Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Mind Blowing Perpetual Investments (Sadaqa Jariyah)

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the success of their efforts to reach their desired number of people and the potential for a large crowd to gather in London. They also discuss the benefits of a perpetual charity and the importance of setting up a strong bond with others to achieve success. They emphasize the need for children to remember their parents and attend events, and emphasize the importance of learning from their own successes and setting up a charity. They also mention a project called "hamm aim" that encourages families to donate to charity and emphasize the importance of setting up a charity to meet immediate concerns and long-term investment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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salatu salam ala so you didn't know Celine while he was so happy

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he or Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman girthier on Elomi Dean

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Amma bad Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran was 30 Oh ALLAH

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Mo Farah Demuro become virgin nuttin out of Doha summit well

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hasten towards a forgiveness and a pardon from your Lord.

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And a paradise whose extent whose with is like the heavens and

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For us to get that paradise in the hereafter, we need to increase our

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chances, we need to increase our efforts to be able to get that

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paradise and to earn the satisfaction of Allah subhanaw

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A human has a very limited amount of life in this world 50 or 60 or

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70 years, maybe 8090, maybe even 100 years.

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But that's about it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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hasard the almighty bein a city now was Sabrine. The Reaping of

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the crops of my ummah is between 60 and 70. The idea of that is

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my OMA the average age is going to be between 60 to 70. And that's

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why the Prophet sallallaahu son passed away at the age of 6061 63.

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Abu Bakr, the same thing, almost the same thing on either the

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Allahu anhu, similar as well, just as manner, the unlived lives much

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to an older age. So generally, that's the average. So we've got

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that much time in this world, but the world will continue forever,

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meaning for a very long time, not forever. But for a very long time.

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The world has been in existence for a very long time, billions of

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people have passed, there's about 7 billion people or so right now.

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But there's been so many billion people beforehand. And Allah knows

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best how many more billions of people will continue to come into

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this world.

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So now imagine it,

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that after we're gone from this time, we're currently here, and

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after we'd gone, then whatever we've done in this life, so let's

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just imagine that we've died at the age of 70. So 75 out of that

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just take out the first 10 years, 1213 years because we're not bad

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at it. We're not mature yet. We become responsible afterwards

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after blue. And then all of our actions count everything that we

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do, how much is possible for us to for us to earn the other day. In

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our class in Sahih Muslim, we came across a hadith.

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The hadith is about the 70,000 people that will enter Jannah

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without any questioning, there will be the special 70,000

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According to one of those narrations. It mentions there

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among the sub Runa Sabrina elf as 70,000 that are Allahu Abu Bakr

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Siddiq. The highest of them will be Abu Bakr Siddiq are the hola

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Juan, for me, that's giving us an idea of what kind of people

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are going to be among that 70,000. And to be honest, that sounds

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very, very, very far for us to reach. When you say the likes of

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Abu Bakr, the Allah one who get into the 70,000 70,000 is not a

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lot of people.

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There's probably more than 70,000 people in just our area of London,

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because the whole of London has 8 million people. So 70,000 is a

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good a good sized stadium will fit 70,000 people that's not many

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people, you know, if you're talking about seven to 8 billion

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people in existence right now, in this world of this particular

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generation, out of that what is 70,000 people, hardly anything.

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And then if you count for every 100 years, several billion people

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for how many hundreds of years. Can you imagine? How can you get

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in there you will be competing with the likes of Abu Bakr and

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Umar Radi Allahu Osman and Ali and Abdul Rahman Now often, Saudi

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Arabia waka Cebu obey the ignorant Jarrah and Hamza are the Allah

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one. Yeah, Allah then the huzzah Ali's and the Gilani is 70,000.

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They're going to be that's going to be filled in no time. What kind

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of deeds do we have?

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There is another narration though.

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It's not as well known and as maybe authenticated as the

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original duration. But it says that every one of these 70,000

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will take an additional 70,000

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Suddenly, the depression goes out of your mind. Suddenly, your hopes

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your eyes light up, and you suddenly start thinking now maybe

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I've got a choice.

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Now maybe I've got a possibility.

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We may we did some maths. 70,000. Take another 70,000 With every

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70,000 will be another 70,000 There's a number of ways of

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looking at this. But if you take it to mean 70,000 times

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him 70,000 Do the math for me.

