Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Is Marriage Really Half Your Faith

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The transcript describes a conversation between a speaker and a person named Phil about marriage. The conversation discusses the importance of marriage in shaping one's life and the negative impact it has on their faith. The conversation also touches on the idea of "has been a major problem in the community" and the negative impact it has on one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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AR he

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also the Allahu Anhu.

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He says that

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there's always a

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fork or the stick malonis When Mr. Dean, when a person gets married,

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then he has just completed half of his Deen

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full yet tequila, half Innisfil bathy. Now he should be, he should

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have taqwa and he should be, he should be Be careful and abstain

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from the harms and so on with regards to the other, he should

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have talked about with regards the other half. So here, it's almost

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like saying marriage is about half of your religion. And the other

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half. So you know, when you say marriage is half of your faith,

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this is what this is. The hadith comes from, what does it mean?

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There's a number of meanings. Essentially, one meaning is that

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the promise that Allah said that whoever protects for me two

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things, I guarantee him paradise. And the two things is that which

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is between his legs.

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And that can apply to women as well. And that which is between

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his tongue,

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his lips, right the tongue. So if you can be careful with what you

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say, how you say it, and be careful about where you use your,

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your, your private parts, then you've really taken care of it.

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And because most halacha and destruction comes from these two,

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spiritual destruction comes from these two, when you might say the

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eyes, well, the eyes all relate to the private parts, they just

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satellites for it, then you want to listen, then you want to touch

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then you want to go towards that's all satellites for the private

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parts. So the private parts are most important. So if you've had

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marriage, you've just taken care of one half of it Subhanallah and

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push it is just not something so efficient when it comes to the

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tongue. Right, that can just protect you so well as marriage

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generally, that's a struggle for marriage is a big thing here.

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So Phil, you're talking about financial backing, he should be he

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should have talked about with regards to the other half, which

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means the rest, he also means the remaining aspects of your deed

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The another way to look at this, that's one interpretation. Another

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way to look at this is that marriage, even though it's just

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one aspect of your deen, it is such an important aspect that the

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brothel awesome is exaggerating, and it's important and saying it

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is half of your faith.

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It's so important that it's half of your faith. Everything else is

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like the other half. But this is so important. Make sure you do it.

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So that's another way to look at this hadith

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the benefits of getting married is that it gives you a halal outlet

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for your desires. It gives you

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a protection from the shaytaan

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right it gives you a protection from the shaytaan this hadith is

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related by mamby Husky in his show I will Iman

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there's another Hadith which is similar. And so the Allahu Anhu

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really relates as well. He says that Manresa hula hula imra attend

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Salah Hatton profit earner who Allah chakra Dini he failure

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tequila for shattering belty whoever Allah subhanahu wa taala

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gives a pious, righteous woman to as a spouse, then he has just

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helped him Allah has just helped him on half of his faith.

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So he should now be have taqwa in the other half. This gives us an

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understanding that the half we're talking about is if you get a

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pious spouse, if you've got married for the wrong reason is

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not obviously going to be half of your faith taken care of.

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So Allah says Zania to rezone and hobby to Hobby thean will hobby

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Thornhill hobby third Papa Eva Talita ye been our tube when Anita

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You bet. Good pure Chase men have a good pure Chase women and vice

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versa. And the non Chase impure men for impure women. What that

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means is not to say that if you're impure, you can't get married to a

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chase woman you want to get to married to a chase woman because

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you think well she's not gonna, like be tolerant or what I want to

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do. We want to go out together, you know, we want to do this, that

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and the other Subhanallah it means that if you're if you think you're

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bad, but you want to get married to a chase woman, that inshallah

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you've got goodness in you, because you're making a big

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decision Subhanallah you making a big decision. So if you want to

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change sometimes a good wife is good for change. However I want to

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make I want to mention something else. This is if the person the

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husband or sorry that the men or the woman wants to do that

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themselves. It's not when the parents want to do it. We've got a

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major problem in the Muslim community. You've got kids who

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have been messed up, they're coming up two or three

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Look at night, they're into drugs they're in, they've got a

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girlfriend, they've got boyfriends, they've got many,

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many. They've got all sorts of stuff going on, you know what I'm

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talking about. The parents think that the solution to this is to

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get them married. So they conceal everything, they make them out,

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they package them, promote them, advertise them, in the best manner

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possible that he is the most religious person, most religious.

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She's the most religious girl in town, etc, etc. Get married to

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somebody because they think that if they get married to somebody

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pious is all going to be sorted out. And this guy, or this girl

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just doesn't want to do it. They they're forced into it. And

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sometimes it's back home as well, which is even worse, back home,

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meaning it's in another country.

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So that is a major deception to package your son or daughter and

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show them to be something else. That kind of marriage hardly ever

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last Illa unless you've got some serious dua to Allah. subhanaw

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taala. Right. Seriously, don't deceive people like that. So you

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kid out some other way. Yes, if the child I know a guy that I know

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very well, he doesn't like to. He doesn't pray to a knowledge. He

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doesn't like he doesn't pray too much. Right? It doesn't. But he

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got married to a woman with niqab. I was like surprised.

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But that's what he wanted. Because inside he wants to change he's

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just finding it difficult. That's different.

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But if the parents are doing it that's that's not what's right.

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So this Hadees tells us that what we're talking about half of your

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deen being sorted out is if you've got a pious, righteous wife

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