Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – [Poem] The Legacy of Imam Bukhari Mangera

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The transcript describes the legacy of the Jedi King in London, where he worked and spent his time. The legacy is being passed on through a series of events, including a series of Book and Speaker talks, and is being addressed by a new book by Jedi Killer. The legacy is also being addressed by a new series of events, including a series of Book and Speaker talks, where Jedi Killer is discussed.
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This is the poem that we're going to end with the legacy of Imam
Buhari. That's what it's called
Smilla in bajas land where history's tapestry unfurls, Imam
Buhari his legacy, his cherished pearls from Persian, Turkey, or
roots yet undefined. He labored and devoted heart, soul and mind.
We don't know if he was Turkic origin, persian origin, we don't
know. But whatever he was, Allah gave him that's me. He was an
Arab, that's for sure. Right? And that just shows what Allah can
give them. A Jeremy Asahi, his monumental tone, guidance from the
heavens, a spiritual home.
accepted by Allah. It found it it's it found its sacred place. In
every corner. It's recited and embraced. Today we're doing it in
seven kings in London where where demand boy, have you ever thought
that from Uzbekistan that seven kings in London is going to be
completing his book.
With over 100 commentaries profound scholars delve deep in
its wisdom they found Today we gather in a joyous humble quest.
hour, two hours a cent. In Unity, we're blessed. We gather for this
year after year.
Then, year after year, this noble completions, Grace, a journey of
faith, a spiritual embrace, to earn the title, revered and pure
scholarships Pinnacle they must endure.
You don't become an heirloom at least not in the subcontinent
without reading sahih al Bukhari they've endured all of this
they've gotten to scholarships Pinnock.
Schakel Hadith, a mantle that's well earned by those who have
labored and wisdom discerned in the footsteps of Imam Bukhari.
They tread his legacy alive, their souls are fed.
In gratitude and reverence, we stand tall. For the wisdom passed
down, we heed the call with praise and prayer, our hearts unite. In
the light of sahih al Bukhari, we find our flight May Allah subhanaw
taala accept