Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Confusions about the Existence of God

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The complexities of proving Islam's stance and reasons for belief continue to be a topic of exploration. While there are elements of Islam that provide evidence of its true stance, further exploring the nuances of the concept is crucial. The speaker discusses various topics related to Islam, including worship, social behavior, proof of God, and the potential for harm. They stress the importance of understanding and finding proof of God, as well as the potential for harm if one pursue a claim of success.
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How do we know that Islam is the right religion? Often science

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facts are put forward. But what is the proof of one God? How does it

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prove Islam? Now, look,

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this is not. So this is very difficult to try to explain this

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in a short amount of time. Because when you're trying to prove God to

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somebody, there are many different ways of you proving God. And no

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one of them works all the time. The reason is that God is a very

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complex idea. The belief in God is very complex idea. And different

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people have different reasons of why they have a problem with

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accepting God. Some people have a spiritual problem. Some people

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have a scientific challenge in this regard. So for different

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people, there's different reasons. For a lot of people, the reason

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why they've stopped believing in God is because they've had a bad

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experience, because their parents maybe or a teacher, was abusive,

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very cultural. And they would mask their culture in religion and say,

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this is religion. But it was not it was Somali culture. It was like

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Punjabi culture. It was Gujarati culture, whatever it is. So the

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child doesn't understand that the young man young woman now does not

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know what is culture, what is Islam? To be honest, the response

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to this would be that if there are certain facts, that there are some

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theories, certain ideas that make us doubt,

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what doubt the existence of God, then the reason they were creating

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doubt in us is because we are looking into them as a, as a doubt

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creating aspects. And then we're not looking for a response. Our

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study is about Islam. If you just read the Quran with a good thought

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and reflection, and look at some of the tough series and the

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Hadith, and some of the Aqeedah, the belief works, that will give a

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good amount of reassurance. Problem is that we're being

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exposed to a number of atheistic ideas, because currently this

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these few decades, the last two decades or so, this is the first

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time in history that we've had mill, we've had overt

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we've had overt

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atheism, before atheism was always hidden. But because of Dawkins and

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Sam Harris and other Christopher Hitchens of the last were very

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eloquent speakers. They've caused a lot of people to doubt because a

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lot of these people don't have understanding of their religion.

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But they listen to these things, because this becomes popular

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discourse. And a lot of people are too lazy to go and find out. And

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when they do come to the masjid, many of the people responsible in

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the masjid, even some Imams, they're not really, they're not

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able to respond properly. So that's why I'm saying that it's a

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very complex kind of scenario. But the answers are all there. So

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that's why what we want to do is we want to deal with this in in

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more detail as to what the issue is. Now. How do we know Islam is a

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true religion? I mean, the way I would say for me, because I was

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born in a Muslim household, so it was easier. However, when I became

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mature, I started thinking about things making decisions for

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myself, then, I adopted Islam now,

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on a acquisition level, it wasn't just because I was born into the

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faith that helped me, obviously. But I became curious, what does

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Islam say about this? What does Islam say about that? So for

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example, for me, if there's any religion, it needs to be able to

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answer many, many things. And I put that down to five dimensions.

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The religion should not just be about worshipping God, like fire,

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you know, rituals. That's not what the only thing religion should

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provide. That's one aspect. A religion needs to provide first

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dimension of belief. How do I see things? What is the purpose of

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this life? What is my outlook? What is

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does doo, doo Jin, Do angels exist? What does Islam say about

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these different things? Number one, once you recognize the god,

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which Islam explains through the Quran and Sunnah, then the second

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thing is how do you worship this God? So the second dimension is

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worship. First one is doctrine. Secondary is worship. Number

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three, a religion also needs to tell you how to act interact, both

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on a transactional level,

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both on the transactional level and also on a social level, how do

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I deal with my neighbors? How do I deal with the environment,

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environment, green rights and so on? Right animal rights, how do I

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deal with disputes? All of that is third and fourth paradigm third

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and fourth dimension, the transactions and the martial arts.

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And then finally, the fifth one is, how am I supposed to have my

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outlook? How do I deal with enmity? How do I deal with feeling

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of hatred?

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How do I deal with jealousy? So Islam deals with all of that. Now,

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there's some rich teachings of all of these things in the Quran that

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we need to access. And there's books written about that. And

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there's lectures on these things. This gives us a thorough

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understanding. So for me, it just solidified my belief that Islam,

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I'm satisfied with it, because it answers all of these questions. So

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how do you know Islam is the right religion? You look into it, and

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then you, you have to understand what matters to you personally,

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and you look for those particular points. And that is, how generally

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you understand that proof of God many different types of proof of

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It's just, what kind of proof are we looking for right now, you

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know, through science through

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what you call it, cosmology, the cosmological proof of God, the,

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you know, that teleological proof that there's so many different

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ways, the logical aspect, I mean, I can tell you one, it might sound

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boring. But basically, we all come from something everybody is caused

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by something. Right? Now, when you keep going up, eventually you will

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get to the first cause, God.

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Now, if you want to keep going back to that, okay, if everybody

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is created, everything is created by something else, then who

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created God?

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The profit or loss and said, if you get to that level, you need to

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say I will the biller, and you need to just say I believe in

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Allah. But let's just entertain that question that if you say who

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created God, one option is God to created God, one, you have to go

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back somewhere, you have to stop somewhere. You say, it was all Big

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Bang, who created the Big Bang, who set up the Big Bang? Because

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if you look at the design of the world, it is virtually impossible

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that it just happened randomly, because the random possibility is

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so minut. It's like I take a bucket of letters, you know,

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scrabble letters, letters, just letters, and a is got 300 letters

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in there, and I throw it out. And what are the chances that it will

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say Bergen is a beautiful city? What are the chances that it would

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fall in that particular way to say Bergen is a beautiful city? What

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tell me what do you think is the probability here? Maybe some crazy

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probability? The zero point is, you know, that is what we're

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saying. That's what the scientists is saying that this is how this

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world came up. Not all scientists, by the way, scientists represent

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believers and non believers in the same way that the general

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population does. This was a study that was done in Harvard or

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somewhere like that, okay. So essentially, that we need to be as

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critical of the atheistic theories as we are of religion, if you want

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to be critical, and you will find that at the end of the day. It's

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just another claim. I would rather have a claim that works for me for

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the hereafter, as well. And that's just not limited to this world.

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Because at least then I'm prepared for that. If you just want to go

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purely on an objective way. Anyway, I'm going to have to stop

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here for

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