Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Fidya (Compensation) for Not Fasting

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The speaker discusses the importance of fasting during a time when health is poor. They suggest that delaying fasting for too long can lead to failure and loss of future opportunities. The speaker also mentions a cost of cotton filter for fasting.
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If a person fasted 20 fast of Ramadan and missed the last 10
because he felt he was not able to fast because of old age, you
waited for eidl fitter up to eat a lot higher and still unable to
fast, how much food there should be given for that. The only time
you can actually give Vidya is if you feel you will never be able to
fast until the end of your life. Otherwise, that only then you can
defeat the failure. So if you waited until hedger, you still got
time because the fast are going to be way shorter. If you wait for
two months, right in November, December, they're going to be
about six, seven hours, seven, eight hours, right which is just
you're just delaying your breakfast until a late lunch and
having a late lunch in instead. So if they can't fast even in those
days, and they were never expecting the future the fastest
well, then they can give a failure and the failure is for every fast
you give the similar amount of southern cotton filter which is
about three pounds of fast or something