Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Paradise and Its Delights Part 19 Maidens of Paradise 1
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The segment discusses the title of the book Jana, which focuses on the women of Paradise and the beauty of their characteristics. The segment discusses various examples of words used in the title, including "any," "any," and "any," and how they relate to the concept of"among the heart, not married, and the "rocky woman" that is described in makeup. The segment also discusses the meaning of " handy," " handy," and " handy," and how they relate to the culture of the region. The speakers also discuss the use of "medicals in Easter," the hierarchy of the church, and the importance of "Grilled" in the language of heaven.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
Salatu was Salam wa ala say the more saline or the early he was
softly he about Rocco seldom at the Sleeman cathedral Ilario
meeting in America.
Today is a very important chapter.
All the chapters about Jana important but this one in
particular this week and inshallah next week, we'll be discussing
something very, very specific,
that when people tend to speak about gender, especially for men,
this becomes a big issue and thus it becomes a big issue for women
as well.
This chapter is about the women of Paradise.
We spoke about the servants of paradise, this is about the women
of Paradise, the beauty, the characteristics,
the both inner and outer beauty.
And there are very specific inner and outer characteristics. The
first verse, we're going to quote him that we're going to do it
based on the verses in the Quran because Allah subhanaw taala
discusses this very, in much detail Surah Baqarah Allah
subhanho wa Taala says, and I start off the reading Altavilla
are with a villa Jimenez shaytani Raji maybe Smilla rahmanir rahim.
Well, this Shirin Lizzy you know where I'm you know, Saudi hottie
another whom Jen to dream in the hull and how good levar Rosie who
mean, somehow to respond, Paul who has a letting us economy in
public, well who do we motor shall be,
what or whom fee as well as mobile Hara, for whom fee ha ha de dune.
Allah says,
give glad tidings to those who believe and who do good deeds who
have done good deeds that for them our Gardens under which will flow
rivers, every time they will be providing, they will be given some
fruit to be eaten a sustenance they will say that this is what we
were given before or this is something that we have been fed
with before what will to be here motor Shabbiha but it will be
similar to it will be similar to what has been brought to them and
in them and in their in paradise in these gardens will be for them
pure spouses, pure spouses, and
they will dwell in there forever. So a number of things. Allah
subhanaw taala is mentioning here firstly, think of who is saying
this? It is
the Bashara, the Bashara, the glad tidings
is being given by the most majestic
by the one who has the greatest might
and honor and dignity our Creator,
He is the truthful one.
And he is giving this glad tidings to the one who he has sent to
humankind with this glad tiding.
So, it is coming from Allah to His messenger
and then think about the nature of what is being given as the glad
what Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in these verses, the
different points that are combined here is number one,
it will be
the body will be
of a
nourishment the body will be nourished in a certain way in
The fruits, the streams, this straightaway, we've got a house
for you. It's got a nice
water stream that runs in its yard.
Can you imagine how much that house is going to cost in
Walthamstow Hackney, if you've got a nice stream going through.
People make these artificial ponds, swimming pool, just forget
about it. But you've got a nice natural stream and you can hear
it. I once visited the Islamic texts society is based just
outside of Cambridge. They've got a wonderful building
and it's got a nice stream next to it just the sound of the water
it's just so natural and just so soothing. So number one is got
that number two fruit trees
Subhanallah fruit trees.
So Allah subhanaw taala depicts that entire idea then
the next benefit is a
Something for the knifes the human being loves a spouse. A lot of
comfort is derived from a spouse. That's why they say that people
who are married generally fare better in terms of depression, a
number of other things. It's just the natural partnership that Allah
subhanaw taala has created. So you call them zilch, zero, which means
a partner.
And then after that, above that, Allah subhanaw taala speaks about
the bounties of the heart, gladness of the eyes by saying
that now this is something you'll have forever, it's not just five
days in a luxury hotel, on a remote island somewhere, this is
going to be forever. That, again gives you another sense of
satisfaction that this is mine now, a sense of possession. Human
beings are not just human beings don't just benefit from seeing
something. But knowing something is yours adds an additional level
to that benefits.
