Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Neglecting Allah’s Remembrance

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the negative impact of the absence of certain elements in our lives, the danger of today's "weird" experience, and the importance of being heedless of Islam. They stress the need for individuals to be heedless of Islam and the importance of love in our relationships. The speakers emphasize the need to remember Allah's words and actions to avoid negative consequences and the importance of shay trading in our homes and bringing shay validate into our lives. They also emphasize the importance of shay trading in formal settings and the value of being recognized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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Al Hamdulillah who have been Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala

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Nabi Ruthie Ramadan Lillard, Amin while he will be here although of

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course ultimate asleep and curfew on Elon within America

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call Allah with the baraka Ouattara for your Quran in Nigeria

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well for calling Hamid that he could be unknown because there

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will be Tina or can one ha ha feelin? We'll call it either wala

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tackle minion Ha he will call a sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is at

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the heart of Raju beta who

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was the Corolla in the holy

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war in the army, called the shaytaan llama beat Allah Kumala

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Asha. Well, either the holler will amuse Quran Allah

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and the holy he called the shaytaan, a drug, a drug to Wilma

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oh, can I call in the BU sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala

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Hadith, my dear respected

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One of the major problems that we're facing today, without

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intending to actually start on a negative note

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the absence of what will make our life more fulfilling

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from a real perspective, unfortunately, in the pursuit of

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pleasures and enjoyment in this world, and with the,

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the prosperity that most of us, especially in the West enjoy, in

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terms of having disposable income, in terms of having the ability to

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buy literally what we want the availability of these products,

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no difficulty in attaining them and acquiring them.

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acquiring them so easily that you can acquire these things in the

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relative comfort of your home without even having to venture

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Being able to make educated, refined decisions about what you

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want, and thus refining our taste.

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achieving greater excellence in what we want in this world and the

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pleasures that we enjoy, in the food that we eat in the cuisine

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that we enjoy.

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So all of these things are what really takes a lot of our time.

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There's a lot of futility involved in our lives nowadays,

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unfortunately. And as I said, it's a bit of a negative note but in

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sha Allah it's important Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran

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that can mineral have been in Don't be of the heedless ones. And

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this is a constant theme in the Quran. There's a really important

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theme in the Quran. It's you see that in verse after verse, it's

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speaking about remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and

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heedlessness from Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah subhanaw taala

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literally prohibits he says, What are the Quran mineral half hidden,

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don't be of the half it in the heedless ones, those who are

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heedless of their real

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objective of life, which is the focus on the hereafter. Allah

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subhanaw taala also says in the Quran, that he could be under

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hunger that will be Tina, what can one haha Filene, this is because

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they denied our signs, and they will have the half Helene equating

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denial of the signs with having Hoffler and heedlessness. So

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though Muslims don't necessarily openly

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deny the signs of Allah subhanaw taala we acknowledge them, but

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implicitly in our actions, and because of not turning to them and

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not holding and adhering to them strongly. We seem to deny them

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because of our lawfulness of awfully is very dangerous.

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heedlessness is very dangerous, because if that's what it gets,

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non believers or disbelievers deniers to that level because they

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are heedless, then there's a level of that there's heedlessness is

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going to then provide a level of that denial within us if it's just

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in practice. I mean, that's highly theoretical right now, but I'll be

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a bit more practical Lita inshallah. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says font.com in home for a rock now home failure may be under

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homecare, that will be Tina Walker and one ha ha Fenian. Again same

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thing. Allah subhanaw taala says so we took revenge we avenged and

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what Araucana whom phillium we cause them to drown in the seas in

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the waters. This is because they denied Our Verses our signs Our

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Ayat and they will have the Filene. So again, this roughly

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creeps up this heedlessness, it's very dangerous.

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For us, and if you're not looking carefully, if we're heedless, then

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we'll actually miss that. When we read in the Quran when reading the

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Quran, it says raffinose orphelins offering, it just seems almost

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like it's just part of the part of discussion. We don't pay too much

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attention to it, but that is that it could be unknown in Arabic the

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word BA, the hotbar, is actually used to show reason to show cause

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for something this is because they will have the feeling so not just

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invent one verse but two. So yes, the Hoffler denial of Islam is one

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thing I asked which is tantamount to Cofer, that's a different

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thing. But as believers who acknowledge it once a week, once a

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year, during Ramadan, whatever, right, however, often, you know,

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we feel inclined to but still not Hoefler is very pervasive and very

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dangerous. And that's what we need to be looking at. And there's

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numerous other verses Allah subhanaw taala shows the eventual

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end of hafla, some boeckmann neuroimmune, for whom lie on your

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own, they are deaf, dumb and blind, despite being able to

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physically see and observe and hear.

