Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A The 15th Sha’ban, ibn Taymiya and Weak Hadith
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Why do some people take the 15th of Shaban was a special day there
is no sahih Hadith on this. Isn't this based on a weak Hadith?
Yes it is. There is there are weak Hadith about it but the but the
Allama have pretty much all agreed including immuno Tamia in this
case as well, that the this has been the practice of many of the
set of solid
in celebrating doing special worship on the 15th of Shaban
despite the fact that it's on weak Hadith. And implicit in this
question is the fact that it is this idea that you can't use weak
Hadith this is totally false. This is totally a misunderstanding and
a massive error. Because if you look at some of the greatest of
their alumni, including your own Bihari, he has filled his book
with weak Hadith not sahih al Bukhari because that was written
specifically for sahih Hadith, but in is a double move forward. And
in a number of other books. He's got numerous dive Hadith in their
weak Hadith and so weak Hadith are not to throw away it's not like
they are rejected. The extremely weak ones yes, that they have to
be taken, you know, in that particular way or the fabricated
ones don't misunderstand weak Hadith for fabricate generations.
And according to Imam Muhammad and many of the other scholars, they
make it very clear when it comes to just following issues, not
rulings and injunctions and Aqeedah we Hadith work as long as
they're not extremely weak, so many of the relevant they've
they've taken the weak Hadith about 15 to Shabaab, and totally
make sure you keep away from this idea that weak Hadith are not to
be taken at all because you'd be going against what the majority of
great Allah mA or mA have ever been a mountain many, many weak
Hadith Imam Muhammad don't know humble Muslim achmad full of weak
Hadith, full of weak Hadith. In all of this, he has to accept
Bukhari and Muslim except Bukhari and Muslim. All the rest of them.
Have we had even though, right, and none of the other ma except
some, some strange ones from recent past who came and said,
Okay, let's get rid of all of the weak Hadith as though they have no
validity whatsoever. So don't get into that debate.