Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Life of Junaid Jamshed

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam and the success of pop stars in bringing people to their hearts and bringing attention to their fees is discussed. The music industry is largely focused on Junaid Jamshed, and the "hipping" and "Grely" aspects of the music industry are largely focused on. The importance of shattering the message of Islam and leaving it is emphasized, as a loss of Islam's son leads to a "roak of the world" and a "roak of the world" that is the one who dies in a strange accident.
AI: Transcript ©
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Probably one of the most successful pop stars of the time.

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he dies at a young age now,

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he could have continued to be a pop star, many pop stars continue,

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they don't leave. You get intoxicated in that state, the

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culture that it brings you, the so called honor and the fame, that it

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brings you the money that it brings you the access and the

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influence, that such a thing opens up for you. They're intoxicants,

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they're very difficult to get out of.

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However, religion and the love of Allah is greater than all of these

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things. And that is what will help a person to come away from this.

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He passes away, praising the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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going out in his path.

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And subhanAllah he's infused, he leaves his music.

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And Allah subhanaw taala gives him a replacement, that is able to use

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this great voice of his and in history, we've had this so many

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times when some of the scholars would hear a singer that had a

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very good voice because the voice is in itself a gift of Allah

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subhanho wa taala. Just like intellect is a gift of Allah

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subhanaw taala.

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Just like strength is the gift of Allah subhanaw taala now a person

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can take that and use it in the right way. Or he can use it in the

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wrong way. You think crooks are not intelligent, you think they're

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losers, very intelligent, but they've decided to use it in

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different way to hack people's accounts, steal credit card

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numbers. That's basically what they do. That same intellectual

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person could have done something else for the welfare of mankind

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could have designed so it could have been an Imperial College or

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Cambridge or somewhere and did something else. So the

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intelligence Allah gives to people and then it's up to you how you

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use these things. Everybody has a very unique personality

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characteristics. And Allah gives you various different faculties.

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So now, there's been many times in history where somebody had

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mentioned that What beautiful voice he has, if only he would

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have used it for the Quran. Only if you would have infused and

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beautify the hearts of people with something so enduring as the

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Quran, which really beautifies the mind and inspires the heart. So

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alhamdulillah that's what Allah subhanaw taala has given this

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numerous other eulogies that have been provided for him that are

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much more in depth, I want to focus on something else, some of

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his works. For example, they'll Buddle there that one then there's

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the other one about

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going to the the

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what you call that the militarism very very emotional very emotion

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anybody who's really thinks about those it helps them a lot. It

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helps them a lot it's his voice as mashallah infused the the thought

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of these great things made brought a lot of people closer to the dean

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and the religion.

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I met him a few times, but I didn't have too much of a personal

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relationship with them. I never had the opportunity to though my

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two brothers they have had because Monotribe when he was he's

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his the first album of Junaid Jamshed the first time I think the

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second and probably the third one as well. They're the ones who

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worked on it and and launched it. So he had very close contact with

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him. And then my other brother who's in America right now is

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alpha Law Center. He's invited him over there and he had a personal

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communication with Junaid Jamshed as well he tells us that he had

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great o'clock. Very humble person, if you spoke to him, he he's not

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arrogant with all the even after he left his music and came into

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Halal music as such, and became a not singer or a machine singer,

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whatever you want to call it, right? He

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people like this generally generally speaking, on the high

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horse, they don't have to speak to every time Abu Bakr and Zaid on

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the street, they can they can really be restricted to who they

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speak to just being whizzing in and out. This is unfortunately,

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what this thing brings about. However, he was very humble, he

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would speak to whoever it is very humble. And my brother says that

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sometimes he'd even say a few things that were a bit a bit

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strict and he would he would just listen He would just take it he

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had a lot of respect for Allah ma anyway to start with. But even

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with normal people, he was very, very respectful. This goes to show

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that you can be famous, but if you have a flock which is most

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important, then that is how you win the hearts of people. And that

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is what people will remember afterwards. People will remember

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your softness, your greatness and your personal interaction, not how

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much knowledge you may have had all the time, not how much fame

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you enjoyed, not how much other how many other achievements you

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had in this world.

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Now if you look at his past to leave such a career, like Imam

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Ghazali leaves his position as one of the main teachers and directors

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and highest

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position of teaching in the new Gambia college have, it's time to

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just give it all up when it was one of the most coveted positions.

