Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Making Sense of the 73 Sects and the Ahl alSunna wa’lJama’a
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if we look at the various different sects, in light of the
Hadith that we just looked at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said that this ummah will
separate into 73 sects. Now, what are these 73 sects have there? Has
there been anybody who's actually listed all of them who's done a
study of history and listed all of them? Absolutely. It's happened
many times. In fact, they did this as earlier on as the fourth and
fifth century. In fact, I would consider the fifth century 400,
and something to be one of the years of the greatest development.
Some say that a lot of the sectarian stuff came up when,
during when the conquest of Islam stopped. When the conquest by the
Muslims stopped and people were lazy, they decided to take on
different ideologies, they decided to bicker between them. And this
gave rise to much of this ideological dissension that we see
Allah knows best. That is.
If we look at the various sectarians, you have Abdullah Al
Baghdadi, Shara Stanyan,
others who've tried to
list the 73 sects. Now, from what we studied, we've seen about 56789
sects, but the thing is that if you look at the martyrs, the
lights, they divided into about 10 different sects and
very different from each other. The thing that unites them all,
were maybe some of the faith principles, rational approach to
But it got to such a level that some of them even considered other
sects within the martyrs delights to be Garfield to be out of the
fold of Islam. That's how serious it became even between them. If
you look at the Shiites, you have everything from people who
consider the Oliver the Allahu Akbar, God, Allah. And when he had
some of these people burned, that reinforced their faith, because
they said only Allah can punish it with fire, and thus you must be
Allah. So you had people at that extreme, and then others who said
that he was the rightful Prophet and then others said he was the
rightful first leaf, to the level of those who have mine to show
you, as they call it, which is that they just prefer it to the
alarm over with one or the other. They believe that responder the
alarm is the rightful third belief and added to the honor is the
fourth Khalif, but in terms of personal virtue, it really alone
is superior to Earthman whereas the majority opinion there is that
with the man or the Allah one has greater virtue than it with the
Alonso individually speaking, though individual speak in terms
of individual virtue, it really alone may have a virtue like
bravery, which was more than a bucket of the islands virtue of
bravery, likewise, with humanity alone may have a level of higher
which may be higher than the level of aroma or the Allah in that
regard. But collectively speaking, in terms of collective virtue, Abu
Bakr is the most superior, followed by Omar followed by
Earthman, followed by Ali Radi Allahu Anhu. Marine
Sheikh Khalid Mohammed, Sahara and booty in his commentary on this
hadith in Abu Dawood, he says a very interesting thing, which
really sums up because you're talking about Abdullah Al Baghdadi
from Baghdadi from the fifth century,
if no hasn't been is Mohalla from earlier, who's writing about the
73 sects after that, so many sects have appeared, and so many
probably will continue to appear until the hereafter. So if you
were to record every single, small, large, great set, you've
probably come up with hundreds. So what does this hadith mean?
The thing is that whenever somebody makes a statement, they
have a criteria in mind. There's a certain criteria in mind, when the
prophets of Allah Islam said this, there must have been some criteria
in mind. Nobody asked him exactly. Nobody asked him, How big will the
SEC be, or each of these sets how strong will they be? How powerful
How long will they endure for nobody really asked him. So now
it's a matter of HDR to determine exactly who these 73 sets are,
that were referred to by the Prophet sallallahu Sallam clearly,
there is a overarching message in this sectarianism is wrong, and
the only saved sect will be the one that is on the path of my
sunnah and that of my companions.
So what Monica Lena when Sahara and booty says is that the
prophets Allah ism had a proper criteria in mind of a certain kind
of sect that would have a certain kind
of influence, a certain number of amount of following. And only
Allah knows exactly what that refers to. But we can say for
sure, based on this hadith that there will be 73 Such sets of a
quantifiable nature as that. But if you can't every single variant
ideology, then clearly they will live, they will move into
hundreds. So I think we'll have to leave it at that. And we just have
to try to stick to that, which is the Sunnah and the Jamar. That's
where this name and Asuna will Gemma have formed? So it's based
on the Hadith. So it's not an innovation, but that's what it is
Arsenal Gemma.
And today the fight is that who is the Arsenal drummer that
everybody's fighting to be in that Allison novel? Gemma?
Can you consider the * to be careful?
This is a discussion that will have more in detail when it comes
to the issue of the career. But in general,
it's very difficult to consider
all innovators in ideology. This is a new concept in the sense that
we normally understand innovation in action in deeds, innovation in
But there is also an innovation in Aqeedah. And such innovation until
it doesn't lead to kufr is an innovation is an abhorrent
reprehensible innovation.
That's why you don't see that the majority of orlimar considered,
for example, all the Shiites to be careful, those who are extreme
among them that led to Kufri beliefs, or that held Kufri
beliefs, they were clearly labeled Gaffer, those of the martyrs the
lights, the aroma of the Maharana transaksi Aina, they considered a
group of them consider the martyrs like Scarface that's because the
delights of that area
human to be absolutely independent in his actions,
which is highly abhorrent opinion, which means taking Allah subhanaw
taala out of the picture there. Whereas others may have not
reached that level of innovation of of ideological divergence, and
thus, they were just innovators. That's why there's no no blanket
fatwa, from the majority of scholars of any given time that
all monitors they like to look after, despite all of these
strange opinions of this, because
it's very dangerous to do prefer to do the fear of somebody. So
that's something we'll cover more in detail in the tech field
section. But this is just to put us put things in perspective, if
you're ever asked about a particular group, unless that
group has been known to have a clear, explicit belief that is
absolute disbelief. And the other might have agreed to that, for
example, the Qadiani is that's a fatwa that's given by everybody,
that unless it's a group like that, which is clearly out of the
fold of Islam, you would rather say that if somebody holds this
belief, for example, if somebody holds the belief that swearing at
the Sahaba is permissible, then that's Cofer. So that is the way
the element normally responded. If anybody believes that Allah has
human form, then that's Cofer.
Right, that's Cofer. If anybody believes that, Allah subhanaw
taala does not know the particulars of things. He only
knows the universals of things that Schofer so you'd rather give
an answer
on the actual Kufri belief rather than condemn an entire group
unless an entire group has been absolutely known to hold explicit