Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Prophet Yunus and the Whale Ride
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The Bible and its story are discussed, including the disappearance of a prophet named Shawn Lisa and the community's struggles to survive during the pandemic. The community's success is attributed to their faith and ability to do what they want, and their struggles to find a stable income and find a job. The transcript also touches on the difficulties of finding a stable source of income and the importance of not giving up on one's behavior and not giving up on others.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu
salam ala say you the Lord serene while he or softly he odaka was
seldom at the Sleeman girthier on laomi Dean Amar Barrett call
Allahu Tabarka Ouattara fee Surah t sin. follow Allah Khurana Korean
minute Fariha EMA know her in the coma Eunice la Menorca Schaffner
and whom either Bill his evil hayati dunya, or Matera. Anna whom
Isla Hain
Okada, Tara, if you saw little Ambia within Nguni is the Hubble
mohale even for one Allah Nakamura are ready for another field Zulu
Mati Allah Allah
Subhana Allah in Nico to mean avoiding mean faster job nada who
went to Jeana hoomin al hum me waka he can mean baccarat la vie,
salty sofr we're in the US elemental mousseline is an eel
full kill mushroom for Saharan Africa and Amina mood Halloween
fell into coma who will who to humulene Falola Anna who can Amin
al Musa behind the Elisabetha fi botany he Isla yo me you baritone
for another dinner who will Ara Eva who was Sapim What am BATNA ie
Szeged watermedia between Walsall now who Ilan me at elfin oesd
dune. Manu fermata Anna who Elohim Okada, Tara Duffy saw at noon
phosphate they hooked me Rob Bic whatever attack on Gaza Hey, Bill
hood is another well who am I to whom Lola and tada raka who Nirma
to Mirabai learn obey their bill. Ara Eva who am F Moon vegetable
who rob boo * who Mina Saudi hain. So this is the story of
Eunice Ali salaam, it's scattered around in different places, some
places have more detail than in other places. The point of the
story is actually the lessons that are there for us, rather than the
juicy details. I mean, it is a unique story, who else gets into
the stomach of a whale or a large fish and then comes back out to
tell the story. That's amazing. So it tells us a number of things.
And while we're while we're going through the story, I'd like you to
reflect right as as I am reflecting. And I'd like to hear
from you what you got out of the story. If we have that time.
Inshallah, aside from what I'll be telling you, I'd like to learn
from what you guys are getting from the story as well. Can
everybody hear me at the bank? Yeah. Okay.
So firstly, what happens is that Eunice Ali Salam, he is somewhere
in Nineveh, which is basically, I think, in the near the Mosul area,
northern Iraq. So that's where he's from. That's supposedly where
some of the oldest communities are from Ibrahim Ali Salaam is
supposed to also be from around there. There's actually a
competition between a place in Iraq or an a place in Turkey
called Orissa or chandelier OLFA. That also claims that Ibrahim
alayhis salam was from there. So either way, whatever the case is.
That's where he starts off he sent to a community there. His name is
Eunice, son of Malta. unis son of Malta, that's his name. And he is
sent to a community in that particular area. Now, you know,
the prophets before the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was
sent to groups in different areas. And that was their focus
generally, it's the uniqueness of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that
he has been sent to pretty much everybody and everything as a
prophet. That's the unique feature of our Prophet sallallahu sallam.
So when eurosai Salam is sent there, he invites them to Allah
subhanaw taala. Right, they're not believe in Allah. They don't
believe in Allah. So he invites them to Allah subhanho wa taala.
So he's doing Dawa. Right? He's inviting. However, they don't
listen, they act erratically against him, and they remain
stubborn on their cover. Right? So when this lasts for a while, he
gives up and he makes a DUA, every prophet is given a DUA, right?
Every prophet is given to us for his for his OMA for his people,
for his, for his nation. And he decided that he's going to go and
the punishment of Allah because generally the tradition is that if
people do not listen to their Prophet, a punishment is basically
coming in its wake. He thought a punishment is going to come. So he
disappeared. He's like, I'm out of here. So he disappeared. So he
goes, and he reckons that it's going to come in three days the
punishment. So
the what happens in this case, the unique another unique idea here,
is that generally, as Allah subhanaw taala says, on our Santa
Fe career team in ASEAN, in Calama, mudra Fua in Bhima, or
Silverton Vika fune generally speaking, they would deny they
would reject when a prophet would go and call someone. If they
didn't listen, then they would just deny it and that's it, then
they will be punished. But in this case, Allah subhanaw taala says
Falola cannot Korea to an ermine, it further thought AHA Iman wa
Illa coma unis that this holiday
In any nation who first denied, right, the gist of the verse is
that nearly all nations are such that when they've in been invited,
they've rejected, then they've been punished. They've not been
saved afterwards. The only people that have actually been saved
uniquely speaking as a nation is the nation of UNICEF a Salam.
