Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Paradise Mosque in Harran, Turkey

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a historical figure who died in a min thesis at a burial burial site in Syria. The figure was born in the first century of Islam and died in the later half of the century. The burial site is located within a walking distance from a burial burial tower.
AI: Transcript ©
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We're currently in Haoran, which is in the southern part of Turkey.

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It's actually close to the Syrian border. And you can see this was

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the Grand Mosque. This they say was actually one of the first

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mosques that were built in this part of the world by Marwan.

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Marwan is the father of Abdulmalik number one and one of the first of

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the Omega Kalif. So this is within the first century of Islam that

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this mosque apparently was built. I believe this was destroyed by

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Hulagu. Han much later. But this minaret, I mean, of course, it's

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been through some restorations over the centuries. But you can

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see that minaret it's been standing, you can see the top part

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actually, and the bottom part. And if you look to the left, this is

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to the left, you can see those new mustards. They say that half of

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them the Tamia was here. This is where he was born, and that's why

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he's called Imitate me, I'll Hirani. But then when he was quite

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young, I think maybe eight or 10 or something like that. He went to

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Damascus. And then that's where he continued and that's where he died

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as well. He's actually buried in Damascus. I remember visiting his

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grave. It's in the

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it's actually in the woods or in the University of Damascus. He's

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buried in next to him on a small mound, just completely separate

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from everywhere else and next to him is Ibaka, Thea or hemo Mala as

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well. The manifester of the Quran.

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