Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Paradise and Its Delights Part 12 The Highest and Lowest of Paradise
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
Salatu was Salam o Allah say you didn't more serene vida, de or
Safi of our cosa limited Sleeman. Kathira en la Yomi. Deen. And
so in this Kitab of ignorance am we are on the 40th chapter of the
Bible or by our own, which is about the he's basically what he
seems to be doing is that he seems to be really, really segmenting it
in a way that he encompasses new, numerous different topics. And
some of it seems to be a bit repetitive in the sense that many
of these narrations come beforehand anyway. So what I do is
I try to be selective, I don't cover everything that he
mentioned, because then it would get very, very, very long.
So this chapter, he says, is about mentioning the highest person in
Jannah, meaning the highest person, the person of the highest
level in Jannah, and the person of the lowest level in Jannah. And
clearly, right from the beginning, the highest level person in Jana
is the leader of the children of Adam Alayhis Salam, which is
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah subhanho wa
Taala says in the Quran Tilka Rusu. For Donna about the Humala
about men who men can love Allah WaterFire about the $100 jet. What
are they in our E sub pneumonia MALBA unit. Those are the
messengers. Those are the messengers. We gave some virtue
over the others. So although they are all virtuous, but some have a
bit more for Leela and virtue than others.
So among them are those who spoke Allah subhanho wa Taala
specifically spoke to and Allah subhanho wa Taala raised some of
them in degrees. And we gave Issa the son of Mary, sort of Maria
Maria Salam, we gave him clear science. So Mujahid who is a
commentator of the Quran, he mentions that, you know, when he
says, Allah spoke to some of them, that refers to Musa alayhis,
salam, and others he raised in degrees, that is referring to
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So there's a number of
narrations in that regard. I'll mention one which is from Sahih
Muslim from Ohira. Abner shorba are the Allahu Allah.
He says that a sole allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
says that Musa alayhis salam asked his Lord Musa alayhis salam asked
who is the lowest
level in terms of degrees in Jannah. So so Allah subhanaw taala
said to him reply to him, it is going to be somebody who will come
after the people of Jana have entered Jana
and it will be said to him, now you antigen. So, everybody was
supposed to go regenda It's gone, Jana, now this person comes along.
And Allah says, Okay, now you go escape from the cave, how am I
going to enter Jannah?
Whereas everybody's taken their places. Everybody's in, they've
taken their places, where's my space?
So then it will be said to him, Okay, are you happy and satisfied
that you get the equivalent of a king of the kings of the world
that you get that much?
The king of Brunei, you know, whatever he's got, you get that?
Right. The Queen of England, whatever. She's got Buckingham
Palace, Windsor Palace, this palace, that palace, you get all
of that? Are you satisfied? He said, Of course ready to rob? I'm
satisfied my Lord.
So then Allah will say, Okay, you get that much.
We'll Miss Lou, who will Miss Lou, who will Miss Lou who will Miss
you get that much
an equivalent to that.
And an equivalent to that. And an equivalent to that. And an
Because for Allah subhanaw taala it's abundant. You want everybody
to have lots and lots of space. Remember we have to live forever.
Stuck in a small place is going to be problematic. So Allah subhanaw
taala gives us a huge amount of place.
The fifth time after Allah said this, he will say I'm satisfied
Yeah, Lord, oh my lord.
So then Allah will say to him, this is no this. This is for you
and also 10 times that amount of that
10 times that amount.
I mean it you just can't you know you can't even understand this.
And this is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim.
And for you is also what ever your knifes yourself, your soul
And whatever you're at
Eyes desire and find satisfaction in. So he says ready to Rob I'm
satisfied with that.
So then Musa this namaste Allah subhanho wa Taala Okay, now I've
understood that's the lowest and what must be the highest if this
is the lowest? So he said
Allah subhanaw taala sin says Hola, Iike Latina Arato Oh, those
are the people who I'm waiting for. I've got special
I've got a special choice for them. Let us to Kurama to whom via
the year I have
I have
essentially put the seeds in for their honor by my hands. And I
have put a seal over it. So he says I've planted it I've prepared
it everything is prepared by Allah but when he didn't say I did it
with my own hands which means it's something very very special and
then I sealed it for them Tara you don't want them to smart Odin on
one Amir Terada Colby Bishop. So, that is something which no i has
ever seen, no
ear has ever heard. And no
human has ever even thought about.