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That's a big deal. Not everybody can do that. The only way you

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could do that is I believe, if you are feeling demoralized in your

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current situation. So while you're a pop star, while you're enjoying

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all of this fame, and influence and everything else, all the glitz

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that it brings you and the stardom and everything else, you must be

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feeling disquietude, an estrangement, a wash it in Arabic,

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you must be feeling that for you to leave it. If you're very

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comfortable in that position, why would you leave it? You only leave

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something when something pushes you away, when it doesn't fulfill

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you in such a way in some way or the other that's fulfilling

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basically, there must have been a loneliness. There must have been

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an imminent we believe this because it's all shaytaan it's all

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darkness. There definitely was a loneliness and emptiness.

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Darkness in fact,

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and then he's he leaves that for you have to have something that

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can replace that. And for him, it was religion.

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That gave him that replacement, where he meant Allah subhanaw

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taala replaced everything that he was doing haram with halal.

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What I find from here is that this should be a lesson for people who

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are doing things like this in the world, who are engaged in things

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that they wouldn't like to die doing, change that state and do

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something different. What the Hadith mentions that I quoted

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earlier, which is related by Imam Muhammad even know humble that the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that anybody who Allah

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subhanaw taala intends good with

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virtue four wants to give him some credit

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is that a mother who

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uses him employ similar service accepts him for some grandma

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makes him do something that gives him divine enablement. Star mother

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who or Isola who same thing sweetens the deal somehow for him.

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And so what does that mean? So the prophets Allah some replied, He

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said, He gives this person the divine enablement to do something

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by which people become happy and satisfied with them.

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Alright, shatter the Allahu anha she saw a person who did something

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very great or had some good deeds. So she said

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that workone or MaryLu she, she read the verse This isn't recycled

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Buhari, she read the verse in the Quran. We're calling Emmylou fossa

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Allahu Allah Kumara, Sulu, who will not be known. We can not do

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desert care, we cannot purify anybody and say he is definitely

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like this or that. We say it based on dominant opinion, because the

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province of Assam has said that people are the witness for people

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when they pass away to a certain degree. For example, Janessa went

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past the process at wager but watch a bit.

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they said good things about him. He asked to be when they said Good

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thing he said whichever torture but which means that paradise is

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necessary for him or successes, salvation he's received, right?

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Another person ethna they didn't praise him, but they said bad

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things about him. And he said, well, but torture. But so then the

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whole point of that was that to some degree to some degree, the

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way we're seen by people is assign not for sure, not 100% Because

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people can then change. But generally speaking like that, we

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have this hadith, and Allah says in the Quran Wakulla Malou. And

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this is what I showed the quoted, continue to do your actions,

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continue in your deeds.

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What Kalia Malou do deeds continue doing your deeds, Allah will look

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at them, of course, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam because our

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deeds are presented Professor lorrison and the believers will

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not be known. So that that is another way of saying that I'm not

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going to I don't have to make a judgment but you continue it's an

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encouragement to do the good deeds. So

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one of the most interesting things is that he is given who knew he

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was going to die at this age, there's only 50 or so who knew he

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was going to die at this age nobody expects to die they when

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you get to 6070 then people expect to die but 50 you don't and

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mashallah he's moving around going different places in the path of

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Allah subhanaw taala with his spouse, Mashallah. And on his on

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his way back, he passes away but before that he's given the ability

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to do this wonderful deed to change because imagine if he had

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not changed and he had died, because he was still traveling

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around in those days as well. That is the most that is the greatest

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thing that

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He dies at a young age not expecting today. And Masha Allah,

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Allah subhanaw taala has given so this hadith is what came to my

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mind when this happened, that Allah gave him the ability before

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his death, to make this change, build up a big bank account, in a

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sense, build up a big balance of all his good deeds. Imagine how

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many people he has infused, you know, with the love of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam Love of Allah bring him back to the deen.

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And it was not just the performer, he would go out in public, you

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know, free, you know, not not just performing everywhere, but giving

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bringing in people to the faith and to be close to the faith. And

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now, it's happened with numerous people that before they die

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somehow they say certain things that are very relevant to the fact

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that they're going to die and maybe they don't even realize it.

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And thus, I'm sure many of you have heard of Mufti Taqi with

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minor Hymel.

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Damnit baraka to him. He also mentioned this as well, that in

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one of his final one of the speeches, I think it's online as

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well, that he gave, he actually said, Let's make a DUA, and the

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die is that oh, well, one of the first was he made it so Allah give

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us death in your path. Little did he know that the next day that is

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exactly what's going to happen. Very relevant. You think he knew?

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Right? It's almost like he knew and this kind of incident has

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happened with numerous people like that.

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And the other thing is, that in the Joomla, before that, that he

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led he read these verses la taxable Nila Lena Cuttino visa vie

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de la Huerta

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do not fall for even an instance never, ever considered that those

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people who died in the path of Allah subhanaw taala are dead, but

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they are very much alive and they are being sustained by their Lord.

