Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Masjid alAqsa Calling You

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes various sites and locations, including Jericho, beta lamb, and Mount olives, where sites are classified as historic. The Alon, a church, is recited names of God while on a tour of a church. The Alon had to take their shoes off straightaway due to a rubbish dump, but they met an incapacily and had to take their shoes off.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam

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ala UD mursaleen while he was Safi, he he marine and buried

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Alhamdulillah after being here for the last few days,

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in Masjid, Luxa in Jerusalem and in these blessed places

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Alhamdulillah I just want to give a quick round up. And the whole

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purpose of this is to actually encourage all those brothers and

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sisters who live in countries that would be allowed to come and visit

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here without too much difficulty. So the whole purpose of this is

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just to encourage you, because, yes, there was difficulty for us

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at the airport. Numerous people think that because there's so many

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problems here, that it's scary to go there, but Alhamdulillah

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hamdulillah if you listen to the Palestinians, they get so excited,

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and so happy and so satisfied when people from other countries they

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come here, in fact inshallah for the people from the West, they

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love the people from the West because we're allowed to go and

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people do come here. Yes, there's difficulty we had to spend between

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some the older fault they got inside very quickly at the airport

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in Tel Aviv. Many of the brothers had to stay around for brothers

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and young sisters had to stay around for about four hours, but

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by about six to six and a half hours Hamdulillah we were all out.

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Yes, that was difficult. But getting into these lands has never

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been easy. Musa alayhis salam had to wait for his people had to wait

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for 40 years to get back 40 years to get inside. In fact, Musa Islam

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didn't even make it inside. And that's why the Hadith mentions

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that he wanted to then die at least a stone throws away. And

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thus he died and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I

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can actually point out his grave to you, which is by this red hill.

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So it's never been easy for anybody but well hamdulillah one

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thing is that we've got mashallah many older men and women with us,

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you know, people who get tired after walking a bit and so on so

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forth. But Al Hamdulillah once you get inside the facility of the

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hotels, decent food is decent or Hamdulillah. And you go into the

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masjid for foreigners, they don't hassle you too much at all. Once

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you get inside, it's only a bit of hassle at the airport. Otherwise,

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as long as you behave yourself that there's actually no hassle

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whatsoever. So hamdulillah for example, today, we went to Jericho

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we went to beta lamb and the Mufti of beta lamb, which is Bethlehem,

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took us around and showed us showed us the number of places

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that are of significance there. And we went to them one of the

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oldest in habitations in the world, which is Jericho, that is

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below sea level, we quickly pass through the Dead Sea, and we went

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possibly school Qumran, but we didn't, we didn't go there. That's

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where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. And we saw a number of a

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number of other places the maqam of Musa alayhis salam, that's not

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where he's buried, but he passed by there he was there. And that's

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why they've made a special kind of spot there with a masjid and so

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on, so forth. And now we're actually on Mount olives. And

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actually behind me, you can see this wonderful picture of the

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whole of Masjid Luxa. I just want to clarify something very quickly.

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Many of us think that musty Luxa is this building only on the

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extreme left of this enclosed walled city, this enclosed walled

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city, sorry, the enclosed walled city all the way around, that's

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Old Jerusalem. And this top part here that extends from these walls

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here, all the way to the back to the end of those trees. That is

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all Masjid Luxor. So within this whole Masjid Al Aqsa, they've got

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this building at the front which is called the Tivoli mosque. That

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is generally known today as Masjid Luxa. And then you've got the Dome

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of the Rock. Now I know anytime the Dome of the Rock has shown

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people get a bit you know upset that why do they keep showing Dome

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of the Rock the Dome of the Rock was the first building here. And

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it was Amara, the Allahu Anhu that actually clean this spot out

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because the Christians they have the Holy separate separate church

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which is actually behind you. It's very difficult to make it out from

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here, but it's behind there with those two main domes out there.

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That's what they had all built up and this entire area was just a

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rubbish dump. So, Amara, the Alon came. And he asked Where should I

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you know clear a spot and start, you know, the place of a masjid.

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So initially caught up about who was with him, he suggested that he

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do it behind the rock, the rock is under the cookbook to Sahara and

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under that dome, that's where the rock is. It's holds very great

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significance among a number of different people. So he said there

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but I'm going to be alone said no, I'm going to make it at the front

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because kava bar is idea was that if you make the mustard behind

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that behind the Dome of the Rock, then you will be facing to the

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dough to the rock and to Makkah Makara Rama So Omar the Allahu

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Anhu said to him that you still have some yahoodi hitting you that

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you want to do that. So he started it off towards the front. These

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buildings obviously are from later times Abdulmalik number one time

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the marijuana times. But this whole thing is a masjid. So

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initially when you would come into any of those gates of the masjid,

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you'd have to take your shoes off straightaway. Now you they don't

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make you do that. But all of that

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up anywhere in that is the Masjid. So that needs to be clearly

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understood that the whole place has a lot of significant sound.

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And mashallah, as you can see this, there are issues that take

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place, but we met an imam in a place called hellhole yesterday,

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where eurosai Islam was supposed to have stopped there and stayed

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there for a whole year. Mashallah, if you heard the story of this

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Imam, you know, you'd be crying because of how, you know fortunate

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we are, because he really hit home to most of us. He said that he has

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not been able to come and visit mercy Luxa even though it is just

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less than an hour's drive away, he hasn't been able to visit Massey

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Luxa for 25 years. And he says, I can't even expect to go now

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because number one, they don't give permission for people in the

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West Bank to come unless they're over 50. And if you have a record

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where you've been in prison before for anything, then you can't ever

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get that permission. So for 25 years, he has not been too mushy

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Luxor right now Hamdulillah. The amount of Maghrib has just

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started. So inshallah we are going to go to pages are Kamala Harris.

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I really encourage you all, to try to come and visit this beautiful

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place. Just like Kamala Harris

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