Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Are Muslims Allowed to Eat Kosher

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The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the claims that Halal meat is safe and cannot be eaten. They argue that Halal is a dish that is cooked properly by Jews or Christian church leaders, and that many organizations do not accept it. The speaker also mentions scams in the industry and advises against getting rid of the myth that Halal is cheating.
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Can we eat kosher?
Technically speaking,
meat that is properly slaughtered by Jews or Christians, according
to the scripture would be halal for Muslims. As mentioned in the
Quran, that's technically speaking of theoretically speaking.
However, just like within Hala, we have many different forms of
halal, some HMC, HFA, and some you don't even trust completely, you
know, you have that within kosher as well. Right. I don't know much
about the kosher industry in this country, but in America, there
were at least 23 organizations that certified kosher and not all
of them were even accepted by the strict Jews. So you can't just say
kosher Halal has Bismillah let me eat right because that's, that's
really cheating. Right? You could have been among the kosher people,
you could have wronged people among the among those who do
kosher just like we have. We have scams within the halal market,
right and so on. So you can't just go and eat kosher. The other thing
is that when you have halal meat that's available all around you,
then there's no need to venture into that. The only time that I
would say that you could probably go by this is for example when
you're in a situation where you where there is no halal meat at
all, right where there's just no halal meat within. I used to in
America used to travel two hours or more to get our halal meat
because we had no halal meat within our areas. So no, I don't
think you should resort to kosher at all because you have a massive
Halal industry here.