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And we already know that anybody who dies in an accident, who dies

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by drowning, who dies by being crushed, who dies in a fire.

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There's approximately 70 categories mentioned in the

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Hadith, about the shahidul akhira. They may not be shade of the

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world, because shade of the world is the one who dies fighting in

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the path of Allah. But the one who dies in one of these freak

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accident strange accidents or whatever they are also even a

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woman dies in pregnancy. Shaheed as well. But here you've got

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somebody who dies in one of these strange accidents. And he is in

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the path of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So, that is an addition to the fact that he's a shade is all in

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the also he's a shade of the Astra but also in the path of Allah

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subhanaw taala.

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The way I look at this is that this is a wake up call for all of

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us because any of us could die. Dying in a plane crash, they say

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dying in planes is more seldom than dying in a car accident.

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Strange as it sounds, you're they're suspended in the air

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flying through the air. But planes are supposed to be by statistics,

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through statistic planes are supposed to be safer than, than

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than cars. There are way more accidents that you could die in in

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a car accident or be bruised or something then in the plane. Very

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seldom I know it's Pakistan here, right? But Allah, right, but that

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that is the statistic, it's a wake up call for a lot of us and

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especially people out there who are who are like him who start who

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are still in the business, or in a similar business, that they

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wouldn't be very happy to stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala with

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those kinds of people,

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that they should also try to think of this and change and use this as

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a role model. Because he managed to benefit so many people just

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before he died in the province that Allah, Allah used him. And we

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can only say that this is what we think. And another thing is that

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why him so many other people, but why him? And as other speakers

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have also mentioned some of the reasons of why he came out and

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some of the specific points he had that were very different to other

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people in his field. Right? I just want to relate to something that

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if you look at all of the arch enemies of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam in the early Makkah period.

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And I've not done any exhaustive study on this, but there's only

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one person that comes to mind that actually became a Muslim

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afterwards. And you know who that is? Abu Sufian Can you think of

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anybody else?

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Abu Jamal, Abu Lahab, this Omiya and all of these they died in

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cofre, but abou Soufiane are the Allah one.

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He eventually gets Islam.

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And what's very interesting is that if you look at his biography,

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and if you read more about him

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there's a very interesting story related about Tim, that I believe

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it was when hubba beadnell Rot where the hola Juan was being

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killed by the enemies at that time, a booster

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found was there with more IVR or the hola Juan as a young child at

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that time, infant baby toddler. And

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when hubbub are the hola Juan mentioned his poem and whenever

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what his final words, which was like a DUA,

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Abu Sufian grabbed more out of the Hola, Juan, right? And he's a non

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Muslim at the time, and he just dived to the ground. It's almost

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like you know, when a bomb explodes, a grenade explodes,

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you're supposed to dive to the ground, because generally when the

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explosion takes place, it takes place like that. Right? So if

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you're as close to the ground, you will be safe from the shrapnel or

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whatever. They used to believe that when a curse came about a bad

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da, then if you hit the ground, you will be safe.

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ajeeb and that's what he did. But look later he becomes a Muslim

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hint who

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choose chewed on the heart of Hamza, the liver and etc, of

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Hamza, the Allahu, and she becomes a Muslim.

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Subhanallah right. So there has to be something, some good deeds that

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Allah subhanaw taala That's why they say the question that arises,

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Amara, the Allahu on when he that day when he was an enemy of the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam he set out to kill the Prophet sallahu

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Sonam what was he in the law? What was he considered to be by Allah

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subhanaw taala say that he was a believer and beloved to Allah

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subhanaw taala even on that day, because Allah knew what was gonna

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happen in the future. So there are people who Allah who will give the

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Tofik to they have a mashallah good ending, right which matters

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the most, which is the significant factor here in the mala Mala will

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have a team so regardless how they spent their life they've got some

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goodness in them that goodness will grow inshallah and one day

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will happen. So this the lesson teaches us that whatever you may

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be doing today,

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always, always keep a window open to Allah subhanaw taala and try to

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focus on the bit of good even if you think it's difficult for you

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to do all good, but at least try to do some good and Inshallah, one

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day Allah will bring out the fruits of this and you will reap

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the crops of this. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the Tofik

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May Allah subhanaw taala

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bless him and his family to the highest in the highest levels of

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Jannah make the rest of the stages of the Hereafter easy for them and

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those who have left behind their children etc. May Allah subhanaw

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taala grant them the ability in the Tofik to further the work that

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he had started following Suzanne make this an inspiration for a lot

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of the other people who used to hold him as a role model, and even

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those who didn't, but could follow his path and make him an

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inspiration after the dot $100 Bill Atomy

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