least one atom of iman
in their heart from the Hellfire take take them out now. So they
will come out and they would have been totally burnt out and like
charcoal, they will be then thrown into the the river of life and
then they will grow they will, they will become vibrant again.
Just like a seed suddenly grows when a deluge overcomes it because
of the potency of that land.
hamdu Lillahi wa salatu salam ala so you didn't know Mohammed was
the he also be he knew about a core seldom at the Sleeman
cathedral Illuminati in America.
This is the section on the Quran, where the author is speaking about
the Quran because it's so linked to a full allah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam
Maka Maka Rama is
the place where Allah subhana wa Tadas majesty is on display and
manifesting. That's why things are faster their mark has a bigger
city and a more busier city to start with anyway.
But it's hotter as well than Madina Munawwara
and everything is like a frenzy. Everything is fast.
In the matter of while you're doing tawaf, there's a lot of
movement, you're going to be shoved around a bit. So aspect of
the purification
whereas in Madina Munawwara you go then it's so maca kind of
the father's majesty
the Haber, the all that a person generally has of their father. And
when you go to Madina Munawwara it's like
you've just gone into your mother's lap, the soft power is on
display there.
Everything is so calm, and it's so amazing.
And that's the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mercy, which is
on full display there and manifest there and this is what we've been
discussing. You can actually feel the difference in the way people
just deal with you in Makkah, which is different from their its
beauty in Madina Munawwara the aspect the attributes of beauty on
display whereas in Macomb Corona its majesty
it's the mite which is on display there, the house of Allah subhanaw
so he says here karate Bihar I you know karate for cool Tula who look
on the filter be Hubli la he very tough see me
in that blue her he feta mean her greenery lava? artefact Inara lava
me what are the shabby me
getting the * How old would that be? Abdullah would you be
meaner or salty waka
waka Jaya who can humor me?
Waka sera de Wakil Misa nee Maria did it and felt this to me in
Haiti her fineness the Lumia Comey letter Jubilee has sued in Raha
Yun Kira the Jha Hulan Wahoo I in will have it for he me, Guardian
Caroline odo, a sham semi Andromedan where you can kill
thermal thermal mass Eman Sakagami.
So he's speaking about the Quran and after discussing everything
that he did before speaking about the marvels of the Quran, and its
Marchesa, its miracle and how
its characteristics are he says, They delighted the soul and senses
of the one that recited the meaning the verses of the Quran
delighted the soul and sentences of the one that recited them. So I
told him, yours is God's rope, so hold on tight. So the one who's
reading the Quran I'm telling him this is the rope of Allah subhanho
wa Taala this is your main link to Allah subhanaw taala hold on to it
tight, which is the Quran if you recite them in fear of a blazing
fire. There wellsprings shall extinguish that fire and heat. So
the Quran is a source of protection from the fire of
jahannam. Like the pool of paradise, they make sinners face
shine, though they had come to it as blackest charcoal. So just like
in the Hereafter, people who will come out of the Hellfire will be
darkened, and really, really burnt out from the Hellfire when they
have a dip in the metal Hey out in the water of life in that pool in
that house. Then they will come out totally glistening and vibrant
and fresh again. Likewise
People who come to the Quran with dark hearts and with darkness in
their life, the waters the verses of the Quran act like the water of
the Hereafter where it purifies the heart.
Like the bridge over *, and the balance of right, Justice made by
another shall not be true among mankind.
If you use any other standard of justice other than the Quran, he
won't work. Be not amazed that an envier who denies them, but there
are people who still deny the Quran. So he said, Don't be amazed
by that. Don't be shocked by that. Pretending unawareness though he
has a deep understanding this person inside knows the reality of
the Quran. But it's out of jealousy. So he says, because a
sick I may deny the light of the sun, a sick tongue may even
abhorred the taste of pleasant water.
When you're when you're not feeling well, then you drink
water, you drink something else, it just tastes really bad, even
though it is probably the most tastiest thing that somebody's
giving you. A person who has cataracts in the eyes could deny
that the sun exists or the sun is out because they can't see it.
