Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Paradise and Its Delights Part 15 The Rivers of Paradise
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
salatu salam ala so you didn't mursaleen while he or sabe he he
married a mirth.
Now we move on to the discussion of the lakes, the rivers of
paradise, deliver rivers and the net will continue on to the
streams of paradise. There'll be rivers and there'll be streams in
paradise. Here. We're going to be looking at what Allah subhanaw
taala has said about these rivers what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam has mentioned about them, we get a better idea. So
firstly, we look at the verses in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala
says in Surah Baqarah Jana tin Daydreamin daddy Hill and her
another insurer to Toba Jana integrity data. And then in Surah,
tuna stage II mean that the human heart so this concept of
gardens beneath which rivers flow
beneath it, rivers are flowing, you get that quite often in the
Quran, as you can see by this. Now, this tells us a few things.
Firstly, it tells us that these are real rivers, these are not
some kind of imagery, some kind of virtual reality, it's a reality,
there will be rivers, you can actually Dip your finger inside
them. This is not just something that will seem to appear in front
of you. This is not a make believe dream, this is real, it's a river.
And number two, none of these rivers, it always says tragedy,
tragedy means to flow, none of these rivers will be stagnant,
none of them will be still they will all be flowing. And the good
thing about anything that's flowing, there's a Natural
sensation, and an effect for anything that is flowing. When you
see water that is just stagnant in one place like a pond, it doesn't
provide the same kind of refreshing benefits, as does
anything which is flowing, you see even a small amount of water
flowing, just a small amount of water flowing, and Subhanallah it
just gives you a completely different benefit
than to even a big, large expanse of water that is stagnant. So in
general, these rivers are flowing. And number three, what we also
understand is that these will all be flowing from beneath their
residences, their palaces, their gardens, their orchards, and
whatever is, is understood. And this is doesn't have to be
something very unusual in the world as well. Rivers generally
flow underneath. The only difference here is that these
rivers will not have to flow in ditches or in trenches, the
description of how exactly the river will be, though it's on the
surface, it will be mentioned a bit later. That's why some people
couldn't understand this concept of
rivers flowing without trenches. So they took this word in the
Quran, daddy Hill and har as meaning these rivers will be under
the people's under the people who live there their command, they can
tell it to flow as they wish, rather than it flowing. So
it's not a you mentioned that this is just a misunderstanding, this
is a misunderstanding what it means is obviously that it will
actually really be flowing and it will flow from beneath the trees
and you know whether it goes into the ground sometimes but otherwise
you'll be able to see it.
So for example
the same kind of concept is used in the Quran for rivers of this
world, your own says in sort of Zafira fits mentioned about him,
or her the hill Earnhardt or 30 Min daddy, and these rivers that
flow beneath me
these rivers that flow beneath me, obviously doesn't mean that
they're flowing underneath him and he's sitting on top of it doesn't
have to mean that unless he's referring to water aquifers under
the ground, but it just means that they flow on the ground. That's
that's what it means. Then Allah subhanaw taala that's the first
verse Now the next lot of us is sort of ramen fie Hema iron Ernie
Nador hotton.
Now, I'm an iron is different from Nara I in is generally a stream,
but what size the stream is Allah knows best says FEMA in those two
gardens that they will have, they will have two streams which will
be bursting forth. Not Darfur, not Doha. It means to to to burst out
like a fountain. So they won't be still they won't be moving slowly,
but they will be a good you know, they will be spraying like a
There's a narration of IGNOU ABI Shaybah from
from Saeed so he doesn't mention it from the prophets of Allah and
it says not da attorney Bill Matt, you will work they will be
bursting forth with water and with fruits. Whether that means that
the fruits will be watered from there, or whatever it means.
