Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – [Poem] The Legacy of Imam Bukhari Mangera

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the legacy of the Jedi King in London, where he worked and spent his time. The legacy is being passed on through a series of events, including a series of Book and Speaker talks, and is being addressed by a new book by Jedi Killer. The legacy is also being addressed by a new series of events, including a series of Book and Speaker talks, where Jedi Killer is discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is the poem that we're going to end with the legacy of Imam

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Buhari. That's what it's called

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Smilla in bajas land where history's tapestry unfurls, Imam

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Buhari his legacy, his cherished pearls from Persian, Turkey, or

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roots yet undefined. He labored and devoted heart, soul and mind.

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We don't know if he was Turkic origin, persian origin, we don't

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know. But whatever he was, Allah gave him that's me. He was an

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Arab, that's for sure. Right? And that just shows what Allah can

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give them. A Jeremy Asahi, his monumental tone, guidance from the

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heavens, a spiritual home.

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accepted by Allah. It found it it's it found its sacred place. In

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every corner. It's recited and embraced. Today we're doing it in

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seven kings in London where where demand boy, have you ever thought

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that from Uzbekistan that seven kings in London is going to be

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completing his book.

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With over 100 commentaries profound scholars delve deep in

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its wisdom they found Today we gather in a joyous humble quest.

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hour, two hours a cent. In Unity, we're blessed. We gather for this

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year after year.

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Then, year after year, this noble completions, Grace, a journey of

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faith, a spiritual embrace, to earn the title, revered and pure

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scholarships Pinnacle they must endure.

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You don't become an heirloom at least not in the subcontinent

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without reading sahih al Bukhari they've endured all of this

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they've gotten to scholarships Pinnock.

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Schakel Hadith, a mantle that's well earned by those who have

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labored and wisdom discerned in the footsteps of Imam Bukhari.

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They tread his legacy alive, their souls are fed.

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In gratitude and reverence, we stand tall. For the wisdom passed

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down, we heed the call with praise and prayer, our hearts unite. In

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the light of sahih al Bukhari, we find our flight May Allah subhanaw

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taala accept

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