Human tell me the then has another narration. He which is from
abnormal to the Allahu Anhu owns Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said
that the lowest person in Jannah
he will look towards all of his gardens, his spouse's His
bounties, his servants his thrones for 1000 years, you know as long
as it
as long as you can travel for 1000 years, he will just just look at
these things.
However, the most noble upon Allah, the Most Noble in the sight
of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who will get to see Allah
subhanho wa Taala morning and evening
that will be more than all of these bounties and what must that
be like Subhan Allah,
then ALLAH, Rasool Allah, Allah some recited, would you we may
even do Euro, ADA or beha na Vera, these are the faces that will be
very resplendent and shining on that day, looking towards the
So I think there's a number of other narrations, but I'm only
going to explain these two because this kind of explains who the
highest level is and who the lowest level is. And it gives us
that understanding. Now, when you enter a place, they generally give
you a gift. So when you enter a new place, you generally get a
gift. So what is the gift that people will be given when they
enter into Jannah special gifts? Of course everything in there is a
gift, but this is a special gift, when you when you enter. So that's
why he says this is the 41st chapter on the gift of the agenda
when they enter. Imam Muslim relates his Hadith from theraband.
He said I was standing with the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam.
Once I was standing with Allah's Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa
salam, and one of the
rabbis of the hood came along.
And he said As salam o Allah yar Mohammed,
what did he say? As salam alayka Yeah, Muhammad, peace be upon you.
Oh, Mohamed.
So I pushed him.
He got upset. I was standing next to the prophets. Allah isn't this
person comes along. And he says, Salam upon you, O Muhammad, so I
pushed him and he was about to fall down.
Meaning I pushed him I shoved him. So he said limited Lima, that that
fattening Why Why did you push me?
So I said, a lot of kuliah rasool Allah, why don't you say yeah,
rasool Allah, O Messenger of Allah.
So it's like, you know, somebody comes to a Sheikh and says,
Imam, Sheikh Mohammed, Sheikh Yusuf, whatever.
Brother Mohammed, how are you? So the next team says law, hello,
reason column shift, while you're coding or
something like that.
It's interesting that sometimes, you know, you have very close
friends, your classmates, they come to you. And they'll say,
Ron, how are you? You know, in fact, some of them used to just
call me by my last name. Right now is call me by my mother's famous
by my last name, you said and you're being disrespectful. But
there's a you know, there's a certain casual pneus between Why
don't you say you're rasool Allah.
He said, the hoody said, I'm just calling him by the name that his
family gave him.
So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
Indeed, my name is Mohammed. That is the name my family gave me. So
he said, Look, that's fine. So the Yahudi said, I've come to ask you
a question. So allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said to him that, will it benefit you? If I told you something, if I
related something to you, so he came to ask a question versus a
loss, I'm saying that what benefit will it benefit you if I told you
and I gave you a response.
So he said,
I will listen with my ears.
Now, whatever that means, I will listen with my ears, maybe not
with my heart or whatever the case is.
So the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam had a stick with him and he
started poking he poked in the ground and he said, Okay, ask, so
the WHO THE said,
Where will the people be? When Allah subhanho wa Taala changes
the earth to another earth and the heavens to another, another
heavens, meaning and they have judgment, what is going to happen?
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
they will be in a darkness before the bridge before the causeway,
they will be in a darkness.
So then he said, Okay, who will be the first person to go over on the
Day of Judgment? So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, the
Pomo hygiene, then they are who they asked, what is going to be
the gift when they enter Jannah So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said that this is going to be the extra part of a fish's
Now, some of you who don't eat fish may be wondering what kind of
a gift that's going to be. But when it's about Janna, then
everything is going to be quite amazing. And he's going to be a
special fish, whatever the case is.
Okay, what is then their sustenance afterwards? Meaning
what are they going to be given after that that's going to be the
start as it seems. So what's going to come afterwards?
So he says your home folder agenda,
a buffalo agenda, a bull agenda will be sacrificed for them.
such a, such a such an animal that used to eat from the sides of
gender from the you know, from the surroundings of gender, so it's
going to be a well nourished Jannetty animal
for mashallah, whoo hoo, Maria, are they? What are they going to
be given to drink from a stream that is called salsa Vela? That's
what they're going to be given to drink. So then you know what he
said? He said, So doctor, you've told the truth.
He said, You've told the truth.