There's another narration from UNASUR, the Allahu Anhu says not
da not da attorney Bill miski. Well Amber, it will also be
flowing, or you can say erupting.
like a waterfall, like a fountain with musk and ambergris. These are
two very popular fragrances, not the ton the honey on the hanyalah
duty agenda and they will spray on to the residences of the people of
It's just going to be some wonderful sight karma young the
whole Motorolla dunya dunya just like water is sprayed on to the
homes of this world. Then the next mentioned we see of rivers is
inserted Muhammad Allah says methanol Jannetty Lottie worried
that Takuan
fee her and her from me mine lady us in what and her moleben in LA
Miata, your thermo one her room in Hungary let the deliciously been
one her amino acid in Mustafa wonder whom V Herman Cooley
Thammarat or Matt Farah, to me, Robbie him. This is where he
actually tells us what these rivers will contain. So this is
speaking about four rivers in paradise, methanol gentility,
we're dealing with taco and this is the parable or the example of
the garden that has been promised to those who fear Allah
there will be four rivers in the fear and horror there will be many
rivers in their Mima in Radioss in one
it will be of water that is unaltered water that is not that
cannot change it will remain fresh all the time. See because what we
have some times is that we have a flowing stream the river the water
is fresh there.
When you take it out, and you put it in bottle and you leave it
somewhere for a while then it no longer remains as fresh as it was
there. It's purification is not the same it becomes adulterated
this water even if you took it to the side if you took some from it,
it will never change what and how Roman Leben lineata Your thermo
and he's talking about four things and all four of them the next one
is and then rivers of milk. Soy milk doesn't come from cows in
paradise. It comes from rivers now where Allah subhanaw taala is
going to create this is going to be amazing but this is such a such
milk whose flavor will never taste will never change it will never
change which means it's going to it's going to be saved from any
problems that you will see of the milk of this world which is really
become sour it
it spoils it doesn't taste good it becomes like yogurt right there
it's going to be pure milk it will remain pure forever and then one
haram in Humber inlet that Elisha Rabin
rivers of wine that will be a source of great pleasure for those
who drink it a source of pleasure not a source of misery
the wines of this world provide some pleasure in the beginning
then it's just misery afterwards
and then what unharmed mean Aslim Mustafa rivers of honey that is
absolutely pure
you know the quest for pure honey is everybody's always looking for
pure honey they doubt every honey that's out there right there's
just you look at people especially those people from India Pakistan
they're always looking for pure honey and they doubt every honey
that's out there because I don't know they've had a bad experience
so even they say rouse you know arouse honey the the one you get
into supermarket near your knee is me Malawi
right even though it says pure honey down there. They say even
this you know I don't know what they're looking for some organic
honey or something. Right? And if it crystallizes at all many honey
there's a lot of honey that crystallizes because it depends
the honey crystallizes because it has
some parts of the comb right? If that remains in there then it
crystallized some honey just crystallizes in some doesn't
depending on the mixture of the comb inside there are parts of the
comb. Right? That's why what they do with some honey is they mix the
honey comb with the honey and then they whisk it so that you can
spread the honey. Say no this is not pure for them pure honey must
be just complete like thick say
are up. Otherwise if it neither sugar, mangia.
That's what they say. Right? Because I guess they've just had a
bad experience.
So yes, if the honey says pure, then it should be pure, except
that there is difference between one pure honey and another type of
pure honey. Honey comes in many different
forms and types.
So this is absolutely pure honey. I hope people don't doubt this
honey in paradise.
Weather Humphrey Herman Cooley, Thammarat mama hello to me, Robbie
him and for them will be all sorts of fruits, and above all,
forgiveness from the Lord.
Now, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions these four types of
rivers. And from each one of them, he removes any of the spoilage the
problem that is associated with these four things in the world.
He removes, he says that the these four things will not have any of
the spoilers that you generally confront with these four drinks in
this world.
I've talked about the water already that by leaving it for a
while it becomes stagnant.
With milk, its flavor changes. And when it comes to wine, then
Subhanallah there's many, many problems that happen with wine and
intoxicants, right.
And then, of course, the honey. The biggest problem with honey, as
we mentioned, is that it's not pure. These are the signs of Allah
subhanaw taala that he has caused these particular drinks, lakes,
and rivers of these particular drinks, to flow in paradise to be
abundant to be enjoyed. And these will be flowing above the ground
without any kind of trench.
They will also be, you know, from taking the greatest benefit from
really enjoying water sometimes is to chlorinated, sometimes, the
water in this world has got to it's heavy water, right? It has to
be soft, and it's hard water, it has to be soft, and there has to
be a certain pH balance within the water. That's why water is
processed so much. So this water is the absolute perfect water.