That doesn't affect the sun. It doesn't affect the pleasantness of
the drink you're giving them. It's just the problem is in the
recipient. So
he says correlate we have I know Korea for controller who lack of
the filter, we have Lila he tells me that the one who recites the
Quran, his eyes are going to be gladdened by the recitation. So
then I want to, I want to encourage the person and I say for
call to Allah Who I say to that person, you have succeeded with
the rope of Allah subhanaw taala, you've held on to the rope of
Allah subhanaw taala. So now hold on to it. First, make sure you
don't give this up at all, don't become lazy now. So the verses are
those which clad in the eyes of the recital, the person becomes
very satisfied by the recitation and extremely happy. That's
because it affects the heart, especially if you've read the
Quran with meaning, it's going to really affect your heart, when
things are affecting your heart, then the heart governs the rest of
the body. So then you're going to feel better about it. In Shira,
who solder they call it which is the expansion of the hearts. When
a person feels downcast and low, and a person is feeling sad, and
in some kind of grief or depressed, then he feels very
contracted. There's no expansion. And
subhanAllah just by the way people sit sometimes people will interact
with them in that way. There's a study done about where you can see
confidence in people in the way they sit, people who are not very
confident, and they they've come to meet you or they they in an
interview or something, they will kind of sit all crouched. Whereas
people who are very confident they're going to be larger than
life, they're going to kind of like relax, and kind of stretch
out and be very confident, not like recline and be lousy, but
meaning be be really confident. So these are effects that people have
in different ways. But the heart governs all of these effects,
especially when it comes to a spiritual understanding and a
feeling of happiness and being elated about something.
So when a person
reads the Quran with understanding and ponders over it, the heart
opens up, the heart is illuminated, and
he starts benefiting he or she starts benefiting benefiting from
the stories from the verses from the signs that I mentioned in the
Quran that increases the Iman.
And that provides more conviction now. Allah subhanaw taala talks
about an increase in Iman what exactly does increase in Iman
mean? So if no hallelujah is mocha Dima, he has a very interesting
understanding of this. He says that there's lots of people who
declare that the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala, which is called
the verbal declaration. I believe in Allah, Allah is One, there's a
lot of people who verbally declare this. But he says there's a
difference between a call, well, it is off. There's a difference
between verbally declaring something. And there's a
difference between that and actually making that a person's
And we have to ask ourselves, if Tawheed is our nature, because if
though he becomes our nature, then our inclination is towards
obedience as a second nature, you won't be forced at all I give you
it's very that this sounds just very theoretical. So but there's
one example that he provides, which just drives the point home,
he says this, he says,
and we've had a lot of exposure to this, how many times have you
heard a fundraiser? How many times have we heard people speaking
about the welfare of others, the poor and the your team, the
orphans, and the destitute? The person who's speaking, and this
could be any of us, it could be a fundraiser.
So it could be a scholar, it could be an alum, it could be anybody.
We're encouraging somebody else. We know the verses. We know that
hadith. We know the psychological ways of convincing people telling
sad stories, telling bad experiences, helpless situations
to get people's hearts moving, so that people donate the money. So
we understand that it's important to have compassion, to treat
softly, to treat gently to treat with mercy, if you see an orphan,
or if you see a poor person. So in theory, we've got it all worked
out, we have full belief in it as well. We express it verbally, we
can even encourage others with it. But then the test actually comes
when an orphan will actually come in front of you, or is brought in
front of you. How do you deal with that often now, or, for example, a
poor person is brought in front of you, or comes up to you and asks
you for money now, do you feel like a fish out of water? All that
you just said in that last fundraiser, or you heard in that
last fundraiser, which was so convincing, and you were totally
part of it? Can you now put this into action? Will the mercy come
out of your heart? Will the compassion come out of your heart
that you can now just second nature start dealing with this
individual? Or do we start feeling like, go to the Imam. So somebody
generally outside contacts you about something? Oh, you need to
speak to the Imam, you need to go to the office, you need to speak
to the masjid guys about that. Right? Or you need to if it's on
the street, I don't really have anything the most you might give
us, okay, you might pull out a pound or five pound and you may
give it to them. But the compassion we speak about does
that come about? With some people it does, but not for everybody?
How does that come about? You'd have to first force it out.
Eventually, when you do it enough. And you you can express that
compassion and that mercy and softness and gentleness towards
that because the prophets have also told us to do so. And Allah
subhanaw taala recommends doing that in the Quran as well, then it
will become second nature. Now, if we take that on a grander scale of
our iman, where does our iman we believe we express but is our iman
second nature? Is the heat our second nature? Is worship of Allah
second nature? Or is it still a very convincing dialogue that we
That's the question that needs to be asked of ourselves, that really
puts things in perspective. So when you read the more Quran you
recite with pondering this will come about because it will really
really challenge our hearts. And it will really make us think about
these things.
And of course, there's the reward that are gained by every I mean,
aside from all of the spiritual benefits that you get, an
additional benefit you get is that your balance is increasing.
Because for each letter, there are 10 rewards that are promised for
each letter that you received from the Quran. So there is all of that
in addition, and if somebody who reads very, very fast, he is going
to get the rewards of reading a letter, he is going to get lots of
reward, but the additional benefit of the effect on the heart will
not come about as much because you've just read it. So I'm
racking up my rewards but I don't really get as much benefit out of
it. And this is something which we lack in generally.
