Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A The Number of Miles That Makes One a Traveller

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the definition of miles and the various opinions given by the writing. They mention that the definition of 48 miles is the exact number of days needed to travel comfortably in a person's absence from work. The definition of 16 days of travel is also discussed, with the majority of their opinions stating that it is 51 days.
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How many miles can a woman traveled without a Muharram? Is it

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14 miles? It's 48. Conventional miles, it's 48 conventional miles.

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And although there's a lot of difference of opinion as to the

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exact number of miles, and from the traditional scholars, they

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were about three different opinions. When I say the 48 miles,

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that is the opinion of the scholars of the subcontinent, that

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this is what they realized was the this is what they realized was the

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distance a person could travel comfortably in three days in the

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Indian subcontinent. And that's why I would say that this is

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something this it would be, it would be similar here as well. So

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essentially, it's what what the show is talking about is three

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days of travel, Fela yurman three days of travel, and the travel is

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generally from after fajr from the morning to

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to just before lunchtime, and then after that it's rest. So we assume

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that a person could probably walk quite easily, conveniently 16

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miles a day. So 16 times three is 48 miles so that's where they they

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get that from. There are other opinions from scholars of other

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countries, which also mentioned slightly different opinions,

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higher lower levels as well. But at the end of the day, it's it is

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an HD high the issue. So 48 Miles is what the majority of scholars

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have taken in the Hanafi school. The chef is habit slightly

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different I believe this is 51 Miles according to the popular

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opinion within the Shafi ease

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