Because all of these problems or these extreme hardness, and all of
these things, it's been removed from this. So anything that would
prevent you from really enjoying honey, water, wine, or milk, all
of that has been removed from here. So for example, let's take
the one of them. Let's take the wine for example, which is
probably the most problematic and all of these wine, all of the any
and every calamity that is associated with wine in this world
will be removed. What that means is the headache that comes from
it, right, the intoxication that comes from it, the
What else,
a person acting foolish because of drinking wine, that will, that is
removed from it, basically the wine of this world.
Here's a whole list of things, a whole list of the calamities of
the wine of this world. It basically overcomes your
intellect. You can't think straight. Anybody who drinks too
much wine he's gonna want to play around neck foolishly, starts
wanting to dance around and do weird things that he wouldn't do,
he or she would not do normally. In fact, it says that when you
drink wine, according to the experience of many people, it says
only wine is only enjoyable when it comes with some kind of dancing
and some kind of movement and foolishness that comes with it. It
obviously takes away your
you lose your money because of that, right? Because you then may
go on to a spending spree may want to spend more, have another one.
Have another one. Have another one. Have it on me. You know
everybody, it's on the house today. Have it on me. You know
that there's these kinds of things, gives you a headache.
Eventually, it doesn't taste right. Allah calls it rich. So
Menominee shaytaan its impurity from the works of shaytaan. From
the plots of shaytaan. It creates enmity and hatred between people.
It removes you and prevents you and blocks you from the vicar of
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And from solid as mentioned in the Quran,
it invites to Zina. In fact, it's well known that people actually
use wine to soften out the other person so that they feel like they
commit that they can be a bit loose and commit Zina and
fornication. In fact, sometimes it even causes a person to
To commit *, to touch their own close relatives improperly,
whether that be their mother, their daughter, their, their
sister, or somebody else, and especially if they're both drunk,
then it's even worse.
It removes any kind of self dignity, any kind of self honor.
You you lose your honor because of it. It brings about in its wake,
it brings about
disrepute, humiliation, regret, and a person becomes degraded,
this person who drinks wine suddenly re lowers himself down to
the level of insane people, people who are not all there, he becomes
like that kind of individual.
His best of luck, his best character is all removed from him,
and he starts acting in the most foolish of ways. And then he gets
the most foolish of names people may call him by.
It makes it easier for somebody to kill somebody with kill somebody,
you know, because when you're acting silly, and then somebody
may provoke, it's much easier because you're not in your proper
senses. Some people when they're drunk, a create, it causes them to
reveal secrets,
in which is their own destruction. There's been people who've let off
secrets which have basically ruined entire businesses sometimes
ruin families ruin ruin countries, that's a very good entry into
getting access to something, you play them with drink.
You basically develop brotherhood with the shaytaan. And thus, you
end up being extravagant in your spending.
The bill, you spend too much that makes you a brother of the
shaytaan. It just removes all barriers, all barriers of
formality, a person becomes very informal, and reveals the secrets.
They people express their nakedness because of this, the
past that should be covered of them become uncovered.
How many? How many wars have been how many wars have been caused by
drink? How many poor people have big how many rich people have
become poor because of drink? Right? Because they get the bottle
and they just have to keep drinking and drinking, they lose
their job. They have no time they wake up with a hangover. They got
no time to go to work. And but they still have to drink and they
drink causes health problems, all of these issues. How many noble
people has it cause humiliation to how many honorable people has it
dropped? And brought low? How many bounties of Allah? Has it cause a
person to to lose? And how many types of difficulties has brought
upon a person? How many relationships and love
understanding between people? Has it been able to sever and cut? How
much? How much enmity has it been able to weave in your life? And
how many times has it been able to separate between a person and
their beloved,
a person and their beloved? So
how much loss has it caused for some people? How many tears has it
caused people to shed? And subhanAllah? How many doors of
goodness has it caused to close in your face? Because you start
drinking? And how many evil doors it opens up.