The Quran has some IG benefits. There's a hadith which is related
by Bukhari Muslim it's Sahai from crusade, ignore who they are the
Allahu Anhu he says that once he was reciting Quran in the hajj, it
was a night prayer in tahajjud. And
the story there's a number of versions of this one, it says that
he had his baby next to him, he had his infant lying next to him.
And there was a stable close by he was reading next, you know, in the
in many places in the world today, you still have the stable right
next to your house. So you don't want to pray in your house to your
house is just one big room. And next to it is a stable and
Subhanallah is that sometimes it's even in the same room. It's just
the big hall and the cows down there the end of it. I've actually
seen this in India. So he's he's reciting Quran and suddenly he
sees a lot of turbulence in his horse that is next that is close
by him. It's a lot of turbulence. And he is now frightened that this
his horse is going to trample over his kid, because the horse is just
moving. Then he noticed that there is like a cloud like formation
There's a like a formation of a cloud like formation something
Next day he goes to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And he
says that this is what I saw and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said
yes, a typical Mala Iike those were the angels. In another
version, it says that that's the Sakina that comes down when you
recite the Quran. Now generally when we recite in the Quran,
what's our state when you recite the Quran? How many times have we
actually recited the Quran outside where we could
Maybe even observe a phenomenon of that nature. Right? We never even
look up where he's looking around us we never look up. The sky is
not the sky is not our venue anymore for observation,
especially when you're living in a city. And then the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that had you continued like that
then that was the special scene that was taking place is that had
you continue like that the people would have seen it as well in the
morning when they came out.
So the Quran will open up your heart and He will set your mind
So although there's not as many rules in the Quran, there's not
many laws as Halal haram. But it will get your heart to think in
the right way. So even without having a Mufti present, in
general, a person who's really attached to the Quran will just
get it more right than others.
They'll just the heart will just bear witness that this is wrong.
And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
Ask your heart, obviously speaking to an accomplished Mortman not to
any Tom, Dick and Harry out there as your hot guy, he's got a
corrupt heart. Yes, this is good for me, that's good for me. And
you know, it's not like that. It's whenever a person speaks, they
have a certain criteria and a certain target audience in mind.
That's just, that's just understood. So you can't miss
apply this hadith. So that's why if you have mashallah been able to
attach yourself to the Quran and inshallah we can, and those who
have Alhamdulillah, may Allah increase it. So then he is
encouraging them and he's saying that look, you've attached
yourself with the strongest line to Allah subhanaw taala.
This strongest line to Allah subhanho wa Taala hold on to it
first. And those who haven't attached themselves, attach
yourself and hold on to it first. May Allah give us a Tofik May
Allah open up our May Allah expand us through the Quran, may Allah
subhanho wa Taala illuminate us to the Quran make it the Rabi
Colombina make it the spring of our hearts. That's what it says
the Prophet Solomon's dua is this to make it a spring of our heart.
We're Jira, Asana, and make it a removal of our cares. Our world
worries, our concerns, the Quran can do that. And the way he does
is quite interesting. It's the best counselor you can have. But
you have to interact with it. This is not some kind of mythical idea.
It's genuine. You got a problem. Open up a Quran. If you understand
Arabic, you're very lucky. If you don't then read it with the
translation. And generally something's going to something is
going to calm you down, there's going to be a verse you'll
probably be on the same page. I've tried this so many times, in many,
many instances, generally, on the same page, something that would
seem irrelevant to you. If you're reading it superficially.
It will provide a some kind of guidance in your matter.
There'll be a story there'll be something that will just connect
with you. Because that's what the Quran does. That is how powerful
it is. Try it. Try it with an open heart.
Then he says in Tuscaloosa he Fetta mean hurry Nari jahannam. So
now he continues to expound on the benefits of reading the Quran. Not
only will it benefit you here, not only have you attached yourself to
Allah subhanaw taala and the strongest link to Allah, but if
you read it key for 10 Out of fear, if you read it, and you have
fear, mean heterogeneity lover, lover is a
is one of the names of one of the Hellfires. One of the parts of the
Hellfire is called lover there's a number of different ones lava
Jehoiakim there's the gnar there's Jahannam Saeed is how we are these
are the different names of hellfire so lava is one of them
in lava, Lazar actually shower so
if you read it with fear in your heart from the
the heat of the Hellfire cold lava at factor now lava mindware They
have a shabby me then you would have extinguished the fire of lava
with its cool water, the cool water of the verses. So this is
metaphorical obviously nothing is going to extinguish the fire of
hellfire. If you're in there, it's the fire is there nothing would
extinguish that. But what it means by extinguishes the you will get
the benefit of that you would get if the fire is extinguished,
meaning you'd be kept away from it. It will protect you
The flames of the Hellfire will will not go out. That's the nature
of the Hellfire. But the meaning is that you will be given delivery
from it, you will be given escape from it and you will not be
punished in it. That is how powerful the Quran is as long as
you can connect.