After he disappeared thinking the punishment is upon them. What
happens is that they suddenly put, they suddenly realize their
Right. And that's a big issue. That's like a really big
realization, they realize their mistakes that we've done very
wrong. Maybe they saw wala, while and what they saw and how it was
Allah subhanaw taala is will that this be happen. And this does go
down into history as this unique incident. So what they did was
they put on very humble clothing. Now, this gives us this gives us
some lessons here that when you want to call Unto Allah, when
you're desperate, there's a certain attitude that you have to
create when you see beggars, right? They don't come to you with
Rolex watches on. All right, and like, you know, except the very
smart ones, right? The very, you know, up class ones that do the
upper class deals, you know, I'm saying, but the normal beggars on
the street, they will not come to you like that they come in a way
that makes you feel sorry for them, because it's all about
emotion. Right? It's really a lot about emotion, these people No, no
better. They according unto Allah subhanho wa taala, they change
their clothing.
What they mean, this is an idea what they did was they took all
the animals I mean, that's the community they had is full of, you
know, that they dealing with animals and so on. So they
separated all the animals, the pair, the children, the offspring
of the animals, the young from the old, so they separated all of
them, the babies, the calves, the kids from from the older animals,
and pretty much all of them, began to humbly entreat Allah subhanaw
taala. They basically just submitted to Allah, they started
asking him for forgiveness, and they're crying, they're weeping
their eyes, in tears, both their men, the women, the children, and
the animals are screaming, because the animals don't have you know,
the young children, they're screaming for their parents, and,
and the father, cow or whoever it is, or the mother cow is looking
for their children. So this is this whole thing shown, showing a
sign of vulnerability, desperation, absolute need and so
on. Allah subhanho wa Taala averts the punishment from them. So
that's the uniqueness of this particular community that after
the person that invites them, and he disappears, leaving them to be
destroyed pretty much leaving them to be punished, that they actually
realize afterwards. So that's why final thought AHA Iman are
generally after once the punishment is coming Iman is not
of benefit, but they just got it in time their Iman their faith,
actually was to their benefit as Allah says in the Quran. So that's
what he says Illa call me Yunus except the people of Yunus Jonah
has the as the biblical name is llama Ave that when they actually
did become believers Kashif Anna and whom either Bill his, we
actually remove from them, right we relieve them of the disgraceful
punishment of the pay very painful punishment. Phil highlighted dunya
in this world, or Medina whom Illa Hain and then we've gave them
respite. We gave them indulgence, basically, for a certain amount of
time, however long that's going to be so Allah subhanaw taala says in
another verse that they were meant to elfin oesd dune, so these are
this is a group of at least 120,000 people may add to elf,
that's 100,000 meter to elfin 100,000 oesd dune or more than
that. Now, when you look at the Morpha city in the comment series
of the Quran, they've got various different views starting from
Abdullah, I busted in the greatest commentator, right that some say
it was actually 120,000. And it goes up 230,000 130 something 140
they've got different durations, and doesn't make a difference to
us. To be honest, I mean, the story is the story, right? So I'm
not going to get into that too much.
So now he gets to the edge of the land, the landmass wherever that
was. And that's not really clear as to where that was. So when he
gets there, he
there's a there's a boat, there's a ship about some kind of sea
vessel that he gets onto, like he wants to get away from this area.
So he gets onto that. And
suddenly, the wind stopped blowing, the storm that's brewing.
And they know that they've got to meet, they realize that they've
got too many people in this boat to survive under these conditions.
So one person has to leave.