One is, you know, you've got something but the axis is only for
a certain amount of time, very different from something that this
is mine now.
So Allah subhanaw taala provides that entire thing by saying at the
end of this is yours forever. Now, what we're going to do here is
that, in all of these verses that speak about the spouses of
paradise, the women of Paradise specifically,
we're going to be looking at every single word and seeing what
exactly it means, and what the scholars have said in terms of
what it means. So, we get a good full picture, because you will see
how the Allama have discussed this and how the picture becomes much
more enhanced. Firstly, the big word here is as large as wage
means, generally spouses is the plural of xojo. So in Arabic Zote
and the plural is as watch xojo This is
xojo Rajan the xojo of a man is his wife.
And he is hers OCE so it can be used in for both sides. He is hers
OGE and she is his OCE because though just literally means a
partner, in that sense,
the look of the Quraysh.
This is according to the language of the Quraysh This is what Allah
the Quran has been in the language of the Quran, because in that
time, there are a number of other tribes that use have slight
different modified modified Arabic. So this is in the Kurdish
that's where Allah subhanaw does is asked and there was ojochal
Jana, he's in the Quran. Generally the word Zoji has been used for
the wife, though in modern Arabic. They generally say XO,
XO gelatin for the wife to feminize it and zodion for the man
to make that distinction. But if you look in Hadith, generally the
word Xochi is used
in the Quran journey, the word zilch is used for the wife and
baklava barrel is used for the husband. But now in Monterey just
says origin soldier
that's why YBNL team says women a lot of women yeah cool xojo Tune
Wahoo another Brunei Erica duniya who Luna. This is in those days he
saying that among the Arabs there are some who say xojo tune as a
feminine for the wife. But he says that this is very seldom and very
few people actually say this but today this is what they say. So as
watch essentially just means the spouse the wife, Mata Hara as
Virgil Mata Hara Matahari comes down to her which means pure.
what what do you mean by pure wives in paradise? Think about it.
What does he mean by pure it could be so many meanings. That's why
explains that they are number one pure in terms of they don't have
menstruation. They don't have to urinate. They don't have postnatal
bleeding. They don't have to defecate, they don't have to blow
their nose. They don't have to spit around and they are purified
from all other types of filth. So anything that may put anybody off
for even a short period in this world,
a person who is married, there are days where certain things are
permissible. However in paradise, none of that applies. It's
perpetual and at any time no kind of filth whatsoever.
Number two, that is from an external Fifth Aspect. None of
that will apply there. Then they inside the unlock the character is
also purified. So there are no there is no nagging. Just think of
anything that a person doesn't like about their spouse. The
bothersome qualities they snore at night. Okay, that's very tough. I
mean, if you have to go and travel with somebody and they snow, okay,
you know, it's for two days, five days, two weeks, maybe
But if you have to live with somebody that snows forever,
that's a tough one. May Allah subhanaw taala relieve that
problem somebody has it.
But here we know that in terms of a HELOC and character, there is no
nagging there is no problem there is no jealousy, there is no
paranoia, there is no suspicion, there is nothing.
Number three, the tongue will be purified of any kind of vulgarity
any kind of rudeness,
PMT will not apply premenstrual tension
that doesn't apply there, there will be no hormonal issues, it
will just be calm, serene, as a person will be will be made happy
through this.
And so that's another type of purification purified of any kind
of vulgarity obscenity from the tongue, you won't have to hear
anything that you don't like.
Then, over and above the another type of purification is
purification of the heart in the eyes. So they will not look
towards anybody else, you will never have to worry, you will have
the most beautiful person in your sight. And you won't have to worry
that they will look towards anybody else and you may lose them
one day.
That's another major point of satisfaction.
And of course, the clothing will be of the most purest quality and
thus there will be no filth and it will be the best that even money
cannot buy.
