Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Istiqama (Steadfastness) in Worship
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala say you will more
saline or Allah Allah He was sabe albaraka was seldom at the Sleeman
Kathira, Eli ohmic. Dean, Amma Barrett,
once you traveled the path,
there are
different realities that open up to one.
There's not just different realities, but there's actually
different ways of worshipping, that open up. When I say different
ways, I don't mean, we don't mean new new types of worship, but
rather a new understanding of how worship is done. Because with
anything, what happens is you start doing it in a particular
way, you may be taught by somebody to do it in a particular way. But
they can't make you a master of it, before you pass the beginning
So what happens is, initially, you learn the basics of how to do
And then as you continue to do it, experience will teach you
that this is a more efficient way of doing it, I get more out of
doing it this way, this is more effective, I get more pleasure out
of doing it this way, I get a better result out of doing it this
way. So one is you work things out for yourself. But then number two,
is then you sit with somebody who's a master driver. And for
example, I remember
I started I was
I passed my driving test when I was at madrasa. But then
I didn't have a car, of course, because I was at Madeira. So then
I moved to South Africa for studies for one year after
graduating from Darwin. So there was a classmate of mine who came
with me,
who was a very good driver used to live in Blackburn. So he used to
drive up and down. And he used to used to be driving since he's 15,
or something like that. He's a very good driver. So we had long
road trips in South Africa is South Africa is a big country. So
sitting with him, I learned a lot. Simple thing. I mean, this is just
as an example, that you've got in South Africa in the
when you're crossing lanes just from one lane to the next. In
between the lane, sometimes they have these cats eyes that are
protruding off the ground, if your tire hits, then we make a slight
noise, we generally ignore it.
So he said, When you move lanes as well, you should try to avoid
those. So it should be smooth transition.
So you don't even feel that there's a line move. So smooth
transition, if your partner your passenger is sleeping, he won't
even recognize you've changed lanes, there's going to be no and
don't do it abruptly do it smoothly, just do it smoothly. So
I would may have not worked that out for myself, if I'm just used
to ignoring those things, that it's just part of driving, I'm
assuming saying no, it doesn't have to be part of driving, you
can actually measure it, so that it's not. So that's in driving and
everything else, that's the way it is, you know, you get masters,
they'll teach you nowadays, you go on to YouTube, they'll tell you
how to do certain things. You know, there's always somebody
who's done something better, and they'll teach you. So that's the
way of this world. In worship, we can't just stay on the first level
of worship. So one is you'll work some things out for yourself, I
get more out of it this way or that way. But then sometimes the
problem with that is in driving, you can tell where you're going,
you may be cutting corners, and you may be bent, it may be
effective for you. But you know, you may be risking certain things.
Like you know how to deal with cameras in a particular way that
if I swerve through lanes, I may not get or whatever, but it's
still illegal, you still get caught. Same thing when it comes
to a bar that sometimes you may get ideas, we may get ideas, I
should do it this way or this way, or cut corners or do it more this
way. And sometimes it's not for cutting corners, we may think we
may get more out of it, but he might be bigger
than us not because there is that within worship, there is that
possibility. That is that is the fitna of worship within worship,
that somebody could try to do something in a particular way that
it's actually not sanctioned. And thus it becomes a burden and a sin
rather than being worshipped. So of course, you need a teacher all
the way through when everything in this world, but in the world is
not as critical. Whereas in worship, it is critical because
the problem is that we think we're doing good, you see known as
sunnah. And then when you get to Allah subhanaw taala, it's all
nothing but a mentor. It's nothing. So that's why it's
So that's one thing. Number two, the teacher
and a sources will provide us those who traverse these paths,
and who've advanced they will teach us
the pitfalls and the more refined ways of worship. When you're doing
vicar what should be your intention? When you're worshiping
Allah with any worship? What should be your worship, what
should be your thought, your thought process to make it even
superior to get more fulfillment out of it?
