Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Session Practical Steps for a Healthy Marriage

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The importance of practicing and learning in marriage is discussed, as it is crucial for personal development and finding a partner. The topic of marriage is discussed, including the struggles of women during the pandemic and the legal framework for marriage. The speakers emphasize the need for patient and trusting relationships, avoiding sexual embarrassment, and educating people on the topic. The speaker also addresses the issue of marriage being half of one's faith and how it is a fundamental part of Islam, and suggests that women may not want to play "one on one" or "one offs," but may still be able to do so if they force their spouse to divorce them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, so now you can have a few questions in sha Allah. Is it

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permissible to remain married with the wife? Who doesn't practice

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Can the woman asked for a divorce because of this

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is permissible to remain. Let's put it this way. It is not

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necessary to divorce your wife just because she's not practicing.

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Your responsibility is just to help her practice.

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Write encouragement slowly, slowly. So sometimes what happens

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is that husband wives, they get married, none of them are

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practicing, and that's why they chose each other, and then one of

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them becomes practicing. And then they want the other spouse to

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change overnight. That's difficult to change overnight. Sometimes,

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they have to have patience. But of course, if your marriage becomes

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unlivable because of this, then you would have reasons to divorce

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otherwise, generally you don't divorce the wife just because

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she's not practicing.

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Another question is what about if your parents tell you to divorce

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your wife because she they don't like your they don't like your

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wife? Should you divorce? What do you think?

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Should you don't you have to listen to your parents?

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You know, if there isn't your parents, generally.

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And they don't like your wife, but she's fine with you and the

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children Mashallah. So should you have to divorce

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somebody came to Imam Muhammad, him no humble Rahima hula and said

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that my father is saying I must divorce my wife. Should I do that?

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So he said, No. He said, But Omar the Allahu Anhu instructed his son

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to divorce his wife.

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She said, Yes. You can't do that though. Until your father becomes

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like Omar

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says Your father is like Omar.

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Radi Allahu Allah, he's very just and he knows why he's doing it,

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then no, because your father could be doing it for other reasons.

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Beginning of guidance is a very practical book to increase one

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spirituality will this book be helpful in a marriage?

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I believe that if you can become one of the benefits of reading the

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beginning of guidance, is that it will make you closer to Allah. It

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will make you start loving Allah more and doing more for him. And

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when you do that, it removes your arrogance. It increases your trust

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in Allah. It makes you more tolerant. It makes you more

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patient. Alright, so when something does go wrong, you're

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going to think well, Allah will give me a reward because of my

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patience. So you can see how it's beneficial in that sense. It

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improves your Eman. And if a person's Iman is improved, then

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they're going to have more tolerance.

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Can you recommend a worker which explains the rights of a husband

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and the rights of the wife, the Father, the Son, that was the hub.

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I don't know how useful those books are. Because marriage is not

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about rights. Marriage is about making it work, and the sacrifice.

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But there are some good books on this subject. And one of them is

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by one of my teachers, Montana abdur-rahim Saab. He's written a

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book called A gift of Nikka or something like that. And he's got

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all of these categorizations in martial arts, a very useful book,

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my book is going to be very different to that. Mine is not

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going to be based on the fear of you know, this is why you're

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farther than whatever some of it will be like mine is going to be

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more practical pastoral advice based of the different stages of

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marriage. Right, but a gift of Nikka you can probably find the on

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his website of C rahimi.com or Rahimi publications or something

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like that. I had a brief look at it. I received it recently. And

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then I think Mufti Mohammed deals with a lot of that in his marriage

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courses. I don't know if there's one online, and I don't know if

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he's covered in his 40 collection of Hadith on that, I'm not sure.

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But that would be a book that you can look out for now, at least.

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Women can be very emotional from time to time. What how do men deal

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with this? Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

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Women, may Allah bless them, may Allah reward them. They go through

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numerous hormonal changes. Numerous. I don't know what the

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statistic is. But there's a huge statistic of women who suffer from

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postnatal bleed, postnatal depression.

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All right, not just that every month PMT premenstrual tension,

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you will be wondering like, why is she acting like that? We were

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completely fine yesterday today. She's so sensitive. And you're

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like what's wrong? When you first you know, when you first get

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married when you first experienced this, and then two days later,

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she's perfect again.

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And you have to realize that this is hormone this is what I believe

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that how

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All Hadees about crop driven, all of that comes in there, you're

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gonna have to just be patient.

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Whoever's asking this question, you're gonna have to be patient.

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All right, because these are homology now what i

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You could tell them to take evening primrose oil, there are

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remedies for these kinds of hormonal imbalances. So for women,

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they should own up to this. And they should try to get natural

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therapies to try to help them control those emotions. But if a

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woman is if a wife is trying, then the husband just needs to be more

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patient with that.

