Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – ISoc Hotseat Signs and Remedies of Low Iman

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The Imperial College London conference is about boosting human and dealing with fluctuations. The speakers discuss three main points, including boosting one's mind, staying at a moderate level, and reading the daily or weekly regimen of record. They also mention a vicar regimen, which will purify individuals and boost their spiritual well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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So I want to come off the other hand, it's a pleasure to have you

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here with us today at Imperial College London, at the overcoming

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obstacles conference.

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Absolute pleasure to be

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your talk today was about boosting human and dealing with its

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fluctuations. If people managed to take only one or two pieces of

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advice away from your talk today about boosting your mind, what

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would what would they be? I think the main point is probably summed

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up in the last two points that I made, which is that we're all

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going to have some kind of challenges to our faith. The main

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point is how do we have a kind of a stable spiritual input so that

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our Eman stays at a moderate level at a good level all the time. And,

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number one, regardless of what level it is, we should never

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justify any wrongs, so any lows that we may get into, and we may

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feel demoralized, we must never justify that low. And just because

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we're in a certain situation or position or whatever, think that

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it's okay to be there. We do it, we feel guilty, we repent, and we

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expect to inshallah boost ourselves up. That's the first

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point. And the second point that I made, which is very important is

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that it doesn't matter how low we get to and what kind of sin we can

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involve, you know, get involved in the small amount, whatever it may

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be that we're doing, continue to do that. So if it's something to

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do with some kind of haram relationship, illegitimate

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relationship or something like that, but you still pray, well

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continue praying that prayer still has its validity. It still has its

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benefit. If you're still covering, but you've gotten yourself into

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something else. Well, it doesn't mean you need to take your cover

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off. It's about continuing to do what you're doing. But then the

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Haram that's crept into our life and kind of encroached on it, to

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try to rid ourselves of it. So in sha Allah that will keep continue

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to give us the power to stay steadfast. Okay, so the question

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and the second question is, in your talk, you mentioned something

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about having a daily or a weekly regimen of record if you could

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detail that again, for us in China for the benefit of the viewers.

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Yeah, the five things which are very important, which we can call

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a vicar regimen is number one to do 100 stick for seeking

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forgiveness morning and then 100 in the evening. That stuff it

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Allah rugby men can live up to 100 times morning, 100 times in the

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evening. The benefit of that is that it will actually purify us

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from any lapses, misdeeds or minor sins that we've committed in over

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the last several hours, and stay pure. The number two is to do 100

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salawat and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so Allahumma

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salli ala Sayyidina. Muhammad, while early say that Mohammed

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alberic wa salam, the benefit of this is that after being purified,

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then we're doing ourselves and we're invoking the blessings of

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Allah subhanho wa taala. And we're also fulfilling the right of

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, because the prophets of

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Allah some said, Whoever sends one blessing on him 100 blessings, or

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10 blessings are showered on the person who does the sort of art so

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we need that blessing. Number three is to read a portion of the

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Quran a day the Quran is an illumination, it's, it illuminates

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the heart, and that is really a really strong spiritual booth.

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It's a big spiritual boost. So the main thing about the Quran is

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whether you can just read half a page a day, or even one page a

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day, if not, you know, a whole juice of the Quran, whatever is

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convenient for you to read every day, then do that amount

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regularly. Number four is to have some moment with Allah subhanaw

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taala, five to 10 minutes every day where it's just us, and Allah

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subhanaw taala and nothing else no other selfish motive is just us

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and Allah, some kind of meditation, some kind of

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reflection, Baraka Maha Sabha either taking the name of Allah

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subhanaw taala, just thinking about our life, our death, and

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just speaking to Allah getting personal, intimate conversation

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with Allah subhanaw taala. So that is number four and number five, is

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to at least once a week, at least once a week, if not more than

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that, to have some kind of spiritual gathering that you

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attend. That means any gathering in which you feel closer to Allah,

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not a management gathering of your of your Isaac, where it's all

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about management and it's dry, right? Those are beneficial,

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they're useful, but that's not the kind of gathering that is going to

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fulfill this particular regimen. I'm speaking about any gathering,

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whether it be at university, whether it be in your local mosque

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or somewhere else. And if you can't find any, then find

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something online, a spiritually boosting talk by somebody which

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makes you feel concerned and makes you reflect at least one a week

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you do that. Inshallah, if you do all of this, you will keep strong,

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pure and balanced. And that will really help us to fortify

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ourselves against many of the the factors that will diminish our

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iman on a day to day basis, just like a locker does that Graham was

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able to run on the

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On behalf of the Muslim community here at Imperial and those who

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attended I would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time out

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today to be with us economically in Austin Mr Nick Amara

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