Right? So there's lots of people on there. And the way to decide is
the fairest way and those that in that time that they decided to do
which the process that Lawson was also used actually, is to pick
lots. So everybody's name is on
harped on a certain thing. And then somebody picks a lot and
outcomes universally, salaam, his name. So they look at him and he
looks really dignified, really, you know, you can tell who he that
he's a very special person. So they feel really bad that it must
be him. It's always going to be some random guy who's not very,
you know, who's kind of can be wasted. Well, la Harlem, I get the
gist of that. So like, No, you can't go. So then they pick lots
again. And again, it's the second time his name comes out. So he's a
prophet like, he's like, I've got to work Quran, Allah, my reliance
is on Allah. So he takes off his garments, or whatever to jump into
the water. But no, no, no, they say no, no, let's do it again.
Right, so they do it again. And out comes his name again. So when
that happens, again, he has to go. So he gets thrown in. And it's all
it's all been planned. And everything is actually set up.
Allah subhanaw taala, has basically told this particular
whale, this particular huge fish, whatever that fish was, that it's
going to be your task. And that whale has been actually modified.
The modification is that generally whales or any mammal, basically,
when something goes down, there's this whole system that we don't
even control. Like, you can't put something in our system and say,
Okay, this thing, I'm not going to consume it, the Bible is not going
to write and you guys, some of you are doctors or whatever. So you
probably know this better than I do. But basically none of that,
but in this particular case,
don't do this at home type of thing. Right? He's this well is
told that you on you're gonna give safe passage. So you're gonna
Saudi Salam gets swallowed by this particular fish, this mammal, and
he's gonna, he's gonna think he's dead, like, I'm swallowed, you
think you're finished? Suddenly, the bile is gonna start coming,
you're gonna start getting all the chemicals on you, and so on and so
forth. But he moves around, and he's like alive. For the haircut.
He moves around for either who are high as a blue cat, he says, he
suddenly finds himself a lot alive. Now, this is the
interesting point. You find yourself alive. So you've been
basically in some really great danger. But then you find out hey,
you know, nothing happened to me. For her Leila, he Sergi them. So
he basically falls in frustration. Now this is the unique feature of
a friend of Allah. They always remember Allah. Right? Everything
is about Allah in their lives. That's what makes them special.
They're humans like you and I. But the only difference is that they
always they relate everything to Allah. Anything small happens,
that's on towards they remember ALLAH. Anything good happens. They
remember Allah they thank him. Right? So he falls in frustration.
He says, Yeah, Robbie, this is what he says a parrot according to
biblical theory says, it has to like a masjid and lamb. Yeah,
Buddha had done famously, I've just made a place for prostration
for your place for prayer for you that nobody else has prayed in the
light of before. i This is a unique mosque, right in the in the
stomach of a whale.
Now, how long did he stay there? That's anybody's guess. Because
Allah subhanaw taala doesn't mention it's already a miracle
lays already inside. I mean, you know, and then comes out alive,
regardless of how long they stayed. But according to one
opinion, it was morning he was in and nighttime, it was just not
even one not even 24 hours, it was morning to evening stay was very
short. Another opinion is that it was actually three days. So he had
a three day booking in there. Right? And another one says seven
days Allah knows best whatever it was, and actually, there's even
another opinion of 40 days. Right? So he was in there for 40 days.
Allah knows best. Now what happens is that this particular whale
starts going around on its journey through the through the oceans.
And Eunice Ali Salaam is now given access to the underworlds, meaning
the SeaWorld. So he starts hearing the sea glorification of Allah
coming from various different places, Allah somehow I don't know
how that works in that underwater there. But this he gets that in
his ear. So when he starts hearing the glorification of the other,
other sea creatures,
he suddenly he starts to then make the sweet himself
right he starts to remember Allah subhanaw taala even more.
Realizing that's the only way that's why
we're the Nguni is the hubba Mahadevan for one L and knock
there are they he finally the fifth Zulu Mati Allah, Allah,
Allah Subhana. Allah in the Quran to mean of aalameen so that the
speed, the speed means the speed means to glorify God to purify
God, right, it's very different from a dummy, which is to praise
Allah. You all you're actually also praising him but what you're
really doing it at the speed. When you say Subhan Allah is you
We're saying God is free of all blemishes. God is free of all
defects, right? God has no defects and no problems, then you say, All
praise is for him. So the praise comes after the purification
process. So Subhan, Allah generally comes before Al
Hamdulillah. So he said SubhanAllah. Now, what he uttered
them, right, what he uttered them was actually something that went
down in history and is considered to be one of the most powerful
dollars you can make in a desperate situation. In fact,
according to some scholars, it is the Ismaila Hill album. Right now,
if you heard of the smaller Hill album, there's one name of Allah,
like a formula with the name of Allah in it, which were the
prophets, Allah, some said in a hadith that if you call Allah by
that name, you will be responded to he will respond to you. It's
that magic name, basically, you can say it. I mean, if you can use
the term magic, it's that it's that name that where you use it.