To get more reward to get more closer to Allah subhanaw taala
sometimes these things can be worked out by yourself if Allah
gives you ill Harmon Tofik but otherwise we learn from others. So
one of the greatest books in that regard that lays it out very
clearly there's many books, all the the biographies and books on
the sofa that are written, that are written by
great Sufis and people have the path of course they are providing
the experience. That's the reason why they've written certain
unveilings have taken place they found certain secrets. So they
call it secrets of the way SR right. So out of them. This
Ignatov Eskandari who was a great shoddily scholar from Egypt, he
wrote this these wisdoms about 260 of them. And each one
so perfect in its understanding of a particular subtlety, a wisdom
of the path. So, some of them are easy to understand they graspable
they comprehensible. At our level, at the lower level, the beginner
level, let's say, some of them, you can tell that this is of a
very high level, where it's only after you've had certain
experiences, that you will understand this properly.
So it's quite an amazing thing. But what it does is that the the
ones which we can comprehend, they really help us to refine our
worship, give you one example. It's not one we're going to cover
today. But one that really stuck out to me is that he says, Don't
be satisfied that the worship came from you. Because mashallah, if we
haven't been able to do tahajud, and then suddenly, one day we do,
we feel a form of self accomplishment. But the focus in
there is generally on ourselves, I woke up, it's my accomplishment.
And from a worldly perspective, it is because it requires you to put
some alarms on or have a certain dedication and determination to
wake up. But he says, Don't think it came for Don't, don't rejoice
because he came from you. Rejoice at the fact that it came from
Allah to you. Because if Allah didn't want you to do it,
regardless of how much how many alarms you said, or how much
desires you have, you'll never do it.
So now what is he just done there for us? He's just changed the
whole way of looking at this.
I remember,
generally, we have this, many people have this attitude, not
everybody, that whenever there's any legal things,
put your seatbelts on, we'll drive according to the speed limit, that
oh, these things are just for general safety. And I can, I can,
you know, I can ignore some of these things. Like, I don't,
I only put the lot of people they only put seatbelts on because it's
the law. They don't do it because of a different reason they do it
because it's the law only just because they want to be caught by
the police.
And that's why some people I've even seen one drive in Saudi
Arabia, and I'm sure I may have seen, I think I saw somebody in
Spain as well, because their car makes a noise when you don't put
the seatbelt on. Because they have these inbuilt security systems.
What they do is they he puts the seatbelt from behind and clips in
from behind him or from behind the seat, just so that it doesn't
bother him and he doesn't have to wear the seatbelt. I used to think
I used to have this attitude, right? What's the point of the
seatbelts is the legal thing, you know, nothing's gonna happen. But
then a friend of mine in in America was known Madina Munawwara
the way he wants said it to me, because why your kids don't go see
but you know, the kids don't want to put the seatbelt on it's, it's
a safety factor. And then he gave me all of these incidents where
there was a crash in the safety belt was off. And
you know, they didn't survive because though the one the only
the driver survived and things like that. In fact, then there was
a story after that, which I which comes to mind is
they had a baby in the seatbelt as well, but because it was cry,
crying a lot, they took it off its seat and the mother or somebody
was holding it within her seatbelt. So she still had just
one part of her seatbelt over the baby, and not the top part, of
course, and babies can't survive in that because they just don't
have the stability. They had a crash and the baby died and
everybody else was fine because they had a seatbelt Of course it's
a luxury suburb, but it does help because we're told to do that
every suburb in this world. So sometimes when you're not told the
reason why, then you will be doing it for a different reason. You
will be feeling what is this oppressive belt on me? There's a
lot of people who feel that way this is this is restriction. This
is oppression, we you know, we were libertarians, we live in a
world of freedom of thought and freedom of expression. So why why
is the government clamping down on us? Then when you understand that
there's a benefit to it? Suddenly, you actually feel good in it. You
feel you're being you know, secure. So, likewise, it's about
perspective. Most people that worship they worship like enough
The shelf kind of worship. It's very
generic, just for the sake of fulfillment. But we have to become
of those who are more discriminatory in their worship.