And he said, I came to ask you about something that nobody on the
earth knows except a prophet, or maybe one or two others. This is
something that not everybody knows.
Is that that is what I came to ask you about. I came to ask you about
something which only a prophet will know. Or maybe one or two
other people. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,
will it benefit you if I told it to you?
So he said, I will listen with my ears. So he said, then, that I
have come to ask you about the child.
Meaning how does a child become male or female? How is that
determined? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
the fluid of a man is white and the fluid of a woman is yellowish,
when they come together, and they come together and Julie's talking
symbolically here, when they come together. And if the man's fluid
tops, the woman's fluid, then by the hokum by the hokum of Allah,
it becomes a male. And if it's the woman's that dominates, then it
becomes a female. Now, of course, you can talk about chromosomes
here and explain it in that sense. So they are who they said, You've
told the truth, you are a prophet, and then he walked away.
So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. Salam said, afterwards, he said,
he has asked me about this, that he's, you know, all the questions
that he had. I didn't know any of this. I didn't have the answer for
this. Until Allah subhanaw taala gave me this information. I didn't
have this information before. That's why there's another
narration which is mentioned body from NSO, the Allahu Anhu that
Abdullah Hebrew Salam, now maybe these are related, or maybe
they're different. But many of you who used to believe that the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam is a prophet, but because he's not from
their tribes, and he's another prophet, we've got our Prophet.
He's not from the Bani Israel. There's people like that who
believe that today that yes, he's
Prophet Muhammad is the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, but we
don't have to believe him.
Our final prophet is still to come.
So Anasazi Allahu Anhu says that Abdullah Hebrew salaam who was one
of the Jewish rabbis at the time, he came to the Prophet salallahu
Salam in the process of Assam entered Madina, Munawwara. And
he said, I'm going to come and ask you, I've come to ask you about
three things that only a prophet should know. What is the first
sign of the Day of Judgment of karma? And what is the first food
of the people of Jana? And what is it that pulls the child towards
this mother or father in the sense that what it makes it male or
So the professor Lawson responded, he said that Oh, Jabril Allison
has just told me about this Jubilee rally Salaam.
He's a Gibreel. He said, Yes. Is it Oh, that is, he's an enemy of
the hood. He is the from the angels is the enemy of the hood.
Allah, the Prophet, awesome, read this ayah Coleman Can I do one li
Gibreel affair in Hoonah Zilla who Allah called BKB is an Allah say
that whoever is a, an enemy of Jabril, then he comes to your
heart with the hook of Allah, He is the one who reveals things to
your heart, with the hook of Allah. Anyway, the response he
gave him was, the first sign of the Day of Judgment will be a fire
that will erupt and and basically gather everybody from the mushrik
to the Mowgli from the east to the west, the first food that the
people of Jannah will eat will be extra liver of the fish. And when
man's fluid
dominates that abdomen fluid, and that is what pulls the child
towards its side, and likewise the other way. So then he said,
Abdullah salaam who actually did become Muslim, and he said, I bear
witness that there is no God except Allah and I bear witness
that you are Allah's Messenger. Then there's a lengthy other part
to it, which we've which we've read before, which is that he
wanted to be clarified to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he
was a scholar from among them. But he knew that if he became Muslim
right now, the Jews would start slandering him, making him out to
be the worst of them. So what he did was before he declared his
faith, he said to the robots, a lot of them call some of them and
ask them about me. So when the process and he was hiding, he hid.
So when the process or some call someone there, he asked them, What
do you think are the liveness around? Oh, he's the best of us,
the child of the best of us. And then after he comes on, he says
that I bear witness that he's, you know, that I am a Muslim. And then
they started slandering him. Right, so that's the rest of the
story. There's another Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Seidel
who deleted the Allahu Anhu. It says that,
I saw allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the earth on the
Day of Judgment will be just like one
bread one dough. So it's just be one thing, which the reason that's
being mentioned is because you know when you have a dough, you
can mix it, you can move it, shape it how you want. So it'd be like
that. The Jabbar, the Mighty One will move it around as he wishes
with his hands, just like one of you takes a piece of bread and
moves it around on a journey.
So Allah subhanaw taala will move all of this around for the people
of Ghana as he wishes. Anyway, then a person from the hood he
came and he said Baraka Rama, Anwar alayka, Abul Qasim May the
most merciful one have mercy on you. Our broadcasting mobile
costume was the title, the agreement of the prophets, Allah
Larson because his son was causing,
should I tell you about what the people of gender will get?