Allah will do whatever it is that you're saying. So there's various
views of what that is. Because if everybody knew so simple as to
what it is, then everybody would use it. And so it's some people
know what it is. And they use it very particularly, they don't use
it arbitrarily and randomly.
Just give you a quick story. There's a guy who knew it, an old
person, an old chef, and it's somebody else who found out he
knew it. So he wanted to learn it from him. So he went to him. And
he says, I would like to learn this. So he said,
he even says, I can't teach it to you and so on. He says, No, I
insist. So when he insists that okay, fine. And when you go to the
woods tomorrow, there's some there was a forest close by woods
somewhere. And I want you to just sit in, he told him a particular
place, go and sit by that tree. And I want you to just watch what
So he says, Okay, fine, and then come back and report to me. So he
goes, the next day stands there, or sits there rather. And he's
watching. And suddenly, he sees this old man, right, an old man
who's going around collecting firewood, spends an hour or so
collecting firewood gets it all together, binds it together. And
he's about to go home with it, when suddenly this young guy comes
along and beats him up, pushes him down, takes his wood and goes
This guy is very angry. Like if you see that you're gonna be
varying. You're somebody who's been painstakingly collecting wood
for for an hour or so however long it was, and then suddenly somebody
takes it away from him. So he comes back the next day, and he
reports that this is what I saw. So that shakes asked him, How did
you feel? He said, Well, if I had known the name yesterday, that's
when I needed it. I would have prayed against this guy. He says,
No, you're not ready for this name yet. He says the person the old
man you saw that's my shake. That's my teacher. He's the one
who I got it from. He didn't use it for himself. So selfishly like
that, you're not prepared for it. You're not the right person for
it. But that name of Allah subhanho wa taala. Whatever that
name is one opinion is that this is the dua what is that he read.
So law, he said, Allah Houma, La ilaha illa. And when Allah just
says La ilaha illa. And in the economy, it's it's actually a very
compound, very comprehensive formula, says La ilaha illAllah.
There is no God except Allah. So that's the heat that's declaring
the Oneness of Allah. Allah loves it when you reaffirm that he is
one. That is the reality. And that's what we've been told to do.
So La Ilaha, Illa and Subhanak you are without blemish, you are
glorified, you are purified.
And then in the consuming of volume and to recognize and
confess to recognize our sin acknowledge our problem or
shortcoming right, that is what this comprises of. So you know,
sir, Islam realized that he shouldn't have run right from that
place. That was the lesson for him. In the condemning authority
mean, what what a lesson to be to be swallowed by a fish, right by a
mammal, any mammal, for that matter, especially in the waters,
but then to be let go after so that he can tell the story and we
can learn something from it. Right, it would have ended like,
if it just goes into the whale and ended it would have been ended.
But now this is an amazing story. Lots of people have been taken in
by fish and mauled by animals and consumed and so on. Right? But
that's quite customary, that's quite normal. So law Illa, Allah
Subhana Allah in the consuming authority mean I was from the
oppressors. I did wrong.
I did not act in the correct way. First, the job nada. So we
responded to him. We accepted his his confession, when a Gina who
Middleham and we relieved him from this anguish from this pain from
this difficulty work early cannon Gillmore Momineen. This is the
message for us now. What Catholica laryngeal Momineen this is the way
we give delivery to the believers. This is the way we give safety to
Believers, this is the way we give escaped to believers. This is to
show that this particular incident was not just for unicyclists
Salam, right. I mean, if you do find yourself in the belly of a
fish, then you can also pray that God knows what's going to happen.
Right? But basically, that's extreme, right? That's an extreme
situation. We find ourselves in any turbulent situation.
Let's say somebody, I remember there was a person I know, he went
to visit a friend's house, and he got into the toilet and lock the
door. But that lock was faulty. So we'll open anymore. He's locked in
a toilet. Now, obviously, you're gonna get him out eventually it's
going to take an hour or so and he's in a hurry has to go back.
