Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Imam Al Ghazali Advice on Time Management

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses four ways to stay alive: seeking useful knowledge, acting in a way that brings happiness, living in a busy zone, and not being a person of harm or inconvenience. They also advise against avoiding distractions and not overburdened by busy schedules.
AI: Transcript ©
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Your time is your life and much like ice it is constantly melting

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away. Do not let time go to waste.

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Know that time should not be without structure.

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You must audio day and night organizing your routine of worship

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and assigning an activity to each period.

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This is a method for constant remembrance of God, a necessary

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ingredient in attaining spiritual happiness.

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Try to awake from sleep before dawn a noble time and let the

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first words in your heart and on your tongue. Be the remembrance of

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God. Purify your body and get dressed appropriately with the

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intention of obeying God.

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Pray in your home, then make your way to the mosque in tranquility

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and with remembrance of God. Pray with the congregation which is 27

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times better than a prayer alone. Do not fail to complete this

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profitable act. For if you are negligent, then what benefit is

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there for you in the pursuit of knowledge. After all, the fruit of

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knowledge is enacting upon it.

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Use your time until sunrise in four types of remembrance,

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supplication, glorification, recitation, and reflection.

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Reflect upon your mistakes and the nearness of your end and carefully

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plan your day with the intention of obeying God.

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By the light of day you should strive to occupy yourself with

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what benefits you in the hereafter. Use your time in one of

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four ways. The first is seeking useful knowledge. This is the best

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use of time and highest form of worship. useful knowledge

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increases your god consciousness.

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If you are unable to acquire useful knowledge, use your time in

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extra prayers, or one of the four types of remembrance mentioned.

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The third use of time is to act in a way that will bring happiness to

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the hearts of believers will make it easier for the righteous to

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accomplish good works such as visiting the sick and feeding the

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poor. Finally, spending your time earning an honest living to take

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care of yourself and your family is also a form of worship.

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However, beware of worldly greed for it will ruin your religion.

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When the sun turns red, try and spend your time glorifying God,

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the sun should set while you are seeking forgiveness.

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One must also set aside time for worldly necessities family and

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Before you sleep, review your knowledge do not end your day in

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entertainment for actions are according to the last of them.

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Know that sleep is like death and waking is like resurrection. Be

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ready to meet God by sleeping in a state of purity with your we'll

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call it your works. And if there was a Muslim psychologists like no

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other it's Imam Ghazali. I'll give you one selection, you know from

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the United Healthcare from he starts off by speaking about

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organizing your day, the hours of your day, he says you should not

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have anything that is you should make sure that every moment of

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yours is accounted for. And all your activities are monitored and

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organized according to your timetable. And you should never

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you shouldn't you should never overcome that time and do

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something else in that time. You should keep it as particular as

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possible. And then he says will be he does horrible Baraka twill o

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caught that is how you get Baraka in time. Many of us are struggling

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with Baraka in time and blessing in time. Our days, just fly by our

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days just pass and we don't get anything accomplished. So he tells

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us that if you have your day organized, where you do everything

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in its allotted time. And he says this is what he then says he says

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don't be like animals who do things as they come gave them a

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tough luck. Right as they come along. They do it. So this comes

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along. Okay, let me take care of this. Oh, that looks green. Let's

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go there that that looks nice and fancy. Let's let's do that. Have a

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time for everything. And then after that on another disk. In

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another discussion, he says that you should always strive to do to

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be doing good and never to be doing bad. Right? So you should

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always be a person of benefits and not a person of harm or

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inconvenience to others. And then he says in the midst of that

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discussion, he says that look, if you can't help it, no, because

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there's going to be a lot of people and you know, when you've

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dealt with a lot of people, they come in the excuses. You know, I

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can't help it. I just can't help talking to him. I kind of talk

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into I can't help bothering him. I can't help lying. I can't help you

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No cheating. So he says, Look, if you can't help it, if that's what

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you say. So he's pre empting your thoughts. That's why I call him a

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great psychologist. So he says

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is that if you can't help it, then go to sleep?

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He says, Why? Because sleep is a neutral state, neither do benefit

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and neither will you harm anybody. It's a neutral state. Now,

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again, look at where his mind is where his mind is. There's going

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to be many people even now thinking man, that's a good fatwa.

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Right, I'll go to sleep. So then he suddenly says, he says, but

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then sleep is the sister of death. And what good is there in life in

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which so much part of it is death, so that he jumps you back to

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reality? So essentially, coming back with the argument that the

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only way is to be good and not to do anything bad because even sleep

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is not a good idea. I just find him that he just talks to your

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heart He's just gets right to the bottom of things. He doesn't beat

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around the bush he keeps it gives it straight.

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Bla Allah

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