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Despite all of that they consider to be deaf, dumb and blind because

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they heedlessness has taken them to that level that they can't

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really see what's really beneficial for them. They only see

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the pleasures for the next 10 years or 20 years, what they want

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next 40 years, maybe next 50 years. But what is even 50 or 100

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years, as much as a person think that they may be living for or

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expecting to live for, right? How much of that really is significant

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in relationship to infinity which is the life of the hereafter and

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eternal abode in the hereafter. How much significant is how much

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significance is there in 40 years of enjoyment in this world with

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heedlessness of Allah subhanaw taala and thus do in the

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hereafter. So, you know, unfortunately again, the word Doom

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is very negative, but it's just part of the discussion. So that's

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Allah subhanaw taala saying in different places in the Quran,

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yeah, Ala Moana, Thor Hera, middle, hayati, dunya. Well,

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Houma. And this one is a bit more pointed of giving more reason for

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the laferla Wehrli can be under homecooked. Sorry, yeah, and then

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one other Ural highlighted dunya they know the apparent facade of

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this world, they can see the outward expression of this world

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they know that they that's what we all indulgent in the outward

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facade of this world without realizing the reality of the core,

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well, whom I need, Hirata, Whom have you known. So what is this

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roughly about in this verse, Then it explains that they are Halfhill

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heedless of the Hereafter, which is the real life. And Allah says

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when he Rotella he'll Haiwan, the hereafter is the real life. I know

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that's like a real overview of the way our life should be in this

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world. And we have to translate that down to everyday life and how

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we apply this concept in this idea. Of course, this is just to

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wake us up to give us an idea that look, there is a concept of

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heedlessness and we're probably all involved in a level of

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heedlessness in sha Allah, it's definitely not to the level of

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those who firmly deny, but there is implicit denial in what we do,

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because of the way we act. So what is to be done for that? Allah

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subhanho wa Taala says, look, he will say to a person look Laqad

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con Duffy Hoffler Fleur de minha Kushner ankle retorque for bizarre

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ruka leiomyoma Hadid so a person on the Day of Judgment, go to

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Allah subhana wa Tada. And it will be set to Allah will say, look at

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Quinta V Hoffler team in hada. This was a reality but you are

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heedless of this reality. Heedless means it's there, but you can't

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see it. So you'll miss it all the time. And one day somebody points

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it out, then it becomes suddenly significant, hopefully. But you

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were her Phil and heedless of this.

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The Kushner now we have unveiled it for you, we have uncovered it,

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we've removed the barriers. Now you can see a bus or broken yoga,

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Hadid and you your gaze is extremely sharp to the meaning you

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can see it thoroughly fully. And there is absolutely no doubt in

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what you see today. But it's too late. We try to remind you, we try

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to remind you there. Yes, there was a veil. But we tried to remind

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remind you, you put the veil up yourself through fulfilling your

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desires. So that veil has to come apart, but there has to be a

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desire for that. Now, remembering Allah subhanaw taala said that

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that's just kind of the negative side of things. The positive side

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of things is that look, Allah subhanho wa Taala with what he's

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done for us, and what we owe him in terms of him being our Creator,

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our pure our our mere existence in this world being owed to him and

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him alone and nobody else. We must love Allah subhanho wa Taala not

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just because he brought us into this world but because he has all

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of those attributes that that that create, instill love for anyone.

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If you love anybody in this world, think of who you love. Why do you

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love them for

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Their knowledge for their beauty for the sun for their, for their

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generosity, their benevolence, for their caring, compassion,

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attitude, etc, etc mercy. Well, Allah has all of these attributes

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and more, so he has to be loved. We need to then remember him

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because when you love someone, the only way to love someone to prove

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that you love them is for them to be constantly in your mind.

