Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Proof for the Existence and Oneness of God

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of establishing one's one's Oneness in one's life, rather than just affirming someone. They stress the need for evidence to convince people about their beliefs and discuss the use of various examples to prove their existence. The speakers also touch on the use of Allah's "be glad of" drink and the "be glad of" Internet, suggesting that if there were multiple Gods, then the world would have been chaos. They believe that there is only one God and that it is definitive.
AI: Transcript ©
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Though he is from the field, which is transitive.

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Saying that it means oneness is intransitive, right? That's

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awesome. That's not what are the. So here it means Whitehead who had

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the UI Dotto here, to declare somebody to be one, Allah is One,

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there's no doubt about it. But what we have to do is we have to

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establish His Oneness in our minds for ourselves, La Ilaha. That's a

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negation there is no God Illa Allah except Allah. So, look at

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this, that even in our Kenema, there is La Ilaha, il Allah.

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First you negating then you're affirming, but that creates this

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oneness, or this oneness, this uniqueness, but it's an

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affirmation that is though heat. So, though he means to declare the

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Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala.

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If you look in the Quran, most of the evidences are to establish the

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oneness as opposed to the existence why is that there could

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be various different reasons. Firstly, the one thing is that

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Allah subhanaw taala is oneness is such an essential aspect is

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existence actually is such an essential reality. That, that is

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something that the majority of the inhabitants anytime in the world

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who do not go against, they affirm it. Yes, they have different

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names. They have different names and titles for this being this one

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Creator. But the majority never reject a creator never reject.

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They might consider him passive, they might consider him to be out

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of the scene now. But the creative one, and this is something that

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most people are, you can say pre wired to think about because

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they've come from that realm. They've affirmed Allah in the, in

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the earlier covenant, I do a list as they call it, untie your Lord

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Allah subhanaw taala said, and they everybody said, Bella, and

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that's what they come to in this world. And that's the fitrah that

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they come that they come from, into this world. And so

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that's such an essential reality, you might say, Well, what about

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Dawkins and all of these other people that they just loud? These

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people, there's a few, but they're very loud. So they speak about not

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believing in God and non existence of God. And yes, in some times, it

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does become a greater trend to do that. But that's, that's about it.

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Even so called primitive indigenous people who know aspect

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of modern civilization or revelation, or any religion has

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come to, they have been found to believe in a reality that is one

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whether he's invisible, or they associated with some object or

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something, some deity or whatever it may be. So that's, that's what

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it is. A proof of the existence of Allah subhanaw taala is not

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something we're going to go into today. Because

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it's something which proving the existence of Allah is a very, it's

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a, it's a very complicated thing, in the sense that there have been

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many famous proofs put out there, the you have the cosmological

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proof, you have the teleological proof, you have many different

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forms of proof through, you know, through what is the greatest thing

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that you can imagine, and God must be greater than that God exists?

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The universe can't work without a cosmic argument. There are

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different variants of cosmic arguments. The thing is that, why

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do you want to know the evidence of the existence of God? Most

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likely, as students, you probably want to know, because you want to

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maybe convince somebody, but the problem with any proof is that it

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really depends what is the most appropriate proof is something

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that you won't know until you actually try to use it? And for

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some people who have been absolutely stubborn Lama Dasani

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says as well, that, you know, there's certain people who are

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called the LA area, the agnostics, they don't know, do you exist?

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Well, I don't really know. Right? They have a whole problem with

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epistemology to start with of how you derive knowledge to start

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with. So I don't know. Well, do you know that you exist? No, I

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don't even know that. So it's just all absolutely the relay column.

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And, and I'm not, I'm not

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advocating this, but what amount of data and he says that there's

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some people who disbelieve disagree, or disbelief out of

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enter just out of stubbornness, and there is no remedy for them,

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except to beat them. Right, but I'm not advocating that. Right.

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That's just what he says, just to show you that. It doesn't matter

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what proof you have. It's not always going to be effective,

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because it depends on how a person receives it, who the recipient of

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this is and whether hidayah and guidance has been written for them

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or not. So what you have to remember, so yes, some would argue

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There are a predicted proofs and are predicted proof from logic is

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basically a proof that is undeniable, the market demand

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which means the premises, the base premises, they are all factual to

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the, to the level that whatever is derived from there. And the proof

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that is that is formulated from that is going to be absolute

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apoplectic. It's called the hookah in Arabic. But for somebody who

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wants to disagree, who wants to deny that there's no point in that

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it won't be effective. So that's why we're not going to touch that