As long as you can connect the cinema today, they will generally
give you a car to do the vicar to do because they've tried and
tested the vicar that you can have more focus on them. So that once
you start doing it and you develop your concentration, and your love
for Allah subhanho wa Taala because you're repeating the name
of Allah subhanho wa Taala for example, then that benefits you in
recitation of the Quran as well. I was once in a meeting recently.
And there's one guy who mashallah had apparently connected with the
Quran. Well, because he was quoting the Quran quite a bit and
he was very familiar with it, though he was not half is of the
Quran. And there was somebody else who was saying, but how do we
connect to the when he says just you need the you don't need
anything else just connect with the Quran. And you can just tell
somebody connect to the Quran, but it's not as easy as that it's a
matter of tofield
that's why there are other strategies that are mentioned that
a person first becomes closer to Allah subhanaw taala by doing
something in which you will have to use your heart and your mind
and your focus, it will develop that concentration, it will
protect you from distraction, it will get you to concentrate, once
you start getting there, then it's when you read Quran, it'll become
easier, you will start connecting with the Quran through that. And
likewise, when you're in our salad, when we're so distracted,
we'll actually start concentrating in our salad. So different
strategies work for different people. And but at the end of the
day, all of the EBA that that we have is to make us more attentive
of Allah subhanaw taala that's really what the matter is.
So the Salah we do and the fasting we do, that's just an external
shell. It's a form that's not the objective. Yes, it's a follow up
and so on. But the whole point of the solid is that we become
conscious of Allah subhanaw taala so if the salah isn't doing that
for us, we still have to pray because Salah is one of the most
effective ways we'll do that. But the concern is that when are we
going to get to the next step?
So here he says mean what are the shabby me shabby means birdied it
means cool, and what it means watering place a water source. So
he's literally saying that the words of the Quran, the ayat of
the Quran, are like a cool water source that have the power to
extinguish the Hellfire in a metaphorical sense, in the sense
that it will protect you from having to go into the hellfire.
That's why the kind of reading that is required here is as Allah
subhanaw taala says in the Quran, whare ethereal Purana Torterra.
recite the Quran with 13 which means with
the dupatta double with other other means etiquette of its
words, how are they supposed to be? Drive with some etiquette?
What does that mean? Observe the rules drive decently. Don't flaunt
the laws don't just cut people up, et cetera, et cetera. So that's
what you call up of reading the Quran is with the edge with
stopping in the right places. And secondly, that the boorish means
reflection so that's what Allah says in the Quran for in Nevada,
the island Hodor because that is that is closer, that will get you
closer to actually having a presence in the Quran as opposed
to just reading it.
The person who just reads the Quran very fast and doesn't give
the Huck the rights of the Quran doesn't think then he's not going
to be able to think about the Quran. That's why it Radi Allahu
Anhu Karim Allah hijo said, Lucha Rafi Tierra tiene la de Bourgh
raffia there's no benefit in Kira which is in which there is no
what a hero theory but it's in Lafayette coffee and there's no
point in any worship in which you don't have an understood the
reason for your worship. So we're not speaking to people who are
struggling with just making solid you know, we're talking on a
higher level here that you look, you're we're doing our solid we're
doing our worship. Let's get to the next stage here. That's why
many of the seller when they would pass by a verse of Rana, they
would stop and ask Allah for mercy. Or they will repeat it with
that presence of mind asking Allah subhanaw taala and when there was
a verse of adverb and punishment, then they would cry at that. And
the expression would be that Allah preserve me and protect me from
that. That's why people like hassled boiserie Can you imagine?
They stood up the whole night, one whole night once he stayed just
reading Amaya desert alone. I'm the sort of
I made that all he recited the entire night in his Sadat.
Because it is so profound and such a rich Surah You don't need more
than that.
Sheikh Ibrahim Jeeva was from Egypt,
I believe is from Egypt. He relates from his teacher Abu
Sahal. That once in number of the gatherings this discussion came
up, that is vicar more important or reciting the Quran more
important, more beneficial, rather, they both good, but should
we have a modulus of vichara? Should we have images of reading
the Quran which is more effective
for the heart? It says obviously, the Sufi sheiks they're telling
people to do Vickers and they're saying that that is superior to
reading the Quran, because it will give you the presence of the
heart. I fully agree with that, unless you already connected to
the Quran, then it's different. But I fully agree with that myself
because just by dealing with people, this is what the issue is
based on what I explained earlier.
But anyway, he said that I thought about this for a while. And then
he said I slept and I wasn't sure which way to go with this, but I
slept and in my sleep I saw somebody telling me that
he read the following poem, evil Babu for whom Atilla tea from
Arcilla tune after lumen Kitabi that
there is nothing superior than the Kitab of Allah subhanaw taala and
there's no doubt about that. But again, it's the same thing. How do
you become so associated with it that it starts profoundly
affecting you without you being close to Allah subhanaw taala in
the first place.
