Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Knowing Allah through the Qur’an

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning the Quran and the meaning of "the source of light" to increase one's understanding of Islam is emphasized in a series of conversations and emphasizing the need for practice and respect for Allah. The speakers stress the importance of reading and researching the Quran, while also emphasizing the need for more practice in practicing and reading. The importance of reading and researching the Quran is also highlighted, as it is crucial to reflect on the message. The conversation then shifts to reciting the Prophet's words and the importance of listening to the Bible.
AI: Transcript ©
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One of our great Muhaddith, one of our great Hadith scholars, he says

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that mercy does not come faster to anyone as it does to the one who

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listens to the Quran. If you listen to the Quran, Allah

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subhanaw taala sends down mercy because there's another Hadith

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which says that when people sit and discuss the Quran, the angels

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surround them. There's Sakina which comes upon them and Allah

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mentioned them. So anyway in this particular lady Prasad is saying

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that mercy if you want mercy from Allah, listen to the Quran.

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Allah wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina

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Muhammad, while early he was *. He or Baraka was seldom at

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call Allahu Derrida Phil Quran in Nigeria will for corneal Hamid

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her moon, so my dear brothers and dear listeners hamdulillah so we

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speak a lot about reading the Quran, and people know the virtues

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of Li of reading the Quran. Today what I want to speak to you about

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is the virtues of listening to the Quran, and how to listen to the

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Quran. What is the other way of listening to the Quran or the

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etiquette of listening to the Quran? How the Sahaba used to

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listen to the Quran and what their states used to be. All of this is

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discussed by Sheikh Mohammed Khalid al Husseini, who was one of

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the great corpora of Egypt in his book called Mile Quran Al Karim,

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which is with the Quran with the Noble Quran. So

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Imam Latham new Sadd Imam Latham Messiah was one of our great,

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great debate in

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and one of our great Muhaddith one of our great Hadith scholars, he

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says that mercy does not come faster to anyone as it does to the

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one who listens to the Quran. If you listen to the Quran, Allah

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subhanho wa Taala sends down mercy because there's another Hadith

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which says that when people sit and discuss the Quran, the angels

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surround them. There's so Sakina which comes upon them and Allah

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mentioned them. So anyway, in this particular laypeople, Saudis

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saying that mercy, if you want mercy from Allah, listen to the

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He takes this from a verse that I recited at the beginning Allah

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subhanho wa Taala says in Surah, two Raf 204 He says, when the

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Quran is recited, listen attentively, and be silent so that

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you may be given Merci, that's where he takes it from whenever

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the Quran is being recited. If the Imams OB is reciting the Quran, or

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anywhere else, so you're listening to Quran at home or in your car.

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Make sure you listen carefully.

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And if you can learn the meaning and really understand and reflect

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over that, then you will be given mercy. There's mercy that descends

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because of that. Now, there's another verse in spiritual unfurl

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the second verse of sorbitol and fall Allah subhanaw taala says, in

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mineral arena either Akira Allahu wa Jalla Kulu whom were either

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totally at adding him to who's the tomb Iman Oh Allah or be him yet

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our karoun true believers are those whose hearts tremble

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with or when Allah is mentioned.

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Whenever Allah is mentioned, the true believers are those whose

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hearts become they start trembling with respect. You know, whenever

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you see, and you come across something that you respect,

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whether it be an individual, whether it be a great scholar,

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there's a change that overcomes a person. If you've got respect, if

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you have respect for that person, then you suddenly feel humble. And

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you're in all that's what's supposed to happen when the Quran

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is being recited and when Allah is mentioned, because Allah is

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awesome. Then Allah says, and true believers, those whose faith

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increases when his revelations are recited to them whenever the Quran

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is recited, our Eman increases, and then they put their trust in

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Allah. How do you put your trust in Allah by listening to the

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Quran? If you lack trust in Allah or you don't know how to trust

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Allah, it's because we don't know Allah. When we read the Quran with

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meaning, then what happens is that we learn about Allah, we learn

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more about Allah, who Allah is, how he's in control of everything,

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and how everything is in his power, how he is the only one who

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can do whatever. And he can. He's the only one who can give us

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whatever we want. Then we have our code.