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Because love is something that is not an that is that is not an

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intellectual concept. It's, it's super rational, it's something

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that enters the heart and takes over. And it doesn't have to be

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rational. Sometimes people will love something without realizing

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why others will not be able to understand there won't be any

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logical connection and association of why this love is between these

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two parties. But that the individual that's, that is a

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concern there. They, they they know why there's something that

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they feel and sometimes they can't explain it. So it's beyond

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rational. To it's not irrational, this is beyond rational, doesn't

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have to come into rational there. And that's what love is all about.

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So we have to love Allah subhanho wa Taala is necessary to love him.

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That's why the philosopher said a Hibbeler be equally Hulu become

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love Allah with all your heart, not just a part of your heart, not

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temporarily, not just on occasion, not just on Fridays, not just in

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Ramadan, but his love should permeate our heart all the time,

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we're walking down the street, so we may not be thinking about him

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throughout because we do get, you know, we do become occupied with

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other thoughts. But at the next moment that we get free, he his

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thought does come back as though it's pervading our thoughts, just

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like, the way it should be is that if you've lost someone, then you

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feel that loss for a few weeks, and then it gets weaker and

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weaker. But the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala shouldn't be

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like that it should only get stronger and stronger. So yes,

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when we become occupied with something, then we focused our

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mind 100% on that, but as soon as our focus is completed, and our

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task is completed, then Allah comes back into our mind. Okay,

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how does Allah look at me right now? I'm walking down the streets,

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these are the this is the way this has to be obviously achieved. This

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is not going to come about just like that. There's certain

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training that has to be done in that regard. So the Prophet

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sallallahu sallam said, You need to love Allah with all your heart.

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This is supported in the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala says,

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manager Allah Allahu NEERA julienne, the Colombo with a fatal

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merger, Allah Allah who the Lord Julian min, Kobe in if you JioFi,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala hasn't placed two hearts in anybody's

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chest. Nobody possesses two hearts. So okay, one heart is for

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Allah. And one is for this, this is for this reason and this is for

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this reason we have one heart and Allah needs to permeate that and

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all other loves that we have need to be for the sake of Allah. And

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they will be actually more excellent expressions of love, if

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they're for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala so it doesn't mean

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that if you love Allah subhanaw taala you won't be able to love

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anything else. So then

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once a person loves Allah or loves anything, you will stop mentioning

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it you love a car, you want to buy a car, there's a phone, you're

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constantly on a party with your friend look at this, look at this,

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you know, you're you become a promoter for that product. And

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then companies have understood this very well. That's why they

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want you to become so faithful to their brand that you don't need to

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them put any promotions outside because you we are walking talking

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it's word of mouth. That's the best sense of source of promotion.

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So now one needs to remember Allah give your heart your body,

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everything to Allah subhanho wa Taala now, by the way you do that

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is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala now how powerful is the

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remembrance of Allah and how much benefit it will have? There's one

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Hadith in which the Sunnah allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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when a person enters his house, either the whole original beta

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when a person enters his house, and he remembers Allah. So there

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are doors for this that you do is with Bismillah he the hall to

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write, there are there are two hours Assalamu alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and then you do a DUA, because you you

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remember Allah subhanaw taala when entering the house, if a person

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enters the house and remembers Allah when eat when when entering,

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and then when eating Bismillah Hua Baraka Tila, then you know what

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happens? We don't know that this is all going on. We just feel

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either the benefits of we've done the right thing or the negative

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reactions, but we don't know why they're happening. What the

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Prophet saw some said, if a person does this, he remembers Allah when

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entering the house and eating then shaytan will say to his fellow,

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his progeny shaytaan that is designated for that household. He

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will say la vida La Quwata Isha you know, today you guys got you.

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We don't have a hotel today. There's no rooms available today

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and there's no food for you either. You know, you go into a

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city you're looking for a hotel, there's there's no rooms, it's all

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filled up. There's a con

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Front is going on. Everything is on 100% occupancy, right where

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you're going to sleep. You're running around. So shaytan is like

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that he becomes miserable. You got no place to sleep in this house

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today, you can't influence them today. There's no room for you,

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and there's no room in the eating. And then the Prophet sallallahu

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sallam said, and if a person enters the house and does not

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remember Allah comes in, the first thing he does is shout to

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Where's my effing food as some people will come and say, if

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they're angry? Where's this? Where's that? What's going on

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here? I'm so angry today from outside or whatever person comes

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in like that swears or maybe doesn't swear, but just doesn't

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remember Allah. Neither on entry, neither eating the shaytaan he's