So even though I thought Allah just by that one statement,
whenever we do any worship that we think is beyond our norm, and it's
an achievement, our gaze is not going to go to ourselves, but our
gaze is gonna go to Allah so we will have sugar than Allah, thank
you for allowing me to do this sugar to for that. So this is what
this is all about. Some of them will understand some of them, we
won't understand because they have a higher level. We're not there
So this one is on abstinence of the world. That's the few points I
want to cover today. Because another fitna that another
challenge when you start taking the way,
especially when you're not, when you don't have firmly grounded
knowledge as an item. Sometimes that helps a lot too, because
you've read lots of Hadith and you've read lots of other stories
and incidents and Tafseer, etc. that tell you how to moderate
things within the Sharia.
The fitna for most people is that they're not going to they're not
they don't care. They don't do enough, they have heedlessness,
they have failed.
But the The challenge then for those who do get on the path,
sometimes becomes over indulgence.
And they start to think that they have to spend 24 hours in the
worship of Allah subhanho wa taala, meaning pure worship. What
I mean by pure worship is ritual worship.
Like I have to be doing some speed, I have to be doing some
other car with my mouth, I have to be formally sitting somewhere and
worshiping Allah, I have to be praying, Salah Nava fill doors,
and so on and so forth.
Our life can't be lived like that. Allah does say Omaha, Corrigenda
will insert OLALIA who don't we didn't create the humans virgin
but to worship.
So yes, we, that's our primary purpose in this world. But then
he's given us a desire of our stomach, a desire of our mind to
do things. There are other hooks that need to be fulfilled, and the
Sahaba were prone to these problems as well. And that's why
they went into access sometimes in the Bronx, a lesson
clarified to them, and cleared it up. I cleared it up for them. Very
clearly. He said, You know, those who didn't want to get married, he
says, I'm more of a worshiper and more faithful than any of you and
yet I get married nine wives at once. I spend time with them. And
then very clearly, he said that you're you know, your different
aspects of your life have a right Hakuna Alec, right, they have a
right over you.
So what we have to understand this generally happens in the
beginning, I've seen number of people, especially young people,
especially those who've had a bad life before, like who've been
really messing around, you know, being an indulgent life. Sometimes
when they come on this side they be they have an extreme mindset.
That's why they became indulgent in the first place.
They have a radical mindset, that I want to be different. So
different than is in the negative.
And when they become positive, then again, they become radical in
the positive. This happens both in practice and intellectual on an
intellectual level. And
I was probably of that level where I was probably the first person in
Donald unbury to stop doing HD Mar a dua because I had heard Mufti
Rashid Lujan, we refer to Laurie saying that this is not
established, even though it's, you know, everybody used to do it at
that time. Now, when you massage it, don't do it.
So do is established off the solid, but to do it collectively,
there's no Hadith about that. So I was the first person in Danbury
that vocally was against it, right? None of the teachers or
anybody, and that obviously, attracted people's wrath towards
me. And there was one teacher who used to come and bother me about
it. A lot of us didn't exam writing an exam, and he would come
and he would, he would come up with strange evidence. He's like,
Look, isn't everybody doing the exam together? I said, yeah. So he
said, You see, that's a DeLillo. It just bothered me in the exam.
Of course, later, that was my extreme nature of like, we
shouldn't do it at all. When I went to America, it was an Arab
brother that actually told me off for not doing Joomla collectively
after Joomla.
