Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Do I Have to Fast if I Am in My Final Trimester of Pregnancy
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The speaker advises against promoting fostering in late pregnancy, as it may result in unhealthy pregnancy. They suggest keeping a healthy diet and avoiding fasting during pregnancy, as long as the heat is not too hot. The heat is a factor in the risk of pregnancy and the speaker advises against promoting overuse of heat during pregnancy.
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That depends late pregnancy, it depends on your situation. There's
many women who do foster in that time. And there's some women who
can't. If you ask the normal doctor, they'll tell you don't do
it. Even if you're an early pregnancy, they'll tell you don't
do it right. Because for them, it's just like, protect the baby,
they don't understand any aspect of religion.
I would say go with experience, what that means is first consult a
dietitian, about foods that are helpful, that that are helpful to
keep your energy up this is everybody should do that, I think
right, just to stop you feeling weak and miserable throughout the
day. Number two, there's lots of the older women of the community,
they know all of these special foods that, you know, like Matey,
as I think is good for, especially for women who are producing milk,
right? There's lots of these kinds of foods that are supposed to
produce milk or to produce energy or something like that, then what
I would suggest is you try to keep one or two fast, and then if you
feel that you're just getting totally knocked out and it's not
working, or this is if you've got a healthy pregnancy.
Then after that, if you have to miss a fast in between Mr. Fast,
If you've got a
not a healthy pregnancy, that and he's got a high risk pregnancy of
some sort, and you know this, then then, you know, you'll have more
of a leeway just to give it up. It's just what you have to try to
strike a balance between getting the reward, because you have to
remember, we're not the only people who fast in this heat. Yes,
we have longer heat a longer time, but our heat is nothing in
comparison, it's 20 degrees less than what it is in Saudi Arabia,
and in other parts of the world. Right. Okay. They don't have as
long days, but the heat is much more and they have no facilities,
they had no facility now mashallah there are more facilities than we
do. But in those days, they had no facility. So it's not like you
know, where the new creation of God in this time and age who
having all these difficulties that people have had difficulties and
so on. So it would be a balance between the two that you have to
strike. There is leeway for them if they have a high risk pregnancy
or something of that nature.