He said, of course, says that the earth will be like one flat piece.
Just as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has said, so the prophets
Allah some turn to him, it turned to us and he started smiling until
you could see his pre molars. And then the person said, Should I
tell you about what
condiment they're going to have something that you drip, you dip
the bread in? said Of course, he said it would be Bala Moon Walloon
Bala Moon we're noon. So what is that? Says Thorin which is the
buffalo the buffalo or the bull, the beef and we're known yet
Kuruman Xia the Cabrini Hema Sabrina elf and there will be a
fish that just from its liver 70,000 People will eat. So that's
what a person is going to get. That's going to be you can say the
initial fees that you will get. Now if that's what's been chosen.
It may sound however it does but in the Hereafter, it's going to be
something else we can just expect the characteristics of
The hereafter to be about it. The next chapter is chapter 42.
Again, I'm just going to relate to you just some of the narrations in
here that give us an idea. This is about the fragrance the wind of
Jana, the fragrance of Jana, the wind of Jana and how far it
This first narration is from taba Ronnie, which is rated from
Abdullah him no I would have lost the Allah 105 Salah lorrison said
that whoever kills
a person of the earth lose them meaning in a Muslim land somebody
who's coming and who's been given a visa in today's world it be
considered somebody who has been given a visa security that no
problem you can go you're fine you can go anybody kills a person like
this, you know, because person in the Muslim land they may feel that
they can just kill a non Muslim he can't. Right? You just can't do
that. If anybody does that, they will not smell the even the
fragrance of Jannah and the fragrance of it can be smelled
from 100 years distance. That's how powerful the smell is. They
won't smell it as well. So that means they won't even get close to
So there's numerous Hadees that speak about this. For example,
there's another narration which is from telemovie Rasul allah
sallallahu sallam said that whoever kills a person who we have
an agreement with,
who has the protection of Allah and the protection of His
Messenger, then he has been violated the protection of Allah,
He will never end he will not smell the fragrance of Jannah
whereas its fragrance can be perceived from 70 years distance.
So you have 70 years you have 100 years, basically saying that it's
a very, very long distance that you can smell it from. There's
numerous other generations I'm not going to go through all of them.
But there is one which is narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Anasazi
Allahu Anhu. Very interesting. Listen to this carefully. Some of
you may have noticed narration UNASUR, the Allahu Anhu says that
my uncle missed the Battle of butter with the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam that was really really difficult for him to bear.
It was something he regretted enormously. So then he said that,
that he said, he used to say that this is the first
expedition. This is the first encounter that the prophets of
Allah Islam had, and I was absent. That's really sad. I can see
that, if Allah subhanho wa Taala gives me the ability to see
another encounter with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, then
Allah will surely see what I will do. He was just waiting to prove
He was frightened to say anything other than that, anyway, he
managed to take part in the Battle of or hurt afterwards the next
sad saw him and sad asked him Where are you going? Now remember,
it come with a lot of zeal, said where are you going?
So, he said,
I can, he says, there is the fragrance of paradise that I am
feeling I am smelling I am experiencing on the other side of
Earth, I can see that fragrance I can feel that fragrance coming
from there. Now listen to this.
And then after that he just felt until he was martyred.
And you know, he felt with so much penetration inside that it was he
was found to have 80 Something wounds more than 80 wounds.
Whether that was from a spear or a
from a striker with a sword or from a spear or from a from
arrows. And it was his sister, whose name was robot yet been to
another robot yet been to another who was able to figure him out. He
was so wounded, so mutilated, that the only way he was able to she
was able to see figure him out was through his fingerprints
Subhanallah meaning from his forefingers. That's how well she
knew him. That was the only way ajeeb
they didn't need fingerprint readers in those days I guess you
could figure these things out.
Now they were very close to nature, we become very artificial.
We've basically what we've done is we have outsourced all of our
extra thinking memorizing everything to our phones and to
all of these facilities and computers so we don't have to do
the processing ourselves with outsourced it to all of these
So anyway, then the verse came down minute meaning are the German
sada Kuma de la hora de there are some people among the there are
some men among the believers who have really confirmed and shown
what they have promised to Allah subhanaw taala
So now we're going to do our chapter is actually about the
fragrance of gender. So what's this hadith? Well,
if the theme then explains that there are paradise, the fragrance
of Paradise is of two types. Because here there's I mentioned
that that he smelled the fragrance of Paradise from Earth. And that's
why he just went
he says that one is the fragrance that can be experienced in this
which you don't, it's not the the actual fragrance that you can
smell. It's something that you perceive with your hearts. It's
not something that can be put in words, like it's like this or like
that, because it's something that you perceive you experience as
opposed to actually smell with your nose.
