Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Maintaining Iman After Ramadan

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the benefits of using digital media to boost confidence and strengthen one's faith. They explain that digital media can help boost
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam ala say you didn't mousseline what are the

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early he was so happy he or Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman,

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Catherine Elomi. Dean Amma Barrett

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Alhamdulillah, Allah subhanaw taala has given us the Tofik to

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complete this Ramadan that we've just gone past. And we ask Allah

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subhanaw taala that he make this Ramadan a source of blessing, not

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just for the next few weeks the next few months but in sha Allah

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for the rest of our lives. The way I see Ramadan with all of the

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extra that Allah subhanaw taala provides during the month of

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Ramadan, that if we are at level two,

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if we are at a level two, when it came to before Ramadan, or we were

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just say we were at level one before Ramadan, then what Ramadan

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helps us to do with the shaytaan being away the doors are gender

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being opened the immense amount of mercy and blessing that's coming

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down. And also the doors of hellfire being closed, it becomes

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more difficult to do sin easier to get to Allah subhana wa Tada. And

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you know, everybody else is doing the same thing. So if we've been

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at level one in our iman because you're not human fluctuates up and

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down. If we've been in Iman level one, then what Ramadan helps us to

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do is Ramadan helps us to get boosted up to level 234 Or five

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depending on how much effort we've placed in it. The very practical

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way of looking at understanding this. Now what happens is that if

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after Ramadan if we're just going to make a change just for Ramadan,

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and then after Ramadan, we're going to go back to normal

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literally. And some people actually just feel that, you know,

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Ramadan, we've had to change our schedule and everything. I

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couldn't do this, that and the other, however, went now that

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Ramadan is finished, I can go back to doing everything, you know, I

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can have the same time that I had before Ramadan to go back to my

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pursuits, and take all the worship, leave all the worship

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away. That's where we become. That's where we get a

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misunderstanding here. And the reason is that Ramadan is to boost

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us up. So we've we had level one, we went to level 234 Or five or

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even beyond. after Ramadan, we mustn't come back to level one.

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Because if we do, then we haven't had the perceived benefits.

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Because what you have to remember in Islam is that worships are not

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there just purely for the sake of a few days of entertainment, a few

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days of worship a few days of effort. The idea is that it helps

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us to in to increase and enhance ourselves for afterwards. These

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are excuses for enhancement, they're not just for the moment.

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So even when it's hudge the what's mentioned by the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that hajj is the accepted Hodges

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the Mirage and the sign of that basically, as the Anima have

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explained is that you come back and you're different, you're

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changed. So if a person goes for Hajj and does a lot of worship

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down there, yes, it's beneficial but comes back and then goes back

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to doing the same thing then there's not as much benefit that's

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perceived. Same thing with Ramadan, we don't want to go back

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to one.

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The idea is that if we can't stay let's just say in Ramadan, we

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reached level four in our iman after Ramadan, if we can't

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maintain level four, that's understandable because now the

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shade vine is back out and the same kind of environment is not

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there. However, we don't want to fall back to number one either. So

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okay, let's go down to number three, maybe number two, number

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two and half one and a half, but at least more than one that is

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important. And the only way we can do this is to continue some of the

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worships that we've been doing during the month of Ramadan

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because you need that to help us because it's only internally that

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we need to bolster and boost ourselves so that we can act our

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faith and the way to do that is to read continue to read some Quran

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okay, if you can't read three just a day or two pages a day you can't

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finish two Quran in a month as you did in Ramadan well maybe you can

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you can you can finish one in a month after Ramadan maybe maybe

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one in two months, but at least you're doing something you know

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even if it's a few pages that you're reading of the Quran so

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that is the first point do not go back if you are level one don't go

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back to level one at least stay one and a half to two so that when

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next Ramadan comes then we are at level two insha Allah and then

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Ramadan we get boosted up to three four or five or six and then after

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the next Ramadan, then we come down to level three if we do come

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down, but not back to level two, so that way every year we're

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becoming better inshallah we're becoming better. So the whole idea

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is not that we just go up and then come back down. This is generally

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what happens after Ramadan.

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Immediate days sometimes the worst part is the day of Eid because

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some people just think they've got so much freedom and shaitan comes

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back out. He wants to help us to delete everything that we've done

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during the month of Ramadan. And numerous people have said that

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that's what has happened. They lost everything they've done in

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the month of Ramadan, right on the day of Eid. However, if we're

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careful in sha Allah and we put a few actions in place, you can't

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expect to maintain your level of Eman inside without doing

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anything. You know whatever's happened.

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normally is not going to benefit you until you unless you continue

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to to keep something of that which is the profit or loss and tells us

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to fast six days of Shawwal they can be kept anytime during the six

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anytime during Chawan they can be kept together they can be kept

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separate right but they have to be kept separately from Kava Kava and

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these six are different

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have to be separate otherwise you won't get the reward for the six.

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So, that is what we want to maintain for after the month of

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Ramadan. The benefit of that is that it Ramadan has then been

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beneficial for us

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