He's in another city. Right Hamdulillah you know, he prayed
something and then they got out. Right? But I'm saying Even
something as simple as that.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala then says in another place, follow
Allah Allah who can Amin al Musa behave? La vida fi botany Illa yo,
me yoga iPhone. Had he not been of those who make the TSB who glorify
then he would have stayed in the stomach of that fish until the Day
of Resurrection.
So now, whether that means what does that mean? Had he not done
this be in the fish? When he's in that situation? or had he not been
of those who used to always make the SMI? What's what is it? Well,
actually, he did both. So we should do both. So a person was
constantly remembering Allah subhanaw taala. The logic there is
that if you're concerned, remember Allah even when you're not in a
difficult state, the angels recognize your voice. They get to
recognize okay, if he or she constantly makes dua, right.
Mohamed is always you know, making dua to us is making this fee. Now
he's in a difficult situation. So exactly now, so let's, I'm going
to mention to you a hadith that's related by
Ibrahim A Tabari, in his tafsir, and Imam bazar is related this as
well. He says that
Abu Huraira, the Allahu Anhu reported this that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when Allah subhanaw taala
wanted to
get you to Saudi Salam
into into this whale, he wanted this incident to take place in
this particular way. He inspired this particular fish that you're
going to take him, you're going to swallow him, but you cannot
basically have any access to any part of his body. So you will not
injure any part of his bones or flesh or anything like that.
So the fish comes over, right? And takes him takes him on. And now
he's going it's going to wherever it's goes and hangs out in the
So now you're in Saudi so I'm here some sounds right? You're a Saudi
Salaam. Here's some sound in in the ocean. So he says to himself
Maha. What is this? What is this sound America, this is what this
is, according to this hadith, right? So ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada
inspires him while he's in the stomach, that this is actually the
tisby of the sea creatures that you're hearing all of the sounds
right, whatever that is.
So then he starts to make this be. And that was his the speed that I
related to Subhanak in the country and authority mean. Now the
angels, they hear his dismay, they're used to hearing his voice.
According to this hadith, the angels hear His voice. Right now,
this device, all aspects of physics and so on, right? So if
you're gonna try to think of it from that way, he's down in the
depths of the ocean, there's layers of water, angels are up
probably in the heavens, where are they going to hear him from Allah
knows best, they have their means, right? wireless connections, or
whatever, whatever the situation is.
So they hear His voice. And they say, Dr. Robina, so they talk to
Allah is that oh, Allah, were listening to a very, very, very
faint voice that we can hear. It's like a whimper. Right? It's coming
from somewhere in the middle, you know,
in a very unusual place. We never hear to speak coming from there
have a such a voice, because it's unusual for a human to go down
there make the speed. Right.
So Allah says, yes, yes, I know that I've got you know that I'm
taking care of that. That's my servant Yunus. Who went against
what I the way I wanted him to do things. So I've just put him into
this ocean into this fish in the ocean. So then they say, and this
is the angels speaking about people that do good, saying,
Abdullah Saleh, he was a righteous person, He is a righteous person,
right? And every day and every evening, he used to send you good
deeds beforehand. So Allah says, yes. So they are interceding. They
are interceding for him right to Allah subhanaw taala. So finally,
eventually, the whale then
The whale then basically pushes him out on the coast. Now Allah
knows best, but the place that they claim that this took place
that this happened is close to Hebron or al Khalid in Palestine.
Right? So when you go from Jerusalem to Bethlehem beta lamb,
and then you go to Al Khalil, in the midst there somewhere there's
a place called McCollum Yunus. Right there's a particular name,
but the place is the masjid there as well. So I visited We visited a
few years ago. So the Imam told us the whole story and there's a
place that he says, This is not this is the place where when he
came back, sorry, when he came out, he was the fish had taken
installed, being in the fish with everything had taken us on, he
hadn't died, but he was emaciated. He was almost like a bird. When it
comes out. It's lost all of its feathers. Right? It's got
completely in that in that state. So that's why Allah subhanho wa
Taala says, Well, who was a team, when the fish took him out, he was
sucking him he was sick, he was ill. He was indeed he was in a
vulnerable situation. Allah subhanho wa Taala then it mentions
and Buttner Allah He shedule rota Mia clean, wherever he landed,
there was nobody else there, there was a certain animal, right? It
looks I checked it up, it looks like like a ram or something which
would come and give him milk morning and evening. And then
Allah subhanaw taala, as Allah says, In the Quran,
had a pumpkin tree or God or a pumpkin type of tree grow in the
area. And the benefit of it is that it gives a nice shade, it's
energetic, the nutrients you would get from that. So slowly, slowly,
he recuperated, and then he went back to his people. So that's
pretty much that's pretty much the story of that is the story that we
know that he went back to his people and they had believed and
mashallah he was obviously happy, and so on, about whatever had
So a few things now.