So either way anyway, then he says, Kunal, how do to be a doula
would you be him in a liberal society worker Giroux who can
humor me, because in the hereafter it will extinguish the fire. And
like As mentioned, the Hadith that people will come to hellfire come
out of hellfire, totally
black like
coal, burned out, emaciated, totally wasted, but then they will
be given resplendence and
they will be put into Jannah likewise, that is what the Quran
does for a person as well. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said
either da regenda Telegin when the people of Jin Jin will enter jinn
and the people of hellfire will be in hellfire. Then eventually Allah
subhanaw taala will say, take out those people who had at least one
atom of iman in their heart from the Hellfire take take them out
now. So they will come out and they would have been totally burnt
out and like charcoal, they will be then thrown into the the river
of life and then they will grow they will they will become vibrant
again. Just like a seed suddenly grows when a deluge overcomes it
because of the potency of that land. Then he says what cause
sorority were called Misa Numata dilla tun focus to mean lady her
fineness, Elam, Jacobi he has these two last line to last
couplets to finish this section about the Quran. So he says focus
sorority will kill me zani This is like the, the path the sorority
refers to the causeway in the hereafter the bridge the causeway
over Hellfire that everybody is going to have to go over in
Arabic, the word is Surat Sera, to the scene Ziraat these are all
three ways of saying the same thing.
And then he says what call me Zan, which is the scale in the in the
hereafter. Everybody knows about the scale it according to us, it's
a physical scale, which will Allah subhanho wa Taala will use to
weigh out. And he doesn't need to do that he knows what's stronger,
what's more than what's less, but this is to prove in front of us
mark the Latin. So, like the bridge over * and the balance
of right, justice.
They are done for justice, focus to mean lady half in nursing
lemmya Comey. So justice made by someone else shall not be true
among mankind in In other words, he's saying that justice has to
come from the Quran or you might be saying there are many Muslim
countries where there seems to be no justice, a lot of bribery, a
lot of corruption, and just a lot of confusion, whereas you look at
a lot of the kind of more thriving societies, which don't seem to be
the Muslim ones, although you have a few very good examples like
Malaysia and other places.
just in our current time, we see that there seems to be
A lot of justice. Now, if you look at a lot of the laws of the UK,
for example.
They're not Islamic laws in the sense that they don't call them
Islamic laws. But a lot of the laws in terms of the justice and
so on, are related to
Islamic laws. And some people could go beyond that, that a lot
of the laws here were made and I haven't done any specialized study
on this. But
the Hindustan which is, India, the Indian subcontinent was ruled by
the British. And one of the first translations of some of our books
on jurisprudence, like the Hideo Marinoni was actually translated
by one of the
one of the British people who were there about three 400 years ago,
it says in there that I did this work to present it to the governor
of Bengal, Bengal, you know, because that's where the
headquarters were. East India,
was the East India Company. Right. So the Bengal was the kind of the
headquarters for this.
So a lot of the laws, you can you can trace them through that, in
general, the concept of justice. So justice is very important in
that sense.
And unfortunately, we have dictatorships where the laws are
made, for example, in Egypt, I remember when I was there in the
Mubarak era.
And a friend of mine who lives there in Alexandria, he says, It
is so bad that if one of the governors or one of the people at
the top, want to pass by this area at two o'clock in the morning, the
guards will come an hour before wake everybody up, move your cars
away, go and put them wherever you have to. Right. And they will just
clear the roads two o'clock in the morning. Can you imagine that
happening here?
That'd be an uproar. If they want to do something like they have to
tell you two months in advance that there's going to be a you
know, roadworks here, but this is some guy just wants to go past. So
just to make sure it's all clear and open. Everybody has to move
their cars at two o'clock in the morning.
That's what you call clear that's not Quran, Quran at all.
So focus to me, lady her fineness, Elam, Jacobi, the Quran has the
laws of everything. That's what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in
the Quran, maharatna Phil Kitabi Minh che we haven't left anything
out, we've dealt with everything either specifically, and if not
specifically, then definitely in a universal general sense of
guidance towards it. That is for the OMA to actually apply that
guidance in a particular in a particular way.
So the spirit and Amazon are things in the hereafter by which
people are going to be tested.