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watching anything. Yes, let's just see what this guy does. And as

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soon as he does that, shaytaan says, a drug to Malama Beach,

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don't worry, you got your rooms today. You've got your place to

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stay, and you've got your food today, don't worry about it, we're

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gonna have a good a good meal and a good place to stay today. Then

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people wonder what happens to their children. Their children

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start acting mischievous. They say that their children start acting

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corrupt, they start getting into the wrong crowds and everything

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like that. And we don't know why that's happening. Because what

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we've done is we have entered the enemy into our homes, and then we

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wonder, we wonder what happens then. And you're sending into

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Islamic schools, and you're paying for that, and you're sending them

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to Madras, and you're sending to this place and that place, but we

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are allowing shaytaan to be part of the inner core of our home, in

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up to up to our sleeping quarters, our eating and sleeping, that's

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the most essential element of our life within our home. So not doing

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the vicar of Allah, according to this hadith. I mean, we think so

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insignificant, but it is so important that it will have these

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repercussions. And then we're worried. And then we say why, why

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is this happening? And this is the people of concern those people who

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have no concern, then it's a higher level of, of negligence.

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So we bring shaytaan in the house, and then we're concerned about

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what happens to our children whereas we are incriminated in

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this regard. Any much less the prophets, Allah Some said that any

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modulus in any gathering, you sit and just have a little gathering

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you speak and Allah is not mentioned in that gathering, then

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you've just that's a burden upon us is not to our benefit, that all

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of this is just going to show how much Allah has to be remembered.

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You know, one is that we know Allah has to be remembered, but we

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think it's has to be done in formal settings only in Salah

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don't even read in the Quran. But no, Allah subhanaw taala is

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supposed to be just part and parcel of our life, you should be

00:17:36 --> 00:17:39

constantly on our mind and every activity that we do. That is if

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anybody achieves that they are really, really successful. They

00:17:43 --> 00:17:46

will feel completely comfortable and at peace inside law, how often

00:17:46 --> 00:17:50

are they him what or whom he has known. This is the level of his

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pious people we hear about the Olia, etc. This is the level they

00:17:54 --> 00:17:57

have got to this level. And it's not difficult for us if we just

00:17:57 --> 00:18:00

put our set our mind to it. And there are huge benefits to be

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gained from that life becomes easier to deal with, doesn't

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matter what's happening around you, you because you know Allah is

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with you, because you're remembering Him is the greatest of

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supporters, patrons and helpers that you can have. That's why it

00:18:14 --> 00:18:18

will pay him who said some very good things, among many things

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that he said there are some very good things that he said as well.

00:18:21 --> 00:18:25

He says, because the either medical biller, your Kunal board,

00:18:25 --> 00:18:30

Angela, it's to the amount of

00:18:32 --> 00:18:37

absence of remembrance of Allah in your life will be your distance

00:18:37 --> 00:18:42

from Allah, as much as vicar of Allah is absent in our life.

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That's how distant Allah will be from us, essentially saying that

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Allah will only be closer to us if we remember him. Otherwise, Allah

00:18:51 --> 00:18:56

is so independent, why should he? Why should he do anything for us

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if we don't feel like doing anything for he's not in need of

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us. But he liked he loves it when we worship him and when we

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remember him, and that's why it says that in the Hatfield bein who

00:19:08 --> 00:19:12

were obeying Allah He Washington law, your Zulu will be decree law,

00:19:13 --> 00:19:16

that between the Halfhill the heedless person that we spoke

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about in the beginning, who is more indulgent in the world and

00:19:18 --> 00:19:21

just forgets that I should be remembering Allah over and over

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again, between him and Allah subhanho wa Taala is a form of

00:19:27 --> 00:19:32

estrangement, gloom, darkness, which can only be removed from the

00:19:32 --> 00:19:36

rim through the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. So, think

00:19:36 --> 00:19:40

about, I'm just trying to impress upon us the importance of the

00:19:40 --> 00:19:44

vicar of Allah for it to be a very fluid natural thing that we do an

00:19:44 --> 00:19:47

organic thing that we do all the time and not something that is

00:19:47 --> 00:19:51

just done in on specific occasion because this is the big fallacy

00:19:51 --> 00:19:54

that shaytaan has placed in our mind that they can can only be

00:19:54 --> 00:19:58

done in formal settings, but it should be part of our life. Even

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you sitting there is the vicar of