So that is what it means by as Virgil Mata Hara pure in every
sense, from external to internal and in every sense.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says another verse in Surah to DeHaan
in Al mcdata In a FEMA Amin, amin, fie, Jana Timor or Yun,
el Besu and Emile Zulu. See why stop rocking motor car baleen
because Arnica was a wodgina Whom beholding Noreen yeah their own Fe
be Khalifa key hatin meaning liars who own Effie, Hull moto il Moto,
tell who will work or whom neither Bill Jerry
Verily, those who fear the Lord will be in safe abouts, in gardens
and among lakes, rivers, streams, that's that's the norm. They will
were in the both refined thick brocade and fine brocade be
sitting facing one another. Likewise, we will
partner them, we will give them a spouse's hold on rain.
I'm going to describe hold on you're in. So I'll just say it
hold on aina because we want to understand that properly, they
will call for they will call for all types of fruits, complete
safety knowing that what they get will be most pure, they will not
taste in it death except that first death. And Allah subhanaw
taala will protect them from the punishment of the fire. So again,
a number of different points of comfort and satisfaction are being
provided. Allah subhanaw taala tells you here first that you're
going to have a beautiful about and you will be completely safe
from any kind of reprehensible thing that may happen to you. You
will be completely safe. Every country in the world is different.
We have certain challenges in this country. And yet in other things.
There's a lot of comfort.
And by contrast, there are other places where the things that are
challenging for us here are not a challenge. They're quite
comfortable in that sense, but they have other challenges. I just
returned from
South Africa and it has the weather. It has the fruits. It has
the beauty of nature.
The only problem is that it doesn't have much security.
You're not safe, but people find it difficult to leave because of
the other aspects of beauty.
When the weather is good, it's beautiful. The fruit trees, the
rivers, the lakes, the oceans, the animals, the nature, all of that
is there which we don't have in the UK as much but they don't have
security. You could be mugged you could be hijacked you could be
robbed at any time.
Which hamdulillah
We have that kind of safety here, you walk about at any time at
night, here you go home and less likely there's a likelihood
anywhere in the world, but there's a less likelihood, whereas their
older homes are bad, and electric fences, and so on and so forth.
Now, what a life for those people who are going from a place of
security to those places, they will think, How can you live like
this, there must be humans get used to these things. But in
paradise McLamb in a mean absolute safety from anything that may be
despicable. Anything that may be harmful. And then of course, Allah
subhanaw taala, again, speaks about the flowers, the fruits, the
lakes, the streams, the talks about the most refined type of
dress, and talks about being with your spouse motorcar being sitting
together, not having to go off on a business trip, be off somewhere
else they have to work, we have to work, nothing of that nature. And
then a complete sense of satisfaction and pleasure with the
whole green.
And then the ability to ask for whichever fruit that you want.
Without feeling that something will go out of season.
What's very interesting is that now what they are saying is that
this in our western countries, including England, where you can
go to the supermarket
at any time of the year,
and get number of different vegetables and fruits.
They go to huge amounts of effort to make sure that you have those
vegetables, even though they're out of season, by bringing them
from different countries, and sometimes not even at great
profit. But just so that you know that you can go to the supermarket
and get whatever you want. And now they're the studies are showing
that these things aren't sustainable anymore. There's just
too much
global resources that are being invested into this. And it's just
not sustainable anymore.
Because when you go to other countries, it's not like that. So
things are out of season, they are out of season, I'm going to get
but here it's a different story in the West, but it's not
sustainable. It's almost like you're trying to make it like
paradise in the sense but it's not sustainable because the world has
only so much resources
and then in here this will definitely be the case that it's
Allah says yeah their own if you have equally faqih hat in
Armenian, you can call for any fruit that you want with complete
assurity that you will get it and it will taste nice. And you will
not be harmed by anything in there. And at the end Allah
subhanaw taala puts a seal on there by saying you will never
taste death in there. So again, you will be there forever.
Now what does whole mean? So who's the word who is a pure love
Howrah. So who is a plural word? maidens, if we just give a loose
translation of that spirit love how raw
a hora generally is a young woman of
extreme beauty
and brightness.