You start drinking how many doors have evilly opens up? How many
difficulties and challenges it places somebody in how quickly how
quickly Subhanallah it brings upon your death because you start
having liver problems, you start having health issues, and then
suddenly, that brings upon massive problems. How many babies does it
create problems for because the mother drinks during pregnancy,
which is considered to be extremely harmful? For here Jamal,
if that is why it is basically the vessel of all evil of all sin, so
many sins come out of it. And it is the miftah who shall it is the
key to all evil. Salah Betania it removes bounties generally but to
nikam and it brings about it invites towards all forms of
difficulties. In fact, what if the team says well Oh lemmya could
mean cover up her in
touch them here we're hombre to Jannetty fijo V Abdon. Kumar Saba
to annual sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called them and shareable.
homography dunya la mia Shah phylloxera. In fact, he says, if
it was for only one of his evils, if there was just one harm that is
enough compared to all that we have
mentioned, if it was just this one harm that is sufficient for us
never to touch it. And what is that is that in Jana, a person who
has been drinking in this world will not be able to drink from
this pure wine of paradise, because it's mentioned
in a hadith
that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever drinks
from the wine of this dunya, they will not drink from the wine of
the Hereafter. This is a Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
It's a sahih Hadith, that anybody who drinks from this world they
will not get to drink from that. That is a massive loss and a
deprivation. That's why, you know, you go to certain Muslim countries
like Saudi, etc. And you actually have the wine which has been de
alcohol iced, right, if that's the word for it, right? There's no
alcohol, and this is zero point, so many percent alcohol, right?
It's like Heineken, or whatever it is. But without alcohol, I
wouldn't even touch those. Because fuqaha have written that Allah
subhanaw taala has criticized and shown how vile and evil this is.
So anything close by is also to be avoided. In fact, they say that if
somebody drinks something and says, I am drinking alcohol, that
is even wrong for him to say that. So he's drinking something, you
know, like, for example, he's got a kind of Pepsi, and he's got a
black bag, you know, black, a brown bag, you know, like the way
people drink alcohol and Sue, they have those yellow with those brown
bags around it to show that, then they don't want to show the can.
So if somebody pretends to do that with Pepsi, or he gets a bottle of
schouler or something like that, and pretends that he's, that is as
wrong is drinking alcohol, that's as bad as it is, that should be
avoided as well. So then, I'm surprised that they're selling
this, because when you start tasting this, it invites to
tasting a bit more, you will get the taste of it, but you won't
have the kick. And you think, how does that feel? And then after
that, you'd want to try the one with the alcohol. So I think this
that should be completely avoided, because that is something
allowances to sacrifice in this world because of the harms that
are within, and thus we should avoid it.
In fact, he mentioned that out of all of the out of all of the harms
that we've just mentioned, of wine, there are actually more
harms than that than we can mention. But the main thing is
that all of these harms will be removed from the wine of paradise,
that paradise wine will be completely pure. Now another thing
is that if you look at these four lakes, for rivers,
they are these four things are considered to be the best of
anything you can drink in this world. Water, honey, wine, and
milk. So one of them is for
Lady him motor. One is for them to be quenched. Milk is like food. A
milk can be substituted for food, it's considered a solid in a
sense, right? In fact, that's why some people even say you should
chew your milk as you drink it, which I've never understood how
you do that. But I I remember hearing that one from someone,
right? Another one is for
honey as well. Same thing for strength and for sustenance. And
then another one Lila that the hem was so rude to him. Another one is
for the pleasure. And for SAT happiness, wine, right waha Valley
Shiva Imam infatti him. And yet there's another one, which is for
the cure, and for receiving more benefit from which is honey as
well. Right? So all four of these provide nourishment, sustenance,
food, cure, energy, and health.
That's what this is about.
