Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Jumu’a Prayer (Salat) Verse of Light

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and their dialogue. The characters seem to be discussing a variety of topics, including money, law, and a meal. The dialogue is mostly unintelligible and lacking in common language.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allahu Akbar

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Al Hamdulillah you will be learning me in a Walkman you're

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walking hear me money Kiyomi Dean iya Can we do a year kind of

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styrene Dino see all the Mustafi name soon all polythene unarmed

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Darney him all you know do vrna

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on clean

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a law who knows some our

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method or Norihiko Mischka to you fee hum.

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Misbah who fees will judge us do jajah Touka caribou reviewing New

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Caledonia shujaa meal shujaa Team mobile marketing was a tuna the

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tuna Sharpie yet you will be Yeti those a to her you will be Yucca

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doozy to her you will be one of them says Hoonah new nana no yeah

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de la Houdini he may weigh up rebula Will third in

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will LA who be colletion in gnarly The Boo teen as you know law who

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to refer well you've got off he has some use of Beholder who fee

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bill who do we saw the region

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region tool he him teacher or to what

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degree he went you call him you saw that you were in it?

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your half una una de la goofy Hill Kulu one other saw Leah Jizya whom

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Allah who acts anima or Emmylou as either whom you fourthly wala who

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young zoomy OB Allah UD

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Allah will give us a lot of work.

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And Hamdulillah you have been? I mean, our man you're Brahim,

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buddy. Can we meet Dean? Yuck and are we doing he kind of starting a

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dino syrup on Mustafi team so you're all polythene unarmed rd

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him all you didn't do Brd him what a ball clean

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well Lavina CAFO Morneau whom Castle all been basically it sebou

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had the EDA who let me know who she

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was I don't know how to move out of haisa Well law who said here Oh

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Lisa will go Hulu Maratea FIBA renewed G our show who met with

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Mick Foley he mood Mick Foley him and Mick Foley he's a hub of

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automatic do have battled in either.

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Roger Federer who will America the raw

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woman lemmya jaati hula hoop new, firmer who mean no

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love welcome

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