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So by listening to the Quran and learning the Quran, the Tawakkol

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increases. So as I as I've mentioned before, what we

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encourage people to do especially in

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Ramadan is that you're reading Quran, but at least at least one

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page a day, read with meaning so that you can reflect over it. You

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could read your Jews to Jews, five Jews, however much you want

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hamdulillah but at least read one or two pages with meaning. Because

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then you get an access to what Allah is telling you. And then you

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get all of these additional benefits. Because when you listen

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all of these things will happen to you learn about Allah, your love

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will increase, you will get to know Allah you can only love

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someone if you know more about them. And the reason we don't know

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enough about Allah and thus we can't love Allah more than

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anything else is because we sometimes don't know what we're

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reading. So keep on reading, but also read with the meaning at

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least a bit.

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So that insha Allah this can happen and believe me the Quran is

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such that it will make your heart tremble if you know what it means

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you will be standing in salah the Imam will be reading and they will

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be crying you can't help it. Once you know the meaning and you focus

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the the meaning share Khalil who said he says that the meaning of

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hearts trembling what does that mean? It means that they have fear

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and they become agitated. Which moves them to then act because

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they feel like okay, after Salat, I'm going to do that I've been

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doing wrong.

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Allah is telling me not to do it. So Allah is telling me to do this.

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I'm going to do this inspires you to do these things and you will

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find peace in it. Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah Zoomer, Allah

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says in verse 23, Allah Hoonah Zilla accidental Hadith Nikita

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moto shabby hum Metha Annie, taco share a room in who julu la Rena

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Yaksha Hoonah rob the home. So Magdaleno julu Houma, Kulu, whom

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ala the Quran,

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Allah has sent down the most beautiful of all teachings,

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a scripture a book that is consistent, meaning you're not not

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going to find any conflicts in the Quran. If you read here or read

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there is nothing conflicting with one another. And it draws many

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comparisons. Allah provides multiple comparisons in the Quran

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gives you many examples to make us understand things. For example, He

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says, haven't you seen the rain? When Allah showers the rain down,

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there was a land that was totally desolate and barren. Allah sends

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down the rain and suddenly you see mashallah, this amazing crops and

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field down there afterwards. And then Allah subhanaw taala mentions

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how Allah will get your heart to become inspired, and multiple

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examples like that. And we need to learn from these examples. Then

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Allah says that

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Allah has sent down the scripture that is consistent and draws

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comparison that causes the skins of those who are in awe of the

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Lord to quiver. That's our same does our skin quiver when we

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listen to the Quran? If it does, then it means that we are the

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people that Allah subhanaw taala is talking about that means we

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have respect for Allah, the due respect how much it should be,

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then their skins and their heart soften a dimension of Allah.

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Does anybody think that they are hard hearted, that they are harsh?

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There's a lot of people that actually proud of the fact they

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said, This is how I'm born. This is how my family is. I can't

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change and they take pride in their harshness. It's okay to be

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strategically harsh or hard when you're when you're trying to get

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work done. But to be harsh by nature, is a problem. Gentleness

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is what Allah wants. And the Hadith mentions that anybody who's

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deprived of gentleness, they've been deprived of all good. So a

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lot of people are narcissists. They are arrogant people they

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always heard and they always think they're right. And how do they

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change? Well, volunteer voluntarily, they can change by

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reflecting on the Quran. I've seen people who are very hard, may

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Allah protect us. They didn't change. And then what made them

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change was a illness. They became very sick. Now, because of that,

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you see, suddenly they start being so humble with everyone.

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Totally changed person for 50 years, 40 years of their life.