Just to clarify a few points, how
our deeds, and our deeds are done. It's just records now,
how you going to weigh something like that? Good and bad deeds? How
are they going to be weighed. So some of the other man mentioned
that it's quite clear, we have books of deeds that are mentioned
Kitab, there's going to be records registers with all of our deeds in
there, whether that'd be like a hard drive, or whether that be
like a physical book, or a printout, whatever it may be. So
there's going to be a comparison of those two, the good and the
bad. And nowadays, it's become much more easiest for us to
understand these things, because we have many, many ways of
measuring non physical entities, like
non perceptible eye
elements, we can measure them, we can measure the air in this room,
we can measure the heat in this room, we can measure the waves, we
can detect different things that we can't see with our eyes. So it
becomes much easier to understand these things that the scale is
there, it's going to be able to detect these things and Allah
knows best, exactly what's going to happen. And the way it's going
to be what we believe in a physical scale is not just a
metaphorical expression. That's why Allah subhana wa The other
thing is that every act a person does, it shouldn't be given a
particular shape or a form. That's why Allah subhanaw taala says in
the Quran, were unnecessary. Yah, hoo, sofa Euro. Everybody's
attempts and efforts are going to be observable. Now how they're
going to be observable as a record, as reward or as a
perceptible form, Allah knows best.
So, if you try to do justice, with a contradiction of the Quran, a
won't be established. That's why if you look at the laws in even
the so called successfully peaceful and stable countries, if
you look at the laws that actually go against the Quran, for example,
those that relate to
deviant season, things of that nature, right now
then you can see that that's where they've gone wrong.
And that's going to cause a massive problem in the
But where it's just to do with absolute just fairness, in
distribution of wealth, for example, in just getting your
right and somebody and having the rights over your own property, and
for somebody not to violate them, then that's perfect.
So there's the good and bad Of course, there's the good and bad.
So the Hadith mentions that the Quran is the criteria. It is not a
jest or a joke. It is a serious book. That's a criterion. Anybody
who speaks by the Quran will be truthful. Anybody who judges by
the Quran will be just an anybody who practices by the Quran will be
rewarded, and anybody who holds fast to it will definitely be
guided to illustrate path. That's why I said in the beginning,
anybody who's got an attachment in the Quran, you will see that their
their focus will just be right in the world. They'll just be very
successful in that regard. And anybody who seeks guidance in any
way with to the exclusion of the Quran, then Allah subhanaw taala
will cause will will allow them to deviate. And then finally, he just
clarifies one last point, he says letter Jibon. Lee has sued in Raha
Yun Kealoha, Yanni sobre. Un Kira de Jha Hulan, who are in will hurt
util. Forgive me. Don't be astonished, don't be taken aback.
Don't be confused by this jealous person who has become who is who
has continued to or who has started to deny the Quran, the Jah
Hulan making himself out to be ignorant of it. Whereas he has the
sight of a person who is well,
understanding and able, and comprehending of the Quran. And
this is the people of the past. This was this was the way they
were. And there's people like that today as well that if they looked
objective objectively, they'll see the beauty, but they tried to
overcome it because of some other jealousy, or enmity, or some of
the obstinacy that they have.
hazard is one of those things which will definitely prevent
anybody. Jealousy is a thing which will prevent anybody from being
just there's no doubt about that. But now, in the hula has Zulu
kalithea pollun for in the hula, you can remove anak while I can
avoid Amina Biya Tila, he had her Dune, Allah subhanaw taala tells
the Prophet salallahu Salam, we know that what they say causes you
grief, they are denying your prophecy they are disbelieving in
you. But that's because the voddie mean they just want to reject the
verses of the Quran verses of Allah subhanaw taala.
The only reason is that it's not because they it's anything
personal, they just want to reject that. So that's why they reject
you as well. And the prophets of Allah subhanaw taala says about
the year who has said the manner in the and fusi him mean by the
motivate you and Allah who will help that this is just out of
jealousy and envy from their hearts, even after the hack and
the truth has become manifest. And this has been observed. There are
many times when certain yahood came to Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam, and they asked him a question. He answered it, and they
said yes, that's right. That's exactly what our books tell us. We
know you're the next Prophet, that that's the whole reason why those
three tribes had actually settled in Madina Munawwara because their
books had told them after they had to go in exile from from Iraq,
when from Babylon, when Nebuchadnezzar came in,
exiled, exiled or imprisoned. These three tribes, they came to
Madina Munawwara, because that represented the oasis that was
prophesied to them. But then when the Prophet came in, then they
used to tell the Arabs to tell the Osen the hustlers in Medina, that
you know, our Prophet, the last prophet is going to come you guys
are like pagans, crazy individuals don't know anything, where the
enlightened ones we have a book, etc. Our book tells us there's
going to Prophet who is going to come and when he comes, we're
going to side with him and fight against you. And totally the
opposite happened. He came out to be of the Arabs, and that is
something they could not bear. So then
it was the other way around.
this is not just with them, but this is with some of the Arabs
that were against the Sula, Salah lorrison This was one of the
reasons Abdullah Abdullah obey bin Salman was the chief hypocrites
and the reason why he remained like that is because he was about
to become the leader. He had been earmarked he'd been
he'd been he'd been singled out to be the leader, or one of the great
leaders of Madina, Munawwara but then when the private citizen
came, his leadership went downhill. This was just the way he
responded to it. Had he continued and being a good person than just
like the other
is continued and even got more honor he would have gained honor
but this was it's a matter of tofi. So
the people in that time they as as we've said that you know, they
just had these crazy
would you call it
criticisms of the Quran as Allah says loan they say loan or shall
we call them if the HA if we wanted we could also say the same
as the Quran but they didn't they couldn't they it was just a claim.