If you look at the rivers of paradise, where did they come
from? So they're supposed to be a very sophisticated system? Because
if this is saying that you've got these four rivers in paradise, how
is everybody going to access them? I mean, you expect there to be
several million people or more in paradise, hopefully lots and lots,
right? How would you expect everybody to access these rivers
if they're all in one place? Do you have to go and you know, fill
it up in something or how does it work? So generally, what's
mentioned is that if you look at the narration, it tells you that
the rivers of Jannah whether that be of the milk or the water or
anything else, that they will start from the top
and then it will go all the way to its edges of Jannah all the way to
the edges of paradise. So somewhere it will start as Imam
Buhari is right in his Sahai, there's a famous Hadith Abu
Huraira the Allahu Anhu we've actually read this hadith before
says that in Jannah, there will be a hunt the prophets of Assam said
Jana has 100 degrees Allah subhanaw taala
As prepared them for the Mujahideen feasibility. And
between every two stages, every two levels is like between the
Earth and the Heavens. Right we read that hadith says that when
you ask Allah for and when you ask Allah asked him for the fifth
dose, because that is the middle part of Jana, and the highest part
of Jenna so it's in the middle, and the highest agenda that is for
those were folk who are short ramen above it is the arch of
ramen womanhood the Fed Jarrah and her agenda, and from there comes
and flows, the rivers of paradise. So the river is a paradise, the
source of it is high up. So it's got a natural flow that will come
from there. So you have this in a number of narrations. It's talking
about gender, gender, culture, those and then the arch. And that
being the source of all of the rivers of paradise. So there's
another Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari, which is it says that the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam got to the Sidra to moonda in the seventh
heaven, which is the load tree on the seventh heaven. Right? And he
says that way 100 Human asleep from its roots from its base,
there are two apparent lakes rivers that you can see. And there
are two that are internal, which maybe you cannot see, right? I
said, Yeah, Gibreel. What is this? So then he said, the two that are
internal, they are in Jana, so they will flow from there into
Jana, and those that are apparent, they are the Nile and the
Euphrates of this world. Now, how the Nile and Euphrates of this
world are connected to the seventh heaven, that we will discuss
later. But if the question arises in your mind that if the source of
it is the seventh heaven,
and we don't see any particular
piping, right, from there, to the Euphrates and the Nile, but you
see that the Euphrates and annihilate just on the on the
earth on planet Earth itself, so how does it come from there? If
that question comes, in your mind, we will respond to that later.
Right. I will discuss that later because that's a question that
comes in how is it sourced from the it's a very simple process
actually, you don't need any piping. Right? You don't need you
don't need any plumbing at all. It's a very simple system. So
there's another narration in the Saheeh from Anasazi Allahu Anhu
the salsa lessons as I was walking in Jana.
Now, this tells you how these parodies how the lakes and rivers
in paradise if they don't have a trench, how are they how are they
going to be formed? How is the water content? Now this makes
sense? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as I was
walking in Jana, suddenly I came to a lake, a river, half utter who
it's two sides, it's two banks, which means where the water the
edge of the water on this side edge of the water on this side was
a bubble. Louisville mucho woof, hollowed out pearls,
hollowed out domes of hollowed out pearls. That's how it's going to
be these hollowed out Pearl domes are going to be on the sides of
the river and the river is going to flow. That's how it's probably
going to stop its spread out for call to Maha Gibreel. I said Yeah,
Djibouti, what is this? Ha the El coauthor, Allah the Takara book,
this is co author in China can go through right, we gave you are the
co author. This is what it is. And then the angel had his hand inside
for either a cleaner who you know, at the bottom of water, you
generally have some kind of sand or soil or silt of some sort. That
helps the purification of the water. This was the new alpha this
was pure. This was pure later you'll find out that this is musk,
right? Right now he just says the soil there was pure, its bottom
Sahih Muslim and then the narration Alko thorough now rune
filled Jana Goethe is a river in paradise. What are the what are
the knee here Robbie as Virgil, which my Lord has promised me.
There is another narration which is yeah, the hunter Jana.
I entered Jana.
And there was a river that was flowing on its banks were
This one says tense of pearls that was domes of pearls. Essentially,
these are places on the edge. Right? Probably, you know, you can
cottages on the lake. So it seems like that but they actually
natural, made out of hollowed out pearl. Further Dadaab to be ready.
I stuck it with my hand to the water, you know, struck inside to
see what was at the bottom. And it was Miskin over there was
mosque underneath that is the soil of Jana for kulturellen Hatha Yoga
Jibreel Who is this fall? Oh Gibreel Gibreel said this is the
co author which Allah subhanaw taala has given you. So if this is
coauthor, we expect the other legs to be similar to this in the way
how it's contained. So it's not just spreading all over, but
that's how it's contained. Then there's another narration we have
sort of lesson lessons and Goethe is a river in paradise. It's two
banks of gold so there's some gold there as well. Right? You still
you can still have the hollowed out Pearl domes, but then there's
also gold down there. And it flows over rubies and emeralds, but it's
soil at the bottom is of musk. It's actually better than musk and
its water is sweeter than honey. Well RBL Dominus theurge and
whiter than then snow Walla who and how that's going to be could
just mean that is extremely refreshing. tremely refreshing. I
just bought some spring water the other day and it says Best had
slightly chilled as nature has intended.