Dark eyes, shady the two Sawa the line dark eyes and a very very
light complexion.
Now you have the amorphous city in and the description I'm going to
go through all of them but just to give you an understanding of how
they describe the whole aim. They did not Aslam says the Hora is the
one who your eye just beholds and is astonished by their beauty.
That's an image another meaning has everything to do with the
eyes, whether it's the eye of the maiden or how your eyes will
react, and will be astonished by it.
Says Howrah Hurun refers to that which you look at and it totally
dazzled you.
And mean is those with good eyes. So it's Hold on 18 Hold the
dazzling beauty and the aim is the eyes. And if you think about
women pay a lot of attention to their eyes. There's only so much
you can do with the lips. I mean women terms but the eyes there are
just there's so much eyeliner eyeshadow and cloudy eyes and this
eyes and that eyes and I can't even go into it. You know eyelash
extender, false eyelashes, and then
whatever. There's just so many things right? I'm sure women will
be able to talk much more about this
So, eyes are very important thing the way
eyes are augmented in a particular way with all of these additional
with all of this additional makeup so these one will have naturally
the best of eyes for a person so that's why even in eyes very
important and who is that which does have our eyes
Mujahid another officer says
how aura
is that which be dazzles the eyes because of the refined skin
complexion and the completely
and the beautiful, says ricotta Jill the fine skin and the
absolutely refined complexion.
If we had a
model, a person who deals with model here, he would have been
able to explain this. Because they deal with this to a level of
obsession, crazy obsession. Women understand this. Right? For
managers, they need to look good. And this is exactly what it is.
You know when women speak? Oh, she's got very fair skin. She's
got no, he's got no would you call it spots? Not a single spots. Men
don't care about that kind of stuff. Generally, we just like to
say it's nice. But women actually this is what they focus on. Men
just like okay, it's nice that women look at all of this. It's so
fair. It's like this, it's like that. So Allah is giving us all of
Hassan Masuri he says a hora is that absolute whiteness of the
whiteness of the eye, and the darkness, the blackness of the
pupil. The absolute contrast that that provides,
if not a busser the Allahu Anhu says that the word hood in Arabic
comes from white. That's what he says, likewise is what Qatada says
that whole means built which means white
and it's so white and refined that it be dazzled the eyes that's
where they get that be dazzling idea.
Whereas Mujahid says that hole a hole in is that which be dazzles
the eyes, and you can see the it is so perfect their skin, that you
could actually make out the marrow of the bones from even be behind
the garments.
Very difficult to understand that. But you'll understand that later
when Allah subhanaw taala describes them as Noelia goo to
well Mirjam it is as though they are rubies, and coral. Now a Ruby,
if you have a nice Ruby, and you have a string through it, you will
be able to see the spirits the string, because of the
translucency the opacity,
so it's that kind of an idea, it's just probably so difficult to even
So, now, some of these meanings may be extended meanings in terms
of what it results in because of that, but generally hold means
whiteness, right hold means whiteness.
And obviously that bedazzles eyes and that's why some have described
it as being very, very dazzling to the eyes, the green is the plural
of aina.
So who knows how raw be known is the plural of Aina which means
large eyes, prominent eyes.
So what it means is those eyes which combine all of the aspects
of beauty of the eyes, anything that is considered to be beauty of
the eyes, that the fashion people would think about generally, that
is what it means.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says was a wedge now whom behold in 18, we
will make them a partner to we will marry them to this whole
Which means we'll make them into husband and wife.
join them together there's difference of opinion as to
whether you will be have to be married, or you will just be
paired together without having to have a Nikka done. That's another
discussion. Then Allah says V nacoss. You're all too tartufi Let
me Ottoman Hoon insulin cobbler Humala John, so to Rockman
in it will be
maidens who will keep their gaze constrained.
