Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Khatams and Donating Rewards to Others (Isal alThawab)

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics including a reward and hedge, a disagreement in a court regarding reward, and a problem with people not wanting to give reward to deceased people. They suggest keeping copies of WhatsApp messages and keeping people together in groups to encourage others to read them, and propose keeping some copies of WhatsApp messages and keeping people together in groups to encourage others to read them. They also mention a new initiative where people can get Yacine instead of receiving reward for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, let's first start with a silo throw up. He saw the thought

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is where can you donate something of what you're doing good deeds to

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another person. Now, there's a number of levels of about this.

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Firstly, can I perform a physical hedge on behalf of another person

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who hasn't performed it yet? And now has no chance to perform it

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because they've died or the very old

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right? Yes, you can because the Prophet sallallahu sallam said you

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can a person came to Brazil awesome, said my mother's died.

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And I know she would have done how much can I do? How much on our

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behalf? He said, Absolutely, you can do it. So we have a clear

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Hadith to that effect. Hajj is a monetary and a physical worship.

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Now, you don't generally have anything about praying Salah on

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behalf of another, somebody's got called up prayers. Can we do cover

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prayers on their behalf? Can I do you know, tarot cards to the gods

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for the cards, whatever, for some, you know, for my mother if she

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missed them, so now they can't do that. That's not established.

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However, what is established is you can get video for it.

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Payment for it. But with hedge, you got a special dispensation to

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actually do the hedge. Likewise, I can't fast on somebody else's

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behalf to fulfill their fasting, but I can pay on their behalf. I

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can't pay off a hedge, you have to make somebody do the hedge. Now,

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that's doing a worship for somebody else the worship is for

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someone else. So there's a distinction in that between

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hygiene and other things. When it comes to what we're talking about

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here donating the rewards, so I'm doing my own fasting, nothing

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fast. I'm doing my own reading of the Quran. I'm doing my own

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knuffel Hajj, but I decided that you know, all this reward that

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I've got from this reading, or from this fast or from this

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charity, I want to give that to somebody, can you do that or not?

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So now, there was some disagreement in the earliest

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scholars about Quran reading, and it's its reward, they agreed on

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certain things and not another things which will be mentioned

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here. Right?

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Essentially, majority have come to the conclusion that yes, you can

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donate the reward. Now, that is for example, I've read I finished

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the Quran. So I want to give that reward the reward of it to my

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mother, will I also get the reward or not. So some of the other must

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say that since your since you're transferring the reward over to

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them, you you got no reward left, of course, you got the reward of

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doing the act of giving somebody a reward, but actual reward of your

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reading the Quran is gone. Other say that, that is the rule. That's

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the principle that's the understanding, but inshallah you

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Allah will also reward you for it. And we hope from Allah that that's

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the case. But either way, you obviously want to give it to

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somebody who, for some reason, has left this world or for any other

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reason you can give it to a person who is alive or dead, it doesn't

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make a difference. Because you're just asking Allah to give it. Now

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the one thing which nobody can argue with is Dwars on behalf of

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somebody else I always accepted because that's clearly mentioned

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the Hadith. So even those who did not agree, initially, in the early

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times with the transferring your reward, they could not have any

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problems with saying Oh Allah, making a DUA, not just an

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intention to make an O Allah of this reward that I've got when you

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transfer it over does not want them to have that reward for them.

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That should not be a problem.

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But anyway, it's generally not seen as a problem anymore. Now,

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there are some manifestations of this, which are an issue

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which is where, you know, the operational light opera

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operationalization of it is an issue. For example, somebody

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passes away, and you keep a huddle, which means a special

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program and a session in which everybody is invited.

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And you all sit and read something like you finish your Quran your

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written test be heard or your scene or whatever it is, and then

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you say, Oh Allah take the reward of this and give it to the

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deceased person. Is that allowed or not?

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Per Se Yes, it is allowed. But it becomes problematic due to other

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reasons. Number one, the Sahaba never did that. So you could all

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sit in your houses and do it. That's why nowadays a lot of

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people what they do is they just send it down on WhatsApp. One of

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the positive uses of WhatsApp my mother's died. Can you please

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everybody take us apart if they can address if they can? Somebody?

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Okay, I'll take number one, I'll take number two out there's no

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obligation. I'll take this I'll take this. I'll take this Okay,

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call us. You guys read it by this time and then I'll make the one

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reward. No problem with that. There's no obligation. The problem

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is that in many cultures, it's an obligation to do on particular

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days. The third the 10th, the 40th the year and, and so on, number

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one. Number two, if you don't come

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They'll break ties with you.

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Right? That is totally wrong. They obligate you to go from here to

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Manchester, for example. And you don't really want to go but you're

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going because they're gonna cut ties with you. So your petrol

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money is all wasted. Your entire day is wasted and you didn't get

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any reward for it because you're doing it just to show

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rather than that.

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If for example, you know, generally after the after somebody

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dies in your house,

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and people are gonna gather together for what, three days

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anyway. So what I think is a good idea is to keep some Carranza keep

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some, you know, those separate edges of those separate pots, some

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Yacine, some DSP hats, keep them there. And whoever it is, Will

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will start reading themselves don't force anybody to read.

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They'll take it they'll just be sitting then the three guys are

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reading then there's going to be quite foolish for others to start

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talking because otherwise they talk about everything under the

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sun afterwards. So I found that to be a very useful way there's no

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obligation there's no necessity of food, and so on and so forth. And

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there's no hard feelings. So as long as there's no hard feelings

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in them casually like in some massage and they do this I was in

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Mufti Cheb yourselves Masjid in Blackburn and after Salah there

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was an announcement we're going to have a Yacine Hutton for so and so

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anybody who will can stay stay. So we stayed read Yasin whoever wants

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to walk out go there's no obligation as long as there's no

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hard feeling it's okay. Because it is a new thing. It is a new thing.

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It wasn't done to sort of Lhasa but every new thing is not wrong

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to do unless you make it obligatory, or you make it kind of

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extra rewarding. We're just facilitating this is not extra

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reward. It is facilitation for extra reward. So it's a Waseda

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it's a facilitation just kind of make it easy. We're here together

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anyway, let's do something for our mother.

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