Then the second type of fragrance is something that you you know,
because the first one is like it just makes you calm, you feel like
you're smelling it inside. You can't really smell anything with
your nose, but it's almost like you're spinning with your nose,
but it's more of an experience. The second one is something that
you can actually smell with your body, in essence with your nose,
just like you smell flowers and roses. So the one that you can
smell the physical on the perceptible one that you can smell
the roses and so on, that the people of Ghana they will
obviously get that perception in the hereafter as well. And the
people in the dunya some people get that the prophets could get
And this is what a what UNASUR the Allahu Anhu seems to have
perceived a fragrance that the perceptible fragrance and it's
also possible that it could have been the other one. So even okay
wants to mention that both possibilities are there.
So Imam Jobrani, he relates that the fragrance of paradise can be
perceived from 1000 years distance he mentioned. And the the the
people who will not be able to smell it will be the people who
are disobedient to their parents. And those people who break the
ties of kinship with their family, those people will not feel it.
There's some other people who will not get it as well. There's a
hadith that's related from Abu Dhabi, that they are clearly see
in his Muslim province of Allah Some said that whoever
associates themselves or attributes themselves to other
than their father, you know, somebody who says somebody else's
their father, they will not smell the fragrance of paradise, whereas
its fragrance can be smelled from 50,000 years distance. Allah
subhanaw taala in this world has given us absolutely beautiful
fragrances, he has allowed us to smell various different beautiful
fragrances and odors. So that and likewise beautiful images,
beautiful fruits for the taste and so on.
all of this, to give us an idea of what the hereafter is going to be
like, in a very multiplied way. Subhanallah you know you have
foods, what would what category of foods would you say evoke the
greatest form of
can you even say that? Is it meats for you? Is it various different
types of fruits?
Vegetables? What would you say? Gives you the greatest sense of
satisfaction and pleasure. Is it meat? So is it fruits you think?
What would you say? Just imagine the mango,
the watermelon honeydew melon.
You know, just imagine a really nice orange, a really succulent
A really mouthwatering apricot or a peach. Imagine the way it's made
the way it's formed so many different layers, so many
different colors.
And you have all of these other the passion fruit, the dragon
fruits, the cactus fruits, there's just so many different fruits that
we've seen we haven't seen
So would you say it's meat or fruits that give more
There should be some meat eaters here that go which I uncovers who
who's who would say me too it's a fruit who says fruit is something
that gives you more pleasure
because meat has to be cooked properly as well right you know
he's got that right whereas fruit you have to get the right fruit
and if you're lucky if Allah gives you the right watermelon the right
this alright that then
who says meat
has any meat people here know
that's why there's another Hadith I will name relates that
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhanaw
taala says
to Janna, please be a Holic
become even better more excellent for your inhabitants. So it
creases and enhances in its excellence. And you know when it
does that, it says For vertical bar Allah the edgy duel nurse will
be salaryman Burdick, that is the coolness that you will experience
that people will experience at the time of servitude.
That is the paradise increasing.
This is obviously in a hot country that at that time you have the
coolness that is coming from Jana.
Now just like Allah in a similar way, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala has
made the * the sorry, the fire of this world and all of the pains
and all of the concerns, worries, griefs, all of that to just
prepare you for the hereafter remind you that it's going to be
worse in the hellfire. Allah subhanho wa Taala says
about the fire. He says no Jarrell nah that Kira. We made it a
reminder, we made it a reminder for you.
And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once
mentioned in the Hadith that the
intense heat or cold
is from the breathing of John Jahannam
Allah subhanaw taala assist us and help us and protect us.
The next chapter is got a few narrations about
the kinds of announcements that will be made in Jannah. So the
next chapter, which is 42nd 43rd is about a learner living you
other than behind you other than behemoth in agenda, Divya doesn't
mean the amount of solids either means an announcement that's what
it is. So, what are the various different announcements that you
will get in Jana? You are Muslim leads into sahih Abu Seidel who do
the Allahu and Abu Huraira the Allah and says that Rasul lobby
Prophet Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that announced so
we'll announce a Harold will announce in locum these are the
various announcements you'll get in Jana. So people are in Jannah
and then the announcer will say
now it is your right to always be healthy, and never be sick. It is
now your right to always be living and you will never die. It is now
your right to roll ever remain a youth and never to get old. And is
now you're right that you enjoy and you will never be depressed.