So he balanced me out. That's it. And then when I what I realized
here is that my shell everybody does do you have to if you don't
do that, with the Imam, you're frowned upon that. That's what it
used to be 20 years ago here. Now it's a bit different. There's
still people who will argue the case with you either way. But in
America, people wondering I just saw a Santa Monica and people just
walk off and you never see anybody doing to us. So then you start
realizing the look
You know, we have to avoid the extremes. So that's intellectual,
extreme, academic extreme, where you want to be different in terms
of your research or your, but then there's just the general practice,
which is then that you become radical that you just want to be,
you know, you want to do too much. And the thing is that we had one
kid in Stamford Hill, and I saw that before he was hardly notice,
then, mashallah, he became bet to one of the aroma that used to
come, you started doing because that was complaining to us that a
boozy Corkery is doing like, you know, the smells this many hours
sitting down doing vicar and everything like that, because it
just totally gone from one end to the other. And
so I used to just talk to him nicely about it. But then
that's it. I remember once it was the Olympics, and he used to use a
young kid, but he used to pray first, in the first line,
right? He's even give a turn. And then suddenly, one day he wasn't
interrupting you. I missed him. Where is he going? Then I later
found out he'd gone to the Olympic opening. That was one fitna that
he couldn't resist. And then then he did come back. But then after
that, he started drifting away. Now he's, I don't know where he is
right now. Insha Allah, Allah look after him. I don't know where he
is right now. So you don't want this to be just like your your
engagement with worship needs to be one built on is the karma. So
it needs to be built slowly with st karma, while you give the right
to your mind and your body to enjoy itself outside until the
Sharia becomes your enjoyment. That's what it is. Don't look at
the people who are in the advanced stages, who find enjoyment in the
vicar. That's why they say that zikr in the beginning is like
medicine. Because we hate to not we hate to do we find it difficult
to do it. But we know we have to do it because it's there's a
problem we have, that's why we do thicker. But eventually thicker
becomes food for the advanced. So it's not you'll enjoy them. But
there's a level these are levels of worship, unfortunately, because
we can't experience those advanced levels. It would help a lot if we
could but that's not the way of the world that's not the way some
that Allah is different. So
give yourself time.
Give yourself time to do some enjoyable Halal enjoyable things.
Right it's only the advanced that don't need those kinds of like you
know, they don't need to go to and have a good meal outside somewhere
or in order something or go and just you know, chill out sometimes
that Halal friends and things like that you understand, there needs
to be that balance. And the dean is the prophets of Allah some said
this himself, he says that anybody who tries to overcome the deen
that I can do everything, then the deen will overcome it. So it has
to be built up slowly, slowly within ourself. Because what
happens is, if you push yourself too much, and you don't allow
because that's the way Allah has made us, you don't allow your your
your your knifes to get a bit of pleasure. You've just totally
restricted it, it will actually eventually, eventually when you
get tired, because we do get mentally tired. So it's our mental
status that is
keeping our knifes at bay, but eventually we will get fatigued
because we don't have the enough years of buildup of our worship
that is become second nature, then that knifes will one day just bolt
or could could what no will but it could bolt and we won't have the
capacity to bring it back under control. The next is always
bolting even of the oleaginous could bolt once in a while it is
the example monetary gifts is of a wild stallion that you have
domestic you have trained to to to be able to control it. But because
by nature, the horse is a wild animal. By nature, though it's
become kind of domesticated and trained. Once in a while they will
go back to that nature. But if it's trained by doing certain
things, you will be able to bring it back on track and the nurses
just like that, when you don't have that background, then it
doesn't work. So I get calls or emails from some of them reads
etc. That, you know, I need to do more Can I can I do the reading of
this massage gun? You know, can I do this? Can I do that? Can I do
something extra? So
it's good. You should but give yourself some time for other
things Hello things that we're used to doing and do them
because otherwise you don't want to lose yourself. Right there's no
point the point is is to karma is the karma. But then don't let it's
a this is where shaytaan a Texas in these different levels. Now
that I'm saying this, don't think oh it's licensed
to go and enjoy myself and are on that side and not on the side of
caution, keep asking Allah subhanaw taala for a stay calm and
just make sure that the amount you're doing is enough that you
can sustain it forever. And then do more after it.
Don't make it that it's difficult for you to sustain. Okay, some of
us may be free right now. So we may be able to sustain it. But
then we know that we may start work or start studies or start a
business or something and this is gonna become difficult, then what
so, do things that we have regularly that we're definitely
going to do, and then try to increase on that slowly, slowly,
because then that will form our basis will never leave that basis.
But it's very important to understand that a lot of people
get burnt out.
And it's just really sad. coming in and out we don't want that to
So while I get ticked off, there was this one individual who
actually received color for this year
since I think
I can't remember which year but several years he's been a modied
of the chef
he's been fasting every second day.