Firstly, what we've learned from here is that when you're in a
desperate situation,
you should not wait to just worship Allah then, or glorify
Allah, then you should always have an amount of the speed that you're
you're doing every day. And then when you do get into a desperate
situation, the first one that you should remember is Allah subhanaw
taala. This story is wonderful for somebody when they're in a
difficult situation already, especially if they can remember
this story. Because what humans psychologically need when they're
in a desperate situation, even though everything seems to be
against them, is that number one, they make an effort. And number
two, they keep, they're hoping Allah. I'll give you another
example, when Yusuf Ali Salam Avira is we read the story, when
he was in the room. When when the wife of the Aziz was a party for
his name is right when she basically locked him and cornered
him in a room to seduce him. Right? There's several locks that
she put on, so he couldn't get out. And basically, she's trying
to seduce him. Now he knows that. So imagine if that if something
like that happened here, should you then just stand and say, Okay,
I'm giving up? Right? What he did was he actually ran to the door,
knowing it's locked, like, let me try what I can maybe I'll open up.
And actually all locks fell and it didn't open up. Right, which is
miraculous, but God wants us to try with the message we're getting
from days that when you find yourself in a situation, you don't
just give up, you try with all hopes in Allah because Allah has
everything under their under their command. So you try your best, and
Allah will make things happen. And I'm sure many of us will have
examples of this in their life, when things have happened, that
kind of defy the whole, you know, laws of science or whatever it is.
But that's Allah subhanaw taala, you need Yaqeen for that to be
able to happen.
So that's the first thing we're understanding that always try
something number two, you call out to Allah subhanaw taala you make
the best of the situation, you call out to Allah, and you say,
You forgive me and you confess your sins. That's very important.
You have to remember that whenever something a calamity or a loss, we
suffer a loss, right? People suffer losses.
How do you interpret that loss? Is it a punishment?
Is it
purely purification for us?
What are the reasons? Could they be why we're suffering a loss?
Why? Like we got less grades. I mean, if you worked really hard,
you still got less grades, like it was just a bad day for you. If you
didn't work hard, then you know why you didn't get good grades
anyway. Right? So then you don't even have to think about that.
It's quite clear. Right? But let's just say that you suffered a loss
of some sort, whether it be a little accident or you lost
somebody or whatever, what are you how are you supposed to react? So
the scholars say that it
actually depends on your reaction. The nature of the actually depends
on your reaction.
It's kind of really interesting. It's like a circular reasoning
almost. If you react angrily and you get worried and you get, you
don't know what you're doing anymore, and you start crying out
and you start getting depressed and everything, then that is your
punishment for you. That loss that you suffered is actually a
punishment from Allah. He wants to punish you for something, you're
wrong, you've done and you're still not realizing so it's a
If you realize that, okay, this wrong, it must be because you
know, the other day I did this wrong. Always you have to scan
back, Have I done something that I shouldn't be doing? Right? If I'm
already doing so many wrongs, is there something extra that I've
done, right? Because sometimes it could be that, like, you're always
doing something small, small wrong, but then suddenly, you do
something even bigger wrong. Think about that either way, and you
make Toba. So if your response is to actually repent, then that
means this was actually for purification, that Allah subhanaw
taala knows you've done wrong, but he wants to purify he wants to
change you. So you actually repent.
Number three, this one, is there any other reaction you could have?
The first reaction was that you start getting depressed and messed
up and like, lashing out and so on. Number two, is we actually
like, yeah, man, I know what I did wrong. Right? I shouldn't have
done that. Right? Is there any other response you could have? Or
reaction that anybody else can
relate to? Right? So if you cannot remember, if you think back, like,
you know, the first thing you should do is like, Did I do a sim
Did I do something wrong, and you can't think of anything, right?
