Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Is Bismillah Part of the Qur’an

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the presence of Surah Fatiha in the Quran and the lack of certain elements from the Quran. They also mention the presence of Maliki's name and the recitation of the first verse of the Quran, which is not part of any particular Surah.
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is Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem part of Surah Fatiha. According to the

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majority of Allah ma Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem is not part of any

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Surah any specific Surah except the Bismillah which is in the

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middle of surah. About Solomon is somewhere in the home insulae

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Myrna we know Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah Ahluwalia, what to

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name Muslimeen that's in the middle of a surah. But the

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Bismillah is in the beginning of the surah. According to the

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Maliki's, they're not part of even the Quran. So they're not part of

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the surah of the Quran at all. That's why when they read fattier,

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they just really like that without Bismillah according to the

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Shaeffer is Bismillah is part of Surah Fatiha only not part of

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every Surah but sort of data it is that's why in some Quran you'll

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actually notice that at the end of Bismillah Romani, it says number

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one, as the first verse And Alhamdulillah Allah Allah means

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verse two

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Hanafis they say, according to their research, Bismillah is not

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part of any particular Surah as in the beginning of it, as we

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mentioned, but it is a part of the Quran. And it should be recited,

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generally whenever you start any Surah but it's not part of the

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surah as in an ayah of the surah

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