00:20:00 --> 00:20:03

Allah if you're remembering him, right, that's where he's just

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being conscious of Allah is the vicar. So

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people in Jannah, you've heard of the pleasures of Jannah, and how

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people will be thoroughly enjoying that place, and there's going to

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be nothing that they would want. But you know, there's still one

00:20:19 --> 00:20:23

sense of loss that they will feel, which is mentioned in the Hadith,

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they will feel the loss of those moments in this world where they

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were unable to remember Allah. That's the only thing that you

00:20:29 --> 00:20:33

will miss from this world that had I been able to remember him a bit

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more. So now think about it. If someone is in absolute state of

00:20:38 --> 00:20:43

bliss for eternity, wishing nothing more in a total state of

00:20:43 --> 00:20:46

happiness, and the one thing that they remember is the Dhikr of

00:20:46 --> 00:20:50

Allah, then can you imagine how important that remembrance is, and

00:20:50 --> 00:20:54

the value what that value is, which they've only read or wish

00:20:54 --> 00:20:57

they've only recognize later. So we're trying to understand that

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right now of the great value of the remembrance of Allah right now

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in our state where we need to where we can do it, where it can

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be to our benefit, because once you're out, then there is no other

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status that you can get beyond once once you leave this world. So

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it's about trying to make that consciousness of Allah subhanaw

00:21:18 --> 00:21:22

taala all the time and not to be of the halfling because being of

00:21:22 --> 00:21:27

the halfling implicitly makes us of the deniers of the IRS without

00:21:27 --> 00:21:33

us openly denying it makes us off the deniers in an implicit sense,

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which is highly detrimental. So may Allah subhanahu wa taala help

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us just a quick few signs just to recognize if we have enough of a

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level of remembrance of Allah and association with him or not just

00:21:45 --> 00:21:49

to be very quick the signs of a ruffler number one at the castle

00:21:49 --> 00:21:53

Annie Salawat well Eva that just feeling lazy to make your prayers

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on time and to do other worships as lazy as we feel that's our if

00:21:57 --> 00:22:00

we feel very lazy then we got a big problem. We less lazy we got

00:22:00 --> 00:22:03

to you still got a problem. Number One Number Two.

00:22:05 --> 00:22:07

That's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said in the earth della

00:22:07 --> 00:22:10

Sala at Ala Moana if you're keen that the most the most burdensome

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prayer on the Monarch 15 is what Aisha and Fisher because they just

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like out of time and you're not out and about there, you have to

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go somewhere for it. You have to come out of your way to go and

00:22:22 --> 00:22:25

perform them. And because they used to perform in the masjid in

00:22:25 --> 00:22:28

those days, even among 15 years to number two is

00:22:30 --> 00:22:34

is disheartening Mohammed to think of unlawful things being

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insignificant, not a big deal. When you feel when we do a sin,

00:22:37 --> 00:22:41

not a big deal. It's not a problem. We don't feel too guilty

00:22:41 --> 00:22:45

about it. And number three, Ill Valcea which means we become very

00:22:45 --> 00:22:47

familiar with doing disobedience. We have no problem with doing so.

00:22:48 --> 00:22:52

We feel quite comfortable with doing Marcia, we enjoy them. And

00:22:54 --> 00:22:59

another 130 year old walked behind lady for either wasting time

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without any needs. That's on your Whatsapp and Facebook and Twitter

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accounts and just general gossip, etc. Just sitting around wasting

00:23:07 --> 00:23:11

time not doing anything productive. That's also a sign of

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the hafla of Allah subhanho wa Taala these things in sha Allah

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may Allah subhanaw taala give us the Tofik to practicals and

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operationalize these things in our life. Because what's really going

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to matter is how connected we are to Allah subhanaw taala let us go

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beyond thinking that the vicar is only something formal, restricted

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to certain times and positions in worship, but no let us do what

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Allah says Levinas Quran Allah, the Quran where Allah juubi Him,

00:23:39 --> 00:23:43

those who remember Allah subhanaw taala standing, sitting and on

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their sides, which goes to explain that vicar is something so natural

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that we should be thinking about all the time. It's not nothing

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something formal, it's something that's just a consciousness of our

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heart and mind on Allah subhanho wa Taala Welcome to Darwin on

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