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issue. Allah subhanaw taala has used certain types of proofs in

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the Quran. It does it in many different ways is very persuasive,

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trying to appeal to emotion, trying to appeal to the intellect

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and say these others that you believe in and that you worship

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other than Allah, do they give you benefits? Can they harm you? Can

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they eat the food in front of you and so on and so forth. He uses

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many different ways, because there is just such a variety of people

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who, who, who associate with Allah subhanaw taala. So, for example,

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the one verse which is very famous, it's called the

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bouddhanath Tomato. It's called the Berhanu tomato, which is the

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the proof of the mutual of mutual hinderance as such, Allah says if

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they were in the heavens and earth, other gods besides Allah,

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they would both meaning the heavens and the earth would have

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both become corrupted, they would have been chaos, they would not

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work in the way that they do, that the sun still comes up every day.

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Mashallah, right, and it goes down every day.

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You might say, well, there is problems in the ozone layer

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greenhouse effects. Well, that's our abuse of it. Right, that's not

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a malfunction of the system on its own. That's our abuse of the

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system. And we know that and we profess to that. But what is being

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said here is that had there been more than one God, a multiplicity

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of gods in the heavens and earth, then there would not have been

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the order that we still see them in, they would have been chaos.

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Now, if I was to ask you, before I go into any detail here, would you

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consider this a definitive proof or just a persuasive proof?

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Would you consider this to be absolutely definitive? Or would

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you consider it to be just persuasive? What would the

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difference between the two is persuasive proof means that for

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the most people, they won't really go too deep into the Look at this?

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Yes, absolutely. You know, I can understand that. And this takes me

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to the conclusion that there's can only be one God, but an actual

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proof is that even if the greatest intellectual tries to overcome it,

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they won't be able to because it's definitive, there is no way you

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can break that proof. Right? There is no way you can break that proof

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through through logic as such. So would you consider this to be a

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definitive evidence? Or would you consider it to be persuasive?

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Who says definitive? Okay, who says persuasive? Okay, well, I

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guess there's precedents for this if they laugh before so, you know,

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I can't say who's right or wrong, that

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Allama doesn't he considers it to be? Who knows?

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Allah doesn't he considers it to be Nakata, ie not definitive says

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it's persuasive, as are many proofs in the Quran. I mean,

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there's no problem with it being just a persuasive proof. Because

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the majority of people are not of the high intellectual nature, and

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they're going to start questioning things. You know, they take things

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as they come. And yes, absolutely, yes. If there were two gods or

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three or four, how could they all have function autonomously, with

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full power to do whatever they wanted? And no chaos in the world

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that would just not work out. So how does one god that's normally

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there's been a lot of condemnation for Allah Matata, sorry for saying

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it's only persuasive. Because the others, I would say, probably the

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majority would consider it to be definitive. Right? And that I'm

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not going to go into that difference of opinion there. I'm

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just highlighting that there has been a difference of opinion. But

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I think what I said before was that there is no proof. I don't

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think there's any proof that will work with everybody. Because some

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people are just absolute deniers obstinate doesn't work. But the

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whole idea here is that if you had two gods

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and then for example, they said that okay, this person, Harry, has

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to I want him to move today, doesn't sit down wanting to sleep

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today. I want him to be motionless those and I want to be I want him

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to be in motion. What's going to happen? If both are supposed to be

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independent, they both if they're both gods, in the definition of

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God being able to do omnipotent doing whatever they want to do,

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how is it possible that this Harry, this person called Harry is

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able to be motionless and in motion at the same time? That's

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impossible? That's inconceivable because you have to offer

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Let's come together. That's inconceivable to anybody. So then

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what's going to happen? There are other options. There are other

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possibilities. Other logical possibilities are that he come

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into motion. And thus, the God who wanted him to be in motion

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prevails, and the other one doesn't seem to be very godly

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anymore. Right? So you've got that option, or it's going to be the

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opposite way in which it will render the other one enfeebled. Or

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they could agree,

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is it that's where the possibility of them agreeing to be together is

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why some scholars say that this is just persuasive. Right. However,

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what the other says that because of the mere possibility that they

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could disagree, because and they have to have the right to

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disagree, because they're supposed to be gods, and they should be

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independent, they should all have the right to do whatever they

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want, because of that, even the mere possibility that they could

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do that this makes it

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not this makes it very clear that this has to be cut a this has to

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be definitive, because I mean a possibility. We're just saying

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that as a as a pause as one of the logical possibilities that they

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agree to not disagree, but the mere possibility that they have

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the right to disagree means that they could have been chaos.

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