Right? Because it says that its bottle from its source, right. And
it says that this is best served slightly chilled. As you know
nature has intended meaning that's how it is. It's generally it's
Alright, shatter the Allahu Anh. And her says, Now this is very
interesting. I don't know if I remember now hearing something a
long time ago, that if you put your two fingers by your ears
halfway, you can hear parrot you can hear the reverse of paradise.
I remember once hearing about this, have you heard this summer
so there was just a economy and the passing of herds that this
bring back brings back some memories. Aisha the Allah one has
says that
this is River in paradise. Anybody who puts their fingers on their
ears, they will hear the roar of this water or the flowing the
noise of this water, the movement of this water. Basically what it
means and Allah knows best what it means is that
you know, when you put your fingers and you hear like a hum.
Then this is a similar sound. That if you want to hear how this water
is going to flow, then put your fingers on your ears and you will
see there is you will hear the resemblance of that water. That's
basically what IGNOU team explains what I shudder the Allahu Anhu is
in the army of Timothy
there's a narration from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam says that in Jannah, there's obviously a river of
parallel a river of water, a river of honey, and
there's a river of milk, and then a river of
wine. Right now, this answers the question, how's everybody going to
get it? So these are the four major rivers that they're going to
have of these things from the shark cockle and how Roberto, then
after that, you will have the tributaries that will run from it.
So I think everybody will be irrigated and have their own
supplied seems, from these four major ones. That's what it seems.
So you've got the four major ones. And then after that, from that you
will get it will be diverted to everybody's residence, wherever it
is. Subhanallah so you'll have your own you won't have to argue
with anybody about it. It's my watering time. You're taking too
much nothing like that you get your own source.
Hakim has a narration from Abu Huraira the Allahu Anhu
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said man sutra who is
the hula hula is the gentleman how many Philadelphia failure through
caffeine dunya. Anybody who wants to be given the wine of Jannah to
drink in the Hereafter, he should abandon that abandoned in this
world, whoever
it makes happy to that Allah will give him beautiful silk to wear in
the hereafter. He should abandon silk in this world. This is for
men by the way women are allowed to Eretz
I wonder why. Women feel that everything is misogynist when men
aren't allowed to wear silk they went out to a gold and you know
women allowed to wear these things. You know Subhanallah I
guess we just focus on the negatives
but you guess you don't get men going hey, we can't you know we
can't wait gold man. That's so bad. That's just so bad. You know?
Why Women That's discrimination. We can't wear silk you know
Subhanallah you know? We want to be like women. We're on the house
sale because well, I know some men just do it but you know
and how to Jana the Fed job men data
You mean daddy Tiller in these rivers of Jana will burst forth
from under hills. Oh data G Berlin miski Or from under mountains of
musk one Oh Can he says well you can add an agenda the Heliot and
either that behind deity and Indonesia me and Luca anima Johan
de la Hui falafel are the Afghan mean, Haley at added dunya Jimmy
and the most
the lowest person in Jana, the adornments that he will be given
you, they cannot match all the dominance of this world.
Whatever suara Swarovski crystals, the best goal, the best designer
necklaces or whatever the case is. None of that compares to that one
of even the lowest person in Jannah. Whatever his adornments
now, when you go around into the stores and you see all these
beautiful jewelry, when he's sitting on flights, they tempt you
with those duty free booklets with these nice, you know perfumes and
jewelry and all of these kinds of things and you don't have the
money to buy it, right. You can't buy your wife a gift each time you
know 150 pounds, jewelry and all that kind of stuff. Now maybe
sometimes you can buy something you can't buy it all the time. So
you just remember in January it's better. This is the solace that
paradise gives you I can't have it in this world I make sober I get
in Jannah insha Allah let me do something that's easy. Let me just
do some worship. Let me not go after all of this into a let me go
after worship, and then have it forever, rather than having it for
1015 20 years, meaning work for 20 years and then after that, maybe
get it then protect it. Hopefully it's not lost. Hopefully I don't
have to sell it, you know for my daughter's wedding. Right as
people who struggle with all of these things this world is full of
that kind of misery. Why not just focus on what is correct and
sacrifice some of these things? And then inshallah you get in
Allah subhanho wa Taala Grantchester understanding so
under sub nomadic or the Allahu Anhu really relates that other
NuCalm Tada Luna and her agenda of Dodon fill out
I believe that you think my understanding is that you think
that the rivers of paradise flow in trenches in the world, lo
Allah, they do not flow in trenches. That's the difference in
the hull assert you had to another which is art. They will be flowing
on the surface on the surface of the water. But the half a day here
look when okra Yakuts it will the water will be contained though, by
pearls on one side. And Yakut What's your called?