And you're given a calmness to deal with it. That's, that's the,
that's the, that's the very important sign here, that you just
deal with it
at Hamdulillah, whatever, Allah wills, right, if that is the case,
then it means is to raise your status.
So it's not just for purification, but it's actually to raise your
status. And what you have to understand in the difficulty is
that sometimes the person was already doing good, but Allah
wants to elevate him up and give him an upgrade, he doesn't have
enough time to do that many good deeds to get the upgrade. So the
faster expedited process is by sub
patience is one of the most expedited ways to raise your
status in the sight of Allah and get a higher place. So you're put
in some pain, but you just deal with it. It's like, okay,
Hamdulillah, you lost a lot of money, but it's like, I'll deal
with it, it's okay, Allah will give it back to me, and another
person who would make him depressed and maybe even commit
suicide. So those are three reactions you can have, broadly
speaking, and that actually tells us the nature of that problem. So
I guess is the first one that we need to learn from an increase our
reliance in Allah increase our test three. So the next time we do
suffer a loss, because we will always suffer some calamities in
this world, it's just the nature of this world. Right? The world is
just fulfilling its nature, when something wrong happens to us,
right? So we need to take it out of our mind that nothing wrong
will ever happen. There's always something about dealing with it.
That's our responsibility. So we learn from here that something
that's happened to him is amazing, right? But he calls out to Allah
and Allah actually tells him out, in enough to be able to tell that
Another thing that we understand from hear from his story, the
negative aspects of the story, almost you could say, but of
course, Allah made him do this so that we can learn from it is that
if you are into trying to help somebody, trying to encourage
somebody trying to give Dawa to somebody I know, university
students, they always have a dour aspect to the to their work, you
know, the, the eyes ox always do something about that. Sometimes
you get frustrated when people don't listen, I've been calling
the brother or the sister so many times, I want them to change, but
they don't change, you get frustrated. So then you want to
walk away, like, go to *, right? Damn you type of idea.
Right? So we learned from this, that you need a lot of patience.
This story tells us that you need a lot of patients in our data is
one of the toughest jobs you can have. But what what should keep us
going this is the only thing that keeps me going you know, when
you're working with different communities, different committees,
different groups to try to do something good, and then somebody
throws in a hammer, right? Or a spanner in the works, or they're
just not doing it effectively anything like forget these guys,
right? Let me go and do something else. The thing that keeps you
going is that every effort that you're making, even though it's
not bearing the fruits that you would like for it to bear that
okay, Mashallah. Everybody's changing because of you are
becoming closer to Allah, whatever, you are still getting
reward. If you're sincere in what you're doing. So, every moment you
spend calling somebody encouraging somebody assisting somebody, you
are being rewarded and Allah is taken account for that. That is a
really important, that's the only thing that keeps me going when I
get frustrated sometimes that okay, I'm still getting rewarded,
still worth it. Right. No, Haile Salam was 950 years in Darwin. He
didn't get anything
Did you know that what he wanted, but he still carried on for 950
years as huge.
So this story tells us that dower is a difficult work and we keep we
keep doing that. And
good deeds in difficult times are a source of coming. Because
remember, what we have to remember is that every night which is dark,
what's in followed by
a day, every night follows the day. But you know, when you're in
the night, and it's that long night and you're suffering, you've
got a fever or whatever, that night seems very long. But when
that morning comes, some you just feel a bit better. Right? Even
though nothing else has happened, except that a sun has come out.
But you just suddenly feel better Allah has given that in the day.
But from that, well, we have to understand is that in any
difficulty, always, there's a bright end to it. So never lose
hope. So these are several things that we can, inshallah learn from
this. One of the biggest lessons is that we learned from this is
that you know, sorry, Sam is a volley of Allah. He's a friend of
Allah, He has been worshipping Allah all his life. So Allah will
protect. And that could be in extreme ways that you'd be
surprised extreme ways Allah can protect you. Right? And there's
lots of stories of that. I know the whale story, right is a very
interesting story in history. But even today, you've got so many
stories in various different parts of the world of people who Allah
subhanaw taala saves because of the righteousness, it's always
right to be on the right side, which is Allah subhanaw taala
side. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to assist us help us and to
benefit from this had to I said everything basically, we just had
to condense it a bit, right? So we ask Allah for Tofik