Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Inheritance Issues Gifting to Children During Your Life Time

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of giving gifts to children in order to make them feel more valued and valued in their lifetime. They also mention issues with giving gifts to children who have bad attitude towards their children, such as cutting ties and not being responsible for their children. The speaker encourages listeners to consult with others about these topics.
AI: Transcript ©
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gifting to children during their lifetime, what is the best way to

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give gift to your children? How do you have to gift it? Are you

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obliged to gift to your children according to their inheritance

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shares? So should you have to give

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double the share to a son that you give to a daughter? So the answer

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to that is no. During ones lifetime, the books of

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jurisprudence are very clear that you can give everybody equally the

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your sons and daughters equally it doesn't have to be double for the

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sons and less for the sisters. In fact, they actually encourage that

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that's what you do. Yes. If you leave anything after you die, it

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will be live Zachary, mythological insane, as Allah says in the

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Quran, brothers will get double the share of sisters, but in your

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lifetime, you can, it's actually recommended in many cases to give

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equally, okay, that's understandable. Now can you give

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to one daughter or one son or two sons a bit more than the others.

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Because there's a very strict Hadith about this, the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, somebody came to him and said, I

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want you Yaroslavl, I want you to be witnessed that I've given this

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son of mine such and such an amount of money. Now, maybe the

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prophets also knew that there was some issue. There was some

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unfairness, they said, Did you give all of your children this

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much? He said, No. She said, Then why are you making me then a

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witness to something that is unfair. So from this, we

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understand that you should be fair, the reason why you have to

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be fair in this is because obviously, they're your children.

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And you're going to do cut or rhyme, you're going to be cutting

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the ties of relationship by depriving some and giving the

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others as bad. And you don't want to do that you should not be doing

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that with your relatives. So that's why you should give equally

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however, if you want to give one more than the other, there are

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some cases in which that's allowed, right. And a lot of

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people have discretion. For example, one of the sons or

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daughters they've been of the huge amount of service to you, they're

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the ones who are always helping, and the others, you know, either

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don't have time or they live further away or whatever, then for

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that, you are allowed to give them more, but you can't deprive the

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others entirely. You give everybody but you can give this

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person more in your life. Now remember, this is all about in

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your life after death, right as inheritance, they will just have

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the shader Quran gives them so if they're a sister, another one

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sister will get the same. If they're a brother, another

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brother, they'll get the same. But in your lifetime, you can actually

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give somebody more or for example, one is poor than the others,

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mashallah all the others, they have a house, right. And this poor

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one is struggling, tries his best struggling, you can give them some

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more, again, you give the others you don't deprive them, but you

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can give them more. Another one is, for example, if one is working

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in some really, really useful field, very religious field, you

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know, as an animal, whatever, and they don't make so much money or

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whatever, then again, you can give them more if you want to. And a

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fourth, a fourth issue here within this is that can you deprive a

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child because they're doing something really bad in your life.

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So remember, after you die, even if you hate your wife, or your

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husband or your child, you can't deprive them, you leave money,

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it's going to go to them, whether you like it or not,

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right? As long as they're Muslim, and you're Muslim, then they're

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gonna get some, but in your lifetime, let's just say you

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decide that if I leave it as inheritance, then it's going to go

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to all of them like this. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to

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distribute the bulk of my assets during my life, and in that I want

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to deprive that particular son or daughter, because they have a

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very, very bad attitude, bad attitude in the sense that the

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abusers THEY MAY be addicted or something like that, and they're

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gonna abuse the money in the wrong thing. In that case, you you're

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not obliged to give them you can just give the others you can

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deprive them in that case, but again, if you're doubtful, you

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don't want to be you don't want to be accountable for it in the

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hereafter. So just maybe consult with with an alum about this

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JazakAllah here for listening. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you.

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And if you're finding this useful, you know,

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on to others, just like Allahu Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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rahmatullahi wa barakato.

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