Let us not only have a Quran, well Lo Fi her.
They said don't listen to the Quran and when the Quran is being
recited cause disturbance. That's what they were saying. Because
they just didn't want it to be heard. Don't listen to him. While
he Athan in our workroom, some of them used to get even more crazy
and say that oh, we've we've got something in our ears a blockage
we can't even hear it. So that's like really putting yourself down.
We can't even hear it anyway. So they express that one of the most
telling points is this. You know about Abuja,
Abuja Al said this
though it was only jealousy that stopped him. See because he was of
arrival a clan to that of the Benoit abdomen AF which is the
province that allows them to climb abdomen Earth is and then Abuja
hills. So, this is what he said. He says the outer inner nanoweb
renewer abdomen Femina Shafi, both us and the abdomen Earth had on
both of us could take from that honor. We both shared in that
honor. He says now how Rufina Haruna if they sacrifice their
camels, we were also able to sacrifice a camel separately.
sacrificing a camel is a big deal. You can't sacrifice camels are
very expensive. And then to sacrifice some for someone is a
big deal. So it's like you know we can produce Rolls Royces. They can
do we can do that as well. Alright.
What's the ammo for otter Amna. If they can feed people we can also
if they fed people, we can also feed people what the to the
Doctrina they freed slaves. We can also do that we also did that had
either couldn't go follow Sayuri Hernan until we both became like
two horses to race horses on the track.
Kalu they suddenly sprung up a surprise. They pulled out their
card, which was they said Mina and BU. T Hill. Why do you mean a
summer he suddenly they came up with this surprise that oh, we
have a profit. And revelation comes from the heavens to this
profit? fermata Yusaku Hurva? How can we compete with this? How can
we acquire this?
So what Allah He learned not mean be a Buddha? By Allah, He swears
we will never believe in him.
So this is this is the kind of limit it's a matter of Tofik at
the end of the day, this could happen to anybody. I'm not going
to take that religion. There's people who have converted, and
they are crying today because their mother doesn't convert. She
agrees with it. She sees the beauty of it. She has no animosity
but no I can't be that. You know, I'm a Southern Baptist or I'm this
or whatever it is, or they may be I cannot convert and these people
are crying. But Allah subhanaw taala can change hearts, Allah
subhanho wa Taala can change hearts. One of the most telling
things was something that came up came about while we were in
her area. When he got to Arad in Madina, Munawwara one of the
things that came to mind when you listen look at the story of the
Battle of ERT you had
the Muslims fighting against the Mexican army at the time. The
Mexican army, the most prominent commanders, the commander of the
entire army was amor ignore us for the Allah one. He was not a Muslim
at that time. He is considered the DA here today. The most
intelligent genius, extremely politically astute, very clever
individual. He was leading the battle. The right flank was being
led by Khalid bin Walid and the left one, Nkrumah ignored obj one
and along them was Abu Sufian, one of the commanders and his wife
hints five individuals who are enemies of Islam at that time
fighting in some Muslim and that was the setback highlight when
when he noticed the archers had left the hill. And thus the story
I don't want to go into the story, but that's the story. But all five
of these just within a few years within within 678 years, all
became a circle.
So Subhanallah the DA we made down there which was an inspiration
based on the story is that oh Allah all these great enemies that
we would never think who would think hint who on that day because
Hamza the Allah one who was martyred.
On that day and he is the one who had killed some of her family
members, she went and cut him up and took out his liver and
chewed on it. This is the enemy we're talking about this level of
And they suddenly all turn around in this hint eventually says, The
worst household in my sight before the most hated was the prophets
household Salah listen today becomes the most beloved household
to me. And despite the fact that her daughter was married to the
Prophet salallahu Salam, Abu Sufian, Zuko has made progress and
Allah Islam from before Omar Habiba. She's the first one to
convert, and her brother might appear to be alone converted after
that, then Abu Sufian and his wife converted at the at the conquest
of Makkah. But if that can happen there then today, the greatest
enemies we have, that you could be swearing and cursing at. You could
also make a dua that Allah subhanaw taala turned him right
around and make them some of the greatest so I'm gonna answer the
alone is responsible for Egypt coming into Islam
ha even very numerous areas that you can't count. It can be jungle
he had his visible Sophia and who stuck with the Prophet salallahu
Salam during the Battle of her name, and so on and so forth. So
things can turn around. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us
worthy, obviously, this is the prophets of Allah, this is the
Sahaba that does these things, but the owner they need to muster up
the strength to make Islam and Eva they're second nature, then these
things inshallah will happen as well. So then he finally says,
Fela, tune Caroline doe, Hashem, Seaman Ramadan, will you include
Thermotoga milma, Eman Sakagami. That's why sometimes you have an
eye with a cataract.
