Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Personal Accountability

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses privacy issues and personal discipline as a means of avoiding disclosure of letters and correspondence. They suggest avoiding certain situations where someone tries to
use their phone or leave a message, as it is important for personal accountability. The speaker also mentions that everyone is watching and should avoid those situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Do not read the letters of others if a letter is not intended for

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you do not read it. So there's privacy issues here. And people

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sensible people know that. But from a Sharia perspective as well,

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it's an Amana, you are not allowed to read somebody else's letter

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just like it's not right to eavesdrop on someone, it's the

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same thing to read their correspondence. So if somebody's

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gave you their phone to use or whatever, and then they went out

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somewhere for whatever reason, you can start looking at their

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browsing history, for example, or their WhatsApp messages. And you

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know, some phones they have they pop up the message, the next

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message or whatever, and you should avoid, it should be

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avoided. It's all about personal discipline. This case, whether

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somebody finds out or not, is not the point. It's all about a

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personal discipline. It's all about personal accountability. And

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the more we are more personally accountable to ourselves for these

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things when nobody else is looking. That is how much closer

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we'll be to Allah subhanho wa Taala because we only do it for

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the sake of Allah subhanaw taala because Allah is watching

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