The first of though that is
I'd never think I'd come across somebody you know, for so long.
That because that's a very stable unstable way of fasting Why don't
you fast everyday your timetable becomes different although in this
country is still be difficult because of the time that you have
to the time fluctuation of marketing. But he's from South
Africa, which doesn't have as much flexure fluctuation. But mashallah
so without and actually the shake did do that, Oh Allah we have
people among us who have done that so at least by their virtue give
us except our do so you know, it's an achievement no doubt.
But he's an island you know that this person is an island etc. And
he is you have to have the control over yourself to be able to do
something like that.
So these are these are one of the subtleties of the deen. So we
misunderstand the fact that you should just worship worship
worship. Allah subhanaw taala says Alenia Quran Allah heracleum And
what Karuna Anwar Allah you obey Him,
where the fuck Karuna V Hulk is similar to a lot of those who
remember Allah standing sitting in on their sides.
What kind of vicar is sitting lying on your side, but that just
goes to, to prove that worship is not just formal. Worship is our
life, it the way we lead our life. Our eating is worship, we have the
right intention. And our sleeping is worship if we have the right
intention. So it doesn't mean that you have to spend the whole night
in Nigeria and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to do that,
except maybe sometimes used to sleep and then wake up used to be
with his wife then wake up.
So the price lesson is the perfect example.
May Allah subhanaw taala give us a topic so he says here is
malerkotla Amma lon Borras Amin Calvin's hidden wala Katha Ramadan
baraza mean colbyn Robin. This one of course is more of a subtlety,
an aphorism he says, No deed arousing arising from a renouncing
heart is going to be small.
No deed arising from a renouncing heart heart that has renounced the
world. Any deed that comes from such a person is never going to be
small. Right? I'll explain that. And no deed arising from an
avaricious heart is going to be fruitful.
No deed arising from a greedy heart is going to be fruitful.
Again, that's talking about a subtlety is telling us what to
focus on. What are you saying, in simple words is
any heart that has denounced the world and taken the love of the
world out of it,
than any deed it does, is going to have a great value, reward
becoming a means to closeness to Allah subhanaw taala. Because it's
the state of the heart by which because worship is not about the
content of the worship of what we do.
But it's about the state of the heart when we do it, because the
worship is actually submission to Allah. So submission is the
worship, not the actual physical movement. That's just the method
to make us submit that we fall on the ground such that it cetera,
it's to help us to get that level of submission. So Subhanallah this
just tells us that many of our worships are literally without
spirit. Because our intention is not there. Our state of heart is
not there.
That's why now the Sahaba the prophets Allah Some said that when
a Sahabi spends even a small measure, in the path of Allah,
that's superior to spending a mountain
because what level of lust did they have? What level of
pursuit of the Hereafter did they have in their mind?
When we spend we
We could be adulterated and corrupted with some intent, wrong
intentions, showing off, you know, different reasons. But they had
the emaan. So, so clear cut, that when they spent, they knew exactly
where they were spending. So that proves it's the state of the heart
rather than the act itself. But the act is obviously needed to
express your submission. And then he says, any heart that is has
robbed but in the world, which is opposed to renouncing, which is a
desire for the dunya. Then
any deed rising from that is not going to be fruitful, you may get
some reward, you may get some, but it's not going to have enough
fruit. So this is the commentator of the Sheikh Abdullah Ganga, his
commentary, he says, As long as love for the world and love for
fame dominates, sincerity in action will not develop worldly
motives and lustful desires will appear in every place and in every
deed of such a person. That's shaytans job to do that.
In everything that we do,
even in things that seem to be purely, purely religious.
So I can say that, you know, all my studies, my work, every work
that I've done, anytime I've been employed to do any work has only
been religious, it's about you know, writing books, or Imams or
teaching or something like that. That doesn't mean that I'm going
to necessarily be rewarded for all of that. My hope is that yes,
because my intention could be that I want to make some money out of
this, or I want to get theme I want this, these are the things
that shaytan will bring in your mind all the time. So outwardly,
it's a it's a religious act.
But is it religious insight.