That's one way of trying to
cause your auto tartufi
keep their gaze constrained lumea to myth Hoonah they would not have
been touched by insulin Cobla whom wala Jiang no human being or no
Jin would have touched them before this completely untouched virgins
for a year, your rugby coma to Cathy bang. So which of the
favours of the your Lord When you deny Ghana Hoonah Leah go to
Walmart Jan. They are as rubies and coral.
So Allah subhanaw taala now describes them in three places in
the Quran as acid autotroph, constraining the eyes. First base
was this, which was inserted to Rama and then in Surah, then, you
know we're in the home costs here are two total figurine similar.
And number three, where in the home costs are all to tartufi at
Rob. So there are three places, the MUFA Syrena agreed that the
meaning of this is that they will be completely entirely perpetually
focused on their spouses and nobody else. So it will be
absolute safety that you don't have to worry about jealousy, you
don't have to worry about somebody stealing your wife, you don't have
to worry about having to change your spouse that once was will
give you everything, those passes of yours will give you everything.
I know that some people say that the meaning is that their husbands
will also satisfy themselves by just looking at them.
Just like they will be satisfied, they will constrain their gaze on
their husbands, only the husbands will also constrain their gazes
upon them, and thus will not have to look at anybody else's.
That's also relief that you don't have to worry about what the
buzzer and worry about the fitna of looking elsewhere, you'll have
so much satisfaction here. The human being in this world you see
a lot of people can't understand is that why do men have this
desire to marry again, a lot of women think that is because of
their own shortcoming, is because there's some defect within them.
But that is not the case. Most men are just predisposed to want
something different, even if they have the best. That's why I heard
one person who said, I've got one of the best ways you can ever she
does everything. She has everything, she gives me
everything. She is everything to me. But I just need another way.
Women find it very difficult to understand because they are
satisfied with one majority will be satisfied. One's got a sense of
And they've got their beauty This is what gives them security.
So they can understand this is very difficult for them to us.
Whereas for men, even if not the best thing, they want another one
they've got more greed in that regard, their shadow is different.
So some have described this as the husbands also now being satisfied
with them only.
Their beauty will be so captivating that they won't have
to look at anybody else. If you're if the fruits you eat are so
satisfying that each time though it's the same looking fruit, it
gives you a new sense of pleasure and taste, then the same thing is
going to happen with your spouse and thus you won't have to worry
about because every time it's a new pleasure, same spouse new
That's what paradise gives you.
Allahu Akbar.
So what does a throb mean? At Rob at Rob is the plural of terrible
which means something equal to the incidence something similar
parallel partner
complementary partner to you. That's what we're Baden Wu is
hawks as a Quran a snon who Nawaz a sinner no nowhere hidden. Your
ages will be the same the spouse as you get in paradise, the age
will be just like yours, they won't be too young and they won't
be old. They will be at the perfect age 33 years or so. That
is the age of absolute maturity. And that's the peak. That's why if
not Abbas are the Allahu Anhu uma says along with the other MUFA
serine. Musa Musa we are to Allah sin in Wahida were Mila Dinoire
head. You will be all the same age burner to Thalapathy masala Athena
Sinha 33 years of age, every single one of them that you have
a Trump on third.
Now that's the real meaning. But then the extended meaning from
that is that they will be at the peak of their youth
33 years of age peak of the youth and beauty that is the best age
for youth and beauty
Why is it called a trapdoor? A trap comes from the word to rob
Do not mean soil.
So look how the Arab look how Arabic forms from a source meaning
to rob mean soil, right. So now they're both a throb, which means
they are both equal in age, their contemporaries have a very similar
of equal same age, because they touch the soil at the same time.
They came from the soil at the same time, that's Arabic works,
where the source of the word comes.
So none of them will be so old, that now they don't look beautiful
anymore. And you'll have to discard them worry about them
nothing of that nature. Neither are they so young that you can't
have, you can't have a pleasure with them.
Now there will be young servants, the only young people in Paradise
will be the young servants. Everybody else would be 33 years
of age perpetually.
And I guess in the world, that's what they're looking for, looking
for how to stop your growth.