Eyes with some a sick i in may deny the light of the sun. Sun is
out. I can't see the sun, there's no sun, it's darkness. It's night.
Or sick Tang may even abhorred the taste of pleasant water. But that
doesn't affect the water at all. For everybody else, they benefit
from the water. So one guy is complaining, but everybody else is
enjoying his I leave him alone man. You know, he can't see the
sun he can't see the water SubhanAllah. So
that's the same thing with the Quran. Let us not be deterred by
those who criticize. So I get a email was a few days ago. And it's
a refutation of a particular scholar, one of our scholars of
the UK it's a particular refutation of him by somebody who
disagrees with him. And when you actually listen to this about a
five minute clip, he not only this, he not only refutes him, but
he refutes about seven other famous scholars around the world.
So he'd say he's got a problem with everybody. Right? Then he
sends me another clip this guy, and this one is a refutation of
the Tablighi Jamaat. The first one I listened to it was short. I was
a bit curious myself, what's going on here? Is I don't have time for
these kind of reputations. You check online for any scholar,
it'll be a reputation probably anyway. Right? There's going to be
criticism, the professor Lawson was criticized, so why not anybody
else? What's the problem? Right. It's normal world. That's the way
it is. So
my first response was, these are all
false accusations. These are distortions, and these are
exaggerations. And I got the second email about the Tablighi
Jamaat and I said, You know what, if you look around, you're going
to find a lot of these you think you're going to keep studying
these and confusing yourself and then asked me for a response, why
even bothering with them? Why be like a pig that whenever it goes
into an orchard, it looks for the dirt, be like a nightingale, that
when it goes into an orchard, it looks for the nice flowers? What's
your perspective where you going? If you notice in an orchard, if a
nightingale comes in and look for the nice flowers, he'll sit on
there and sing, whereas the pig will look for the dirty parts, you
will find it because that's what it's accustomed to. So why do that
and then try to rectify it's crazy, corrupt yourself first. And
then I say I want to be, you know, purify me.
So one needs to be careful and make dua to Allah subhanaw taala
about these things, but the one thing he's saying here is that
don't worry about what others say you benefit from it because you
can see the benefits. And don't be confused by the fact that some
people can't see the benefits. They're looking at it with sick
eyes and a sick heart, which Allah subhanaw taala We ask Allah to
protect us from which we ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us relief
from and prediction until we until we die. Working with that Rona and
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allahu Mendez Salam o mica, Salam
debark the other generic Quran Allah homie or yoga, you will
hermetic understudy, Allahu Mejia 100 Maryam and then learner learn
discipline again now go nominal it mean Allahumma salli wa salam ala
so you didn't know him with wider early so you know Muhammad were
barely because Salam. O Allah O Allah
On this association with the Quran of Allah open up our hearts for
the Quran, allow the Quran to influence and effect our hearts of
Allah grant us the sweetness of our faith of Allah, O Allah grant
of sweetness in our faith in our salah, in our prayers, in our
worship. So Allah that we become closer to doing that worship, Oh
Allah, Oh Allah, there are many. We ask you for forgiveness from
all those sins that have put up the blockades in in our hearts,
which deprive us of gaining the sweetness of our Salah to now
worship and have your Vicodin your remembrance of Allah we seek
protection from all those sins that have brought about darkness
in our hearts that have brought about misery in our lives that are
brought about problems and calamities that are brought about
the depressions and problems in our life. Or Allah, we ask you for
forgiveness from all of these calamities are Allah we ask that
You grant us closeness to you. You grant us the ability to remember
you and to be conscious of you at all times of Allah, we ask that
you protect us from all the evil that is out there. We ask that you
grant us happiness in this world, and especially happiness in the
hereafter make the happiest and most satisfying day, the day that
we stand in front of you, Oh Allah, there is so much
satisfaction that we have when we stand in front of your house in
this world in front of the cab, and we listen to the Quran being
recited, there is no greater pleasure than that. Oh Allah allow
us to have that same kind of pleasure in the hereafter when we
stand in front of you have Allah grant us the company of your
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
reward him and bless him to on the on behalf of his entire Alma as
much as he deserves and beyond. And beyond that, so why not become
a biller? Is it here on my OC phone was salam al more serene Al
Hamdulillah. The point of a lecture is to encourage people to
act to get further an inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well. JazakAllah Heron salaam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.