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Now 4,900,000,000 Sorry for Bill is 4.9 billion 4.9 billion. Now to

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get an idea of 4.9 billion, let's consider it to be about 30 to 40%

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of the world's know, about 60% of the world's population right now,

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as at least gives you that bit more chance gives you a bit more

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hope. When you listen to the 70,000 you think Allahu Akbar, how

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am I going to get into that? Competition is too great. But with

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49 4.9 billion now, our chances are increased several fold

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multiplay so now maybe we can inshallah even hope for that.

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Among those people whose actions will not be weighed in the scale

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on the Day of Judgment, will be these people the other mentioned

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because there's no question for them, there's no questioning for

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them. So they don't even need to be weighed.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala to link us and to allow us to be of

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this category, if nothing else, except the fact that we have this

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hope today. And we're doing these calcular making an effort for it.

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At least I know. It's nothing compared to what the other people

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have done. The competition is huge here. But we ask Allah subhanaw

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taala for help. So going back to our original idea that we have

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70 years or so 60 years or so, in this world in which we can

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actually do something, you know, that you can say are your youthful

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years, they are your years they are this your whole life. That's

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the only time when you can earn rewards, and hopefully, do Toba

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and avoid sin as much as possible and inshallah die, having made a

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good Tober a good repentance and being freed in sha Allah being

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purified by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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grant us this.

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why not allow the investments to continue? After we did? Remember

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we said that we will pass away just like people in the past have

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passed away. But then the world continues, doesn't it? There's

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still a place this this is the field for the hereafter. This is

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the crops for the hereafter. While we may have gone, but why can't we

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leave crops that are immune to being destroyed? Why don't we

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create some crops and leave them in this world, though we may be

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gone, we are no longer here to even count what's going on with

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them. But they continue to benefit us even while we're in the grave.

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For this I'll quote another Hadith of Sahih Muslim in which

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it's related by Abu Huraira the Allahu Allah and the Rasul Allah

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He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam McCall, either matal in some in

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Qatar, and who am Alou?

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When a person dies, then his deeds have stopped now, because he's got

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no physical ability now to do anything. His time of action is

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gone in lamb insalata. But he gives us a way it goes, he tells

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us a way of investment. And only the foolish would not take this

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investment up because it's for free afterwards, you don't have to

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do anything. And it's a safe investment. Three things except

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three things. That's the direction those are the investments in which

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Allah subhanaw taala can still give us something and continue to

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give us rewards.

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One of them he said is sadaqa Tunja return is a

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perpetual charity.

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So the kajaria sadaqa jariya is not something I just fed somebody

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and it's done. Now it's a sadaqa that continues to multiply. For

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example, you make an orphanage, you set up an organization that

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deals with poor people, that deals with orphans, that teaches the

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deen of Allah, that helps people out and you've set such a

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structure in place, you've given the seed capital, you've set the

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structure in place that even after you've gone in sha Allah, it will

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be managed, and it will only inshallah be increased.

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And it will then continue for generations after you generations

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after you. Now look at this. Now, if I've created a charity with all

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honesty with all sincerity rather.

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And then that charity after 100 years may collapse maybe. But if

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I've done it in such a good way, and I feel like I've made the

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right efforts and the sincerity there, and some people have seen

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that model, and five other charities are seven other

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charities or have a number have been inspired by this charity to

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then start their own charities.

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That's all my reward as well.

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So even if your charity collapses as long as as long as you haven't

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done anything wrong as a you've had the best interests, anybody

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benefiting from your charity, you get rewarded for anybody who

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copies your charity hamdulillah The more the merrier.

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That's true charity. This is something not only that, which is

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not restricted to a llama. This is for anybody and everybody.

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Right? Whether it's a housewife,

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right? Whether it's a princess, it doesn't matter. Like look at

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Haruna Rashid's wife, the kind of charity she had set up zubaid Does

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canal it's still known about that, imagine the rewards that she must

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have received from that.

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Now, while a canal may have been replaced now,

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because we have modern techniques of bringing water to mean and out

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of that, there was no other fact there was no water there before.

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And the her judge used to find it very difficult to pilgrims used to

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find it very difficult. So she built a canal and aqueduct system

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to get the water there. Develop a charity or any kind of

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organization a madrasa a masjid even.

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It doesn't have to be a charity, it can be a masjid, you have set

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up a masjid. I just Oh, we were in Norway just a few months ago or

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something. And we met this old man who's been there for so many

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years, 40 years or something. And he says next week, I'm going to

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China. So why are you going to China for he says, I'm going there

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to build a masjid. Because he seems like he was quite a wealthy

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guy. And he goes, I'm going to build a masjid because I'm going

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to leave now. I'm finished. I'm going to be leaving the world now.

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So these are the things that are going to help me. So the thought

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process that Allah gave him the Tofik to think about these things.

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He wants to go there he wants to build a masjid a masjid

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SubhanAllah. Imagine the people that come into a masjid, to study,

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to pray in a mosque to pray Salat, you get their rewards. For as long

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as that injury massage do stay, if you build it in a proper place, in

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a decent community, you that muscle is going to stay for

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hundreds of years. Yes, it may get renovated, it may get rebuilt, it

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may get extended. But Subhanallah somebody sees that masjid and they

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give it oh, I can do that masjid, they build another one, you get

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the reward of that as well. There's just a no brainer sadaqa

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jariya. So always look for charity like that. That is a perpetual

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continuous charity. Number two, I mean, we can go on in this

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discussion, you could probably spend the whole day trying to

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determine what kinds of perpetual charity is out there. But today,

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this is just to give idea you can think for yourself after this.

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Number two, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said O L MoonJune tafur OBE

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any knowledge by which people will benefit any knowledge by which

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benefit will be derived by others. This is generally it doesn't have

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to be aroma only, it could be any bit of knowledge, of course, or

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the MMA have more knowledge to pass on. But you learn something

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from your Joomla hotbar in the masjid from a bind in the masjid,

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or online or whatever, and you tell your family, and suddenly,

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they benefit from it. For example, I give a buy on right now. And

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I've got you know, however many people sitting in front of me

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listening, right? And

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what happens is just 10 of you

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take that knowledge and just tell your friends, or tell your family

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teach it to your children.

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I mean, at least that much, right? I get all that reward. Now does it

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stop there? The person you've just learned something new, let's just

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say you've just learned. I mean, you knew about sadaqa jariya. But

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maybe you didn't know it in this way, the emphasis of it. So now

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you went and told somebody else.

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And they now got that idea. So they went and told somebody else?

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And they did it. Now how long will it for the rest of your life now

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any other sadaqa jariya that you will do? If it's based on the

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original realisation through this lecture, then can you imagine the

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amount of rewards we're talking about? And then you will encourage

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somebody else, they look at you and they'll get encouraged. So any

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bit of knowledge, of course, Allah Ma Ma sha Allah, Allah mas, you

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know, people who have knowledge who have studied and then who go

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and preach it with the way of wisdom, not by turning people

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away, by a way of wisdom of how best to communicate that

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knowledge. In the field of Dawa the most important thing aside

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from knowledge is to have wisdom of how to convey. I believe that

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wisdom is the conveyance of knowledge. You can have a bit of

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knowledge, sound knowledge, but a bit of it, not not so many things,

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but you know, enough to allow yourself to do things in the right

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way. Then it's all about communication. How can I get

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through to this person? How can I convince them? It could take years

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sometimes, you can't turn it around over overnight. Some people

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will take effort after effort,

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it will be patient persistence will pay off, you may get rebuked,

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you may get rejected. But at the end of the day, if that person

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comes on to guidance, if that person becomes guided, then the

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profit center loss I'm explained it as saying it is better for you

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than red candles, which were one of the best worldly assets, but he

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only he was only speaking about the worldly acids, that he was

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just trying to tell them from a worldly perspective. This is what

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you'll get. But otherwise from the arciero perspective Subhanallah

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that is perpetual rewards. You make somebody almost

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him for as long as that person remains

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alive and does good deeds. And then anybody he inspires. Converts

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are the best converters generally, because they've been through it.

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And they have already a circle around them that they can help.

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And so that's why so many people you work on one convert

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Subhanallah other people benefits and as all your reward, you are

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gone, there is no accounting software to keep track of this.

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There's no accounting software, this is Allah will look after all

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of this. The third one that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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mentioned. Now the L MoonJune. Differ OB he, it doesn't have to

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be just you conveying knowledge to somebody. Another way to do it is

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to marry it with the first one, the first category, you set up a

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Now you set up a school, you set up a doddle room, you set up an

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institute now, setting an institute is not a joke, it's not

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easy to so you contribute to one

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you will get according to your proportion. Somebody standing up

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you provide them support, you provide them assistance, whether

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that be monetary assistance, physical assistant moral

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assistance, technical assistance, whatever it may be, you may have

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cooked for them with your intention that this is for

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knowledge to be benefited from these people will study here and

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then they will benefit others

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huge amounts of rewards so many things that you can do so many

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things that you can do.

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Number three was welded on solid on year the ruler who is a

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righteous child that you leave behind that will make dua for you.

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There has to be a righteous child who has enough inclination in

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their heart

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to make dua for you.

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Subhanallah everybody's concerned about setting their children up.

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Right everybody, they will pay huge amounts of money recently I

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was speaking to somebody, they have three children in boarding

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schools 35,000 each.

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That is 105,000 a year. Just one of those child is probably being

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his fees is more than what I may make. Right? But people are

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willing to do that. They people are joining they're night and day

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together husband and wife away working so that they can pay

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special tuition fees for their children to study their suffering

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for 30 years, 20 years, 10 years whatever it is, they will suffer,

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they will undergo difficulties so that they can set their children

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up. Now if those children mashallah they may be set up, they

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may go to the highest universities, they may go to the

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most esteemed institutions, they may come out, and they may land

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their first job with three, you know, with 100,000 salary. But at

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the end of the day, Alhamdulillah that's great, you will be

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satisfied to see them. But if they don't care for you, after you pass

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away, then what is the point?

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Why would our children make dua for us after we die? Why would our

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children come and visit our grave after we die? Why would our

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children make something for us Ysidro Tharwa donating the reward

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of perpetual charity for us after we die? If they've never been

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taught how to do it? Are we going to leave that up for chance that

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maybe one day He will listen to a lecture, you will learn something

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he will realize and he will do something for me? If we haven't

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done this for our own parents, for our own deceased and family

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members? Why should they do anything for us? Where they're

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going to be to? Are we supposed to be teaching them? Are you going to

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leave it to the the mother as a teacher to teach them? I wouldn't

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risk that Alhamdulillah if the mothers are teaching them

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wonderful. If they don't, my I'm losing out if they don't, so I

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should be worried about this. That's why our holidays are coming

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up. And any holidays you can refer to why don't you do a project at

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home? For example? I mean, one of the things that was very easy lots

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of people have done

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and I know one family who did this is that you WT or my welfare trust

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or any other organ that's supporting an orphan.

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So what that what that what they what the mother did is that she

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asked all her children, how much would you like to contribute this

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you've got this orphan this is the this is the issue. They're living

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in Syria or whatever it is they're living, and they got nobody left.

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And so the they are basically struggling. They only cost two 300

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pounds a year or something like that. 300 pounds or something like

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that. How much would you like to convey all the children had a bit

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of saving? Okay, I'm going to give 20 I'm going to give 30 I'm going

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to give 70 Right? So they got everybody involved. Now every year

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you get a report about that child so all the children they read it

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and you feel good about it, are you actually supporting somebody

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there's a name now and everything. This is just a simple project that

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you can do at home with your children.

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These are just simple ideas I'm talking about. The other thing is

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which which we've done hamdulillah now family many other people have

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done as well and I've got to talk about this on on zum zum Academy,

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which is to Quran reading in your families. So for example, what we

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do is we

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Got a WhatsApp group that we've made for this, everybody in the

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beginning of the month, they take their super juice, they're super

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thorough. And by the end of the month, they're supposed to finish

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reading it, right? So whoever wants it's no obligation whoever

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wants and once they've done it, they tick it off that we've done

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it. So you get this listing every, every time on the seventh date of

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the day of the month, somebody is okay, I finished my Zoom. And then

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by the by the end, we encourage Come on, finish it off, if you

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can't finish it off, please give it up, somebody else will read it,

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no obligation whatsoever. And at the end of it, there's just a

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basic dua that the reward of all of this is for all of our deceased

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of our family, small acts, but Inshallah, if this continues,

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somebody is going to make dua for us, small small deeds like this,

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we have to teach our families these things. Otherwise, why would

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they do anything for us? If we have not taught it and why do we

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leave that up for chance, we're going to be disappearing from this

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world, we're going to have to go in sha Allah, if we set these

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things up investments in all of these places, then you'll be

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laughing, Inshallah, in your grave, until the day of judgment,

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and then on the day of judgment, because you will see all of these

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rewards that you will not even recognize and they just going to

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be multiplied. We're just reading the biography of Zubaydah milawa,

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and * Allah one. He had 1000 slaves that he had dedicated to go

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and work. And all they had to do is pay him a fee, at the end of

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the day, pay him a certain amount at the end of the day. All that he

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wouldn't allow to enter his house, he would distributed before he

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would go into his house every night 1000 slaves, that's, that's

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what he would do. Many people have done this, where they're wealthy

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people, they've got lots of property, they've got lots of

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assets, they've got businesses, I've seen this in South Africa.

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And in India, they would have dedicated a particular property a

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particular Estate, a particular business, in fact, they would have

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started the business in the first place, for the sake of this, all

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of this is going to go into charity.

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And then they you know, they set the whole business up, they just

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manage it in general, they get the you know, the salaries, they get

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salad, the people who work there, the employees, they get their

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salaries, but whatever the profit is, it goes into charity.

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Or this house that I've got this particular property I've got

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everything from there is going to go in charity, or he's going to go

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to this mattress or this institute, or this particular, you

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know, what you call relief organization, whatever, it's just

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easy, it's just like, a simpler way of doing a simple way for

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everybody that, you know, not everybody can set up businesses or

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dedicate whole rental homes, you know, for that kind of a thing.

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But everybody can say, okay, from my account, I'm gonna allow 10

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you know, certain amount, even five pounds, two pounds, maybe

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standing order to a particular charity. So one is we give to

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charities to meet meet an immediate concern. But the other

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one that we think about is for long term game. So one is an

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immediate investment, you want to turn something around quickly. But

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the other one is a long term investment. You set something up,

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as I said, you will not have the capability to set things up

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yourself. So contribute to somebody who is doing it. The

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options are multiple, there are so many ways of doing this. So

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let us think to ourselves today while we're speaking like

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genuinely, just think to yourself that if I am to die tomorrow, what

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have I set up?

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Forget how many days we've already done? That's another question. But

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if I am to die tomorrow, how will insha Allah my legacy continue?

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Have I set up investments or not? Do I have a perpetual charity? Do

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I have knowledge which is out there that people will continue to

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benefit from? And number three? Do I have children who will inshallah

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remember me? Because I've taught them in the right way. And I

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showed them how I remembered my parents, and my family members, my

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ancestors, will they do the same thing for me? See, when you think

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about it like that, then you can see how important that is. And the

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thing is that to maximize our chances, you should do a bit of

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everything. You don't want to put all your eggs in one basket, as

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they say, right? Although I don't think that any one of these Insha

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Allah, I don't think any one of these will come to loss. They'll

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all be profitable. But why not give some perpetual charity set up

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something help set up something, also do some knowledge based and

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number three, also teach our children which is our

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responsibility anyway? That is a very profound message. When I read

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this hadith and this hadith came up I think it was about two days

00:24:21 --> 00:24:24

ago. I have been thinking about this and said What have I done

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what have I done? What have I done? That will give me this how

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they set things up? And what else can I set up? This is a thought

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that must go through everybody's mind.

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May Allah subhanaw taala give us the Tofik May Allah subhanho wa

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Taala allow us to maximize our chances. And remember at the end

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of the day, this is all going to be based on Tofik from Allah

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subhanaw taala you may have an idea right now you may have been

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inspired. You may have want to do something by the time you get

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home. You just can't find a way that's why make a sincere dua to

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Allah subhanaw taala that oh Allah accept me for this kind of

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because then he will facilitate for us. Otherwise, you hear many

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inspirational talks, you get many ideas, but unfortunately, they

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come and go, and only the people who have Tofik actually take those

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ideas and make them a reality. There are many of us who have

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great ideas, whether they be worldly ideas or ideas for the

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hereafter, whether they be about charity or something else, but not

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everybody puts them into action. There's a concept of laziness,

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procrastination, I will do it, I will do it. But unfortunately,

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then people are unable to do it. Because

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life, issues of life, other matters, they make you forget,

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until the next time that somebody tells you something.

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But maybe somebody will not tell you something, maybe you will not

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be there. There's always people speaking about this, but it's

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about the fact that you were there at that time when that was being

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spoken about. It's all a matter of Tofik all of those factors coming

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together, Allah putting into the heart of somebody to speak about

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it, for you to be there to listen to it. And then after that, for

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you to want to do it, to be in the right frame of mind to actually

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absorb it and take it and do it. So many, so many factors in here,

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that makes it so confusing, but it's not difficult on Allah and

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that's why we cannot do this by ourself. You cannot do this by

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yourself. We can only do it by the Tofik of Allah if he wants us to

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do it. So the way to do it is to ask Allah, He gives us them, the

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him the resolve the ideas, and then the ability inshallah to make

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that effort to do it, whatever that may be. And we want Allah we

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want Allah to allow us to maximize our chances in this regard, so

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that maybe maybe maybe we will get into those people who will be

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not questioned before they enter the paradise and if not that, then

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at least inshallah we will have a good status on that day.

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On the Day of Judgment, insha Allah and be in the shade,

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be in the shade Insha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala give us a Tofik

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