Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Isha Must be Prayed before Tarawih

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the rules for Aisha's practice, including not leaving the Tara claimer's house if they haven't done their Aisha yet. They also remind the caller that they only start after the Aisha has completed their Asia practice and that they should avoid leaving the Tara claimer's house if they haven't done their Aisha yet. The speaker also mentions that they only start after the Aisha has completed their Asia practice and that they should not be charged for their Aisha practice if they haven't done their Aisha yet.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:03
			This is very important. Let's just
say you got late for taraweeh. One
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			day, right getting out of the
house or something you had to
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			clean up or I don't know, you
know, you had a stomach issue or
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			whatever and you made it, and you
do the first tarawih for example,
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			you've not done Aisha, are you
allowed to leave the Tarawih
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			prayer if you've not done your
Aisha, you're not allowed to Tara,
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			we can only start after you've
done your Asia. Now the message
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			then Asia, imams and Asia,
everybody else, but you haven't,
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			you're not allowed to the tarawih
because it's not your tarawih
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			tarawih has to be started after
Asia. Just remember that, which
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			means that you'd have to quickly
go into your photocards then you
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			can then you could miss your
Sunnah prayer you shouldn't be but
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			you know, if you're if you're in a
hurry, you do your forecast, then
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			you can lead the prayer. So you
can maybe tell somebody as you do
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			to prayer counseling because you
can't make the unlisted wait
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			sometimes. Let me just do my phone
and then I'll join in afterwards.
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			But remember that we only start
after you've done your Isha
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			prayer, not after it's done in the
masjid after you've done yours,
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			whether that was with the imam or
without the Imam. Okay.