Ruby Red, precious stones. What do you know who and the soil sand
beneath it is pure musk. So the Sahara is called Tamil affirm.
What is affirming? He says Allah de la Hello Tata Whoa, she's Musk
that has no adulteration of anything else just absolutely pure
Then there's a number of other descriptions in the Quran with
water warmer in my scoop. Warmer in my scope of work yet in getting
a social worker. My scope and her integrity if you lady do that's
what it means. water that flows without trench when a hole in
talaga Halim that's another that's another in Sahih Muslim. It
mentions that say Han Jae Han for art and Neil, this is the SE Han
River and the J Han River which is in Central Asia. I believe it's
called Amu Darya and Syr Darya. Right it's Uzbekistan around that
area, right? And then the forearm which is the Euphrates in Iraq,
and then the kneel which is the Nile in Egypt, called lumen and
her religion, they're all from Jana. So now I need to respond and
tell you how this all links up with the with its source in Jana.
The way this is been understood, is that just like
the hudgell is with
the Blackstone is from Jana.
Right the Blackstone is from Jana, so it was sent down.
It's still not connected down there isn't it came from Jana.
So like likewise, all of these have been supplied initially from
Jana. The water was initially supplied from jello because water
comes from the heavens. That's how these rivers start to flow because
the water comes from upstairs from up there. That's how it is. And he
actually mentioned that they will, it will eventually
it will eventually disappear one day before
Before before the Day of Judgment
Abdullah Abdul Wahab there's a narration from a blockbuster The
Allahu Anhu it says in Jannah There is a river that is called El
Bay the L Bay the that's a river and he Baba mini are caught in
data who Java and
it has these as I mentioned these domes, these residences, these
places on the site made of Ruby
under which our
maintenance people have general say,
take us to one take us take us to this river called by
you mentioned there that the person will then go and look at
all of these maidens, if any of them, fascinate him, and please
Him, He will touch her wrist, he just has to touch her wrist
must submit sama touch her wrist and she will follow him. That's
all it mentions. doesn't tell you anything about that. The rest is
left your imagination
I think the next section is about
the streams of Jannah
so these were the rivers of Jana now the streams of Jana.
When it comes to the streams of Jannah there's a few verses this
is just the sort of short section in the talking in a few Jannetty
water Yun.
This is in sort of that EITS Verily, the people with Taqwa they
will be in gardens and with streams. Allah says in surah TL
insaan in Aurora, yes shabu winnaman gets in Ghana Musa do
haka for Aina yes shrub will be her a bird ally, Ufa Jonah ha
tough JIRA that the Abrar which is the righteous ones, they will
drink from a gas they will drink from a cup a goblet a drink Garner
Musa Carrefour whose there was a be a mixture of Gulf War of Campo.
Now this is very special camphor i in which is a stream from which a
bad Allah from which the servants of Allah will drink you for JIRA
and the heart of JIRA.
Then Allah subhanaw taala Serotonins were you scone a fee ha
Gatson. gana museo has xinja Bira This is another one the first one
a drink that's mixed with God for
next one, they will be given to drink from
a goblet or a cup gonna massage who has been jameelah who is
mixture will be Zen JBL ginger
I envy her to some muscles sebelah this will be a stream in it which
will be called salsa bill.
Allah subhanaw taala is first telling us about the stream
from which the very close ones will drink.
Right there they will have this mixture in it. It will be
completely pure.
In Serato McDuffie and Allah subhanaw taala talks about the
in the overall Athena Verily, these righteous ones
actually, you know what, let's do this one later because we're
coming to the end. This one requires some thoughts in terms of
his there's a lot of comparison that's going on here inshallah
we'll we'll do this one next time. So we'll do this one next time and
then he moves on to the general food of the people of Jana.
Inshallah, we'll look at that next time.