And this is when Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran in surah
talara Well, no do tell Komal Jenna to read to her Bhima Ko to
dark maroon and they will be announced it will be announced
them that those are the gardens so that is the garden
that they have been made to inherit because of what you used
to do. So this will be the announcement
of mine if not be Shava he relates to another narration for Abu
Huraira Anamosa the Allahu Anhu same verse. So similar thing, it
will be announced that you remain without illness you remain
healthy, and you remain here forever. You will never die and
enjoy now and you have no reason to have any kind of problem. So he
Muslim. Now the narration here from
Sohaib Radi Allahu Anhu that Rasulullah Salah Larsson when the
people of Judah enter Jannah and people of hellfire into hellfire
and announcer will say oh people of Jannah
Allah has a promise with you. They will say what is it? Hasn't he
already made our scales heavy, made our faces white and shining,
has entered us into Jannah and has given us safety from the hellfire.
So what else is there now he's given us everything. However, then
the veils will be lifted, and they will look at Allah subhanaw taala
and Wallahi they would not have been given anything of gender that
we've described, that it will be more beloved to them than what
they will see now.
Because with all the blessing that you have, there has to be
something more that Allah will give you once in a while.
That's why there's another narration from Abdullah hymnal
Mobarak he said he heard a boo Musa lash it really Allahu Anhu on
the member in basura. Later after boys our son passed away
giving a hotbar saying Allah azza wa jal will send on the day of
judgment and Angel to the people of Jana and say, oh people of Jana
has Allah subhanaw taala given you everything that he has promised
you, they will look around and they will see all the adornments
all of the clothing, the garments, the rivers,
The pure spouses and they say of course Allah has given us full
fulfilled whatever.
Three times they will say this
they will look and they will they will not find anything missing
everything that they've been promised they will find. So
they'll say of course, but then the Herald will say there's
something left. Because Allah has said ladina Arsenal house now was
here the for the people who have done good is a goodly reward was
the other and something extra. So all of that what you have Jana is
good, is the good reward. The zyada is to see the countenance of
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada the beatific vision.
Another generation Bukhari and Muslim, similar it says that Allah
subhanho wa Taala will ask the people of Ghana or people of
Ghana, they will say Lubbock Robina or Saturday we are present
our Lord, are you satisfied? They will say, why should we not be
satisfied when you've given us everything that no other creation
has been given? says I can give you I'm gonna give you better than
Let's say Robin, who work can be more superior to that, I am going
to now
I am going to now have my satisfaction come upon you and
hence I will never be angry with you again. So there is no wrong
you can do any more you can do as you please.
Another announcement in Bukhari and Muslim he mentions that from
abnormal the Allah one that when the people of gender will enter
Jannah and the people of * will go into *, then you know the
announcement that will be made there is oh people of Jana, no
death now. Oh, people of hellfire, no death now.
Cardinal Hidin FEMA who are fee, each of you now will remain
forever there. Now when you go into a good place, and you have
still this feeling, I'm going to have to leave after four days,
five days, my booking is going to expire, or whatever the case is,
right? So when they go in in the seal of this beauty
and then it says okay, now there's no death. So can you imagine the
extra that oh, I've got lots of time, I don't need to rush. Let me
just look at everything first.
Now this other than this announcement, even though it's
going to be, you know, to the people agenda and Jahannam it will
reach all the people of Janet and Johanna. So whatever he says to
the people of Janet will also be heard by the people of Ghana
and likewise the other way
then there is another announcement on the day that they will be going
to see Allah subhanaw taala visit Allah Allah subhanaw taala an
angel will be sent to them and he will announce that okay, this is
the day to visit Allah and they will all run to do zero.
You know, just like every Friday there's a
Advan likewise.
And that will be for the amount of time it takes for Jamar
so increase your time that you spend for Joomla go early for
Joomla. May Allah give us the trophy. He will explain that a bit
later in more detail.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us
Jenna May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us paradise and
really allow us to make our
to maximize our time here to get the best of Paradise and the best
of the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala