Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Midlife Crisis

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The "med strict" situation is a "med strict" crisis where people desire to keep their marriage together but refuse to admit it. They describe it as a "med strict" situation and describe it as a "med strict" crisis. The "med strict" crisis is when people reach their "med strict" age and become "med strict" again. The "med strict" crisis is when people will divorce their spouse, but sometimes they will also divorce their spouse. The "med strict" crisis is when people reach their "med strict" age and become "med strict" again.
AI: Transcript ©
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Subhanallah Subhanallah This is talking about one brother over the

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other. I've had cases in the recent past, at least to husband

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and wife cases where the husband is doing something wrong haram

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haram flirting or maybe complete Zina in one case, probably

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completely another other one flirting for sure. And he wants

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his wife to tolerate it. He won't and she's saying, you know, she

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obviously wants to keep the marriage together. But he wants it

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that both cases he wants said that she doesn't say anything to him.

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She agrees with him. Does Madonna essentially, right? Doesn't say

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anything to him.

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He's willing to lose his kids over it.

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This is just the passion of the knifes

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over whelming one to such a degree that they're not thinking

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straight, he will regret it five years down the line 10 years down

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the line. After his head His pleasure is grown a bit older. And

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ajeeb achieved thing is that this is all happening in midlife. When

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you get to 14.

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I call this midlife crisis. I told the woman this I told the sister I

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said this a midlife crisis. Do we believe that in Islam, I said it's

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got nothing to do with faith. It's just the way you feel you've come

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to half your life. And some people, they just feel that their

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life hasn't been successful. They haven't had fun. So now they're

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looking for some weird fun, so they start acting like children.

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I'm not joking. This is this is an ajeeb age, you have to be careful

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when you're 40 is also mentally mature. But if you're wrong, and

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you just don't have the guidance, you will fall off. And you will do

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some crazy things and some people have lost a family.

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This is the case this is the time when people will divorce their

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their spouse, if they've had a seat. Sometimes people will bear

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it Barrett Barrett, they've got problems with their spouse, right

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genuine problems. Sometimes. It's when they get to this midlife age

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that they will finally have enough courage to take

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to take the step of divorce, whether that's from the wife or

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the husband,

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this is a very critical age.

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What do other people do in this age, some people they go and buy a

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Have fun.

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Some people they want to start traveling, I happen to know some

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people they want to maybe start smoking, just different things

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just you need something different at this time. I don't know if any

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of you have experiences where that age. But if you're if your focus

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is Allah, then this is the age when you will get closer to Allah

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achieve. This is the age when you will be in

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when you will be in spiritual crisis. If you don't think you're

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good enough with Allah subhanaw taala. That's where he member has

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already mentioned that anybody's if anybody's virtue and good does

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not overcome his evil by the age of 40, then he has less chance

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afterwards. Because he has a possibility at the age of 42. When

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I say 40 I don't mean bang on dot age 40. Like you know, it's around

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that. And remember, you become 14 Islam before you become 14 in a

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Gregorian sense. In about 3039 You'll start feeling this, it's

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that period

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if you get past this, Mashallah. But it's a time when you should

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use it to get closer to Allah,

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spiritual crisis, find somebody to help you

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read the Artola Sama, one of the most powerful was that

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there's two doors that I always like to make, right, that I found

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to be extremely useful.

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One Allahumma zakenna hubback will help me and Fermina herba who are

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in the UK,

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of Allah grant us your love, and the love of those whose love will

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benefit us by you. Which means good company, which means good

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company. This is Subhanallah It has helped me it's a very powerful

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tool and so very important. I if somebody asked me, you know, I

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hate this question. What's your favorite Hadith? What's your

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favorite Quranic verse? You know, some people, they kind of reduce

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it down to that. I don't like that idea. But it's only asked me

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what's your favorite toy? This is one of them. And the other one is

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Robina hablan. I mean, as well as in our theory, Tina Kurata. Ian,

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where's your Anna Tina Inaba.

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Our Lord, grant us from our spouses, those that gladden our

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eyes and from our children.

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So wife can make it for Husband Husband can make it for wife, he

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says as much wives whatever, right? Whatever the connotations

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and from a

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Our children, from our progeny prejudice into the Day of

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Judgment. So if we don't even see our progeny, progeny be beyond the

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second generation, on the Day of Judgment, Inshallah, when we get

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up, we'll have these 1000s of people, maybe millions of progeny,

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who knows that we're glad in our eyes, because Allah would have

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accepted them for something so wonderful. Those two are very

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powerful, though, as I believe, one for yourself, and one for you,

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too. It's all about St. Karma, isn't it? It's all about

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steadfastness. In this world, it's all about negotiating the problems

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in this world. That's our biggest challenge. That is our challenge.

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Because it's a matter of Tofik for Allah subhanaw taala, he just has

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to remove his assistance, his care, his attention, and then a

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person will naturally just

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inclined towards the dunya. And that's essentially one meaning of

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the love, which means here we learn elder law means to leave

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somebody to stray Kaitlan essentially what it is, is to

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forsake when he forsakes them, removes his mercy from them

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removes his attention from them, then they are naturally going to

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just sway towards the dunya because that is

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the human shadow.

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zillion and nasty how Boucher hurts when you say we've been in

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welcome healthier and more control over them.

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I mean, fidgety. And while cannot even makan 30 minute, the heavy

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oil filter and all of these things that Allah subhanaw taala

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mentioned as as challenges for us. So those two to us, very

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important. So this midlife crisis is just an natural experience that

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people have. Right? Not everybody has to have it, you might not feel

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it. Right? You may not experience it. But if you do see yourself

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acting weird at the age of 40. around that age, where you want to

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do something radical, maybe this might these words may help. I

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don't know. I'm hoping because sometimes a person doesn't know

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what they're doing. And after dealing with a lot of people for

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many years, I see that this age is that weird age. That's why I

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mentioned it spontaneously to this to this system, which is is that

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Islamic even to think that way. It's a reality. It's a phenomenon.

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It's a reality. It's got nothing to do with an ideology, or a

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religion. It's just the way people are La Ilaha illa Allah protect

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us, Allah help us

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