What they've discovered is that there are certain medicines by
axon like for example, Metformin, which is used for diabetes,
they've actually found that although you will continue to age,
but certain medicines can keep you just fresher longer.
more youthful, looking longer, but they can't eliminate your life,
though people are living longer just probably because of better
nourishment, and less problems and better medical advancements. But
there's nothing to delay your age perpetually. There's nothing to
delay your age, though there is that that can keep you vigorous
and looking fresh. That's all. And one thing that exercise does too,
you have to remember, exercise good healthy eating is that it
will give you a better quality of life, though your lifespan will
not change. Because whatever your lifespan is written by Allah
subhanaw taala, that's gonna remain if somebody's going to die
at 70 He's gonna die at 70 You're gonna die at 80 or 50, they're
gonna die at 50. But if you keep healthy, that you'd have a better
quality of life. Imagine a person who's unhealthy is going to live
until age of 7015 years of his life is going to be misery.
Because they bedridden, they can't walk. They just suffering
constantly having to go to hospital, right, and another
person who lives in till 70, but has kept fresh, has kept healthy,
then they're just going to have a better quality of life. There'll
be more productive, less burden someone somebody else. So that's
the argument for good exercise and healthy eating. May Allah give us
the trophy.
It doesn't change the span of your life. What's listed is written.
It's just that if it's recently really for cemetery, you don't
want to be miserable for the last 1015 years.
Then Allah subhanaw taala Surah Rahman, you know, he hid across
your auto toffee laminotomy from the incident Coppola homology, and
we understand a few things from here.
Let me have to miss Hoonah Barmouth, they have not been
touched by they have not been touched by. So
this word tamatha means that animal sorry, that camel who has
never been touched by a rope,
which means it's never had to be harnessed, never had to be written
upon, still fresh, ready to go. Is that kind of a meaning. So you
take that, and Allah subhanaw taala uses that for the spouses by
saying that they've never been touched. They've never been
polluted in any way. They're completely pure right now.
Thomas, according to Farah, then he extended it says that it means
they have never been penetrated. So obviously the Virgin
they've never had to go through that process. completely pure.
Some say that oh, it means they've never had to undergo menstruation.
In this world, menstruation is one of the signs of maturity.
Or impregnation is the sign of maturity. But in paradise, you
will be they will be mature without having to have all of
these things, but yet still retain the beauty of not having had to
have those things.
It's a paradise this gives you the best. So according to the new
facility means that they've never been impregnated before. They've
never been penetrated before. Nobody's ever touched them before.
Now, is this speaking about the women of this world that will be
in paradise, the wives of the world that will be in paradise? Or
is this talking about the women, the maidens of paradise, those
that will be created afresh in paradise, it'll be created only
for Paradise. So there's both opinions. However, according to
Illuminati and he says that the value of the Quran the apparent
indication in the code
is that this does not. This description here does not refer to
the women of this world. They're supposed to be superior to all of
this. This is a description of the maidens of paradise specifically,
they are the whole aim. Because then you start with dunya, the
women of this world, they have been,
they have been touched.
And likewise the women of the jinn have been touched. This hadith,
this verse indicates that
Jinn have a similar setup, because if you're saying that this is a
woman, this is a maiden of paradise who has never been
touched by
Jin all human, it means that Jen and human do the act just as
humans do. Jen do the same thing. So you learn that from here. Now
there's a question that arises for me is that will it be the same
maidens given to both parents the same type of Maidens given to both
jinn and men? Allah knows best.
Then Allah subhana wa, se he says that what proves that this is busy
speaking specifically about the meanings of paradise that Allah
says hold on Matsuura and Phil here, let me ultramarathoner
incident Cobla Humala, John, that these are those maidens these hold
these dazzling white maidens who are constrained within these tents
that we discussed last time, made of Pearl and no human before no
Jinn have ever touched them. Imam Muhammad even no humble he says
that the hula in the maidens of paradise with these dazzling eyes,
they will not die even when the first trumpet is blasted, because
they have been created for perpetual perpetual it.