And that's what we're here for. That's what the stuff is all
about. You feel empty, you can have all the accomplishments of
the world of worldly and religious. But if you don't have
that inside, you're going to feel empty, and if you don't feel
empty, then it's even worse.
If you feel empty, you feel like you want to do something about it,
then you should also thank Allah subhanaw taala.
Acceptance of deeds in the Divine Court occurs only when those deeds
are devoid of such calamities. On the contrary, the servant upon
whom Allah's Grace settles, and whose egos are purified from love
of the world, all their actions, whether pertaining to the religion
or the world, so even their worldly acts, purely worldly acts
they were made, they may be working in the government, as long
as they're not in the wrong position, but they may be working
in a civil service, they may be working in, you know, in a in a
car factory, whatever it may be, or in a restaurant for that
Because their mindset is something else, their motive is different,
their ambitions and goals are different. So whether pertaining
to the religion of the world, or based on sincerity, the aim of
such a person is solely Allah, because the word has been expelled
from his heart. Hence, a deed rendered by an abstinent one is
not insignificant, even if it even if in quantity, it appears slight,
although his deeds may be quantitatively little, little in
number, or in amount, it is imbued with a true spirit and is accepted
by Allah Most High. Consequently, it becomes very significant.
On the other hand, the actions of a man whose heart is greedily set
on the world and who is forgetful of Allah Most High or
even if an appearance they are considerable and great. I've seen
people who have come in to the masjid in America, especially,
there's a fundraiser going on. And he's not a very religious guy. And
I hope that his intentions are correct. But for them, anything
that they will say anything that is collected today, I'll double
it. So if the community as a whole puts together 100,000 I'll double
that. So you can imagine what kind of money Yes,
of course, there's a heart that's needed to get that but how much
sincerity does the person have because sometimes, desire for the
dunya and fame can easily make you spend 100,000. No problem.
Fame is such a thing. It is an intoxicant. There are people, the
stars, and they will spend huge amounts of money to make
themselves famous. So don't think it's if it's a greater amount, it
can only be from the deed, we hope it is. You know, we don't want a
second judge these people, but I'm just mentioning that these are
This is because the aim of these deeds is not proper such a heart
is contaminated with falsehood. Therefore, his deeds are not free
of the calamities of show, and the base motives of the ego and the
devil even if he considers himself to be free of such ailments. It is
of utmost importance to cleanse the heart of all things besides
Allah Most High. The heart should be purified and adorned with lofty
attributes, so that the righteous deeds rendered are full of life
and soul, then even if the deed is ostensibly small, in reality, it
will be great. It is essential to understand that righteous deed
should not be abandoned. Now, the last final point is that shaytaan
will say now, because you don't
I think you have a class, forget the deed, then don't do it until
you learn a class where you're going to learn in a classroom.
If you don't have practice, where you're gonna learn a class from
you can't learn a class just sitting at home. You have to learn
it laws by doing the deed. The first time, you might get 90%,
Nani, class and 10% of the class, but slowly, slowly, these other
things will start wearing out. Right and you just have to
exercise that mind that sincerity over the other motives and
eventually you will get that so that's what he says here. It is
essential to understand a righteous deed should not be
abandoned on account of the existence of the spiritual
calamities in one. After all, rendering the deed in itself even
without good intention is better than abandoning them. Because
there is at least the external aspect will eventually help you.
Moreover, righteous deeds in practice constantly will
ultimately produce sincerity. That's your practice ground for it
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wider early so you didn't
know Mohammed or the ecosystem?
That hamdulillah Allah Allah you are a little herb
Allahumma salli wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Sayidina
Muhammad wa Burdick was salam
Orban a Tina for dunya Hassan our villa Hirata has no hottie neither
Allahu Medina DB now Jana who doesn't even know
what Allah
we have your feeble and needy servants
of Allah, we have spent a lifelong of sin
of Allah, we've spent a life long though you've given all of us Iman
from the
from our very births of Allah, we have taken that for granted.