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This is the struggle of a marriage and that's why marriage is half of

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your deen. By the way. If you didn't have to do all of these

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struggles, and didn't have to learn patience and exercise,

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patience and trust in Allah, marriage probably wouldn't have

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been half of your faith. But the broader progress Allah license and

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marriage is half of your faith, and this is what makes it half the

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faith. If you're successful in this inshallah is successful in

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the hereafter as well.

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Even a Tamia Rahim Allah said that three taxes in one go says with

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anger comes as one. We as Les Muslims are allowed to follow on

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which days opinion even if it goes against them, which days malherbe.

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You see, the thing is that the first person, when you trace this,

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historically speaking, the first person to say this was even

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Potamia. Before him none of the humbly said

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none of the Hanafi is Madigan nobody said it. He is the first

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one to publicly give this fatwa. There is an opinion that his

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grandfather was the first to give a private fatwa on this.

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Now, obviously, it's become more popular people are taking because

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it's easy. But the format has they disagree with it.

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Right, they disagree with it. Rather, I think we just need to

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educate people too. Because giving more than one is a bit of a

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anyway, at the end of the day, it's wrong to do so sinful to do

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so anyway. So people should just stop doing that.

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What is allowed and what is not allowed in the in the periods.

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So I'll just read it to you.

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In the in the period, it depends on the leader. If it's a

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reconcilable in the way you can just get back together, as I

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explained without having to marry, then the woman is actually

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recommended to beautify herself and try to attract a husband.

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So they don't have to have hijab in that case. But if it's an

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irreconcilable divorce, like the elusive statement divorce or the

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final divorce, then they have to stay in the same house. But they

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there has to be a hijab observed, because they have to remarry to

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get back together. The other thing is that a woman in that situation

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is not allowed to use makeup. She is not allowed to beautify

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yourself not allowed to wear flashy clothes, not allowed to

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even go outside. unless absolutely necessary, you can consult a Mufti

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in that. So that's generally the main, that's generally the main

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obligation in this case.

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The husband has to pay for her even during this time, even though

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she's no longer his wife. But for those, that period of time, that

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is the time he is still responsible for everything of us.

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Unless she decides you don't want to stay with him and she goes off

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which she will be sinful for doing so. But then he is not obliged to

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then take care of any expenses. That's even in marriage. If a wife

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refused stay with the husband says they're going to go to my dad's

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house for for five days, sorry, for five weeks or whatever. He is

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not obliged to pay anything in that time. Because the reason he

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is obliged to pay is if she stays with him. And if he doesn't stay,

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then he is not obliged to pay.

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Why can't a woman utter a divorce? And how does a woman divorce her

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husband? She's not allowed to utter a divorce. There's many

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reasons for that Allah subhanaw taala only gave this right to men.

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One of the reasons that some people mentioned is that it's

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because women are generally more emotional than men. I know some

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men are weird as well. Right? But majority of men are not like that.

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But for women, they they in the emotional state, they may just

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divorce that they're more likely to divorce us the divorce. But if

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a woman is in a situation where she wants out, then she generally

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goes and consults this.

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What they call a judicial panel in a non Muslim country via judicial

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panel in a Muslim country, be the judge and says, Look, I don't want

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to stay with him because of x y&z reason, they will look into that

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case. And they will they will say, okay, force the husband to give a

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divorce. Or if he doesn't give them they will dilute the

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marriage. Or they will say that, no, you don't have valid reasons

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to do that. But then they would say the same thing to a husband

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and they would tell him off if he divorced without a reason as well.

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But we're living in a non Muslim country. So it's, there's nobody

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to tell the husband off except the scholar in the masjid. And he

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doesn't listen to him. If your husband tells his wife you are

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divorced while there is a witness, but then goes back saying she made

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me say

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absolutely. If, if you're

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a lot of husbands they say, Oh, she made me say it. So what it's

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done now

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Your it was up to you to say it, she wasn't going to kill you. And

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even if somebody's going to kill you and you have to do there was

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that will still be a divorce. Unless you write it, they won't be

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So if somebody is forcing you to divorce like a serious force, and

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you write it, then that divorce doesn't occur, but if you say it

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well, so you just say, Look, let me write it, then that divorce

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won't occur. That's a loophole. But to say that my wife was

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forcing me meaning she just kept saying she kept bothering me. She

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kept nagging me, it's the divorce that

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you just don't want to do divorce, believe me. You don't want to play

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with it.

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Okay, I think that's it. Anybody have any other questions? May

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Allah give a healthy marriage

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