Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Looking After Parents in Old Age

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of helping parents in their decision-making process, as it is essential for their children to grow up in a healthy and prosperous environment. They emphasize the need to stop praying for something that should happen to them and allow others to help. The speaker also mentions the importance of helping parents in their decision-making process to allow others to take part in their decision-making process.
AI: Transcript ©
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Parents had to gain gender in the hereafter to make a resolution of

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love and kedma for parents, neighbors, that's there's no doubt

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about that one. Right, that's something that we definitely need

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to do. Right. And,

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you know, I can't even start going into the virtues of that. I know

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that it's difficult sometimes. Because you know, you've got your

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own job, you've got your own children, you've got your own

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families, you've got your own home sometimes. And then your parents

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need help.

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So you have to help them. And for that you need to prepare if you

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don't have parents that you need to help from now I'm already

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thinking about it. I already been through with my mother who passed

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away, Rahim Allah, but I'm just thinking, that oh Allah give me

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from now I'm thinking about this, that gives me from now, the

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ability to help my father, right? When he comes of the age, the

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ability to do his kedma May Allah subhanaw taala give me mafia until

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his last day. That's what I'm saying. But Allah give me the

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strength to help who I need to help. You need to stop praying for

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this from now, looking at the virtues of this for now, because

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this is a cycle. If it's going to happen to them, it could happen to

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us. If we're going to feel all high and mighty and independent

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right now. Basically, weakness is going to destroy us. Right? It's

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going to defeat us, once we get weak and sick, may Allah protect.

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But if somebody's acted, arrogantly, it's very possible.

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I've seen this so many times, there are people who've been so

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aloof. So in seemingly independent thinking, they've got nothing to

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contribute to anybody else. You know, they were just selfish. But

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when they became sick, you could see how defeated they were. The

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way they spoke to people changed. Right, they became so much softer

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in their discussions with others, because before they were arrogant.

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So you have to think about this, and especially with our parents,

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it's our responsibility. We have to at least repay them for

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bringing it up bringing bringing us up from you know, the

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embryonic, say, through the embryonic stage that the mother

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has to go through the pregnancy. And then beyond that, there's no

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doubt about it. I mean, it's like a no brainer to think about this.

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But it is difficult because we were selfish, and we're busy about

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with other things. And then the family starts

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this rivalry, not rivalry, but there's actually then arguments,

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okay, no, you I am doing everything, you're not doing

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anything. And that's really bad as well, that sometimes, you know, we

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just leave it to one brother or one sister. We need to take part

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as much as by Okay, somebody may be in a better position to do

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because maybe they live in the house. But we need to help to give

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them relief so that they find it easy otherwise. I've seen in

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families where there's one son with his wife was looking after

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his mother. Right? But then if that goes on for 20 years, that's

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a lot of time. So if nobody else is taking part, like okay, I'll

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take for the weekend. I'll help out this time. If it's an

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appointment, I'll take him out. I'll do this. I'll do that. Okay,

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they'll stay with you. But I'm going to help and bring some food

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sometimes or whatever. That's understandable. Then you actually

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lightening their burden. They'll still do the bulk of the task, but

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there'll be lighting, you'll be lightening their burden. So it has

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to be collaborative in that sense.

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