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They're hard. Like, you know that they're hard people, you just

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can't deal with them. They make everything difficult, stubborn,

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arrogant, and then suddenly they stop being very humble. What

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happened? Illness, we don't want that. We don't want illness to

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wake us up. We want the Quran to wake us up. So start reading the

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Quran all of us whether you're hard or soft, it makes we need to

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read the Quran.

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Now even though I Buster the Allahu Allah narrates that the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said A multiplied reward

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meaning multiple rewards.

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So our little brothers you guys listen to the Quran, right? Do you

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know what reward you get for listening to the Quran? Do you

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enjoy listening to certain carries? Have you got a call?

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On cube, okay, so, if you listen, a multiplied reward is recorded

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for whoever listens to even a verse of the book of Allah.

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Whoever recites a verse from the book of Allah, it will become a

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light for them on the Day of Resurrection. Imam Muhammad has

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related this Abdullah Gomez ruder the Allahu Anhu says the messenger

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of allah sallallahu alayhi salam said.

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So once I do live demos, so these are Sahabi are the Allah Juan, the

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Prophet sallahu Salam is there and he says to him read. He told

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Abdullah Abdul Masuda Dion to read the Quran. This is really amazing.

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So are the lawsuit said

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your Rasul Allah, you want me to recite, even though it was

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revealed to you? Why do you want me to recite for

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the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Yes, I love to listen to it

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from someone other than myself. ajeeb that the Prophet SAW Selim

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is receiving the Quran recited he gives it to everyone now he wants

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to listen to it from someone because he said that's what I

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want. So then, Abdullah Masuda the Allah and said I recited Surah

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Nisa, Allahu Akbar i started reciting Surah Nisa until I

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reached the verse for K for either jitna mu.

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Misha he didn't watch it, because

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Isha he, this is relevant to the Prophet salallahu Salam, how will

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it be when we bring a witness from each community, each OMA and we

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bring you as a witness against these people. Now the prophets are

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awesome. He said, That's enough. That's enough. When I looked up at

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I saw that his eyes were flowing with tears.

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The Prophet Salas and became overwhelmed he said that's enough

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he started crying at listening to someone as this is a Hadith of

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Bukhari and Muslim

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imam No, we can't comment on this hadith he says, what we can learn

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from this one Hadith is simple Hadith, right? Is there are many

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teachings here. One is the recommendation of listening

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attentively to the Quran. Why did the Prophet saw some cry because

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he was listening attentively. He knew the meaning he understood

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what was going on.

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Number two to cry when you listen to the ground. This is a sunnah

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the Prophet saw some cried when listening to the Quran, it's a

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sunnah to cry, may Allah allow us to cry, and then to reflect upon

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it. Because this verse was relevant to the verse on that the

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prophecy last time is going to be brought as a witness. So that's

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when he he started crying. It also indicates the recommendations of

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others to recite so that you can listen to it. So one is you they

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say that reciting the Quran is superior to listening to it.

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Because you're reading, you're hearing, right? It's more now when

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you listen, you only hear, but sometimes they say that when you

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listen, you can reflect more than when you're reading, because when

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you're reading, you have to be focused on what you're reading. Am

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I reading correctly? And you know, am I getting it right? When you're

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listening, you just relax and just listen and just absorb and be

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inspired. That's why some say that's better. But the other view

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is that reading is better, because it includes listening as well,

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however, to listen is more easy to reflect that if you know the

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meaning, Before, we used to have these recordings with the Arabic

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plus translation, Arabic and translation. Now you can get this

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on the screen. So it's a good idea. If you want to listen to a

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query that the translation is playing there as well. There's

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lots of ways to do it. Of course, if you know Arabic, it's even

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better because when you understand it directly, that's the most

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superior thing.

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The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get

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further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The

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next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

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Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

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courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic

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essentials certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the

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end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of

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the most important topics in Islam and you will feel a lot more

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confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue

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to live, you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have

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this more sustained study as well as local law here and Salam

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aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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