And also what we understand from here is that the believers among
the jinn will also be in the gardens in paradise, just like the
gaffers will be in hellfire. Imam Bukhari mentioned this in his
sorry when it says Bob with our Belgian nawabi where he discusses
the chapter on the reward of the jinn and their punishment.
Got unknown Lilia, who too well Marjon Allah says they are as
though rubies and coral. Allah describes them as resembling coral
and rubies. What does that mean? They're going to be red and hot
like a Hearthstone? No, it means that some of the qualities of that
the translucency the beauty, it's dazzling, it's, it's just
beautiful, it's valuable. It's precious. All of these things.
You've seen coral at the bottom of the sea, you know, for those
people who have been under the water. Right They will tell you
that there is more color down there than there is above the
it's amazing. I've seen some that haven't been done yet but I've
seen some of what is down there. And they say that there's more
color down there than there is above. It's amazing Korea There's
so much of Allah subhanaw taala this creation that we still have
not discovered so imagine what paradise is going to be like. So
here Allah subhanaw taala is using Coral Coral comes in all various
different colors and forms. So this beauty of that is what's
being described here.
That's why there's a narration which says that there's a
narration which says that a woman of the women of Paradise will be
wearing 70 garments of silk. It must be some very special silk.
You know good dresses, they are this really expensive good dress,
not the not the ones that are to basically reveal the body. We're
talking about the ones that are done in a way that is very
elaborate. Right, they are made up of different
would you call it
various different layers of fabric. And here we're talking
about 70 layers of fabric of this beautiful silk. Now Allah subhanaw
taala can create the most refined silk silk is supposed to be very
refined cloth. So this is going to be the thinnest kind of
translucent type of silk we're talking about here for you are
ordered by a Euro via dosa minhwa. In you will say you will see the
the whiteness of the shin and the carves from that fabric
it's just amazing
because Allah says gotta know when you go to well margin
so he says that you know your coat is a stone, if you put a make a
hole in there, you put a thread through it, you'll see the thread.
That's how it is.
Allah says hold on Matsuura don't feel free. So they are
constrained. We've We've dealt with this. I'm not going to do too
much of this. We've dealt with this already that they're
constrained in.
In their tents. You
In these boats for for the people, for their spouses, then there's a
one more fee hinda hierarchy on Hasaan is another description so
drama. What does that mean? Allah is describing these maidens in
different words fee hinda Hi Euro don't Hisa Hyatts hierarchy is a
period of hierarchy. It's a plural of hierarchy,
which is another way of saying hi yeara say you that lay in like
that. And he signed his rule of Hassan.
So this is talking about hierarchy. This hierarchy means
excellent, beautiful,
in terms of the character Ristic and in terms of everything about
them, hi Ratan Hasaan.
Soufiane relates from Java from Qasim and so on from Abdullah he
Massoud says that liquidly Muslimeen hierarchy or high euro
for every Muslim will be this beautiful.
This beautiful maiden while equally hieratic in Hamer for
every one of those beautiful maidens, they will have a
residence this tent
every one of these tents will have four doors and every day from
every one of those doors, various different gifts
gifts an honorable entries will be made that they've never seen
before. Every day you will be served something afresh and then
it discusses that law Madiha to Allah Zafira to Allah Bagheera to
Allah the MaHA which means that they will not look at anybody they
will not be they will not have any kind of filth and and so on and so
Inshallah, next time,
we will discuss the remaining verses in and shut now who knit in
shirt for Jana Hoon girl, Reuben Utsava the US hillbilly Amin,
specifically talking about the age so inshallah we'll look at that
next time. But this gives us a good understanding of now what
hold on means that which dazzles you have dazzling eyes, in which
they just their complexion everything is so fine and so
beautiful. That it doesn't is the one who looks at it, and they will
remain in there forever. May Allah subhana wa Tada grant us the Tofik
and may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us worthy of gender to
further those who Darwin and Al Hamdulillah