Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Are Alimas Difficult to Live With

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of animals being restricted and not being able to live with them due to cultural misunderstandings. They suggest that animals are like humans and may not be able to live with them. The speaker advises the audience to broaden their horizon and consider other avenues to find suitable animals.
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I'm currently looking for a suitable spouse. The issue my

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parents face is that the majority of prospective spouse would prefer

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not to marry an anima due to cultural misunderstanding that all

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animals are difficult to live with, as they throw around Islamic

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rulings in all situations and make life hard for others. I don't know

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why people have made this an issue that animals are like that. It is

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such a, this is such a repugnant attitude that people have had yes,

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we've had some black sheep within the early mass, and within Adams

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as well. But for some reason, I've heard people beyond that he did

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for Allah ma. And Alamos. He said, kind of something similar about

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animals throwing around fatwas, maybe he's dealt with some bad

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experience with one of his friends, or whatever the case is.

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And because of the oral argument, the way I've seen from my actions,

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I've dealt with a lot of animals. I'm married to Anonima. Right. And

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I've, you know, in mcta, we've dealt with many ideas, and so many

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others, I've taught many audiences, right, I've taught 70

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ideas at one time, right, so I, you know, from around the world as

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well. And the thing is that it's all about personality. Some, some,

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some individuals, women who have an extreme personality, whether

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they're an Halima, or there's something else, they're going to

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be extreme. That's the way it is that you know, they haven't done

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the therapy hasn't been done for whatever reason. So then they're

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going to just use the end in a wrong way. But that's one in you

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know, 1000, maybe

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don't blame all animals. But anyway, that's something that's

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going to have to be remitted. I personally, do not consider myself

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Anonima. But as I studied the full course, in graduate, I'm perceived

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as one, I have been told to look for an Ireland and Ireland to many

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However, this does limit the possible choice, which is making

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more difficult find someone.

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I don't know why, I mean, I guess people do have this issue. But

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there are so many Allamah out there who are looking for animals,

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it's just that you have to find out, you just have to ask the

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right kind of people. The problem, I think, is where you've got these

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kinds of limitations. And then you've got cultural baggage. So

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you can only get married to,

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for example, somebody from this village in Pakistan or India, then

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you're highly restricting yourself. Right? I think parents

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need to understand that, okay, if we need to find an item, then open

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up the scope. Open up the scope, broaden your horizon, that other

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people do it as well. So I think that you probably need a more

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personal answer to this in terms of your situation, you know, as to

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exactly what what your limitations are. But I would say just broaden

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your horizons, make lots and lots of dua to Allah subhanaw taala,

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especially at tahajjud Robina habla and I mean, as far as you

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know, the reality and that's another one, rub Bella Thermae,

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further one, the Hiral verything all of these doors abundantly and

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inshallah you should find somebody find other avenues, even if

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they're non traditional avenues but hallowed avenues. A lot of

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these marriage websites, these matrimony websites, some of them

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are really junky, but there are certain decent ones as well. And

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it's completely Halal to use those that as long as you're not there

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looking at people, right and just messing around there for a serious

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that's unfortunately, one way to do it. You know, it's just instead

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of the, one of the aunties in the village who is matchmaker, this

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has just become a company who's helping you matchmake so

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essentially the same thing as long as there's not not much haram

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invoices, there are some better ones than others. So I think it's

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j is to use them if you don't have any other means. Some people think

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I can't go there, and they're suffering

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