Oh Allah, we haven't fulfilled the rights of the Eman that you have
given us of Allah. We haven't focused on it as much as we should
have. Our Allah we haven't valued it as much as you have as much as
we should have. Oh Allah, we ask that all the evil influence of our
negligence be removed from us. The years and years of sin and
negligence. The years and years of negligence be removed from our
hearts. It's Rusby removed from our hearts. Oh Allah, we ask that
You grant us forgiveness. You grant us forgiveness for all the
sins that we've committed all the wrong things we've done. All the
wrong ideas we may have amassed in our minds all the wrong
motivations we may have all the corrupt intentions of Allah all
the wrong goals you may have in our mind of Allah, they may be
sometimes we may do things thinking good about it. But
sometimes it's a deception of our soul. Oh Allah, this path is
complex. But it's facilitated for those who you make it easy for
Allah we ask that you make us of those that you facilitate this
path for Allah you make us of those who weren't worthy of
gaining this kind of acceptance and Tofik from you. Oh Allah, we
ask for your mercy. We ask for your mercy and your Rama and your
compassion of Allah We ask that you look after us. Because if
there's, if you turn away from us, of Allah, if you turn away from
us, then there's no one else that will be able to support and help
us of Allah. We ask that you help us in this life that we live in
our pursuits that we have, Oh Allah, you make everything a form
of worship for us. But Allah You grant us that level of piety and
understanding and intention and sincerity. That everything that we
do we adjust it to be for your sake, and that we gain worship
throughout our Allah. How long are we going to live in this live in
this heedlessness? How long are we going to live in heedlessness, and
we've following all of these phantoms that are around us and
these mirages that will come to nothing of Allah don't allow X to
come to nothing of Allah don't allow X to come to nothing. Oh
Allah, you've condemned such people in the Quran. We don't want
to be of those people. Oh Allah make us of those who you love
showers upon who you love to see on the day of judgment and who
will love to see you who you are pleased within this world. And
they are pleased with you. Oh Allah, those who are happy to be
with you and to be associated with you and not to anyone else. Oh
Allah. Sometimes shaytaan makes us think that to be associated with
you will bring us burdens. But it's only because of our
inexperience it's it's like the non mature who doesn't understand
the pleasure of being mature. Oh Allah removed this deception from
our communities. Remove this deception from our own selves of
Allah remove this deception from us. Oh Allah grant us your
marriage and your gnosis of Allah grant us your love and the love of
those who love you. Oh Allah grant us pious company. Oh Allah grant
us pious companions of Allah grant has passed.
companions in our spouses and in our families. Oh Allah, Oh Allah.
If we have any obstacles, whether that be in our families or in our
surroundings or in our friend circle, or in our community, Allah
remove those obstacles and make it conducive to all of us. All of us
turning to you in worship of Allah fulfill our permissible needs,
allow us to be given the best of this world and the hereafter. Oh
Allah make all of our excellent actions conducive for your
pleasure and your satisfaction of Allah O Allah, we ask that you
bless our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
you look after his Uma, O Allah, you make us worthy of being his
own party. And you grant respite to all of those who are suffering
around the world of Allah at the end of the day, they are your they
are the owner of your messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
salam, O Allah, we may have done much wrong, we may not be worthy
of your but at the end of the day, this is
the Muslims are looked on as the followers of Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa salam, O Allah, we ask that you prevent an impression
being created, that those who follow Muhammad are downtrodden
and are humiliated and have no privileges in this world of Allah
We ask that you make us true Mohammed is and thus entitled to
your true favor and you're often in your mercy of Allah remove our
problems from our brothers in Palestine and from other parts of
the world. And Allah, you allow us You have given us a semblance of,
of security at this point in time we ask that you continue to give
us Althea but you make us worthy of this Alfia of this RFP and well
being our Allah accept all of our deeds that we do. Give us the
Tofig to remember you and to fulfill our regimen of vicar and
to be the current Lukka shakar on UK to be constantly in your
remembrance in whatever state we're in. Oh Allah grant us the
woof lb that we so desire to be always associated with you Subhan
Allah because mobilicity and IOC food was salam al Morsani in Al